CWSerenade Application Configuration

Purpose: Use the file on the CWSerenade application server to define configuration settings, such as password settings, for the CWSerenade application server.

Jenasys properties file: You can review additional application settings, such as where the specific parts of the CWSerenade application are installed and how they should be run, in the Jenasys Properties File; see Reviewing CWSerenade Application Settings in the Jenasys Properties File.

CWDirectCP Properties File

The system updates this file during the installation process; however, there are some settings, such as password settings, that you may wish to change to fit your configuration requirements.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the CWSerenade application server at C:\Serenade\server\conf\cwdirectcpproperties\, where C: is the root drive of the CWSerenade application server.

To edit the file: You can review and update this file using a text editor, being careful not to change any of the settings except those indicated below.

If you make any changes to the CWSerenade properties file, you must select Change in Refresh System Properties (PROP) or stop and restart the Serenade service (or the application server) before the changes take effect.




The version of CWSerenade that the system is currently running.



The drive where CWSerenade has been installed.

Note: Make sure you do not add an extra space after your entry. For example, if the drive is C:, make sure you do not enter a space after the colon (:).


The location on the CWSerenade application server where files are uploaded to CWSerenade.

The delivered directory is C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\File\\Uploads, where C: is the root drive of the server.



The local directory on the CWSerenade application server where flat files are staged to transmit between the CWSerenade server and another server via FTP.

• If you are in a Windows environment, when entering the directory path, make sure you use a double backward slash between folder names. For example, if the directory path is C:\serenade\CWSerenade\FTP, enter C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\FTP.

• If you are in a Unix environment, when entering the directory path, make sure you use a double forward slash between folder names. For example, if the directory path is C:/serenade/CWSerenade/FTP, enter C://serenade//CWSerenade//FTP.

The delivered directory is C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\FTP, where C: is the root drive of the server.

Note: If this local directory does not already exist on the CWSerenade application server, the system dynamically creates it.



Defines the separator used in FTP commands that specify a directory on the remote server. For example, the separator \\ is compatible in a Windows environment and the separator // is compatible in a Unix environment.

If this setting is blank, the default used by the system is \\.



The location on the CWSerenade application server where the system saves a copy of reports.

The delivered directory is C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\Forms, where C: is the root drive of the server.

Note: All backslashes in the directory path must be escaped (doubled \\).

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

Configuration server or primary application server: This is a shared directory on the local drive.

Secondary application server: This is a mapped directory that points to the configuration server or primary application server’s drive. For example: \\\\APP1\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\Forms, where APP1 is the configuration server or primary application server’s name or IP address.

See Using Multiple CWSerenade Application Servers.




The location on the CWSerenade application server where the system saves a copy of any documents (spool files).

The delivered directory is C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\Forms\\Documents, where C: is the root drive of the CWSerenade application server.

Note: All backslashes in the directory path must be escaped (doubled \\).

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

Configuration server or primary application server: This is a shared directory on the local drive.

Secondary application server: This is a mapped directory that points to the configuration server or primary application server’s drive. For example: \\\\APP1\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\Forms\\Documents, where APP1 is the configuration server or primary application server’s name or IP address.

See Using Multiple CWSerenade Application Servers.



Defines whether to retain the XML file for each generated form. Retaining the XML files is useful for troubleshooting form contents, especially when implementing a new type of form; however, disk space can be a consideration if you are retaining many XML files.

Y = The system retains the XML file for each generated form. Use this setting when you are initially testing a form and for troubleshooting purposes.

N = The system does not retain the XML file for each generated form. Use this setting once you are done testing and troubleshooting a form in order to improve performance.

See Forms Management (My Forms) for more information on forms.

Password Rules

The following settings identify the requirements for user passwords, including the minimum and maximum length and any required numeric, uppercase, or special characters.

When you change password rules: Your new password rules take effect for new users the next time you reboot CWSerenade or the server itself. However, your password rules do not prevent existing users from logging in using passwords created under the previous rules. The new rules apply only when you attempt to change user control record settings or change the password itself.

To make sure a user will change the password to conform to the new rules upon the next login, set the user’s Password Expired field to a date that is earlier than the current date.

For more information: See the User Configuration guide for more information.

Note: These rules apply only to users who do not use LDAP authentication.



Indicates the minimum number of positions required for a user’s password. Leave this setting blank if there is no minimum.

Example: Setting of


Passwords must be six characters or longer

sword = invalid password

swordfish = valid password




Indicates if a numeral is required in a user’s password.

Y = a numeral is required.

N or blank = a numeral is not required.

Example: Setting of


Password must include a numeral

swordfish = invalid password

swordfish9 = valid password



Defines whether an uppercase (capital) letter is required in a user’s password.

Y = an uppercase (capital) letter is required.

N or blank = an uppercase letter is not required.

Example: Setting of


Password must include an uppercase (capital) letter

swordfish9 = invalid password

Swordfish9 = valid password



Indicates the maximum number of positions allowed in a user’s password. Leave this setting blank if there is no maximum.

