Summary Page Report (ISRP)

A summary page prints with each Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP). Use this report to evaluate how close your projections were to actual sales. This report prints projection information for each offer included on the report. The bottom portion of this page, showing actual totals, prints only when the report is run for all items, and does not print if the report is restricted to specific product groups or suggested quantities to buy.

How to print: Use the Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Offer, up to 5 offers can be reported

• DFO (Date of first order), each offer

• Date of first order period begin date

• Percent complete

• Current period

• Offer curve

• Actual gross dollars for offer

• Projected gross dollars

• Percent actual/projected

MK03_08r Serenade 5.0 March 2015