Working with Report Control (WRPT)

Purpose: Use the Work with Report Control menu option to set up reports and forms that you wish to automatically send to a printer after they are generated.

Note: This menu option displays only reports and forms that you can set up to automatically send to a printer (the New Format field in the Report Control table is set to Y). The Report Control table contains additional records for reports that are not generated through Jasper; these records do not display in Work with Report Control (WRPT) and have no user impact.

In this topic:

Auto-Print Documents

Work with Report Control Screen

Create Report Control Screen

For more information: See:

Document Management (My Docs) for more information on using the Document Management Screen to work with reports generated by CWSerenade, a list of Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format, and Reports Troubleshooting.

Forms Management (My Forms) for more information on using the Forms Management Screen to work with personalized forms generated by CWSerenade, Forms Setup, a listing of available forms, and Forms Troubleshooting.

Job Management (My Jobs) for more information on using the Job Management Screen to work with submitted jobs that have been processed, are currently processing, or are waiting to be processed. This section also includes Jobs Troubleshooting.

Auto-Print Documents

The Work with Report Control menu option allows you to set up reports and forms that you wish to automatically send to a printer after they are generated.

Reports and Forms Eligible for Auto-Print

CWSerenade supports the automatic printing of the following reports and forms. See Auto-Print Setup for more information on how to set up a report or form for auto-print.

Program Name

Related SCV


CWSerenade supports the following reports and forms for automatic printing; these documents are delivered in Work with Report Control (WRPT):



Cart Batch Recap


Cart/Bin Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program (C39)

Cart/Bin Batch Picking Pullsheet


Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program (C38)

Picking Pullsheet

Note: The setting of the Edit Cart/Bin Values Screen (B38) system control value determines whether the system generates the Cart/Bin Batch Picking Pullsheet or Picking Pullsheet during pick slip generation.


Pick Printing Program (C37)

Drop Ship Pick Print Program (E92)

Pick Slip; both PICK (non-graphical) and PICKG (graphical)

Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice; both PICK (non-graphical) and PICKG (graphical)




Pick Unit Report

The following reports and forms are also eligible for automatic printing without any modifications. To have the system automatically print these documents, you need to create them in Work with Report Control (WRPT).


A/P Check Printing Program (C52)

A/P Checks


Backorder Card Print Program (D04)

Backorder Card


Invoice Print Program (B83)

Customer Invoice; both INVOICE (non-graphical) and INVOICEG (graphical)



Order Receipt Print Program (L46)

Order Receipt; both ORDERREC (non-graphical) and ORDERRECG (graphical)



Gift Order Acknowledgement Print Program (B90)

Gift Acknowledgement; both GIFTACK (non-graphical) and GIFTACKG (graphical)



Gift Certificate Print Program (E76)

Gift Certificate; both GCERT (non-graphical) and GCERTG (graphical)



Merchandise Credit Print Program (D29)

Merchandise Credit; both MERCHC (non-graphical) and MERCHCG (graphical)



Order Summary Print Program (K31)

Order Summary; both ORDERSUM (non-graphical) and ORDERSUMG (graphical)



Pack Slip Print Program (K32)

Pack Slip; both PICKPACK (non-graphical) and PICKPACKG (graphical)



Pick Label Print Program (F28)

Standard Pick Label


Refund Check Print Program (D23)

Refund Check; both REFCHECK (non-graphical) and REFCHECKG (graphical)



Quote Printing Program (K73)

Quote Form; both QUOTE (non-graphical) and QUOTEG (graphical)




E-Commerce Order Comparison Report



Purged Order List

Adding additional reports and forms: You can add any report or form generated through Jasper to the Report Control table with the Auto Print? field selected; however, the contents of the document may not print correctly. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like CWSerenade to support the automatic printing of another report or form, such as your unique picking documents.

PDF files: Each report or form that is automatically sent to a printer is still generated as a PDF (portable document format) file, typically opened through the Adobe Reader or within a separate browser window. Certain reports are also available in comma-separated value (CSV) format, so you can work with them in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®.

Glasses icon: The glasses icon () displays next to any report or form that was automatically sent to a printer. If you click on this icon, the system displays a log indicating who viewed the document and whether the document was automatically printed:


Automatically printed to: \\servername\\printername on 05/28/2014 14:51:04

Viewed By: KBOTTGER on 05/29/2014 10:57:30

Viewed By: SFLYE on 05/29/2014 11:41:00

Job that generates the report or form: The job that generates a report or form that is set up to automatically print will not end until the document has been sent to the specified printer. For example, if you set up to automatically print any of the reports and forms that are generated during pick slip generation, the pick slip generation job will not end until all reports and forms that are set up to automatically print are sent to the specified printer. Important: Because the job will not end until the document has been sent to the specified printer, the run time of the job, such as pick slip generation, will increase. Also, if the printer runs out of paper, the job will remain in a run status until the printer issue has been resolved.

