High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP)

Purpose: Use A/R batch entry instead of Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) when you have a large number of A/R payments against unpaid invoices to enter into the system.

You can use A/R batch entry to apply payment against open items only if they are associated with an invoice and associated with a customer account. For example, you cannot use A/R batch entry to apply payment to open items you create in cash receipts or to make an on-account payment.

Note: Unlike Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT), A/R batch payment does not allow you to apply a payment to an open item that is currently in dispute.

Matching an open item: To indicate how to apply a payment against an A/R open item through A/R batch entry, you must provide either:

• the invoice number and the bill-to customer number, or

• the sold-to customer number and the pick control number (based on the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value, as described below)

Validation at the Enter Batch Payment screen: When you are entering payments through A/R batch entry, the system does not validate that the information you are entering is valid or consistent. For example, the system does not validate at this time that the invoice number is associated with the bill-to customer. Once you submit the batch for processing, the system performs all edits before applying the payments to the invoices.

System control values: The following system control values relate to A/R batch payment entry:

Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33): Controls whether the system deletes A/R payments that are in error after processing a batch of payments, or retains them so that you can correct and resubmit them. You can change the payment amount, the sold-to customer number, the check number, and the pick control number.

Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42): Controls whether the sold-to customer number and pick control number are available for entry at the Enter Batch Payments screen. If these fields are not available, you need to specify the invoice number and bill-to customer number to match a payment with an invoice.

Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44): Controls whether the system applies a partial payment against an invoice open item.

Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95) Controls whether the ARBATCH_IN process applies A/R payments in a batch automatically, or leaves the batch in open status for your subsequent review and submission. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments for more information.

In this topic:

Uploading A/R Batch Payments

Inbound A/R Payment XML Message (ARPayment)

Sample START Message

Sample ARPAYMENT Message

Sample END Message

Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen

Enter Batch Payments Screen

Change A/R Batch Payment Screen

Deleting A/R Batch Payments

Enter Batch Payments Screen (Working with Details)

Processing A/R Batches

A/R Batch Payment List

For more information: See Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) for more information on:

• posting cash to individual customer accounts

• deferred liability

See Working with Invoice Open Items for more information on:

• making an adjustment to a customer account

• reviewing open items

• applying credits

• on-account payments

Uploading A/R Batch Payments

Purpose: Use the ARBATCH_IN process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) to process A/R payments from XML messages you receive from a remote system. You can use CWIntegrate to provide a seamless integration with an external system that passes A/R payment information, but the ARBATCH_IN process creates A/R payment records if the XML messages are correct, regardless of source.

For more information on using CWIntegrate to translate and forward A/R payments, see the A/R Batch Payments Integration manual.

CWMessageIn Web Service

You can use the CWMessageIn Web Service to route ARPayment messages. In this situation, the target for each inbound message must match the Inbound program name for the integration layer process queue, as specified at the Integration Layer Process Queue Screen.

Web service authentication? The Require_Auth field in the Webservice table defines whether the web service requires basic web service authentication. See Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) for an overview.

If you are using the CWMessageIn RESTful web service: You POST inbound CWMessageIn messages to the web service’s URI, or endpoint, of the RESTful service. The individual URL for the CWMessageIn RESTful service uses the following format: http://server:port/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/application/CWMessageIn, where server:port identifies the application server where the RESTful service is located and CWMessageIn is the name of the web service to call.

If you are using the CWMessageIn SOAP-based web service: The endpoint specified in the CWMessageIn.wsdl file is where you need to post messages in order for the CWMessageIn web service to process them. The endpoint is typically set to http://server:port/CWDirectCPService/services/CWMessageIn, where server:port identifies the application server where the wsdl is located and CWMessageIn is the name of the web service to call. The CWMessageIn SOAP-based web service requires that inbound messages be embedded in SOAP envelope tags.

