Printing Statements (PSTS)

Purpose: Use the statement printing function to:

• define the range of information to include when printing the A/R Statement

• submit statements for print

Account statements include:

• outstanding invoice amounts

• payments made during the current month

• open items flagged to produce refund checks

• open items flagged to produce credit card credits

• on-account payments (identifiable on the statement because the invoice number, P.O. number, and order number are blank)

They do not include sundry transactions.

The statement can also include up to two message lines.

Related system control values:

Statement format and appearance:

Statement Print Program (B85): controls the print format of the A/R statement. The standard print programs are STMTG (graphical format) and STMT (non-graphical format).

Print Company Address on Statements (D58): controls whether the company name and address from the Company table print on the statement. Printing the company name and address on the statement is supported by both the graphical and non-graphical standard programs.

Statement generation logic:

Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86): controls the earliest date to consider when determining whether to generate an A/R statement.

Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87): controls the latest date to consider when determining whether to generate an A/R statement.

Statement Interval (B88): controls the maximum number of days to wait before the bill-to customer is eligible to have another statement generated.

Age by Date Type (C02): controls whether the system checks the open item’s invoice date or due date when determining whether to generate an A/R statement.

For more information: See the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) system control value for a discussion of statement generation logic.

Before you print statements: Run the customer bill-to aging periodic function (program name: ACR0121). See Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for more information.

How to display this screen: Select the Print Statements option from the menu or enter PSTS in the Fast path field. You can also display this screen by selecting Print Statements at the Work with Open Items Screen in Using A/R Inquiry (DARI)



Print credit statements

Indicates whether to print statements for bill-to accounts with credit balances.

Possible settings are:

Selected = Print credit statements as well as debit statements.

Unselected = Do not print credit statements.

Include messages

This flag indicates whether to print two message lines on the statements.

Possible settings are:

Selected = Print statement messages.

Unselected = Do not print messages.

Print Statement Message Window: When you select this flag, the Print Statement Messages window opens for you to enter message text. The previous statement message text defaults. You can accept the previous entry, or enter up to 60 characters of text for each message line.

Invoice date range

Optionally, enter the range of invoice dates to include on the statements, or leave blank to include open items on statements regardless of date range. See the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) for a discussion of invoice generation logic.

Each field: Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Customer bill to

Optionally, enter a bill-to customer account number to print a statement for just this customer; otherwise, leave this field blank to print statements for all eligible accounts.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete each of the required fields as indicated above. Click OK.

2. If the Include messages flag is selected, the Print Statement Messages window opens. The message text entered the last time you generated A/R statements defaults. You can accept the default or enter up to 60 characters of text for each message line. Select OK at the window to accept your entries.

3. Select Submit to print statements. See the A/R Statement for more information.

AR04_01 Serenade 5.0 March 2015