Working with Required Responses (WREQ)

Purpose: Use this menu option to respond to CWSerenade jobs that require user intervention in order to proceed.

Why would a job require user intervention?

• An error occurred during processing

• The job is used to send transactions to another system and communication failures occur before the transmission completes

Which types of job require user intervention?

• Stored Value Card (activation, balance inquiry and authorization reversal)

• Batch Authorization

• Batch Deposit

Required Response Processing

When a job requires user intervention, CWSerenade:

1. Generates a Response Required Email, indicating a job requires user intervention.

2. Creates a record in the Response Required (MSRREQ) table. You can review the records in the Response Required table at the Work with Required Responses Screen.

3. Creates a message in the RESP.log indicating a job requires user intervention.

4. CWSerenade waits 60 seconds for a user response.

5. After 60 seconds, CWSerenade reviews the Response Required table to determine if a user responded to the response required message.

If a user responds: A user can respond to a job that requires user intervention at the Reply To Message Screen. If a user responds to a response required message, CWSerenade:

• uses the response to proceed with the job.

• deletes the record from the Response Required table.

• creates a message in the RESP.log, indicating a user responded to the response required message.

If a user does not respond: If a user does not respond to a response required message, CWSerenade looks at the RESPONSE_RETRIES setting in the Notify Properties File to determine the number of times it should look for a response for the job. CWSerenade compares the Sent date and time to the Last polled date and time to determine if the number of times has been reached.

If the number of times to look for a user response has not been reached, CWSerenade:

• updates the Last polled date and time in the Response Required table with the last polled date and time.

• After every fifth attempt, writes a message to the RESP.log, indicating a user response had not yet been received.

• goes back to sleep for another 60 seconds.

If the number of times to look for a user response has been reached, CWSerenade:

• deletes the record in the Response Required table.

• uses a default response in order to proceed with the job. For example:

• the default response for a transmission job in a receive status is R (Resend).

• the default response for a transmission job in a sent status is C (Cancel).


• For the batch authorization job, the status of each record in the CC Authorization Transaction table remains in its current status so that you can use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to recover the response.

• For the batch deposit job, the status of each record in the CC Deposit Transaction table remains in its current status so that you can use the Receive option in Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) to recover the response.

• sends a Response Required Email, indicating the default response was used for the job.

• writes a message to the RESP.log, indicating the default response was used.

If a user deletes the response required message: If a user deletes a response required message at the Work with Required Responses Screen, the system:

• uses a default response in order to proceed with the job. For example:

• the default response for a transmission job in a sent status is C (Cancel).

• the default response for a transmission job in a receive status is R (Resend).

• sends a Response Required Email, indicating the default response was used for the job.

• writes a message to the RESP.log, indicating the default response was used.

Response Required Email

This email is generated when a CWSerenade job requires a user response in order to proceed.

The RESPONSE_EMAILS setting in the Notify Properties File defines the email address(es) that receive this email.

CWSerenade generates an email when:

• A job initially requires user intervention.

• A user does not respond to the response required message and the default response was used.

Sample first email:



Karen Bottger


Process Authorizations

Response required for job. Please go to WREQ to view the error and enter a response.

Sample second email:



Karen Bottger


Process Authorizations

No response received after 5 attempts, default used.


From: The mail.from setting in the Email Properties file.

To: The user name for the RESPONSE_EMAILS setting in the Email Properties file.

Subject: Process, followed by the job name. For example, Process Authorizations.


First email: Response required for job. Please go to WREQ to view the error and enter a response.

Second email: No response received after 5 attempts, default used.


CWSerenade writes messages to the RESP.log file when a job requires user intervention.

Location: C:\CWDirectCP\Logs\RESP, where C: is the root of the application server.

The name of the RESP.log is defined in the RESP_FILE_NAME setting in the Logging Properties File.


Written When

Deposits - Response required for job. E-Mail sent;

CWSerenade generates a Response Required email, indicating a job requires user intervention.

In this example, Deposits is the job name and is the email address to receive the Response Required email.

Deposits - Received R response from BMIRANDA

A user responded to a response required message at the Reply To Message Screen.

In this example, Deposits is the job name and BMIRANDA is the user that responded to the job.

Deposits - No response after 5 attempts, will retry

CWSerenade reviewed the Response Required table five times to determine if a user responded to the response required message.

In this example, Deposits is the job name.

Deposits - No response after 10 attempts, will retry

CWSerenade reviewed the Response Required table ten times to determine if a user responded to the response required message.

In this example, Deposits is the job name.

Deposits - No response received, default response used

The number of times to look for a response in the Response Required table has been reached without a response from a user. CWSerenade uses the default response for the job.

In this example, Deposits is the job name.

Deposits - Response Required entry not found, default response used

A user deleted a response required message at the Work with Required Responses Screen. CWSerenade uses the default response for the job.