Creating Batches of Payments

The process of creating the A/R payment records based on the information in the Inbound A/R Payment XML Message (ARPayment)is as follows:

1. The ARBATCH_IN process receives a START message (see Sample START Message), indicating the bank and division, and creates a new A/R Batch Payment record, assigning a new batch number. At this time, the batch is in P (in process) status, and you cannot work with detail or delete the batch from the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen.

2. The ARBATCH_IN process receives an ARPAYMENT record (see Sample ARPAYMENT Message), indicating which invoice to pay and the amount of the payment, and creates a new A/R Batch Payment Detail record.

3. The ARBATCH_IN process continues creating new detail records as long as it receives new ARPAYMENT records.

4. The ARBATCH_IN process receives an END message (see Sample END Message). If the Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95) system control value is:

selected: the BATCH_PAY job processes the batch automatically. It flags any payments in error, and applies correct payments to the related records in the A/R open item table. Also, the job produces the A/R Batch Payment List, listing all errors and processed payments. See Processing A/R Batches for more information.

unselected: the batch status changes to open. You can use the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen to review or work with the batch, or select Proc all batches to submit it for processing.


Identifying the Invoice to Pay

You can use either of two methods to specify how to apply each payment:

Invoice number and Bill-to number: To use this option, provide both the invoice_nbr and the bill_to in the Inbound A/R Payment XML Message (ARPayment). If you provide a valid invoice number and bill-to number, the system uses this information to apply the payment, and does not check the sold_to or pick_control_nbr attributes. Similarly, if the invoice_nbr and the bill_to are invalid or inconsistent, the system flags the payment as an error and does not apply it to the invoice open item, regardless of whether the sold_to or pick_control_nbr are also provided.

Sold to number and pick control number: To use this option, provide both the sold_to and the pick_control_nbr instead of the invoice number and bill-to number. The system checks the sold_to and the pick_control_nbr only if the invoice_nbr and the bill_to are not provided in the message.

Inbound A/R Payment XML Message (ARPayment)


For more information: See High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP) for an overview.

Message Attribute









Identifies the source of the XML message. IDC indicates the XML message originates from CWIntegrate.




Identifies the target of the XML message. RDC indicates the XML message is sent to CWSerenade.




Not used when creating the batch.




Not used when creating the batch. The current system date is used instead.




Identifies the type of information in the XML message. Optionally, can be set to ARPayment.





Indicates whether to start a new batch, create an A/R payment in the batch, or complete the batch. Valid values are:

START = Start a new batch

ARPAYMENT = Create a payment

END = Complete the batch

See the discussion above for more information, and see below for samples of each type of message.




Defined in and validated against the Company table; see Setting Up Companies (WCMP) for more information. Required.




Defined in and validated against the Bank table; see Working with Banks (WBNK). Required. If the bank is missing or invalid, the payment(s) will be in error with a reason of Missing Cash G/L account#.




Defined in and validated against the Division table; see Working with Divisions (WDIV). Required. The division indicates the A/R and cash general ledger numbers to use. If the division is missing or invalid, the payment(s) will be in error with a reason of Missing A/R G/L account#.




The invoice number assigned by the system when you billed the shipment that created the open item. When provided with the bill_to, identifies the invoice open item to pay. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments above for more information.




A number to identify the bill-to account. When provided with the invoice_nbr, identifies the invoice open item to pay. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments above for more information.




The check number used for the payment. This number is stored in the Cash Receipts and A/R Payment tables.




The payment amount to apply. If the amount:

• exceeds the balance on the open item, the payment will be in error with a reason of Overpayment

• is less than the balance on the open item and the Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44) system control value is unselected, the payment will be in error with a reason of Underpayment

• is zero or a negative number, the payment will be in error with a reason of Amount cannot be LE Zero




Not currently used.




A number to identify the customer who placed the order. When provided with the pick_control_nbr, identifies the invoice open item to pay. However, if the invoice_nbr and bill_to are provided, the ARBATCH_IN process does not consider the sold_to or pick_control_nbr. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments above for more information.





