Page/Letter Entry (A72)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether or not you will use the catalog page/letter format.

Yes/No field: If you select this field, you must enter the catalog page/letter assignment for the item when entering detail lines during Order Entry and Order Maintenance, instead of entering item numbers.

For example, with page/letter format, the customer might order a jacket by requesting “...14B...”. This code consists of the page in which the item is presented and a corresponding letter.

The formats for Regular Item Entry and Page Letter Entry are shown in the following examples:

Regular item: When using regular item entry, you type the item number, and the individual SKUs. For example, with regular item entry, the customer orders a jacket by requesting “item # 5372, size = SML, color = MUL.” You enter the item number in the Item field, which is a 12-position field similar to the following example:

Ofr Item SIZE CLR STYL Qty Price N/C Ovr C/G S/H Whs


Page/letter entry: With Page/Letter entry each item included in the catalog is assigned a code instead of an item number. This code consists of the page in which the item is presented and a corresponding letter. The customer orders an item using the page/letter code and the desired SKU. For example, with page/letter format, the customer orders a jacket by requesting “...14B, size = SML, color = MUL...”. You enter the page/letter code in the Page/Letter field, as shown in the following example.

Pay By: N O S

Ofr Page/Letter SIZE CLR STYL Qty Price C V C/G H

1 36A 1


Note: In page letter entry, you enter just the letter code, not the page number. For example, if you create a page letter of 234 for an item on page 56, you enter 234 in order entry.

To use this feature, a page/letter assignment must be defined for each item in the Item/Offer table. See Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers.

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015