Example: Setting of


Password must be no longer than 12 positions

Swordfish9999 = invalid password

Swordfish999 = valid password




Defines whether a special character is required in a user’s password.

Y = a special character is required.

N or blank = a special character is not required.

Special characters are: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.

Example: Setting of


Password must include a special character

Swordfish999 = invalid password

Swordfish99! = valid password


Defines whether a user is able to reuse previous passwords.

Y = users are able to reuse previous passwords.

N = the system saves a record of previously used passwords to prevent their reuse.

Example: Setting of


User cannot specify a password that has already been used.




Indicates the number of days after which a user’s password expires.

*NO = you do not want user passwords to expire automatically.

Example: Setting of


When a user changes his or her password, the Password Expired date is reset to 30 days after the current date. For example, if a user changes her password on June 30, the Password Expired date is reset to July 30. The next time the user logs in after July 30, she will need to change her password.

Application Server Settings



Defines the application server used to run CWSerenade.

JBOSS defaults, indicating that CWSerenade runs on the JBOSS application server.


Defines whether a periodic process can be scheduled on this CWSerenade application server.

Y = Periodic processes can be scheduled on this server. You must also define a unique name for the server in the CWDIRECTCP_SERVER_NAME setting.

N = Periodic processes cannot be scheduled on this server. The system prevents you from creating a scheduled job on a server whose ALLOW_SCHEDULING_ON_THIS_SERVER setting is N.

Note: If you change this setting from N to Y, you can continue to the next step of scheduling a job on this server. If the job you wish to schedule on this server is already scheduled to run on a different server, you will need to delete the scheduled job and recreate it to run on this server. See Defining the Job Schedule.

To change this setting from Y to N:

1. Delete the scheduled jobs defined for the server.

2. Update the ALLOW_SCHEDULING_ON_THIS_SERVER setting for the server to N.

3. Restart the SERENADE service (or the application server) for the change to take effect.

4. Recreate the scheduled jobs on an application server whose ALLOW_SCHEDULING _ON_THIS_SERVER setting is set to Y.

For more information: See Scheduling Jobs.


A unique name used to identify the server. This name displays in the Server field on the Scheduled Jobs Screen so that you can identify where the scheduled periodic process will run. This setting is a way to identify the server; it does not have to be the actual name or IP address of the server. The name you enter cannot be greater than 20 positions.

This setting is required if you set the ALLOW_SCHEDULING_ON_THIS_SERVER setting to Y for more than one application server.

Important: If you change this setting on a server that is associated with any scheduled jobs, you MUST delete the scheduled jobs that were defined for this server, change the server name, and then recreate the scheduled jobs.

If you enable scheduling on only one application server, you can leave this setting blank; however, the Server field on the Scheduled Jobs Screen will remain blank for each scheduled job.

For more information: See Scheduling Jobs.

Link Settings

The CWDIRECTCP_LINK_TEXT and CWDIRECTCP_LINK_URL settings allow you to add a link to all screens in CWSerenade (with the exception of the menu screens, the DITH and MMCM menu options, and the administrative screens such as Job Management and Document Management).

Example: If you enter Go To Google in the CWDIRECTCP_LINK_TEXT setting and in the CWDIRECTCP_LINK_URL setting, then each screen will have a link that reads Go To Google that will open a new browser window and launch the URL to the Google website.



Defines the text to display on the CWSerenade screens for the link.

Example: If you enter Go To CNN, then each screen will have a link that reads Go To CNN.

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

If you are using multiple application servers, you will need to update this setting on each server.



Defines the URL to launch when a user clicks the link on a CWSerenade screen.

Example: If you enter, the system opens a new browser window and launches the URL to advance to the CNN website.

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

If you are using multiple application servers, you will need to update this setting on each server.

Additional Settings


The location on the CWSerenade application server where the system should look for the City State data file when you use the Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS) to update postal code data.

The delivered directory is C:\\serenade\\CWSerenade\\LZIP\\ctystate.txt, where C: is the root drive of the server.


• All backslashes in the directory path must be escaped (doubled \\).

• MICROS recommends that you use a directory on your primary application server to load the ctystate.txt file.

If you are Using Multiple Application Servers

• If you are using multiple application servers, you need to update this setting on each server where you plan to use the Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS) to update postal code data.


The number of days to store jobs and generated reports and forms before they are eligible for deletion. Each time you restart CWSerenade, the start up process deletes the following if they are older than the number of days specified here:

• archived reports, including PDF files, XML files, and text files (but not the files). These files are located in the QPRINT folder in C:\serenade\CWSerenade\serverconfig\outputqueues, provided the config.dir setting in the Jenasys Properties Files is set to C:\CWSerenade.

• job logs, typically located at C:\Serenade\server\log\jobs, where C: is the default drive of your server.

• entries in the dbo.Jenasysjob table. This table is used to track submitted jobs.

If you do not define the retention days, CWSerenade does not delete outdated documents.


