Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT)

Purpose: Use the cash receipts function to post cash received to customer accounts or deferred liability.

In this topic:

Cash Receipts Screen (Cash Batch Settings)

Select Customer Bill-To Screen

Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens

Posting Cash to Deferred Liability

For more information: See Working with Invoice Open Items for information on the additional options available through cash receipts, including posting payments or credits to open items, applying payments on account, and working with sundry transactions.

Note: You can use High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP) instead of the Cash Receipts function when you have a large amount of unpaid invoices to enter into the system for more than one customer account.

Cash Receipts Screen (Cash Batch Settings)

Purpose: Use this screen to assign a payment date to a batch of cash receipts, record the receipt total you plan to post, select a company division, and select a bank.

How to display this screen: Select Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) from the menu or type WCRT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.



Batch number

A number that uniquely identifies a new batch of cash receipts.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Payment date

The date on which you post a batch of cash receipts.

The payment date automatically defaults to the current date. You can change the date manually to a date within an open accounting period.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.


A code that uniquely identifies a company division set up in your system. See Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Enter the code for the division to which you wish to post cash.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Bank code

A code that uniquely identifies a bank to which you post cash receipts. See Working with Banks (WBNK).

Enter the code for the bank to which you wish to post cash.

Alternate currency pricing: If the bank is associated with a foreign currency and the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected, the system advances you to the Pay Alternate Currency Open Items Screen instead of the Pay Open Items screen. The Pay Alternate Currency Open Items screen allows you to post cash receipts only for open items associated with the currency defined for the bank.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Deposit total

The total dollar amount to be posted for the current batch of cash receipts.

The system validates this amount against the actual amount posted to customer accounts.

Note: Enter an amount only if you want the system to validate the total dollar amount you post.

Alternate currency pricing: Leave the deposit total blank if you are posting cash for open items in an alternate (foreign) currency. The deposit total can be completed after entering all checks.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Advance to the Select Customer Bill To screen to enter cash receipts

Complete the fields and select OK to advance to the Select Customer Bill-To Screen.

Advance to A/R Inquiry

Select A/R Inquiry. See Using A/R Inquiry (DARI).

Select Customer Bill-To Screen

Purpose: Use the fields on this screen to advance to a secondary bill-to customer scan screen or to the Pay Open Items Screen, where you can post cash receipts and work with open items for a bill-to customer.

Customer Workflow Management window: The Customer Workflow Management Window automatically displays when you select a bill to customer if open or in use ticklers exist for the customer. Select Ticklers at this window to advance to the Work with Ticklers Screen (bill-to customer view) where you can review and work with ticklers associated with the bill to customer.

How to display this screen: Complete the Cash Receipts Screen (Cash Batch Settings). You can also display this screen by entering WARI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or selecting Work with A/R Open Items from a menu



Customer bill-to

A system-generated customer number assigned to a bill-to customer. See Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT).

Enter a valid bill-to customer number to advance to the Pay Open Items Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Customer sold-to

A system- generated customer number assigned to a sold-to customer. See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Enter a valid sold-to customer number to advance to the Pay Open Items Screen.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Invoice #

A system generated number assigned to an invoice.

Enter an invoice number to advance to the Pay Open Items Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional

Order #

A system generated number assigned to a customer order.

Enter a valid order number to advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Order Number (see Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens) or the Pay Open Items Screen.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Postal code

The Post Office zip code that identifies the customer's location.

Enter a postal code to advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Zip/Last Name screen (see Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens).

Scan length: The Postal Code Scan Length (F61) system control value controls how many characters of the postal code to use when searching for a customer. See that system control value for a discussion.

Note: You can combine postal code and last name, or the postal code and the company name to narrow your search. See the Last name and Company field descriptions.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Enter a full or partial name to advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Last Name screen (see Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens).

If you combine postal code and a full (not partial) last name, you advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Zip/Last Name screen, which displays accounts that follow your entry alphanumerically.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The name of the customer's company.

