Working with Currency (WCUR)

Purpose: Use the Currency table to define currencies and their conversion rates.

The system uses this information when:

• you create purchase orders, to convert your currency rate to your vendor's currency rate

• you receive against a purchase order, to convert your vendor's currency rate to your currency rate

• you bill orders, if the Customer Sold To on the order is from a foreign country

• you enter orders, bill orders, or process refunds, if you track multi-currency by offer

Note: If you track currency conversion rates at the time of order billing in the Invoice Currency table, you must use the same code to identify a country and its currency. You must also have the Track Invoice Currency (D68) field in the System Control table selected. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) for more information on country codes.

Multiple Currencies by Offer: You can accept orders in various currencies by defining the currency to be used for each offer. You must set the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value to Y. Setting up multiple currencies by offer enables you to take orders in a foreign currency, but track demand in your local currency. It also enables double postings to the General Ledger Interface table for order-related transactions and the capturing currency fluctuations in the table as well. Note: If you enable multiple currencies by offer, the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value should be unselected.

Alternate Currency Pricing: You can price offers in foreign currencies by defining the currency and conversion rate to be used for each offer. You must set the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value to Y. Setting up alternate currency pricing enables you to take orders in the local currency but enter amounts in the foreign currency. It also enables you to display the foreign currency on reports and customer related forms. If you enable alternate currency pricing, the field Decimalized currency displays for each currency, where you can define whether the currency uses decimals. Note: If you enable alternate currency pricing, the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value must be unselected.

In this topic:

Shadow Posting when using Multiple Currencies

Currency Fluctuation

Work with Currency Screen

Create Currency Screen

Shadow Posting when using Multiple Currencies

When you process orders in multiple currencies (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected), each order-related posting to the General Ledger Interface table is made twice: once to your local currency, and once to a shadow entity. The shadow entity inherits the chart of accounts of the local entity, but each transaction is posted to the shadow entity in the order currency, and to the actual entity in your local currency.

Example: Your local currency, specified in the Local Currency Code (A55) field in the System Control table, is the U.S. dollar. You also publish a catalog for your Canadian customers where the prices appear in Canadian dollars. The exchange rate for the Canadian dollar today is 1.35. You take an order from the Canadian catalog for $10.00 in cash.

The system debits cash/accounts receivable and credits deferred liability for the order total in each currency, using the current exchange rate. In the example, the system makes these postings:

• $10.00 to the shadow entity associated for the Canadian dollar in the Currency table

• $7.41 (10 / 1.35) to the actual entity associated with the order (through the division specified in the Source Code table)

Note: Postings to the General Ledger Interface table at order entry will vary depending on the payment type and the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) from the System Control table. See General Ledger Overview.

The shadow entity field is required for all currencies you create in the Currency table, except your local currency.

Currency Fluctuation

You can define a general ledger account number to track gains and losses due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. This field is available in the Division table; see Working with Divisions (WDIV).

The system uses this account to post net changes in order value between the time you enter the order (and receive the cash) and the time you bill it. For example, using the order described under Shadow Posting, assume that this is a prepaid order and that the exchange rate is 1.29 for Canadian dollars at the time you bill the order. Converted into your local currency, the order value is $7.51. This represents a net change of $.10. In other words, you have lost $.10 due to currency fluctuation.

The system debits deferred liability and credits sales for the order in both currencies. In this case, the system makes these postings:

• $10.00 to the shadow entity associated for the Canadian dollar in the Currency table (both debit and credit)

• debit deferred liability $7.41 (10 / 1.35) to the actual entity associated with the order (through the division specified in the Source Code table)

• credit sales $7.51 (10 / 1.29) to the actual entity

• debit currency fluctuation $.10 to the actual entity

The way that the system posts deferred liability for prepaid orders depends on the value in the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) field in the System Control table. Also, see the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value.

Work with Currency Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WCUR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Currency from a menu.




A code that represents the currency.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the currency code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Last update

The date that a conversion rate was most recently updated.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Conversion rate

The rate at which this currency is converted to the local currency.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 7-place decimal; display-only.

Decimalized currency

Indicates whether this currency uses decimal places for alternate currency pricing.

This field only displays if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

Screen Option


Create currency codes

Select Create to advance to the Create Currency Screen.

Change currency information

Select Change for a currency code to advance to the Change Currency screen. At this screen you can change any information except the currency code. See Create Currency Screen for field descriptions.

Delete currency information

Select Delete for a currency code to delete it.

Display currency information

Select Display for a currency code to advance to the Display Currency screen. You cannot update any information on this screen. See Create Currency Screen for field descriptions.

Create Currency Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a currency code.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Currency Screen, select Create.



Currency code

A code that represents a type of currency.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of the currency code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Date of last update

The most recent date on which the conversion rate was updated.

Note: The system does not update this field.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Conversion rate

The rate at which this currency is converted to the local currency in purchase order entry and receipts. The system divides the amount in the foreign currency by the conversion rate to determine the amount in your local currency; for example, if you set the conversion rate for Canadian dollars at 1.3, the system would convert $10.00 to $7.69 in your local currency, dividing 10 by 1.3.

Currency conversion settings for purchase order entry and receiving are defined in the Vendor table. See Working with Vendors (WVEN) for more information.

The system does not use this conversion rate for alternate currency pricing; the system uses the conversion rate from the Offer table. See Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Note: This field does not support a number with more than four positions in front of the decimal point; otherwise, your entry will be truncated. For example, if you enter 12345.1234567, it will be truncated to 2345.1234567.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 7-place decimal; required.

Shadow entity

The entity to use for duplicate (shadow) postings to the General Ledger Interface table. This field displays only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected; it is required for all currencies except your local currency, as defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) field in the System Control table.

Entity codes are defined in and validated against the Entity table; see Working with Entities (WENT).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Decimalized currency

Indicates whether the currency uses decimals when using alternate currency pricing.

This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

Valid values:

Selected = The currency uses decimals. When converting the amount, the amount includes decimals. For example, 49.99 instead of rounding to 50.00.

Unselected = The currency does not use decimals. Instead, the amount is rounded to the nearest whole unit of currency. For example, 50.00 instead of 49.99.

Note: This field does not apply to currency conversion in purchase order entry and receipts.

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing and Decimalized Currency? for more information on the conversion calculations the system performs when using alternate currency pricing.

WCUR Serenade 5.0 March 2015