Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)

How to print: Use the Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Note: Some of the field names and contents vary, depending on whether you generated the single-offer or 10-offer version of the report.

• Sort. Available sorts are:

• Class/Item

• Vendor/Item

• Item

• Class/Descending Units

• Descending Units

• Descending $ Ordered

• Buyer

• Report Summary Information appears at the top of report, including (depending on report options):

• Offer code: up to 10 offers can be reported (alphanumeric, 3 positions)

• DFO: Date the first order was taken for this offer (MMDDYY format)

• WFO: The week in which the first order was taken for this offer (MMDDYY format)

• % Complete (Percent complete): this value represents the number of total percentage of units ordered, as of the current period, for the entire projected sales cycle

• Current week: shows the week you are in of the ordering cycle and the number of weeks in the full cycle. If ordering continues beyond the total cycle, it will be captured in the last week of the cycle.

• Offer curve: the curve assigned to this offer, which is a mechanism by which you predict the number of sales expected for the ordering cycle in terms of a percentage complete for each week. Curves are defined in the Projection Curves table.

• Proj $ use: indicated whether the price from the Item table or the SKU table was used for projecting totals for multi-offer reports. The IS Report Projected Dollar Calculation Price Basis (D59) system control value indicates which price to use.

• Override item curve: the percent complete for this SKU/Offer combination. This is the percentage to adjust the percent complete for a curve. The IS report searches the following tables in the sequence listed for the curve:

• SKU/Offer table (INSKOF)

• Item/Offer table (INIOFR)

• Item Class table (INICLS) or

• Offer table (MSOFFR)

For example, if you enter an override curve of 5% and the percentage complete is 75%, the percentage complete will be adjusted to 78.75% for this curve (numeric, 3 positions).

• Item code (alphanumeric, 12 positions)

• SKU code: SKU element #2 and SKU element #3 (4-position fields each SKU)

• S/O code (soldout code): the soldout code, if any, defined for the Item or SKU. Soldout codes are validated against the Soldout Control table, and can be created with the following values:

• sellout immediately, regardless of on-hand quantity

• sellout when on-hand quantity equals zero

• sellout when on-hand and on-order quantity equals zero

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Note: Included on the multi-offer report only if the Print Item Status or Sold Out Control on 10 Offer IS Report (D78) is set to SOLDOUT.

• Avail (quantity available): the quantity of this SKU that is not reserved or printed. This is the quantity available in the IS Item table (FCISIT). This is calculated by:


On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered


• Actual units: the number of units ordered for the SKU/Offer combination, maintained in the Item/SKU/Offer table (FCISOF).

• Gross units: the number of actual units ordered across all offers for this SKU.

• % by sz (percentage by size): the percent of orders for this SKU compared to all of the SKUs for this style. This is the total quantity ordered for the SKU divided by the total for the first SKU element, such as the total for the size or color of the item. This is the percentage of contribution to sales for the first SKU element. The calculation is:


Gross Units [SKU] / Gross Units [STYLE] * 100


• Rtns (returns): the total of all the returns (against offers on this report) for this SKU, captured in the Item/SKU/Offer table. The calculation is:


Quantity Returned + Quantity Exchanged in the Item/SKU/Offer table (FCISOF)


• Canc (cancellations): the total number of all the cancels (against offers on this report) for this SKU, as captured in the Item/SKU/Offer table. The calculation is:


Quantity Canceled in the Item/SKU/Offer table (FCISOF)


• S/O (soldout): the total of all the sold outs (against offers on this report) for this SKU (using option 13 during Order Entry or sold out through the Auto Soldouts program). Sold outs are captured in the Item/SKU/Offer table. The calculation is:


Quantity Soldout in the Item/SKU/Offer table (FCISOF)


May include the number of units identified as a lost sale (using option #9 on the Item Availability screen prior to Order Entry), if you selected the Include lost sales in sold out field at the Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen. Lost sales are captured in the SKU/Offer/Page table, and post to the default Current Offer (A33) defined in the System Control table.

• Net units: the net number of units ordered for all offers on this report, calculated by:


Gross units - (Cancellations + Returns + Soldouts)


• On PO (on purchase orders): the total units for this SKU on open purchase orders that are attributed to one of the offers on the report, if the Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (A36) system control value is selected. This includes any units located on a pending putaway detail record that is associated with a pending putaway warehouse, and whose “final destination” warehouse is allocatable, and is associated with one of the offers on the report. See Pending Putaway Overview. The calculation is:


On PO for Offers in the IS Item table (FCISIT)


• On PO Other Offer: the total number of units on open purchase orders that are attributed to offers not on this report or any open purchase orders that do not specify an offer. This total includes any units located on a pending putaway detail record that is associated with a pending putaway warehouse, and whose “final destination” warehouse is allocatable, and is associated with offers not on this report. See Pending Putaway Overview. The calculation is:


On PO for Other Offers in the IS Item table (FCISIT)


• Projected units: the quantity of the SKU that will be ordered during the life of all the SKUs offers on the report. This is based upon the projection factors for the forecast. The Projected units from the item offer or SKU offer may be used here, depending on the number of periods specified in the Periods to Use Projected Units (H91) system control value; see that system control value for a description of how this field is calculated.


• Tot proj life (Total projected life): the total quantity of the SKU that will be ordered during the life of all the SKUs offers on the report. This is the sum of the Projected units for all offers on this report. The calculation is:


Gross Units [SKU] / Gross Units [STYLE] * 100


• Net proj life (Net projected life): the projected number of units you expect to sell, taking into account what you can resell from returned items.


