50 Rapid Start Cloud Setup

This chapter describes the rapid start cloud setup kit. It contains the following sections:

50.1 Introduction

Setting up the DBaaS cloud involves a series of steps. The user with the CLOUD_ADMINISTRATOR role has to go through many wizards and clicks to complete the setup. This requires a considerable amount of effort and time before the DBaaS is ready to use.

The Rapid Start Kit provides a single command solution to setup Cloud for Database as a Service (DBaaS) and Pluggable Database as a Service (PDBaaS). One command creates all the Cloud artifacts like Roles, Administrators, Credentials, Database Profiles, PaaS Infrastructure Zone, Database Pools and Service Templates. Once the Rapid Start Kit has been successfully executed, requests can be made to provision databases, and PDBs.

Rapid start kit can create complex topologies involving multiple zones, pools and service templates. It also supports standby databases.

50.2 Installing the Kit

The Rapid Start Kit is shipped along with Oracle Cloud Application The kit is available on the Oracle Management Server host with the Oracle Cloud Application deployed in plug-in home directory.The Rapid Start Kit can be used from the host on which the Oracle Management Server (OMS) is installed or from any other host that can access Oracle Management Server host using Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface (emcli).

50.2.1 OMS Host

The Rapid Start Kit can be used directly from the host on which the OMS has been installed. No separate installation of the kit is required. The kit is available in the following directory:


50.2.2 Other Hosts

The kit can also be used from any other host. To install the kit on any other machine, copy the setup directory to the desired location on the target machine.

50.3 Contents of the Kit

The Rapid Start Kit contains the following files:

  • Cloud Setup Script:



    These scripts contain the code for the one command cloud setup. The scripts use the input files or the cloud artifacts as defined in the configuration file.

  • Cloud Boundary XML:



    Cloud Boundary defines the cloud topology. It has the zones and pools along with host names, oracle home locations or container database names. The cloud_boundary.xml file can be used as a template for simple cloud setup on Exadata machines with one zone and pool. The cloud_custom_boundary.xml can be used for advanced cloud setup on any set of machines with multiple zones and pools.

  • Database as a Service Input XML:

    dbaas/setup/config/dbaas_cloud_input.xml dbaas/setup/config/dbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml

    The Cloud Setup for Database as a Service uses the dbaas_cloud_input.xml as the input file. The script reads this configuration file and sets up the cloud artifacts as defined in the file. Simple cloud setup on the Exadata machine is defined in dbaas_cloud_input.xml template file and advanced cloud setup should use dbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml.

  • Pluggable Database as a Service Input XML:



    The Cloud Setup for Pluggable Database as a Service uses the pdbaas_cloud_input.xml as the input file. The script reads this configuration file and sets up the cloud artifacts as defined in the file. Simple cloud setup on Exadata machine is defined in pdbaas_cloud_input.xml template file and advanced cloud setup should use pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml.

50.4 Prerequisites

Certain prerequisites must be fulfilled before running the Rapid Start Kit. This includes OMS setup with the correct plug-in versions as listed in the Supported Plug-ins section. Cloud setup can be done on Real application cluster machines with Database instance or Oracle Homes installed. The prerequisites are described in the following sections:

50.4.1 Oracle Management Server

  • The Oracle Management Server must have the Oracle Cloud Application deployed.

  • The Software Library must have been configured.

50.4.2 EMCLI Setup

EMCLI with scripting option must be set up on the host from which the kit is going to be executed. To set up EMCLI on the host, follow these steps:

  1. Download the emcliadvancedkit.jar from the OMS using URL https://<omshost>:<omsport>/em/public_lib_download/emcli/kit/emcliadvancedkit.jar

  2. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and ensure that it is part of your PATH. You must be running Java 1.6.0_43 or greater. For example:

    • setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/packages/j2sdk

    • setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

  3. You can install the EMCLI with scripting option in any directory either on the same machine on which the OMS is running or on any machine on your network (download the emcliadvancedkit.jar to that machine)

    java -jar emcliadvancedkit.jar client -install_dir=<emcli client dir>

  4. Run emcli help sync from the EMCLI Home (the directory where you have installed emcli) for instructions on how to use the "sync" verb to configure the client for a particular OMS.

  5. Navigate to the Setup menu then the Command Line Interface. See the Enterprise Manager Command Line Tools Download page for details on setting EMCLI.

