Printing Invoices (PINV)

Purpose: Use the Customer Invoice printing function to print invoices for bill-to accounts with open balances or for all types of payment, if you use the invoice as a packing list or as notice to the customer that the credit card has been charged. The Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) field in the System Control table must be selected to print invoices for all forms of payment; otherwise, invoices print only for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

The Print Invoices screen allows you to print, reprint, or print all open invoices. You can specify to print invoices by invoice date, invoice number, or for a specific bill-to or sold-to customer. You can also print credit memos.

How to display this screen: Select the Print Invoices option from the menu or enter PINV in the Fast path field.



Print selection

Indicates to print new invoices, reprint existing invoices, or both.

Possible settings are:

Unprinted invoices = Print invoices for the first time if they have not already been printed.

Note: The system considers invoice numbers that were assigned at pick slip generation to be printed, and does not include them when you select unprinted invoices only. See the Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen (H80) and Generate Invoice # at Pick Gen without Address Match (K81) system control values for more information.

Reprint invoices = Print invoices again.

All = Print all eligible invoices within the specified invoice number or date range.


Fax invoices

Indicates whether to fax the invoices. This option is not currently implemented.

Print credit memos

Indicates whether to include credit memos (that is, invoices with a negative balance).

Possible settings are:

Selected = Print credit memos.

Unselected (default)= Do not print credit memos.

Invoice date range

The invoice dates to include. The system prints all invoices between these dates. Leave these fields blank to print invoices regardless of date.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Invoice # range

The numbers of the invoices to print. The system prints all invoices within this range of numbers. Leave this field blank to print invoices without restricting to a specific range of numbers.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Customer bill to

The billing account for which you want to print invoices. Leave this field blank to print invoices without restricting to a specific bill-to customer.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Customer sold to

The customer for whom you want to print invoices. Leave this field blank to print invoices without restricting to a specific sold-to customer.

Note: You can print invoices for a sold-to customer only if the Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) field in the System Control table is selected and if the Invoice Print Program (B83) supports it.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

AR04_01 Serenade 5.0 March 2015