Opening a Cash Batch (WCSH)

Purpose: Use the Work with Cash Batches option to:

• Open a cash batch

• Record information for the individual checks in the cash batch

• Accept the cash batch on the system

• Change the dollar total of an existing cash batch

• Change, delete or review information for the individual checks in an existing cash batch

In this topic:

Work with Cash Batches Screen

Create Cash Batch Screen

Change Cash Batch Total Screen

Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch

Create Order Cash Batch Screen

Entering Cash Batches

Cash batching enables you to enter check information for a group (batch) of orders prior to Order Entry. This ensures that you enter complete and accurate information on the system for each check. Usually, your Accounting department performs this task and then forwards the order forms to the Order Entry department. This process streamlines Order Entry and reduces errors.

How to display this screen: Enter WCSH in the Fast path field or select the Work with Cash Batches option from a menu.

Work with Cash Batches Screen

Purpose: This screen lists the cash batches that have been created on the system. This screen also provides options to create a cash batch, update an existing cash batch or define details for the individual checks in a cash batch.

This screen lists every cash batch that was ever created on the system for historical purposes. There is no option available to delete an existing cash batch.




The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders, the total number of units ordered, and the total dollars received are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Batch date

The date on which the batch was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Batch cash amount

The total dollar amount of the cash batch, as entered in the Total cash batch amount field in the Cash Batch record.

Your Accounting department typically opens the cash batch prior to Order Entry to enter complete check information for the batch.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Assigned to

The user ID of the person who created the cash batch.

During Order Entry, you may display only the cash batches created by a specific user by entering the user ID in the Assigned to user field; all existing cash batches display if this field is blank.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Screen Option


Change the cash total of the cash batch

Select Change for a cash batch to advance to the Change Cash Batch Total Screen.

Enter the individual checks for the cash batch or change, delete or display this information

Select Work with Cash Batch for a cash batch to advance to the Work with Cash Batches Screen.

Open a new cash batch

Select Create to advance to the Create Cash Batch Screen to define controls for a new cash batch.

Create Cash Batch Screen

Purpose: Select this option to define controls for a batch of checks.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Cash Batches Screen.

Procedure: Calculate the dollar total for the checks in the batch of orders and then enter this figure in the Total cash batch amount field. The system validates that the individual checks you enter for the cash batch (through the Work with Cash Batch function) equal this value.

The system assigns the next batch number and the current date to the new batch.



Batch #

The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders, the total number of units ordered, and the total dollars received are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Batch date

The date on which the batch was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Total cash batch amt.

The accumulated total of all checks within the batch.

Calculate the dollar total for the checks in the batch of orders and then enter this figure in the Total cash batch amount field. The system validates that the individual checks you enter for the cash batch (through the Work with Cash Batch function) equal this value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Change Cash Batch Total Screen

Purpose: Select this option to adjust the total for the entire cash batch to bring the batch into balance, based on the individual checks entered on the system.

Why change? Use this option when the cash batch does not balance after you enter the individual checks in the batch. For example, a batch may not balance if there was a keying error. If so, the dollar total across all checks in the cash batch will not agree with the control total for the cash batch.

To change: Select Change for a cash batch at the Work with Cash Batches Screen. You can change only the total on this screen. See Create Cash Batch Screen for field descriptions.

Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch

Purpose: Use this function to review, enter, change, delete or display the individual checks in a cash batch.

How to display this screen: Select Work with Cash Batch for an existing cash batch at the Work with Cash Batches Screen. The Work with Cash Batch screen lists the checks already entered for the cash batch.

Note: You also advance to this screen from Order Entry when you select batch entry on the Request Order Batch screen, then select Change or Work with Cash Batch at the Work with Cash Batches Screen, then select Change at the Change Order Batch or Display Batch Totals screen.

Batching cash? Your Accounting department typically enters check information for the individual checks in a batch through this function. This establishes the first link on the system between the payment received and the order form (and eventually, the order itself). This step is taken only if your company batches cash, as designated by a selected Batch Cash? (B22) field in the System Control table.

If batching cash, the process of entering check and order information is handled by different departments to add a level of security and accuracy to the Order Entry process. During Order Entry, when you select batch Order Entry (by selecting the Are the orders batched field on the Request Order Batch screen), you advance directly to the Work with Order Batches screen that lists the cash batches previously entered.

You add order controls to the cash controls on this screen and then proceed with Order Entry. During Order Entry, you specify the cash control number assigned to an order within the batch and display the associated payment information, as described in Create Order Cash Batch Screen. The system validates the actual orders in the batch against the cash controls entered prior to Order Entry, reducing the chances of error.

Completing check entry: When you finish entering checks for the batch, the system verifies that the totals across the individual checks equal the value in the $ received field in the Order Batch record. If they do not match, you can accept the batch with errors, but the system suspends the batch. If the batch is in balance, you can accept the batch, unsuspended.




