Working with Vendors (WVEN)

Vendors are companies who supply you with merchandise or services. A record must be established on the system for every vendor from whom you purchase merchandise, or for whom you will enter A/P invoices.

In this topic:

Work with Vendors Screen

First Create Vendor Screen

Second Create Vendor Screen

Email Address for Drop Ship Vendor Window

First Change Vendor Screen

First Display Vendor Screen

Display Vendor History Screen

Change Vendor Extended Screen

Display Vendor Extended Screen

Work with Vendor Discounts Screen

Combined Discount Calculation

Tiered Discount Calculation

Work with Vendor Contacts Screen

Create Vendor Contact Screen

Work with Vendor FOB Address Screen

Create Vendor FOB Address Screen

Work with Vendor Notes Screen

Upload vendors: You can upload vendor information into CWSerenade using the Load Vendor Upload menu option; see Working with Vendor Upload (LVUP).

Work with Vendors Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WVEN in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select the Work with Vendors option from the menu.



Vendor #

A code that identifies a supplier who sells you goods or services.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The name of the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A code representing a state or province where a vendor's business is located.

State codes are defined in and validated against the State table, which is accessible through the Work with Countries menu option; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The vendor's postal (zip) code.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new vendor

Select Create to advance to the First Create Vendor Screen.

Change vendor information

Select Change for a vendor to advance to the First Change Vendor Screen.

Delete vendor information

Select Delete for a vendor to delete it.

An error message displays if vendor items exist for the vendor: WARNING - VENDOR ITEMS EXIST. Press ENTER or Click OK to confirm delete of Vendor & Vendor’s Items.

Display vendor information

Select Display for a vendor to advance to the First Display Vendor Screen.

Create a vendor discount

Select Discounts for a vendor to advance to the Work with Vendor Discounts Screen.

Display vendor history

Select History for a vendor to advance to the Display Vendor History Screen.

Work with vendor contacts

Select Contacts for a vendor to advance to the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen.

Work with vendor FOB addresses

Select FOB for a vendor to advance to the Work with Vendor FOB Address Screen.

Display vendor notes

Select Notes for a vendor to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Work with user defined fields

Select User Field for a vendor to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

First Create Vendor Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to begin to create a vendor. This is the first of two Create Vendor screens; when you complete this screen, you advance to the Second Create Vendor Screen.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Vendors Screen.



Vendor #

A code that identifies a supplier.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The name of the vendor or the vendor's company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The vendor's address, as it should appear on purchase orders.

Alphanumeric, 3 lines with 32 positions each line; required.





The city, state, postal zip code, and country associated with the vendor.

If the Require state field for the country in the vendor address is selected, the system requires a state code for the vendor address: State is required for this country.

Note: The system does not validate the vendor’s address in the same way it validates a customer’s address, as in order entry. For example, it does not validate that the state is associated with the SCF for the postal code.

City: alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

State: alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Postal code: alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Country code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Contact name

The name of your primary contact at the vendor site. This name prints on purchase orders. You can create additional contacts for a vendor from the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Phone #/Ext (Telephone number and extension)

The vendor's telephone number and extension. You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. Telephone number formats are defined by arranging numbers and special characters such as hyphens and parenthesis in the same order and position as the numbers in a phone number would display. When an operator enters a phone number, the system compares the number of numeric characters in the phone number with the telephone number formats you have defined. In order to match a format, the phone number must have the same number of numeric positions as a telephone number format. If the system cannot find a match, the phone number does not map to a telephone number format and is saved as it was entered by the operator.

Phone #: alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Extension: alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The telephone number for the vendor's fax machine.

Faxing purchase orders or drop ship picks to the vendor is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.


The vendor’s email address. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Vendor for Email Gift Certificate (I04) system control value

If you define a Vendor for E-Mail Gift Certificate (I04), and the program ECR0383 as the Gift Certificate E-Mail Program (H07), the system sends gift certificate emails to the vendor’s email address.

Emailing Purchase Orders

If the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value and the vendor’s Email P/O flag are selected, the system sends the purchase order to the vendor as an email attachment. See the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Email P/O

Indicates whether to send the purchase order to the vendor’s email address as an attachment. Valid values are:

Selected = Email the purchase order to the vendor. The .PDF file is attached to a plain-text email that is sent to the vendor’s Email address.

Note: If this field is selected, then you need to specify a valid Email address for the vendor.

Unselected = Generate a .PDF file for printing.

Regardless of the setting of this flag, you cannot send purchase orders by email unless the Email Purchase Order (K80) system control value is selected. See that system control value and Purchase Order Emails for more information on sending purchase orders to the vendor by email.

Remit to

The name of the person or company you send payment to for vendor invoices. Enter the remit-to address if sending payment to a factor (a third party who, in turn, pays the vendor). See the Factor field.

The remit-to address prints on checks for the vendor.

Note: If any portion of a name or address appears in the Remit to fields, the system will bypass the vendor name and address and print the Remit to name and address on A/P checks. If you enter any information in the Remit to fields, be sure that it is correct and complete.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The address where you mail checks for the vendor. The Accounts Payable system uses this address when generating checks.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The city, state, postal zip code, and country where you should mail payment to the vendor.

