Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to print invoices for all payment types or just for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

Yes/No field: If you select this field, the system prints invoices for all forms of payment, such as for prepaid and credit card orders. This invoice may be used as:

• a packing list that accurately reflects all charges on the order (such as for shipping)

• a notice to the customer that the credit card has been charged

With this setting, a single invoice may reflect multiple forms of payment. The billing address prints on the invoice, if the invoice is for an order paid on-account; otherwise, the buyer's address (Sold To Customer) prints on the invoice. Additionally, if the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is unselected, a separate invoice prints for each shipping address on the order.

Select this field only if the Invoice Print Program (B83) supports including all payment types. The standard graphical program (INVOICEG) and non-graphical program (INVOICE) support this feature.

If you leave this field unselected, the system prints invoices only for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

For more information: See:

• the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value

• the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value

Printing Invoices (PINV) for information on printing invoices, and sample invoices

Printing an Invoice in standard order inquiry

IN03_06 Serenade 5.0 March 2015