Page/Letter Item Entry

Page/letter item entry: With page/letter item entry, you specify the catalog page and letter assignment instead of the item number to identify the items being ordered. When you use this item entry method, you define a page/letter assignment for every item you sell. The catalog represents the code for the offer in which the item is sold; the letter represents the place on the page in which the item is advertised.

Your System Administrator may define page/letter item entry as the preferred method of identifying the items being ordered. Page/letter item entry is selected when the Page/Letter Entry (A72) field in the System Control table is selected. When using page/letter entry, you enter the page/letter assignment in the Page/letter field on the item entry screen to add an item to the order; when using regular item entry, you enter the item number in the Item field on the item entry screen.

This is a system-level option that cannot be changed once you start entering orders on the system.

Entering the item#: When using regular item entry, you enter the item number, and the individual SKUs For example, with regular item entry, the customer orders a jacket by requesting "item # 5372, size = SML, color = MUL." You enter the item number in the Item field, which is a 12-position field shown in this example:

Ofr Item CLR SIZE WDTH Qty Price N/C Ovr C/G S/H Whs

SU6 5372 MUL SML 1

Entering the page letter code: With Page/Letter entry each item included in the catalog is assigned a code instead of an item number. This code consists of the page in which the item is presented and a corresponding letter. The customer orders an item using the page/letter code and the desired SKU. For example, with page/letter format, the customer orders a jacket by requesting "...14B, size = SML, color = MUL..." You enter the page/letter code in the Page/letter field; which is a 12-position field shown in this example.

Ofr Page/Letter CLR SIZE WDTH Qty Price N/C Ovr C/G S/H Whs

SU6 5372 MUL SML 1

Note: In page letter entry, you enter just the letter code, not the page number. For example, if you create a page letter of 234 for an item on page 56, you enter 234 in order entry.

OE01_18 Serenade 5.0 March 2015