If the Require state field for the country in the vendor address is selected, the system requires a state code for the vendor address: State is required for this country.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The remit to vendor’s email address. Informational only. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.


Screen Option


Complete creation of a vendor

Select OK to advance to the Second Create Vendor Screen.

Create the Vendor Extended record

Select Crt. vendor exten. to advance to the Change Vendor Extended Screen.

Second Create Vendor Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to complete entry of a vendor.

How to display this screen: Select OK at the First Create Vendor Screen.



Print PO

Indicates whether purchase order forms print or are emailed for this vendor. If so, you order products on the purchase order, print it, then mail it to the vendor.

Selected = Print or email purchase orders for this vendor.

Unselected = Do not print or email purchase orders for this vendor.

Note: If the Email P/O flag is selected, then this flag also needs to be selected.

Fax PO

Indicates whether purchase orders or drop ship pick slips can be faxed to the vendor. This option is not currently implemented.

Print checks

Indicates whether to print A/P (Accounts Payable) checks to the vendor to pay for products or services purchased.

Selected = Print Accounts Payable checks for the vendor.

Unselected = Do not print Accounts Payable checks for this vendor. Instead of actually printing checks, you can use wire transfers or some other method to pay the vendor.

Drop ship output

Indicates whether to process drop ship orders by printing purchase orders, pick slips/invoices, or transmitting information through the CWCollaborate or Locate interface for internet-based drop ship processing. Drop ship merchandise is merchandise that you sell but do not stock. Only items flagged as Drop ship are eligible for drop ship processing.

Drop ship pick = Print drop ship pick slips/invoices for this vendor.

Drop ship purchase order = Print drop ship purchase orders for this vendor. When you print a drop ship purchase order, the system also prints a drop ship pick slip/invoice.

Collaborative shipping = Send drop ship purchase orders to CWCollaborate for internet-based processing.

Locate drop shipping = Send drop ship purchase orders to Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module for internet-based processing.

See Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) for information on generating drop ship pick slips or purchase orders.

CWCollaborate and Locate Drop Ship integrations

The CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations provide access to internet-based, collaborative environments for retailers and vendors to share and process information related to drop ship orders. If you use either of these integrations, your system generates drop ship purchase orders and automatically distributes them to the integrated application.

Collaborative shipping and Locate drop shipping are valid selections only if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value is selected. If this system control value is unselected when you try to select Collaborative shipping or Locate drop shipping, a message indicates Collaborative shipping vendor is not allowed.

If you select Collaborative shipping or Locate drop shipping, the Email Address for Drop Ship Vendor Window opens unless you have entered a vendor email address on the Create Vendor Contact Screen.

Generating CWPickOut messages: The system also creates pick download triggers (File code of PCH) in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you generate a drop ship invoice if the Create Generic Pick Download Triggers (I31) system control value is selected. The PICK_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) generates the Pick Message from CWSerenade (CWPickOut) for each of these trigger records.

Scheduling: See Process Drop Ship Orders to process drop ship picks or purchase orders using the periodic function DSHPROC.


A/P implications: If you print drop ship pick slips for a vendor, you can use the drop ship invoice number for matching to an A/P invoice. The invoice number can be generated when you bill the order or print pick slips, depending on the setting of the Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen (H80) or Generate Invoice # at Pick Gen without Address Match (K81) system control value. The screens you use when you match an A/P invoice with a drop ship invoice differ from those you use when you match to a purchase order; not all of the same options are available. For example, you cannot work with A/P-P/O discounts for an A/P invoice matched to a drop ship invoice, even if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is selected.

If you print drop ship purchase orders for a vendor (regardless of whether you select Drop ship purchase orders, Collaborative shipping, or Locate drop shipping), you use the same screens for matched A/P invoice entry as when you match to any other purchase order; all options are available.

Regardless of the setting of this field, unmatched A/P invoice entry is the same.

See Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE) for more information on A/P invoice entry.

Alphanumeric, required.

Cutover date

The date when you switched a vendor’s Drop ship output setting from Collaborative shipping to Locate drop shipping, indicating when the system sends all new drop ship purchase orders for the vendor to Locate’s Drop Ship Manager module and no longer sends new drop ship purchase orders to CWCollaborate.

Switching a vendor from CWCollaborate to Locate: When you switch a vendor from CWCollaborate to Locate, the system no longer sends purchase order updates on existing purchase orders to CWCollaborate. Updates consist of address changes, cost changes, and cancellations. To communicate these changes to the vendor for purchase orders created in CWCollaborate, contact the vendor directly.

No cutover date is indicated if you did not switch the vendor’s Drop ship output setting from Collaborative shipping to Locate drop shipping: for example, if you assigned the vendor to Locate drop shipping at initial creation, or changed the setting from Drop ship purchase orders to Locate drop shipping.

Included on the Change and Display screen only.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display only.

Send returns

This value indicates whether the system should send return and return authorization information for this vendor to CWCollaborate.

Selected = Automatically send return and return authorization information to CWCollaborate through the CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations.

Unselected = Do not send return or return authorization information to CWCollaborate for this vendor.

Regardless of the setting of this field, the system accepts return information sent from CWCollaborate; you can give your vendor authority to create returns in CWCollaborate without first obtaining a return authorization.

