Order Type for Special Orders (L15)

Purpose: Use this screen to specify the order type to identify a ship-to-store order that originated in a retail location, which sent the order to CWSerenade for special order processing.

Code field: Enter the code that identifies the special order type. When you generate a pick slip for a ship-to-store order of this type, the system submits the order to the Order Broker and indicates the e-commerce order number (displayed as the Alt ord number at the Display Order Properties Screen) as the order_id.

Why send e-commerce order number? Since special ship-to-store orders originated in the retail location, they are identified primarily by the store system’s original order number, rather than the CWSerenade order number. However, if there is no e-commerce order number for the order, then the system sends the CWSerenade order number.

Your entry needs to be a valid order type code, as set up through Establishing Order Types (WOTY).

Leave this field blank if you do not process special ship-to-store orders.

For more information: See the Ship-to-Store Orders.

IN03_02 Serenade 5.0 March 2015