Working with Item Warehouse Values (WIWV)

Purpose: Use Work with Item Warehouse Values to update item warehouse information for warehouses that represent retail stores.

You can define a warehouse to represent a retail store by selecting the Retail outlet field for the warehouse and setting the Use Retail Store File (G15) system control value to selected. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS) for more information on setting up a warehouse to represent a retail store.

You can select stores by region, store rank, restock day, truck route, or store status.

The item warehouse fields you can update for the stores you selected are:

• Current retail price

• Original retail price (if the original retail price for an item you are updating is blank, the system updates the original retail price with the current retail price, unless the current retail price is blank)

• Minimum quantity

• Maximum quantity

The system also automatically creates an item location using the Auto restock location for the warehouse if an item location does not already exist for an item you are updating. If the Auto restock location field is blank, the system does not automatically create an item location.

For example, if you have a sale on school supplies in 3 different retail stores, you may want to update the price of the item in each store to reflect the sale price and you may want to update the minimum and maximum quantities for each store if you expect an increase in sales due to the discounted price of the school supplies.

In this topic:

Select Stores Screen

Work with Item Warehouse Values screen

Select Stores Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the retail stores you wish to select in order to update the store's item warehouse information. You can use the scan fields at the top of the screen to select stores by region, store rank, restock day, truck route, or store status.

How to display this screen: Enter WIWV in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Item Warehouse Values from a menu.




A code that represents a retail store.

You can create a warehouse that represents a retail store in Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the retail store.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The region assigned to the retail store, for example, New England. See Working with Store Regions (WSRG).

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.


The rank assigned to the retail store, for example, outlet.

See Working with Store Ranks (WSTR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The day of the week the store is expected to be restocked. Valid values are 1-14.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Route (Truck route)

The truck route assigned to this store. The trunk route determines when inventory is expected at the retail store.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Sts (Store status)

The status of the store.

Valid values are:

A = The store is active, for example, the store is currently open for business.

I = The store is inactive, for example, the store is new and not yet open for business.

Note: This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Instructions: Selecting stores to update item warehouse information:

1. Select each store you wish to select, or Select All to select all stores in an active status.

2. Optionally, select Deselect for a store you wish to deselect or Deselect All to deselect all stores.

3. You advance to the Work with Item Warehouse Values screen. At this screen you can update item warehouse information for the stores you selected.

Screen Option


Select a store

Select the store you wish to select. The system displays the word “selected” next to the store.

Deselect a store

select Deselect for the store you wish to deselect. The system removes the word “selected” from the store.

Select all stores

Select All. The system displays the word “selected” next to stores that are in an active status.

Deselect all stores

Deselect All. The system removes the word “selected” from each store.

Work with Item Warehouse Values screen

Purpose: Use this screen to update item warehouse information for selected stores. You can update the following item warehouse information for each store:

• current retail price

• original retail price (if the original retail price for an item you are updating is blank, the system updates the original retail price with the current retail price, unless the current retail price is blank)

• protect current price flag (this field is display-only if you selected more than one warehouse on the Select Stores screen)

• minimum quantity

• allow zero minimum quantity flag

• maximum quantity

• allow zero maximum quantity flag

• protect minimum/maximum values flag (this field is display-only if you selected more than one warehouse on the Select Stores Screen)

The system also automatically creates an item location using the Auto restock location for the warehouse if an item location does not already exist for an item you are updating. If the Auto restock location field is blank, the system does not automatically create an item location.

This screen displays every item that exists in the company you are currently in. You can update item warehouse information for an item that already exists in the warehouse, or you can create an item warehouse if the item does not currently exist in the warehouse.

If you selected one warehouse on the Select Stores Screen, the system displays the item warehouse information for the items currently defined for the warehouse; otherwise the item warehouse fields are blank.

How to display this screen: Select a retail store, and then select OK on the Select Stores Screen.




The warehouse and warehouse description associated with the store you selected.

The system displays the following information in this field, depending on the store or stores you selected on the Select Stores Screen:

No warehouse(s) selected: The system displays this value if you did not select a store on the Select Stores Screen. In order to update item warehouse information for a store or multiple stores, you must select a store on the Select Stores Screen.

Warehouse code and description: The system displays the warehouse code and warehouse description associated with the store you selected on the Select Stores Screen. This only displays if you selected one store.

MULTI: The system displays this value if you selected more than one store on the Select Stores Screen.

ALL: The system displays this value if you selected all of the stores on the Select Stores screen.

Warehouse code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Warehouse description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the rank associated with the store or stores you selected.

The system only displays a rank if all of the stores you selected contain the same rank.

See Working with Store Ranks (WSTR).

Rank code: Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Rank description: 30 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the region associated with the store or stores you selected.

The region represents the area where the store is located, for example, New England.

The system only displays a region if all of the stores you selected contain the same region.