You can select this field only if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value is selected and the Drop ship output field is set to Collaborative shipping. The returns option is not currently available for integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

D/S batch size (drop ship batch size)

The number of picks to include in a drop ship batch when you are Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch (MDSB) for this vendor. The drop ship batch size determines the number of pick slips that print in one batch before the system creates a new batch.


Batch size = 2

# of picks to release = 5

In this situation, the system generates 3 batches:

Batch 1 contains 2 pick slips

Batch 2 contains 2 pick slips

Batch 3 contains 1 pick slip

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


Indicates whether you are sending payment to a factor.

Factors are typically used in the apparel industry because the piece goods that are the “raw materials” of this industry are supplied by various manufacturers. In this case, you may remit the invoice to a bank, which then distributes the payment appropriately.

Selected = Payment on invoices go to a factor.

Unselected = Payment on invoices goes directly to the vendor.

Enter the factor's address in the Remit to fields on Screen #1.


Indicates whether you transmit purchase order information electronically to the vendor using EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) telecommunications. You may use this method instead of generating hard copy purchase orders for this vendor.

Selected = Transmit an EDI file with purchase orders to the vendor.

Note: If EDI/PO check box is selected and the Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26) is selected, a trigger record is created for EDI vendors.

Unselected = Do not use EDI.

If you select this field, the following fields pop up when you complete this screen:


------------ EDI -------------

Wait for ASN . . . . N (Y,N)

Include hold . . . . N (Y,N)


Selecting the first field indicates that you would like to wait for Advanced Shipment Notice from the EDI service provider. Selecting the second field indicates that you would like to include held invoices in the EDI transmission. Neither of these fields is currently implemented.

Note: These two fields are concatenated and stored in the EDI file field in the Vendor table.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

PO ship via

A code that represents the shipper used for shipping merchandise to your company from this vendor.

Purchase order ship via codes are defined in and validated against the PO Ship Via table; see Working with Purchase Order Ship Via (WPSV).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A code for the terms and conditions for payment to the vendor, such as 30 days after invoice date or at the end of the month.

Terms codes are defined in and validated against the Terms table. The value you enter here defaults in PO Entry and A/P Invoice Entry.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Discount % (Primary discount percentage)

The primary discount percentage applied towards items purchased from this vendor.

This discount is applied to the dollar value of merchandise and is taken during Purchase Order Entry. Any other discounts from the Vendor Discount table are applied after the primary discount has been calculated. See Work with Vendor Discounts Screen.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

Surcharge %

A standing surcharge added to purchases from this vendor.

A surcharge is typically added to purchases from a broker. The percentage is based on the item price in Purchase Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

Quality rating

The vendor's quality rating, as calculated by the quality assurance database. Not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2 place decimal; system-assigned.

A/P interface vendor

The vendor code on your third party Accounts Payable system. This code is used as a bridge between CWSerenade and your own Accounts Payable system.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Parent vendor

A code for a company that is made up of one or more subsidiary vendors. If your unique interface program supports it, you can define a vendor as a parent vendor if you wish to pay the main (parent) vendor for the merchandise you received from each subsidiary (child) vendor.

• If the vendor code defined in this field matches the code you are creating, this vendor represents a parent vendor.

• If the vendor code defined in this field does not match the code you are creating, this vendor represents a child vendor.


Example: Vendors 101, 102, and 103 all report to vendor 10123. Instead of paying vendors 101, 102, and 103 separately for the merchandise you received, you can pay vendor 10123 for all of the merchandise you received from each of the subsidiary vendors.

If the Require Entry of Parent Vendor system control value is selected, you must enter a valid vendor code in this field or an error message indicates:

Parent Vendor number is required.

Note: Used only if your unique interface program supports it.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Currency code

A code to identify a currency type. This code is used by the Purchase Order system to identify a vendor's currency and to perform currency conversion processing if the vendor's currency is different from yours. Currency codes are defined in and validated against the Currency Code table (fast path = WCUR). Defaults from the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value, but you can override it.

The currency code you enter here defaults when you enter purchase orders, but you can override it.

Note: The Supplier Direct Fulfillment integration does not support currency conversion.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Vendor price currency

Indicates whether the prices from this vendor are in the system's currency or the vendor's own currency and controls how and when currency conversion takes place.




Note: If this field is set to N or V, you must define vendor items in the Vendor Item table for the system to calculate the cost at the time of receiving.

If you override the currency rate during Purchase Order Receiving, the system uses the following calculation:

Price from Purchase Order Entry/current currency conversion rate.

Note: The Supplier Direct Fulfillment integration does not support currency conversion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

VAT number

A number used when calculating foreign currency.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Type of vendor

Identifies whether the vendor is an actual vendor or a manufacturer. Valid values are:



EFT account #

The electronic fund transfer account number for this vendor.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

User fields

Use these fields to enter additional vendor information.

The system defaults the Vendor user field 3 to the Item user field 3 field in Work with Item/SKUs (see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)) when you create or change an item and the program name INR1156 has been defined in the User function field for the CHGITEM and ADDITMSKU user exit points. See Working with User Exit/Edit Point (WUEP).

Alphanumeric, three 10-position fields; optional.

Screen Option


Create the Vendor Extended record

Select Create Vend Ext. to advance to the Change Vendor Extended Screen.

