Disbursements Journal Summary Report by Check Printed Date

Purpose: Use this report to review your vendor payments, in disbursement date sequence.

How to print: Select this report on the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Date range: the dates through which you specified to run this report. This report can be run for a single day if you entered the same date in the From and To date fields on the Print Summary Report Select Screen.

Print date: the date on which the check was printed to pay the vendor invoice for the merchandise or service purchased.

Check #: the number of the check (system-generated or manually-assigned) used to pay the vendor. The check number is a 0 if the Print checks flag in the Vendor record is unselected. This indicates that no physical check is printed for the vendor; instead, you pay the vendor via a wire transfer or a direct deposit.

Total: the dollar amount of the invoice.

Discount: the dollar amount of the discount applied to the invoice.

Paid: the net total on the vendor invoice, which is the total invoice amount minus the discount amount. This is the amount that you paid the vendor.

Vendor number

Vendor name

Subtotal by date: the total disbursement (vendor payments) on a given day.

Grand total: the overall total of A/P disbursements for the specified date range.

AP08_01r Serenade 5.0 March 2015