See Working with Store Regions (WSRG).

Region code: Alphanumeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Region description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Replen day (Restock day)

The day the store or stores you selected are expected to be restocked.

You can use the restock day to determine when a truck containing all of the inventory to restock the store should be sent.

The system only displays a restock day if all of the stores you selected contain the same restock day.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


A code that represents a unit of inventory. The system displays all existing items in the company you are currently in.

Note: If you define a current price, minimum quantity, or maximum quantity for an item that does not exist in the stores you selected, the system creates an item warehouse record for the stores and creates an item location using the Auto restock location for the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique attributes, such as color, style, and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Orig price (Original retail price)

The original price of this item in the retail store.

The system displays a price in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains an original retail price; otherwise, this field is blank.

If an original retail price has not been defined for an item in the warehouse(s) you selected, the system updates the original price with the current retail price, unless the current retail price is blank.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Cur price (Current retail price)

The current price of this item in the retail store.

The system displays a price in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains a current retail price for the item; otherwise, this field is blank.

This field is display-only if you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Retail Price (A91) secured feature.

If the Protect price (Protect current price) field for the item warehouse is selected, the system does not update the current price for the item warehouse and instead, retains the existing current price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

P (Protect current price)

Indicates whether you can override the Current retail price for an item warehouse when you enter a retail price in the Current retail price field on this screen.

Valid values are:

selected = The system does not update the Current retail price for an item warehouse when you define a new retail price in the Current retail price field on this screen, and instead, retains the existing price.

unselected = The system updates the Current retail price for an item warehouse when you define a new retail price in the Current retail price field on this screen.

The system displays a value in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains a protect current price value; otherwise, this field is blank. You cannot update this field is you selected more than one warehouse on the Select Stores Screen.

Min qty (Minimum quantity)

The least amount of inventory you wish to keep on hand for this item/SKU in the stores you selected.

This field is display-only if you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92) secured feature.

If the Protect minimum/maximum field for the item warehouse is selected, the system does not update the minimum quantity for the item warehouse and instead, retains the existing minimum quantity.

The system displays a quantity in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains a minimum quantity; otherwise, this field is blank.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Z (Allow zero quantity for minimum quantity)

This field indicates whether the system allows you to update the Minimum quantity field for an item to zero.

Valid values are:

selected = The system allows you to enter 0 in the Minimum quantity field for an item on this screen. The system displays an error message similar to the following if you enter a quantity in the Minimum quantity field: If Zero quantity flag is set to 'Y', Min./Max quantity cannot be entered.

unselected = The system does not allow you to enter 0 in the Minimum quantity field for an item on this screen. If you enter 0 or Tab through the Minimum quantity field, the system does not update the minimum quantity to zero, and instead, retains the original quantity.

Max qty (Maximum quantity)

The maximum amount of inventory you wish to keep on hand for this item/SKU in the stores you selected.

This field is display-only if you do not have authority to the Maintain Item Warehouse Minimum/Maximum Quantity (A92) secured feature.

If the Protect min/max (Protect minimum and maximum quantities) field for the item warehouse is selected, the system does not update the maximum quantity for the item warehouse and instead, retains the existing maximum quantity.

The system displays a quantity in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains a maximum quantity; otherwise, this field is blank.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Z (Allow zero quantity for maximum quantity)

This field indicates whether the system allows you to update the Maximum quantity field for an item to zero.

Valid values are:

selected = The system allows you to enter 0 in the Maximum quantity field for an item on this screen. The system displays an error message similar to the following if you enter a quantity in the Maximum quantity field: If Zero quantity flag is set to 'Y', Min/Max quantity cannot be entered.

unselected = The system does not allow you to enter 0 in the Maximum quantity field for an item on this screen. If you enter 0 or Tab through the Maximum quantity field, the system does not update the maximum quantity to zero, and instead, retains the original quantity.

P (Protect minimum and maximum quantities)

Indicates whether the system overrides the minimum or maximum quantity for the item warehouse when you enter a minimum or maximum quantity on this screen.

Valid values are:

selected = The system does not update the minimum or maximum quantity when you define a new minimum or maximum quantity on this screen, and instead, retains the existing quantity.

unselected = The system updates the minimum or maximum quantity when you define a new minimum or maximum quantity on this screen.

The system displays a value in this field only if you selected one store on the Select Stores Screen and the store contains a protect minimum/maximum value; otherwise, this field is blank. You cannot update this field if you selected more than one warehouse on the Select Stores Screen.

Completing this screen: To update item warehouse information for the stores you selected, enter a Current price, Protect current price, Minimum quantity, Maximum quantity, or Protect minimum/maximum in the fields next to the item/SKU you wish to update. If the Protected field is selected, the existing value for the item warehouse is protected and the system will not update the item warehouse with the new information.

WIWV Serenade 5.0 March 2015