Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR)

This report can be run only for a single offer, and is sorted by page and item within page. Subtotals and final totals are provided by page.

How to print: Use the Print Offer Page Analysis (OPAR) menu option.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Offer code

• Offer description

• Item number: the base item number

• Item description

• Offer price: the price at which the item is advertised in this offer

• Space cost: the cost of the item on this page, calculated by:


(Square inch per item in Item Offer Page / Square inch per page in Offer) * Page cost in Offer = Space cost


• Square inches: the square inches for the item, as defined in Item/Offer

• Units ordered: the net number of units ordered for this item in this offer. This is the sum of Units Ordered CTD in the SKU Offer Page table for all SKUs.

• Units sold out: the number of units of the item identified as soldout on this page. This is the sum of Units Sold Out CTD in the SKU Offer Page table for all SKUs.

• Units returned: the number of units returned for this page. This is the sum of Units Returned CTD in the SKU Offer Page table for all SKUs.

• Units exchanged: the number of units exchanged, captured in the Exchange Reason/Offer table.

• $ ordered: the total dollars ordered for the item for this page. This is the sum of Dollars Ordered CTD in the Offer Page table for all SKUs

Note: The sum of all Gross $ Ordered for all items on a page is “Gross $ Ordered Per Page.”

• Gross profit: the gross profit for this item on this page, calculated by:


Gross $ ordered - Total item cost


Total item cost = Units ordered * item cost


Note: The sum of all Gross $ Ordered for all items on a page is “Gross $ Ordered Per Page.”

• Net profit: the net profitability of the item, including the space cost, calculated by:


(Gross profit - Space cost)


• Profit/Square inch: the profit per square inch, calculated by:


(Gross profit / Square inch per item


• Profit index: a measure of net profitability, in which the break even equals 1 when the net profit covers the allocated cost, calculated by:


(Gross profit / Space cost)


• GP% Contribution to the Page: the total gross profit contributed to the page by this item, calculated by:


Gross profit / Gross profit per page


• Sales% Contribution to the Page: the percentage of sales contributed by this item, calculated by:


Gross $ ordered / Gross $ per page


• Page totals

• Offer totals

MK03_08r Serenade 5.0 March 2015