A number to identify a pick slip. When provided with the sold_to, identifies the invoice open item to pay. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments above for more information.




Updates the A/R Payment Detail table, displayed at the Display Payment Detail Screen in A/R Inquiry. Optional.

If you use credit card encryption, the account number is not encrypted in this message; however, the system encrypts the account number in the CWSerenade database. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for an overview.




Updates the A/R Payment Detail table, displayed at the Display Payment Detail Screen in A/R Inquiry. Optional.

Sample START Message

<Message source="IDC" target="RDC" time_created="012345" date_created="09032006" type="CWARPayments">

<ARPayment transaction_type="START" company="027" bank="002" division="01"/>


Sample ARPAYMENT Message

<Message source="IDC" target="RDC" time_created="012345" date_created="09032006" type="CWARPayments">

<ARPayment transaction_type="ARPAYMENT" company="027" bank="002" division="01" invoice_nbr="6813" bill_to="292" sold_to="13164" pick_control_nbr="8827" check_nbr="123" amount="1000" account_nbr="12345" routing_nbr="1234567"/>


Sample END Message

<Message source="IDC" target="RDC" time_created="012345" date_created="09032006" type="CWARPayments">

<ARPayment transaction_type="END" company="027" bank="002" division="01"/>


Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with batches of A/R payments.

How to display this screen: Enter WABP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with A/R Batch Payments from a menu.



Batch #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify a batch. The Cash Receipts Journal uses the batch number to subtotal the payment information; see Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ). The Cash Receipts Batch # (A19) in the Number Assignment table controls batch number assignment.

Note: Once an A/R batch payment has been processed, the system deletes the batch if the Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33) system control value is unselected; otherwise, the batch is retained if there are any errors.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Status (Batch status code)

The status of the A/R batch payment.

Valid values are:

In Use = The batch is in use by another user.

Open = The batch is open to work with.

Submitted = The batch has been submitted for processing. The S status displays only when you select Proc all batches to process all the batches displayed on this screen.

Processing = The ARBATCH_IN process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) is currently creating the batch. If the Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95) system control value is selected, the ARBATCH_IN process also processes the batch automatically after creating it. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments for an overview.

Note: You cannot work with a batch when it is in a submitted, in-use, or in-process status.


Date (Payment date)

The cash posting date. This is the date you specified at the Enter Batch Payments Screen if you entered the batch manually, or the system date when the batch was created if you uploaded the payment information (see Uploading A/R Batch Payments).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Div (Division code)

A code that identifies the division for posting the A/R payments. Division codes are validated against the Division table. See Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Bank #

A code that uniquely identifies the bank for posting the A/R payments. This code also identifies the currency if you are using multiple currencies. See Working with Banks (WBNK).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Advance to A/R Inquiry

Select A/R Inquiry to advance to the Select Customer Bill-To Screen (A/R Inquiry).

Change an A/R batch

Select Change for a batch to advance to the Change A/R Batch Payment Screen.

Note: You cannot change a batch if its status is P (in process), S (submitted), or I (in use).

Delete an A/R batch

Select Delete for a batch to delete it. See Deleting A/R Batch Payments.

Note: You cannot delete a batch if its status is Processing, Submitted, or In Use.

Display an A/R batch

Select Display for a batch to advance to the Display A/R Batch Payments screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Enter Batch Payments Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Work with payments in an A/R batch

Select Work with details for a batch to advance to the Enter Batch Payments Screen (Working with Details).

Note: You cannot work with payments in a batch if its status is Processing, Submitted or In Use.

Create a batch

Select Create to advance to the Enter Batch Payments Screen.

Process all open A/R batches

Select Process all batches. See Processing A/R Batches.

Enter Batch Payments Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter invoice payments in an A/R batch, or to add additional payments.

How to display this screen: You can display this screen by selecting Create at the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen or, or by selecting Add at the Enter Batch Payments Screen (Working with Details).