Batch #

The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders, the total number of units ordered, and the total dollars received are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Batch amount

The accumulated total of all checks within the batch, from the Total cash batch amt. field on the Create Cash Batch Screen.

The system validates that the individual checks you enter on this screen equal this value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Amount entered

The running total of checks entered for a cash batch. The system accumulates the value of each check in the batch as you enter it and displays that value here.

The cash batch is in balance when the value in the Amount entered field equals the value in the Batch amount field.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2 place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Control #

A number that is stamped on each check you receive and on the corresponding order form. This creates a link between the payment and the order.

During Order Entry when you enter the cash control number in the default pay type pop-up window, you bring forward the check information that was entered during the Cash Batch function. You can be assured that the cash information on the order is accurate because it has been entered and verified by your Accounting department.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Check #

The number of the check, which is printed in the upper right corner of the check.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Micr #

The code printed on the bottom left of the check, which includes the checking account number and the check number. The check clearing service uses this number to validate and approve the check.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


The amount for which the check is drafted. Defaults to Order Entry when you specify the cash control number for this check.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


The status of the check.

Each system-assigned check status is described briefly below.

Open = The status of the check, if not using a check clearing service.

Bounced = Insufficient funds were available in the customer's checking account to cover the amount on the check.

Cleared = The check amount has been authorized by the check clearing service.

Used = The check has been applied to the order.

Void = The check cannot be applied to the order. Typically, this status is assigned when there is inaccurate or incomplete information on the check or when the check has bounced. The customer must provide you with a different check.

Note: The system assigns a Bounced, Cleared, Used, or Void status code only if using a check clearing service.

Display-only, updated by the system.

Screen Option


Change information for a specific check in the batch

Select Change for the check to display the Change Order Cash Batch Screen.

Remove a check from the cash batch

Select Delete for the check you wish to delete.

Review information for a specific check

Select Display for the check to display the Display Order Cash Batch screen. You can not update any information on this screen.

Add a check to the cash batch

Select Create to advance to the Create Order Cash Batch Screen to enter details about the check.

End the check entries for the cash batch

Select Accept to accept your entries; the system validates that the totals across all checks equal the total for the cash batch. If not, the system suspends the batch and you must correct any errors.

Create Order Cash Batch Screen

Purpose: Select this option to define information for each check in a cash batch.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch.




Batch #

The number assigned to this batch when the batch was created.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Cash control #

A number that is stamped on each check you receive and on the corresponding order form.

See Control # on the Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Check #

The number of the check, which is printed in the upper right corner of the check.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Micr #

The code printed on the bottom left of the check.

See Micr # on the Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Check amount

The amount for which the check is drafted. Defaults to Order Entry when you specify the cash control number for this check.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


Use this field to enter notes about the check, if any. These comments are informational only.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.

Change Order Cash Batch Screen

Purpose: Use the Change Order Cash Batch function to update information for a check in the cash batch.

How to display this screen: Select Change for the check you wish to update at the Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch.

Fields to update: Only the following fields can be updated at the Change Order Cash Batch screen:

• Check #

• Micr #

• Check amount

• Comment

See Create Order Cash Batch Screen for a description of each field on this screen.

Entering Cash Batches

1. Enter WCSH in the Fast path field to select the Cash Batches option.

2. Select Create to create a new cash batch; the system assigns a batch number and today's date to the new cash batch.

3. Enter the grand total of all the checks to be included in the new batch in the Total cash batch amt. field.

4. Select OK to create the cash batch and advance to the Reviewing Individual Checks in a Cash Batch where you may enter the checks in the batch.

5. Select Create to display the Create Order Cash Batch Screen to enter information for each check in the batch.

6. Select OK after completing this screen.

7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until you enter each check in the cash batch.

8. Verify that the values in the Batch amount and Amount entered fields are the same. The Batch amount value represents the accumulated total of all the checks in the batch and the Amount entered value represents the accumulated total of the checks you have entered for the batch. The cash batch does not balance until these amounts match.

9. Select Accept to accept the entire cash batch.

10. The system issues the following message if the cash batch is not in balance (checks entered do not equal cash batch control totals): Cash batch is out of balance. Press F9 to accept. Select Accept to accept your entries. The Confirm Accept pop-up window opens. Click OK.

11. If batch balances, a confirm pop-up window opens.

12. Select OK to confirm the batch or Exit to return to the batch and enter more checks or adjust the totals. The system allows you to accept a batch that is not in balance; however, when you go to enter orders for the cash batch, the out-of-balance cash batch is highlighted on the Work with Order Batches screen.

13. Continue with Opening an Order Batch to define order controls for the cash batch prior to Order Entry.

WCSH Serenade 5.0 March 2015