Enter a full or partial company name to advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Company name screen (see Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens).

If you combine postal code and company, you advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Zip/Company screen.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Telephone #

The customer's telephone number.

Enter a full or partial phone number to advance to the Scan Customer Bill To by Phone number screen (see Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens).

You can define a telephone number format for each country to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

You can also define an external program to validate the phone numbers you enter. See Setting Up General Usage Values.


Alt cust number (Alternate customer number)

An additional number that further identifies a sold-to customer. This might be a serial number or a customer number from another system.

Enter an alternate customer number to advance to a subsequent scan screen that lists customers by alternate customer number. See Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window (I84) for more information.

Alternate Customer Number Label Description

The field label name on this screen is based on the name you enter in the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value; if you do not enter a name in this system control value, the field label is Alt cust number.

Example: If you enter the field label name MEMBER# in the system control value, the field label name on this screen is MEMBER#.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Review cash receipts

Select A/R Inquiry. See Using A/R Inquiry (DARI).

Post to deferred liability

Select Post Cash to D/L. See Posting Cash to Deferred Liability.

Working with Scan Customer Bill-to Screens

Purpose: Use the Scan Customer Bill To screens to locate A/R records, advance to the Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI), or display a bill-to customer.

How to display these screens: Enter customer information in an appropriate field at the Select Customer Bill-To Screen in Work with Cash Receipts (WCRT) or A/R Inquiry (DARI).

Summary of scan results:

Select Customer Bill-To screen field(s):

Brings you to screen:

Customer Bill To #

Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI)

Customer Sold To #

Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI)

Invoice #

Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI)

Order #

If the order number you enter does not exist: Scan Cust Bill To by Order Number

Order number

If the order number you enter is valid: Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI)

Postal code

Scan Cust Bill To by Zip Code

Last name

Scan Cust Bill To by Last Name

Postal code and Last name

Scan Cust Bill To by Zip/Last Name


Scan Cust Bill To by Company

Postal code and Company

Scan Cust Bill To by Company


Scan Cust Bill To by Phone

Alt customer number

Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI)



Postal code

A customer's postal code.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Last name (Last, first)

A customer's last and first names.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.

Account #

A system generated number uniquely assigned to a customer.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The unpaid portion of a customer's combined open invoice items.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Additional fields: Additional fields that are available on other scan screens are:

• Order #

• Account #

S (Order status)

• Company name

• Company name/address

• Telephone number

Screen Option


Select a bill-to customer

Select a customer to advance to the Pay Open Items Screen (WCRT) or Work with Open Items Screen (DARI).

Display a bill-to customer

Select Display for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Bill To screen. See First Display Customer Bill To Screen.

Posting Cash to Deferred Liability

Purpose: Post cash to deferred liability when a customer pays for an order before it is shipped.

How to display this screen: Select Post Cash to D/L at the Select Customer Bill-To Screen.

Deferred liability is cash paid by a customer before an actual order is shipped. You must post this cash to a default deferred liability account until the order is fulfilled (shipped). When a prepaid order is fulfilled, the system relieves the deferred liability account and posts cash to the customer's account to whom you are shipping merchandise. The deferred liability account is empty when there are no orders waiting to be shipped.




The dollar amount you are posting to a deferred liability account.

Numeric, 14 positions; required.


A brief description of the posting.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


The deferred liability account to which you are posting cash.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

G/L # (General ledger number)

A number that uniquely identifies the general ledger account to which cash is posted. See Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA).

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Note: The values in the Account and G/L # fields automatically default to predefined values from the System Control table. See Setting Up Accounts Receivable Values.


1. Enter a dollar amount in the Amount field.

2. Write a brief description in the Note field, if appropriate.

3. Select OK to display the deferred liability record.

Screen Option


Accept the postings to deferred liability

Select Accept.

Reject the postings to deferred liability

Select Reject.

WCRT Serenade 5.0 March 2015