Email Address for Drop Ship Vendor Window

Purpose: Use this window to enter an email address for a vendor when you use the interface with CWCollaborate or Locate’s Drop Ship Manager to process drop ship orders for the vendor.

CWCollaborate and Locate automatically send email notification to vendors when you create and send drop ship purchase orders or when you request cancellation of an order line or change an order’s shipping address.

Important: If your vendor enters an email address on the Collaborate Administration/Vendor Preferences screen or you as a retailer enter an email address on the Collaborate Vendor Profile screen, the system uses the Collaborate-entered email addresses instead of the email address you enter here for sending new PO notifications or cancellation requests to your vendor. Entering a different address on the Collaborate screens, however, does not update the address you enter here.

How to display this screen: Select Collaborative Shipping or Locate Drop Shipping in the Drop ship output field on the Second Create Vendor Screen. If you have not entered an email address for the vendor in the Create Vendor Contact Screen, this pop-up window opens.



Email address

The vendor contact's email address. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

First Change Vendor Screen

To change: Select Change for a vendor at the Work with Vendors Screen to advance to the first Change Vendor screen. At this screen you can change any information except the vendor code. Select OK to advance to the Second Change Vendor Screen.

See First Create Vendor Screen and Second Create Vendor Screen for field descriptions.

Second Change Vendor Screen

How to display this screen: Select OK at the First Change Vendor Screen.

See Second Create Vendor Screen for field descriptions.

Screen Option


Display vendor history

Select Display Vendor Hist to advance to the Display Vendor History Screen.

Display vendor extended information

Select Change Vendor Ext to advance to the Display Vendor Extended Screen.

Work with vendor contacts

Select Vendor Contacts to advance to the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen.

Display vendor notes

Select Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

First Display Vendor Screen

To display: Select Display for a vendor at the Work with Vendors Screen to advance to the first Display Vendor screen. You cannot update any information on this screen. Select OK to advance to the Second Display Vendor Screen.

See First Create Vendor Screen for field descriptions.

Second Display Vendor Screen

How to display this screen: Select OK at the First Display Vendor Screen.

See Second Create Vendor Screen for field descriptions.

Screen Option


Display vendor history

Select Display Vendor Hist to advance to the Display Vendor History Screen.

Display vendor extended information

Select Display Vendor Ext to advance to the Display Vendor Extended Screen.

Work with vendor contacts

Select Vendor Contacts to advance to the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen.

Display vendor notes

Select Notes to advance to the Work with Vendor Notes Screen.

Display Vendor History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review performance statistics for this vendor. The OTHR_ASYNC job updates this information.

Note: Purchase orders that you unlock through the Unlock Purchase Order (MUPO) option are not submitted (or resubmitted) to the OTHR_ASYNC job. As a result, there is no mechanism to Vendor History based on activity that occurred during the creation or maintenance session that resulted in the lock.

How to display this screen: Select History for a vendor at the Work with Vendors Screen or select Display Vendor Hist at the First Display Vendor Screen or the Second Display Vendor Screen.




A code for the supplier of a product or service you purchase.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Number POs

The number of purchase orders to date, since adding the vendor to the system. This information is also broken out into open POs (not received or partially received), held POs, and canceled POs. The fields are updated appropriately if you purge purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Value POs

The value of the purchase orders to date. This information is also broken out into open POs (unreceived or partially received), held POs, and canceled POs. These fields are updated appropriately if you purge purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The current fiscal year.

Numeric, 2 positions (YY format); optional.


The current period. A period is user-defined, but usually refers to an accounting month.

Accounting periods are defined in and validated against the Accounting Periods table.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

# POs

The number of purchase orders for the year and period. These fields are not updated when you purge purchase orders, and contain true historical (life-to-date) information.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Value POs

The value of the purchase orders for the year and period. These fields are not updated when you purge purchase orders and contain true historical (life-to-date) information.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Change Vendor Extended Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

• review the total dollar value of outstanding (open) A/P invoices for the vendor

• review the dollar value of outstanding (unreceived or partially received) purchase orders for the vendor

• review or define the discount calculation method used for discounts in the Vendor Discount table

• review or define the dollar amount of cash that should be paid against outstanding invoices for the vendor and the weeks on which these payments should be disbursed

• review or define the dollar limits, if any, to impose on additional charges when uploading A/P invoices from the vendor, and the general ledger numbers to use for each type of charge

• review account aging with the vendor

How to display this screen: Select Change Vendor Ext at the First Change Vendor Screen or the Second Change Vendor Screen.




A code that identifies the supplier from whom you purchase goods or services.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description (Unlabeled field to the right of the Vendor field)

The name of the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Open A/P

The total dollars of outstanding (unpaid or partially paid) A/P invoices for this vendor.

The system looks at the invoice details in an open status in the Invoice Detail table to determine the open A/P balance amount for a vendor. The system:

• multiplies the Cost by the number of Units to determine the open invoice amount.

• subtracts the Paid amount from the open invoice amount to determine the open A/P balance for each invoice.

• totals the open A/P balance for each invoice to determine the total open A/P amount for the vendor.