Batch #

The number of the A/R batch to which you are posting payments. The system assigns the batch number in order to group and list the payment information in the batch, assigning a new number each time you select Create at the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen or send a new START message when you are Uploading A/R Batch Payments. The batch number is assigned from the Cash Receipts Batch # (A19) in the Number Assignment table, and is used on the Cash Receipts Journal to subtotal payment information; see Printing the Cash Receipts Journal (PCRJ).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Payment date

The effective date of the A/R payments. This field defaults to today's date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.


A code that identifies the company division to receive the cash. The division indicates the A/R and cash general ledger numbers to use.

Division codes are validated against the Division table. See Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Bank #

A code that identifies the bank to process the deposit. See Working with Banks (WBNK).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Options for specifying payment:

If the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is selected, you can use either of two methods to specify how to apply each payment:

Invoice number and bill-to number: To use this option, you must enter both the invoice number and the bill-to number. If you provide a valid invoice number and bill-to number, the system uses this information to apply the payment, and does not check the information in the Sold to number or Pick control number fields. Similarly, if your entries in the Invoice number or Bill-to number fields are invalid or inconsistent, the system flags the payment as an error and does not apply it to the invoice open item, regardless of whether the Sold to number and Pick control number are also provided.

Sold to number and Pick control number: To use this option, you must enter both the sold-to customer number and the pick control number, and leave the invoice number and bill-to number blank. The system checks these two values only if the Invoice number and Bill-to number are not specified.

If the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is unselected, you must use the Invoice number and Bill-to number fields to specify how to apply each payment.

Note: The system does not validate any of your entries in these four fields against the A/R Open Item table at this time; all validation takes place when you submit the batch for processing.

Invoice #

The invoice the customer is paying. The invoice is created when you bill an order, and the invoice number is associated with the A/R Open Item record. Only A/R open items with invoice numbers are eligible for payment through batch A/R entry.

The system does not validate your entry until you submit the batch for processing.

Numeric, 7 positions; required if you enter a Bill-to number, or if the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is unselected.

Bill to #

A number to identify the customer responsible for paying the invoice. See Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT).

The system does not validate your entry until you submit the batch for processing.

Numeric, 7 positions; required if you enter an Invoice number, or if the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is unselected.


The dollar amount you are posting to an invoice. The Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44) system control value controls whether a payment that is less than the invoice balance should process automatically or be in error. An overpayment always produces an error, regardless of the setting of this system control value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2 place decimal; required.

Check #

The number of the customer's check. The check number is stored in the Cash Receipts and A/R Payment tables.

Numeric, 7 positions, optional.

Sold to #

The customer who placed the order associated with the invoice. This field is available only if the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is selected. See above for more information.

The system does not validate your entry until you submit the batch for processing.

Numeric, 7 positions; required if you enter a Pick control number.

Pick ctl #

A number identifying the shipment for which you are billing the customer with the invoice open item.

The system does not validate your entry until you submit the batch for processing.

Numeric, 7 positions; required if you enter a Sold to number.


1. Enter a payment date, division and bank number for the batch payment you are creating. The Payment date field defaults to the current date, which you can override.

2. Enter the invoices the bill-to customers are paying. You can enter as many invoices as you want by selecting Next for additional fields.

3. Select OK. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. The system also locks the Payment date, Division and Bank # fields. You can select Unlock to unlock these fields in order to change them. Changing the Payment date, Division and Bank # fields will also change them for any invoice payments already entered in this batch. Correct the fields if necessary and select OK.

4. The system clears the screen. If you select Assign new batch the system assigns a new batch number to the screen for the next group of A/R batch payments.

Note: You can also use this screen to enter additional invoices to an existing A/R batch payment. See Change A/R Batch Payment Screen.