• The deletion uses both the date and the time in determining whether to purge a document. For example, the current time is 7:00 a.m. and the JOB_RETENTION_DAYS is set to 30. If the report was created earlier than 7:00 30 days ago, it is eligible for deletion; otherwise, if it was created later than 7:00 30 days ago, it is not currently eligible.

• Certain text files might have a later date than the related PDF files, and so might not be eligible to purge at the same time as the related PDF. For example, if you view a PDF file for a form a day after creating it, CWSerenade creates a text file logging that activity for the date when you viewed the PDF.


The maximum number of pick slips in a single PDF document. The system continues to break pick slips into separate PDF documents using the criteria outlined under Sorting Pick Slips into Separate PDF Documents; however, if the number of pick slips in a PDF document reaches the number defined in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting, the system creates a new PDF document.

Note: The system uses the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting when printing pick slips through Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) and Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). Also, the system uses this setting when printing Gift Acknowledgements.

Working with the pick slip form: Once the system finishes processing one pick slip PDF document, you can open and print the pick slips in the document using the Forms Management Screen; you do not have to wait until all of the PDF documents for the pick slip generation run have generated.

When printing pick slips, the system includes a PDF document sort number in the name of the document generated for the pick slip. For example, if the system generates two pick slip documents for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5, the system names the documents PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103001456_001.PDF and PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103001456_002.PDF, where PICKG is the name of the print program, KBOTTGER is the user ID of the person who generated the pick slips, 20090804.103001456 is the date and time stamp, and 001 and 002 is the PDF document sort number. See Form Naming Conventions for more information.

Delivered setting: The delivered value is 250 picks. The system also uses 250 as the default value if this setting is blank or missing from the CWDirectCP Properties File.

MICROS recommends setting this value to 250.


Setting for pick slip forms generated through the database: If you use a pick slip form that is generated directly through the database, set this value to 999999. The INPUT_TYPE setting for your pick slip form in the FormTypeMapping Properties File indicates the means by which your pick slip printing program obtains the data to print on the pick slip. Valid values are:

XML (default) = The program uses the Pick Message from CWSerenade (CWPickOut) to generate the pick slip.

DB = The program queries the database to generate the pick slip. This option is available only if your pick slip printing program supports it.

Note: If no INPUT_TYPE is specified, the program uses the CWPickOut message.


Example: When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 600, the system creates the following spool files for a pick slip generation run:

50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103000123_001.PDF)

300 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103001456_001.PDF)

510 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103003789_001.PDF)

75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103006912_001.PDF)

225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103007134_001.PDF)

25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103008112_001.PDF)


When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 250, the system creates the following spool files for the same pick slip generation run:

50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103000123_001.PDF)

250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103001456_001.PDF)

50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103001456_002.PDF)

250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103003789_001.PDF)

250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103003789_002.PDF)

10 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103003789_003.PDF)

75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103006912_001.PDF)

225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103007134_001.PDF)

25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.KBOTTGER.20090804.103008112_001.PDF)

Notice that the system creates multiple spool files for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 and for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 9, based on 250 in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting.



Defines whether you can process Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) when records exist for your company in the CC Authorization Transaction table. Valid values are:

Y or this setting does not exist = Before processing Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS), the system first looks for records in the CC Authorization Transaction table for the company for which you are generating pick slips. If records exist in the CC Authorization Transaction table, the system does not continue with pick slip generation and instead generates a Pick Authorization Error Report and a Serenade Support Notification. Review the records in the CC Authorization Transaction table to determine if you need to use the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA) to reprocess authorizations and clear the records from the CC Authorization Transaction table.

N = The system allows you to run Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) when records exist for your company in the CC Authorization Transaction table. Any records in the CC Authorization Transaction table will be resent for authorization.

See Pick Slip Generation Overview.

Note: MICROS does not deliver this setting in the properties file because the recommended setting is to prevent pick slip generation if records exist in the CC Authorization Transaction table; if you wish to turn off this feature, add the CHECKS_AUTHS_IN_PICKS setting to the CWDirectCP Properties File and set its value to N.


Indicates the action to take when the order API generates an Invalid XML error response, since this error can indicate a database connection problem. If this property is set to Y, when the order API generates an Invalid XML error response, it attempts to verify the database connection. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the system ends the ORDER_IN job and sends a support notification. Otherwise, if this property is set to N or blank or does not exist, the order API continues trying to process order messages in the event of an Invalid XML error response.


Defines the additional properties files that the CWSerenade application server should evaluate.

Note: You should not change this setting.


Defines how long to retain records in the Deleted Order table and E-Commerce Order Comparison table based on the Date deleted for the Deleted Order record and the Date processed for the E-Commerce Order Comparison record.

When you restart the CWSerenade application server, the system purges records older than the number of days defined in the property. If you do not define a number of days in the COMPARE_AND_DELETE_PURGE_DAYS property, the system purges records once they are 30 days old.

See Running the E-Commerce Order Comparison Program for more information on these two tables.

application configuration Serenade 5.0 March 2015