If the Open A/P is out of balance, you can use the Resetting Open A/P (ROAP) menu option to reset the open A/P balance.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

A/P Upload Overrides

Note: The following fields display only if the A/P Invoice Upload Division (H70) system control value specifies a valid division. Also, the system performs the checks described below only if the A/P Invoice Upload Auto Accept Batch (H73) system control value is selected. These checks are performed only on regular (debit) invoices. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview on the A/P invoice upload.

Freight G/L number

The general ledger account number to use for header-level or detail-level freight charges on uploaded A/P invoices. The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the general ledger number to use:

Detail-level charges:

1. Use the Freight G/L # for the vendor item, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the Freight G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

3. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

Header-level charges:

1. Use the Freight G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

General ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table; see Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA) for more information.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Freight $ limit

The maximum dollar value of each header-level or detail-level freight charge to process without flagging the A/P invoice and suspending it in a batch.

Detail-level freight charges: The system checks both this field and the Freight $ limit for the vendor item, if any, and compares the freight charge on the invoice detail line with the lower of the two limits. The invoice is suspended in batch if the freight charge for any detail line exceeds either of the limits. The freight charge is flagged with a code of VND-DTLFRT or VIT-DTLFRT on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

If there is no Freight $ limit specified for either the vendor or the vendor item, the system creates the invoice in open status.

Note: The detail-level freight charge is a flat charge; it is not multiplied by the unit quantity on the invoice detail line.

Header-level freight charges: The invoice is suspended in batch if the freight charge on the order header exceeds this limit. If there is no Freight $ limit specified for the vendor, the system creates the invoice in open status. The freight charge is flagged with a code of VND-HDRFRT on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Handling G/L number

The general ledger account number to use for header-level or detail-level handling charges on uploaded A/P invoices. The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the general ledger number:

Detail-level charges:

1. Use the Handling G/L number for the vendor item, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the Handling G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

3. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

Header-level charges:

1. Use the Handling G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

General ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table; see Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA) for more information.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Handling $ limit

The maximum dollar value of each header-level or detail-level handling charge to process without flagging the A/P invoice and suspending it in a batch.

Detail-level handling charges: The system checks both this field and the Handling $ limit for the vendor item, if any, and compares the handling charge on the invoice detail line with the lower of the two limits. The invoice is suspended in batch if the handling charge for any detail line exceeds either of the limits. The handling charge is flagged with a code of VND-DTLHND or VIT-DTLHND on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

If there is no Handling $ limit specified for either the vendor or the vendor item, the system creates the invoice in open status.

Note: The detail-level handling charge is a flat charge; it is not multiplied by the unit quantity on the invoice detail line.

Header-level handling charges: The invoice is suspended in batch if the handling charge on the order header exceeds this limit. If there is no Handling $ limit specified for the vendor, the system creates the invoice in open status. The handling charge is flagged with a code of VND-HDRHND on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Other G/L number

The general ledger account number to use for header-level or detail-level “other” (miscellaneous) charges on uploaded A/P invoices. The system uses the following hierarchy to determine the general ledger number:

Detail-level charges:

1. Use the Other G/L number for the vendor item, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the Other G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

3. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

Header-level charges:

1. Use the Other G/L number for the vendor, if any; otherwise,

2. Use the A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72).

General ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account table; see Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA) for more information.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Other $ limit

The maximum dollar value of each header-level or detail-level “other” (miscellaneous) charge to process without flagging the A/P invoice and suspending it in a batch.

Detail-level “other” charges: The system checks both this field and the Other $ limit for the vendor item, if any, and compares the “other” charge on the invoice detail line with the lower of the two limits. The invoice is suspended in batch if the “other” charge for any detail line exceeds either of the limits. The “other” charge is flagged with a code of VND-DTLOTH or VIT_DTLOTH on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

If there is no Other $ limit specified for either the vendor or the vendor item, the system creates the invoice in open status.

Note: The detail-level “other” charge is a flat charge; it is not multiplied by the unit quantity on the invoice detail line.

Header-level “other” charges: The invoice is suspended in batch if the “other” charge on the order header exceeds this limit. If there is no Other $ limit specified for the vendor, the system creates the invoice in open status. The “other” charge is flagged with a code of VND-HDROTH on the A/P Invoice Upload Report.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold checks

Indicates whether A/P checks should go on hold automatically when you generate them through the Accounts Payable system. If so, an authorized user must remove the hold status so that the checks can be issued.

Defaults to unselected upon creation of the Vendor Extended record; however, if the A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) field in the Accounts Payable area of the Secured Features table is set to *ALLOW, you may override this value to selected.


The Confirm Global Update pop-up window opens if you change this setting after creating A/P invoices with the default held status:


Vendor Check Print Status is selected

Click OK to update all existing Invoices

with the new Status or click Exit to cancel

update of Invoice records.


Select OK to update all unpaid vendor invoices with the new status; otherwise, select Exit so only newly entered invoices will use this status.

On order

The total dollar value of purchase orders which are outstanding (unreceived or partially received) for this vendor.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


The Cash Disbursement priority, in a range from 9 (highest priority) to 0 (lowest priority). When determining which A/P invoices to pay during check generation, the system searches the vendors in descending priority sequence (9-0).

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Discount calc (Discount calculation method)

A code that defines the calculation method used for the three discounts from the Vendor Discounts table.

Valid values are:

Combined = This discount method combines the total dollar amount of all 3 discounts to determine the net cost.

