Refresh System Properties (PROP)

Purpose: Use this menu option to review the current settings in the properties files for the current server.

If someone has changed a setting in a properties file since the SERENADE service or application server was started, an additional column, New Value, displays indicating the new setting. An icon displays next to each setting that has changed.


An exclamation icon displays next to each setting that has changed and can be updated with the new value by selecting Change on this screen. When you select Change, the system updates all of the settings that are flagged with an exclamation icon with the new value. You can also stop and restart the SERENADE service (or the application server) to have the changes take effect.


A restart icon displays next to each setting that has changed that requires a restart the SERENADE service (or the application server) to have the changes take effect.

Multiple application servers: If you use multiple self-contained CWSerenade application servers, you need to maintain the properties files on each application server. If you select to update the settings that have changed for one application server, you should also log in to the other CWSerenade application servers and use System Properties (PROP) to update the settings that have changed for the other servers. See Using Multiple CWSerenade Application Servers for more information.

How to display this screen: Enter PROP in the Fast path field or select Refresh System Properties from a menu.

Authority: Users with ALLOW or DISPLAY authority to this menu option can update the settings in the properties files with the new values.


• The configuration settings in the following properties files do not display on this screen. If you change a setting in these files, you must stop and restart the SERENADE service (or application server) before your changes take effect. file file file file

• Changes to log file names, logging level, log retention days, or maximum backup days do not take effect through this option. To apply these changes, you need to restart the SERENADE service (or the application server). See the Logging Properties File for information on updating log settings.

• Changes to the RELIC settings in the cwdirectcp_interfaces properties file do not take effect through this option. To apply these changes, you need to restart the SERENADE service (or the application server). See Working with the Data Warehouse Integration in CWSerenade for more information on updating the RELIC settings.

• Additional steps are required when you change the settings in the Monitor Properties File; see Applying Changes to the Monitor Properties File for instructions.

Property settings display on this screen in ascending alphanumeric sequence by property setting name.



Properties for current server

The name and IP address of the CWSerenade application server that you are currently logged into. Only the current settings in the properties files for the server you are logged into display. To review the settings in the properties file for another CWSerenade application server, you must log on to that server.


Displays next to each property setting that has changed and can be updated with the new value by selecting Change on this screen.

Use the Current Value and New Value fields to compare the current setting of the property and the new setting that will take effect when you select Change.


• If you do not wish the new value to take effect, you must open the properties file that contains this setting and change it back to the current setting that displays on this screen.

• The Current Value is blank if an entry did not exist for the property setting before someone entered its new value.

• The New Value is blank if someone removed the entry for the property setting.


Displays next to each property setting that has changed that requires a restart of the SERENADE service (or the application server) to have the changes take effect.

Use the Current Value and New Value fields to compare the current setting of the property and the new setting that will take effect the next time you restart the SERENADE service (or the application server).


• If you do not wish the new value to take effect, you must open the properties file that contains this setting and change it back to the current setting that displays on this screen.

• The Current Value is blank if an entry did not exist for the property setting before someone entered its new value.

• The New Value is blank if someone removed the entry for the property setting.


The name of a property setting in one of the CWSerenade properties files on the current CWSerenade application server. See Summary of Properties Files for a list of all of the properties files delivered with CWSerenade, a brief description of each properties file, and a link for more information on the settings in the properties file.

Note: Only property settings that are not commented out (# in front of the setting) display on this screen.

You can expand the Property column to review the full name of the property setting.

Current Value

The current value for a setting in one of the CWSerenade properties files on the current CWSerenade application server.

You can expand the Current Value column if its full value does not display.

New Value

The updated value for a setting in one of the CWSerenade properties files on the current CWSerenade application server.

You can expand the New Value column if its full value does not display.

This change does not take effect until you select Change on this screen or stop and restart the SERENADE service (or the application server).

Note: This column displays only if a setting in one of the CWSerenade properties files on the current CWSerenade application server has changed. If you do not see this column, then no changes have been made to any of the CWSerenade properties files on this server.

Screen Option


Update all of the property settings that are flagged with an exclamation icon with their new values

Select Change. CWSerenade updates all of the settings that are flagged with an exclamation icon with their new values. These changes take effect on the current server only. The changes take effect immediately.

Multiple application servers: If you use multiple self-contained CWSerenade application servers, you need to maintain the properties files on each application server. If you select to update the settings that have changed for one application server, you should also log in to the other CWSerenade application servers and use System Properties (PROP) to update the settings that have changed for the other servers.

Note: In order to update property settings that are flagged with a restart icon with their new values, you must stop and restart the SERENADE service (or application server) before the changes take effect.

properties file summary Serenade 5.0 March 2015