Total projected life * (1 - (Expected return % / 100))


The value in the Periods to Use Expected Return % (D27) system control value determines the point at which you use the actual percentage of returns received to calculate the Net projected life.

• Net proj rem (Net projected remaining): the number of units needed to fill current open orders plus projected future orders (minus expected returns). Represents the quantity of the SKU that will be ordered during the remainder of the lives of the SKU/offers. This identifies the number of units already ordered. If the IS Report Net Projected Remaining Calculation Method (D34) system control value is set to NET, this amount is calculated by subtracting Net units from Net projected life. If this system control value is set to GROSS, this amount is calculated as follows:


Net projected life - Quantity ordered + Quantity returned/exchanged = Net projected remaining


Note: If this system control value is blank, the net projected remaining quantity will not be calculated.

• Sugg units (Suggested units): the number of units of the item required to complete the demand for open orders (with quantity on-hand and expected returns taken into account). This is the quantity of this item that you will need to add to or remove from inventory to fulfill the remainder of the lives of the SKU/offers. If this value is negative, it means that you overbought; you might want to cancel a PO, place the item in a sale catalog, or return the item to the vendor.

If the Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (A36) system control value is unselected, the calculation is:


Net Projected remaining - (Available + On PO for offers)


Note: If the IS Report Net Projected Remaining Calculation Method (D34) system control value is blank, the net projected remaining quantity is not calculated and the suggested units in this calculation is inaccurate.

If the Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (A36) system control value is Selected, the calculation is:


Projected remaining - (Quantity available + On order for offers on this report)


• Exp rtn pct (Expected return percent): the average of the expected returns percentage for the item from each offer listed on the report, from the Expected Return Pct field in the SKU/Offer table (INSKOF).

Note: If an item/SKU has an expected return percent set up for more than one offer for which the report is run, the expected return percent on the report is an average of all the values.

• Act rtn pct (Actual return percent): the average of the actual returns for the item from each offer, from the SKU/Offer table (INSKOF). The # of Periods to Offset Returns (C06) controls whether the Units shipped in the calculation is based on the current period, or some previous period:


(Returns and exchanged / Units shipped [FCISOF]) * 100


Note: If demand for an item/SKU exists in more than one offer for which the report is run, the total quantity returned/ exchanged and the total quantity shipped for all of the offers on the report are used for this calculation.

• Wks rem (Weeks remaining): the number of forecasting periods remaining before the quantity available runs out. This is based on the projected curve, before the current available quantity (including what is ordered on purchase orders) is exhausted. The calculation below is performed for each offer. The program performs this calculation for each period, subtracting each period's result from the Quantity available and Quantity on PO until it reaches zero. The calculation is:


((Actual units / % Complete) * (% Complete for the next period))


Note: Included only on the single-offer version of the report.

• CD (Code): a code that identifies the status of the item, in terms of projected sales. This code identifies the remaining projected quantity as equal to, exceeding, or less than the quantity available. The system highlights the items for which the current quantity available equals or exceeds projected demand. One of the following codes prints in this column:

A = current quantity available equals projected demand

B = current quantity available exceeds projected demand (you overbought; you might need to cancel a PO, put the item in a sale catalog, or return a quantity to the vendor)

C = current quantity is less than projected demand (you need to obtain more units of the item quickly)

• Ld Pr (Lead periods): the number of forecasting periods it will take to receive inventory for this SKU. This lead time is defined in the Vendor/Item table for the primary vendor (defined in the Item table for the item) to get the item to you. The calculation is:


Cushion Periods [from forecasting SCV C00] + (Lead Days from Vendor/Item [POVNIT]


/ # of Days in Forecasting Period [from forecasting SCV C00]


• CR (Critical): this field identifies whether it is critical to reorder this SKU. A Y prints here if the weeks remaining are less than the lead periods in the previous field. This means that, if the item is not ordered shortly, you cannot receive stock in time to fill the expected orders. A Y appears in this column if “Weeks remaining” is less than “Lead periods + Cushion Periods.”

Note: Blank if no lead time is defined in the Vendor/Item table.

• Totals for style: totals for all fields for SKU element 1, which may be the size, color, etc. for the base item

• Actual $: Actual units ordered * Price from Item/Offer table

• Projected $: Actual $ / (% Complete [from the Override Item Curve] / 100)

Note: If an item/SKU has a price and page number or a price and return percent set up for more than one offer included on the report, dollars are projected for each offer separately and are printed separately on this report.

• Totals for item: a grand total of all fields for the base item, which is the summary of all subtotals for SKU element

• Total Item Return Percentage: the weighted return percentage for the item. This figure appears on the Totals for item line, under the Actual Return Percentage column. The Total Item Return Percentage is calculated as follows:


Total units exchanged or returned /


(Total units sold - Total units sold in the Number of periods to offset returns)


In making this calculation, the system uses the values in the # of Periods to Offset Returns (C06) and # of Days in Forecasting Period (B96) system control values. For example, if the number of days in a forecasting period is 7, and the number of periods to offset returns is 2, the system offsets returns two weeks. In this example, if the total units exchanged or returned is 15, total units sold is 100, and the total units sold in the last two weeks is 10, the system calculates the percentage as follows:




The resulting percentage would be 16.67.

Note: Included only on the 10-offer version of the report.

MK03_08r Serenade 5.0 March 2015