Tiered = This discount method calculates the largest discount against the purchase order's gross cost, then the second largest discount is calculated against the net result of the first discount, and the third largest discount is calculated against the net result of the second discount.

• Blank = No discount is applied.


• If you leave this field blank, you will not be able to apply any discounts when working with a purchase order or an A/P invoice, regardless of your entries in the discount fields.

• These discounts do not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each discount calculation.

Required if using vendor discounts.

Week 1-4 disbursements

These fields indicate the dollar amount of cash that should be paid against outstanding A/P invoices received from this vendor.

There are four week disbursements so that the Accounts Payable department can set up a schedule of payments to make to this vendor. These disbursements are particularly helpful when trying to monitor cash flow.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Week 1-4 (Y/N)

Indicates whether disbursements will be performed for week 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Valid values:

Selected = Vendor payments for week 1, 2, 3, or 4 will be disbursed.

Unselected (default) = Vendor payments for week 1, 2, 3, or 4 will not be disbursed.


The dollar amount of all A/P invoices for a vendor assigned to the appropriate aging buckets.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Display Vendor Extended Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review:

• the total dollar value of outstanding (open) A/P invoices for the vendor

• the dollar value of outstanding (unreceived or partially received) purchase orders for the vendor

• the discount calculation method used for discounts in the Vendor Discount table

• the dollar amount of cash that should be paid against outstanding invoices for the vendor and the weeks on which these payments should be disbursed

• the dollar limits, if any, to impose on additional charges when uploading A/P invoices from the vendor, and the general ledger numbers to use for each type of charge

• account aging with the vendor

How to display this screen: Select Display Vendor Ext at the First Display Vendor Screen or the Second Display Vendor Screen.

For more information: See Change Vendor Extended Screen for a screen sample and field descriptions. You cannot change any information on this screen.

Work with Vendor Discounts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create vendor discounts to apply against the gross cost of the purchase order in Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance (see Purchase Order Line Discount Screen), receiving and in Accounts Payable Entry.

Note: These discounts do not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

How to display this screen: Select Discounts for a vendor on the Work with Vendors Screen.

The following message indicates that you have not defined a Discount calc (Discount calculation method) in the Vendor Extended table:

Discount Calculation Method not defined for Vendor.



Vendor #

A user-defined code to identify the supplier of an item. Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor table. See

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description (Unlabeled field to the right of the Vendor field)

The name of the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Discount (Discount fields)

The names of the three discount fields. These fields are controlled by the Discount 1 Field (D97), Discount 2 Field (D98), and Discount 3 Field (D99) values in the System Control table. The discount fields are blank if values have not been defined.

Note: The system calculates the primary discount on a purchase order before calculating any discounts from the Vendor Discount table.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; display-only.


The percentage the system applies against the unit cost of an item on the purchase order. If you enter a discount percentage, you cannot enter a unit discount for the same discount field. The system calculates discount percentages before subtracting any dollar discounts.

Note: The system calculates percentage discounts based on the method from the Discount calc (Discount calculation method) field in the Vendor Extended table. See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Unit discount

The dollar amount the system subtracts from the unit cost of an item on the purchase order. If you enter a unit discount amount, you cannot enter a discount percentage for the same discount field.

Note: The system calculates percentage discounts based on the method from the Discount calc (Discount calculation method) field in the Vendor Extended table. See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Instructions: Use the following steps to create a vendor discount:

1. Complete the Percent or Unit discount field for each discount field label. If you leave both the Percent and Unit discount fields blank, no discount will apply for this label.

2. Select OK. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. Correct any fields again.

3. The discounts you have entered will apply to all purchase orders entered for this vendor. These discounts are calculated based on the method you have entered in the Discount calc (Discount calculation method) field in the Vendor Extended table.

See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation.

Note: The calculation of discounts in a foreign currency is not currently implemented.

Combined Discount Calculation

The combined discount calculation method combines the values of all 3 discounts to determine the net cost. Any discount percentages defined for the discounts are calculated before the unit discounts are applied.

The Combined Discount Calculation does not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

Example: An example of the combined discount calculation method is:

Cost of item = $100.00

Primary discount (defined in Vendor table) = 10%

Discount 1 = $10.00 (unit discount)

Discount 2 = 20% (percentage discount)

Discount 3 = 10% (percentage discount)

Step 1: Calculate the primary discount percentage

cost ($100.00) x primary discount (10%) = unit discount amount for primary discount ($10.00)

Step 2: Subtract the primary discount amount from the cost

cost ($100.00) - primary discount ($10.00) = cost after primary discount ($90.00)

Step 3: Calculate discount 2 percentage

cost ($90.00) x discount 2 (20%) = unit discount amount for discount 2 ($18.00)

Step 4: Calculate discount 3 percentage

cost (90.00) x discount 3 (10%) = unit discount amount for discount 3 ($9.00)

Step 5: Add discount amounts 1, 2 and 3 together

discount 2 ($18.00) + discount 3 ($9.00) + discount 1 ($10.00) = combined discount ($37.00)

Step 6: Subtract the total combined discount amount from the cost

cost ($90.00)- total combined discount (37.00) = net cost ($53.00)

Tiered Discount Calculation

The tiered discount calculation method calculates:

• the largest discount against the item's cost, then

• the second largest discount is calculated against the net result of the first discount, then

• the third largest discount is calculated against the net result of the second discount

Any discount percentages defined for the discount fields are calculated before the unit discounts are applied.