Auto-Print Setup


Determine which of your CWSerenade application servers runs the reports and forms you wish to automatically send to a printer. To determine which application server ran a job, move your cursor over the job name on the Document Management Screen. The Command field displays the name and IP address of the server where the job generating the report or form was submitted (for example, Submitted on server:cwserenade-pdn/123.45.678.90).


Verify that a printer has been configured on the application server. If a printer does not exist, add a printer. When setting up the printer, make sure that:

• the printer is set up as a network printer

• the printer is a shared printer

• the Everyone security group and/or the user ID that runs the Serenade service has print permissions


Once you have configured the printer, print a test document to the printer from the server to verify that the application server has access to the printer.


On the Work with Report Control Screen, select Auto Print? and define a Printer for each report and form you wish to automatically send to the printer.

Note: The full network path you enter in the Printer field is case sensitive; make sure you enter the server name and printer name in the correct case and include any spaces that may exist.

See Reports and Forms Eligible for Auto-Print for a list of reports and forms that are eligible for auto-print without any modifications.

Auto-Print Troubleshooting

• The system sends the report or form to the specified printer; however, the system has no way of knowing if the document actually printed. If the specified printer is not found, the system writes a message similar to the following to the APP log:

*** While attempting to autoprint PICKUNIT the requested printer (\\cwidc1\ R&DD) could not be found.

The following printers were available to use:


\\cwidc1\ R&D

R&D on CWIDC1 (from W7D-KBG) in session 2

You can use the list of available printers found to correct your entry in the Printer field for the associated report control in Work with Report Control (WRPT).

If no printers are configured on the application server, the system writes a message similar to the following to the APP log:

No printers were found to be configured from this application server.

• The report or form is sent to the printer’s queue; any documents that arrived at the printer ahead of the report or form will print first. The report or form will remain in the queue until it can be printed; for example, the printer may be out of paper.

• If the number of copies to print is greater than 1, the printer will collate the copies so that all pages of the first copy print before printing all pages of the next copy.

• If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, pick slip generation does not generate printable pick slips or other documents in order to accelerate streamlined pick slip generation; in this situation, the system does not send the document to the printer.

Work with Report Control Screen

Use this screen to define printer settings for the reports and forms you wish to automatically send to a printer after generation.

How to display this screen: Enter WRPT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Report Control from a menu.

Reports and forms that you can set up to automatically send to a printer (the New Format field in the Report Control table is set to Y) display on this screen in program name sequence.




The program name assigned to the report or form.

Search: Enter a full or partial program name to display reports and forms whose program name begins with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.


The number of copies of the document you wish to send to the specified printer.

Note: If you enter a number greater than 1, the printer will collate the copies so that all pages of the first copy print before printing all pages of the next copy.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Auto Print?

Indicates whether you wish the system to automatically send the report or form to the specified printer after it has been generated.

Y = The system automatically sends the document to the specified printer after it has been generated.

N = The system does not automatically send the document to the specified printer after it has been generated.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


A description of the report or form.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.


The full network path to the printer used to print the report or form. This is the name of the server where the print driver is installed and the name of the printer used to print the document.

Enter the printer network path in the following format:



• The full network path you enter is case sensitive; make sure you enter the server name and printer name in the correct case and include any spaces that may exist.

• The CWSerenade application server that runs the process that generates the report or form must have access to the specified printer. You can verify this by logging in to the application server and printing a test document to the printer from the server.

• When setting up the printer on the application server, make sure that you define the printer as a network printer and that the Everyone security group and/or the user ID that runs the Serenade service has authority to print to the printer.

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a report control

Select Create to advance to the Create Report Control Screen.

Change a report control

Select Change for a report control to advance to the Change Report Control screen. At this screen, you can update all entries except the program name. See the Create Report Control Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a report control

Select Delete for a report control to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Select Delete to delete the report control; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

Create Report Control Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a report control record for a report or form.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Report Control Screen.




The program name assigned to the report or form.

Search: Enter a full or partial program name to display reports and forms whose program name begins with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.


A description of the report or form.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.


The number of copies of the report or form you wish to send to the specified printer.

Note: If you enter a number greater than 1, the printer will collate the copies so that all pages of the first copy print before printing all pages of the next copy.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Auto Print?

Indicates whether you wish the system to automatically send the report or form to the specified printer after it has been generated.

Selected = The system automatically sends the document to the specified printer after it has been generated.

Unselected = The system does not automatically send the document to the specified printer after it has been generated.


The name of the server where the print driver is installed and the name of the printer used to print the report or form.

Enter the name of the server and the name of the printer in the following format:


Note: The CWSerenade application server that runs the process that generates the report or form must have access to the specified printer. You can verify this by logging in to the application server and printing a test document to the printer from the server.

Alphanumeric, 75 positions; required if Auto Print? is Y.

WRPT Serenade 5.0 March 2015