Screen Option


Change the Payment date, Division, or Bank # fields

Select Unlock. The system unlocks the Payment date, Division and Bank # fields, allowing you to change them for the batch payment you are creating. If you change the fields, the fields for the invoice payments already entered in this batch will also change.

Change an invoice payment

Select Change to advance to the Enter Batch Payments Screen (Working with Details).

Assign a new batch number

Select Assign new batch.

Note: This option is available only when the screen is in ADD mode.

Change A/R Batch Payment Screen

To change: At the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen, select Change for the A/R batch payment you want to change to advance to the Change A/R Batch Payment screen, which displays the Batch #, Payment date, Bank # and Division fields. See Enter Batch Payments Screen for a description of the fields on this screen. You can change all the fields on this screen except for the batch number.

Deleting A/R Batch Payments

To delete: At the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen, select Delete for the A/R batch payment you want to delete. A pop-up window opens warning that dependent records exist. Select OK to confirm the delete; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

Enter Batch Payments Screen (Working with Details)

Purpose: Use this screen to make changes to an existing group of A/R batch payments.

How to display this screen: Select Work with details for an A/R batch payment on the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen, or select Create on the first Enter Batch Payments Screen.

Field descriptions: The field on the second Enter Batch Payments screen not described under Enter Batch Payments Screen is described below.



Sts (Batch status code)

The status of the invoice payment. Valid values are:

Error = An error, such as an underpayment or overpayment, occurred with this invoice payment.

Processed = This invoice payment has been processed.

Ready = This invoice is ready to be processed.


To change A/R batch payment details: You can change the Amount or Check # fields on this screen. If the Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42) system control value is selected, you can also change the Sold to # and Pick control #. Re-enter or clear any values you want to change.

If the payment is in error because of an invalid invoice number, bill-to number, or invoice number/bill-to combination, you will not be able to correct it. Delete the payment and re-enter it.

Screen Option


Unlock the Payment date, Division, and Bank # fields

Select Unlock. The system unlocks the Payment date, Division, and Bank # fields, allowing you to change them for the batch payment you are creating. If you change the fields, the fields for the invoice payments already entered in this batch will also change.

Add an invoice to this batch

Select Add to add additional invoices to this group of A/R payments. You advance to the Enter Batch Payments Screen.

Processing A/R Batches

Processing: To process any open A/R payment batches:

1. At the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen, select Process all batches to process all of the A/R batch payments that are displayed on this screen.

2. A pop-up window displays to confirm the process. Select OK to process the A/R batches, or back to cancel.

The system produces the A/R Batch Payment List, which lists all of the invoices that have been processed along with any errors that have occurred. All batches displayed on this screen change to an S (submitted) status while the BATCH_PAY job is running.

Note: If you receive a batch through the ARBATCH_IN process as described under Uploading A/R Batch Payments and the Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95) system control value is selected, the batch immediately goes into Submitted status after the ARBATCH_IN process has finished creating it. If the batch has no errors, or if the Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33) system control value is unselected, the BATCH_PAY job deletes the batch after processing it.

Updating open items: Payments that are successfully processed update the related open item.

• If the invoice open item is paid in full after applying the A/R payment, the status changes to processed (P) and the balance is zero. The bill-to customer’s Total A/R balance is also reduced.

• If the invoice open item is not paid in full after applying the A/R payment, the system reduces the balance by the payment amount and reduces the bill-to customer’s Total A/R balance. It is possible to apply a partial payment against an invoice open item through A/R batch entry only if the Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44) system control value is selected.

Delete payments in error? If the Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33) system control value is selected, any payments that are in error remain, and the status of the batch returns to open. In this case, you can correct the payments in error and resubmit the batch, as long as the errors are not related to the invoice number or bill-to number provided.

If the Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33) system control value is unselected, any payments that are in error are deleted, and the batch itself is deleted.

Note: If the Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33) system control value is selected and then you change the setting, you will need to manually delete each batch that was retained before you reset the value; the system will not delete these batches automatically.

WABP Serenade 5.0 March 2015