In this example, Deposits is the job name.

Work with Required Responses Screen

Use this screen to review the jobs that require user intervention in order to proceed.

Note: This screen is not company or user specific; all jobs that require user intervention display on the screen, regardless of the company where the job was submitted or the user that submitted the job.

How to display this screen: Enter WREQ in the Fast path field or select Work with Required Responses from a menu.




Indicates the reason a job requires user intervention.

For example, if transmission errors occur for a batch authorization: Error occurred during authorization transmission

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; display-only.


The name of the job that requires user intervention.

Valid values are:

• Stored Value Card

• Authorizations

• Deposit



The date and time a Response Required Email was sent to the user, indicating a job requires a user response.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions (YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Last polled

The date and time CWSerenade last reviewed the response required message to determine if a response was received from a user.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions (YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Screen Option


Reply to a response required message

Select Change for a response required message to advance to the Reply To Message Screen.

Delete a response required message

Select Delete for a response required message to advance to the Confirm Delete window. At this window, select Delete to delete it.

When you delete a response required message, CWSerenade:

• uses a default response in order to proceed with the job.

• sends a Response Required Email, indicating the default response was used for the job.

• writes a message to the RESP.log.

Reply To Message Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to reply to a job that requires user intervention.

An error message indicates if a job used the default reply while you were on this screen: Update not accepted - record has been changed by another user since it was displayed.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a job on the Work with Required Responses Screen.



Message text

Indicates the reason a job requires user intervention.

For example, if transmission errors occur for a batch authorization: Error occurred during authorization transmission

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; display-only.

Enter reply

Enter your response to the job.

The Choices field provides a list of valid responses.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The valid responses you can enter for a job that requires user intervention.

Valid values are:

C = Cancel the job.

R = Resubmit the job.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Job name

The name of the job that requires user intervention.

Valid values are:

• Stored Value Card

• Authorization

• Deposit

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Message sent

The date and time a Response Required Email was sent to the user, indicating a job requires user intervention.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions (YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Required Response Setup

Purpose: In order to respond to CWSerenade jobs that require user intervention in order to proceed, you must complete the required setup. Setup includes:

Notify Properties File

Logging Properties File

Notify Properties File

In order to respond to CWSerenade jobs that may require user intervention to proceed, you must set up the Notify Properties file.

Why would a job require user intervention?

• An error occurred during processing

• The job is used to send transactions to another system and communication failures occur before the transmission completes

Which types of jobs require user intervention?

• Stored Value Card (activation, balance inquiry or authorization reversal)

• Authorization (batch only, for all card types)

• Deposit

Where is the file located? This file is located in the same folder as the other CWSerenade properties files:C:\Serenade\server\conf\ cwdirectcpproperties\, where C: represents the root of the default drive.

How to edit the file: MICROS recommends that you first make a backup copy of the configuration file. Then use a text editor, being careful not to change any of the settings except those indicated below.

Your changes take effect the next time you select Change in Refresh System Properties (PROP) or stop and restart the SERENADE service (or the application server).

Property Name



The number of times CWSerenade looks for a response to a job that requires user intervention before using the default response in order to proceed with the job.

For example, if this setting is 5, CWSerenade will look for a user response five times, waiting 60 seconds between each time.


The list of email addresses that receive the Response Required email when a job requires user intervention. Each email address entered must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example:;

Logging Properties File

CWSerenade writes messages to the RESP.log file when a job requires user intervention. The Logging Properties file contains settings for the RESP.log.

Where is the file located? This file is located in the same folder as the other CWSerenade properties files:C:\Serenade\server\conf\ cwdirectcpproperties\, where C: represents the root of the default drive.

How to edit the file: MICROS recommends that you first make a backup copy of the configuration file. Then use a text editor, being careful not to change any of the settings except those indicated below.

Your changes take effect the next time you select Change in Refresh System Properties (PROP) or stop and restart the SERENADE service (or the application server).

Defining RESP.log file properties: The following values in the Logging Properties file are used by the RESP.log.

Property Name



The name of the file where CWSerenade writes messages when a job requires user intervention.

The delivered log file name is RESP.log.


The level of logging for the RESP.log.

Valid values are:

DEBUG = Generates fine-grained informational events.

INFO = Generates informational messages.

WARN = Generates warning messages.

ERROR = Generates messages that indicate a serious issue.

FATAL = Only generates messages that will cause the application to abort.

The delivered logging level is INFO.


The number of days to store an archived RESP.log before it is deleted.

The delivered number of days is 30, indicates the system stores one month of RESP.log files.

CWSerenade stores one RESP.log per day. Files older than the current day are stored in zip format with the name:


SO04_01 Serenade 5.0 March 2015