Note: The Tiered Discount Calculation does not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

Example: An example of the tiered discount calculation method is:

Cost of item = $100.00

Primary discount (defined in Vendor table) = 10%

Discount 1 = $10.00 (unit discount)

Discount 2 = 20% (percentage discount)

Discount 3 = 10% (percentage discount)

Step 1: Calculate the primary discount percentage

cost ($100.00) x primary discount (10%) = unit discount amount for primary discount ($10.00)

Step 2: Subtract the primary discount amount from the cost

cost ($100.00) - primary discount ($10.00) = cost after primary discount ($90.00)

Step 3: Calculate the largest discount percentage

cost ($90.00) x discount 2 (20%) = largest discount amount ($18.00)

Step 4: Subtract the largest discount amount from cost

gross cost ($90.00) - largest discount ($18.00) = net of first calculation ($72.00)

Step 5: Calculate the 2nd largest discount percentage

net of first calculation ($72.00) x discount 3 (10%) = second largest discount amount ($7.20)

Step 6: Subtract the 2nd largest discount amount from cost

net of first calculation ($72.00) - second largest discount amount ($7.20) = net of second calculation ($64.80)

Step 7: Subtract the 3rd largest discount amount from cost

net of second calculation ($64.80) - third largest discount amount ($10.00) = net of third calculation ($54.80)

Work with Vendor Contacts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display contacts for a specific vendor.

How to display this screen: Select Contacts for a vendor on the Work with Vendors Screen, or select WW vend cntct on the First Change Vendor Screen, First Display Vendor Screen, Second Change Vendor Screen, or Second Display Vendor Screen.




The vendor number and description associated with the vendor contacts.

Vendor number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Seq # (Sort sequence number)

The sort sequence number assigned to this vendor contact. This number determines how the vendor contacts display on the screen and on the Vendor Contact Listing (Print List to print). If you do not define a sort sequence number, the system assigns a sequence number of 0 to the vendor contact.

Note: If you are using CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations to automatically process drop ship orders for this vendor, you must enter the sequence number 999 to insure that email notifications are automatically sent to the vendor when you create drop ship purchase orders for this vendor. See Email Address for Drop Ship Vendor Window for more information.


You can select Resequence to resequence each vendor contact that displays on the screen in increments of 2. For example

contact 1 = sequence # 0

contact 2 = sequence # 0

contact 3 = sequence # 5

contact 4 = sequence # 8

When you select Resequence, the system resequences the vendor contacts in the following order:

contact 1 = sequence # 1

contact 2 = sequence # 3

contact 3 = sequence # 5

contact 4 = sequence # 7

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Contact name

The name of the vendor contact.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The contact's title within the organization.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A user-defined field to identify the address type. Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Create a vendor contact

Select Create to advance to the Create Vendor Contact Screen.

Change a vendor contact

Select Change for a vendor contact to advance to the Change Vendor Contact screen. You can change any information on this screen except the vendor. See Create Vendor Contact Screen.

Delete a vendor contact

Select Delete for a vendor contact to delete it.

Display a vendor contact

Select Display for a vendor contact to advance to the Display Vendor Contact screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Vendor Contact Screen.

Resequence the sequence number for each vendor contact

Select Resequence. The system assigns sequence numbers to each vendor contact in increments of 2.

Create Vendor Contact Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a vendor contact.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen.




The vendor number and description associated with the vendor contact you are creating.

Vendor number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Contact name

The name of the vendor contact.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Contact title

The contact's title within the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


Address lines 1, 2 and 3 for the vendor contact. The vendor's address defaults.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; address line 1 required, address lines 2 and 3 optional.





The city, state, postal zip code and country associated with the vendor contact. The vendor's city, state, postal code and country defaults.

If the Require state field for the country in the vendor contact address is selected, the system requires a state code for the vendor address: State is required for this country.

Note: The system does not validate the contact’s address in the same way it validates a customer’s address, as in order entry. For example, it does not validate that the state is associated with the SCF for the postal code.

City: alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

State: alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Postal code: numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Country: alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Phone #/Ext (Telephone number and extension)

The vendor contact's telephone number and extension. You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system.

See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) for information on telephone number formats.

Phone #: alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Extension: alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Fax #/Ext

The telephone number for the vendor's fax machine. Faxing purchase orders is not currently implemented.

Fax number: alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Extension: alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Email address

The vendor contact's email address. See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Address type

A user-defined field to identify the address type. Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Sort sequence #

The sort sequence number assigned to this vendor contact. This number determines how the vendor contacts display on the screen and on the Vendor Contact Listing (Print List to print). If you do not define a sort sequence number, the system assigns a sequence number of 0 to the vendor contact.

Note: If you are using CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations to automatically process drop ship orders for this vendor, you must enter the sequence number 999 to insure that email notifications are automatically sent to the vendor when you create drop ship purchase orders for this vendor. See Email Address for Drop Ship Vendor Window for more information.


You can select Resequence on the Work with Vendor Contacts Screen to resequence each vendor contact that displays on the screen in increments of 2. For example

contact 1 = sequence # 0

contact 2 = sequence # 0

contact 3 = sequence # 5

contact 4 = sequence # 8

When you select Resequence, the system resequences the vendor contacts in the following order:

contact 1 = sequence # 1

contact 2 = sequence # 3

contact 3 = sequence # 5

contact 4 = sequence # 7

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Work with Vendor FOB Address Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display multiple FOB addresses for a specific vendor.

FOB (freight on board) address is the location where title to merchandise being shipped passes from the seller to the buyer. If the FOB address is an Origin type, ownership of the merchandise passes from seller to buyer at the origin of the shipping route, and the buyer is responsible for transportation costs and risk of loss or damage from that point. If the FOB address is a Destination type, ownership of the merchandise passes from seller to buyer at the receiving point for the merchandise, and the seller is responsible for transportation costs and risk of loss or damage until the merchandise reaches its destination.

How to display this screen: Select FOB for a vendor on the Work with Vendors Screen.




The vendor number and description associated with the vendor.

Vendor number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


This code identifies the address as an Origin (O) or Destination (D) type.

Origin = An Origin type FOB address specifies the location from which merchandise is being shipped, and indicates that ownership of merchandise being shipped transfers to the buyer when it leaves the vendor's warehouse (at the point of its shipping origin).

Destination = A Destination type FOB address specifies the location to which merchandise is being shipped, and indicates that ownership of the merchandise transfers to the buyer when it arrives at its destination.

Alphanumeric, display-only.


The city of the FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The state of the FOB address. The system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF in the first three positions of the postal code.

Alphanumeric, 2 postions; display-only.

Postal code

The zip code of the FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 10 postions; display-only.

Freight Terms

The freight terms for this vendor and this FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 10 postions; display-only.


Screen Option


Create a vendor FOB address

Select Create to advance to the Create Vendor FOB Address Screen.

Change a vendor FOB address

Select Change for a Vendor FOB address to advance to the Change Vendor FOB Address screen. You can change any information on this screen except vendor number and vendor name. See Create Vendor FOB Address Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a vendor FOB address

Select Delete for a vendor FOB address to delete it.

Display a vendor FOB address

Select Display for a vendor FOB address to advance to the Display Vendor FOB Address screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Vendor FOB Address Screen for field descriptions.

Create Vendor FOB Address Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a vendor FOB address.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Vendor FOB Address Screen.




The vendor number and description of the vendor for whom you are creating an FOB address.

Vendor number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description: alphanumeric, 30 postions; display-only.

Postal code

The zip code of the Vendor FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 10 postions; required.


The city of the vendor FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The state of the vendor FOB address.

If the Require state field for the country in the vendor FOB address is selected, the system requires a state code for the vendor address: State is required for this country.

Alphanumeric, 2 postions; required.


The country of the vendor FOB address

Note: If the system control value Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) is selected, the City, State and Country fields will automatically display the correct address information when you enter a zip code in the Postal Code field.

Alphanumeric, 3 postions; required.

Freight terms

A brief description of the freight terms for this vendor FOB address.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

FOB type

Identifies the FOB type for this address. Valid types are Destination (D) and Origin (O).

Destination = the FOB address is the location to which merchandise is being shipped; this indicates that title to the merchandise passes from the seller to the buyer when the merchandise reaches its destination.

Origin = the FOB address is the location from which merchandise is being shipped; this indicates that title to the merchandise passes from the seller to the buyer as soon as the merchandise leaves the seller's dock (its shipping origin).

Alphanumeric, required.

Work with Vendor Notes Screen

Purpose: Messages that apply to the vendor from whom the merchandise was purchased can be added, changed or viewed during Purchase Order Receipts. The Vendor table is updated with any changes made to the vendor notes during Purchase Order Receipts.

Optionally, you can choose whether to print the vendor notes on the purchase order form and the receiver's worksheet.

Vendor notes can also be entered, changed, or viewed using Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE) and Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC).

How to display this screen: At the Work with Vendors Screen, select Notes for a vendor; or select Notes from the:

First Create Vendor Screen

First Change Vendor Screen

Second Create Vendor Screen

Second Change Vendor Screen

Work with Purchase Order Screen (Header) (PO entry)

PO Entry - Maintain Detail Screen (PO entry)

PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen (PO maintenance)

First Display Purchase Order Detail Screen (PO inquiry)




The message text for this vendor. Previously entered messages display when you access the screen. Additional lines are available to enter new messages. Scroll or Page Down to view additional messages or to access additional lines.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions each line; optional.


Indicates whether this message text on the line will print on the purchase order and the receiver's worksheet. You can choose which lines you want to print.

The valid values are:

Unselected = Do not print the line information

Selected = Print the line text on the purchase order and the receiver's worksheet. See Purchase Order, PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0167, POR0167BC), and/or PO Receiving Worksheet (POR0740, POR0740BC)

Adding a new vendor note:

1. Enter the information you want on the first available line in the message section.

2. Use Tab to move to or click on the Print field. Enter a print code, if applicable.

3. When you finish the note, select OK. The system accepts the entry and updates the Vendor table.

Changing a vendor note:

1. Select Add/Change. The existing messages can now be changed.

2. Enter the changes as needed. The system accepts the entry and updated the Vendor table.

WVEN Serenade 5.0 March 2015