50.4.3 Infrastructure Setup

To prepare the infrastructure for cloud setup, make sure that the Real Application Cluster machines are available and the required databases and oracle homes have been setup on them. Targets must have been discovered in Oracle Management Server. The following sections describe the setup requirement for PDbaaS and DBaaS. Pluggable Database as a Service

You must ensure that the Real Application Cluster machine is available and has a Container Database version running on it. All the hosts from Real Application Cluster have the Management Agents installed on it. The following targets must be discovered using the guided discovery process:

  • Oracle Cluster

  • Cluster ASM

  • Oracle RAC Database

  • Oracle Database Listeners Database as a Service

You must ensure that the Real Application Cluster machine with Oracle home version or installed on it is available.All the hosts in the Real Application Cluster must have the Management Agents installed on it. The following targets must be discovered using guided discovery process:

  • Oracle Cluster

  • Cluster ASM

  • Oracle RAC Database

  • Database Instance

  • Oracle Database Listener

50.5 Artifacts Created by the Rapid Start Kit

The Rapid Start Kit uses cloud input files to create cloud entities. Cloud Input files define the list of entities and input values for each of the entity. See Section 50.3, "Contents of the Kit" for more details on input files. This section explains the Cloud artifacts created as part of cloud setup.

The following actions occur when the Cloud script is executed:

  1. The following roles are created:

    Table 50-1 Created User Roles

    Role Associated System Role



  2. The following users are created:

    Table 50-2 Created Users

    Administrator / User Associated Role











  3. The Rapid Start Kit does not support the creation of credentials out-of-the-box. The following credentials must be created manually when prompted by the kit during cloud setup:

    Table 50-3 Credentials to be Created Manually

    Credentials Description


    Host credentials with host user name and password.


    Host credentials with root access.


    Database access credentials.


    Grid infrastructure owner user.


    A limited support is provided to create named credentials. The credential section is commented in the template XMLs. Un-comment the credential section to enable creation of named credentials.
  4. The quota is set for the SSA_USER_ROLE.

  5. The PaaS Infrastructure Zone is created and the hosts that are part of the Oracle Cluster are added as members of the zone.

  6. Database provisioning profiles. The Rapid Start Kit can create the following database profiles as part of cloud setup:

    • DBCA Template

    • DBCA Template with data

    • Profile using RMAN image

    • Schema profile with full export database

    • Snapshot database profile

  7. The user with the EM_SSA_ADMIN role creates the following:

    • DBaaS Pool: The DBaaS Pool contains the Oracle Homes from the hosts that are part of the selected zone. The DBaaS Pool is used for Database as a Service.

    • PDBaaS Pool: The PDbaaS Pool has the container database instances from the hosts that are part of the selected zone. The PDBaaS Pool is used for Pluggable Database as a Service.

  8. The user with the EM_SSA_ADMIN role creates the following:

    • Default Database Service Template: This service template can be used to submit a request for a Database.

    • Default Pluggable Database Service Template: This service template can be used to submit a request for a Pluggable Database.

    • Service templates using database profiles.

50.6 Rapid Kit Modes

The Rapid Start Kit supports two modes:

  • Simple Mode (on Exadata only)

  • Advanced Mode (on Exadata and non Exadata)

50.6.1 Simple Mode (On Exadata Only)

In the simple mode, the Rapid Start kit creates a single zone and pool on a specified Exadata Machine.The reference templates for the simple mode are:




50.6.2 Advanced Mode (Exadata and Non Exadata)

In the advanced mode, the Rapid Start kit can be used to create multiple zones and pools on any set of hosts.The reference templates for advanced mode are:




50.7 Cloud Setup Inputs: Simple Mode

The cloud setup requires many user inputs specific to the RAC environment and the cloud artifacts. The Rapid Start Kit has two configuration files that define the cloud input. The following cloud input files are under the configuration directory.

  • cloud_boundary.xml: Defines the cloud topology.

  • dbaas_cloud_input.xml: Defines the cloud artifacts and the input values for Database as a Service.

  • pdbaas_cloud_input.xml: Defines the cloud artifacts and the input values for Pluggable Database as a Service.

Review the cloud input files and map the artifacts with the ones defined in Section 50.5, "Artifacts Created by the Rapid Start Kit". The user marked with cloudadmin="True" is used as the Cloud Administrator to create the PaaS Zone and the user marked as ssaadmin="True" is used to create the Database Pools. All default passwords used by the kit are welcome1.

Note: The simple mode can be used to create a cloud only on an Exadata machine. For non exadata setup, refer to Cloud Setup Inputs: Advanced mode.

50.7.1 Pluggable Database as a Service: Simple Mode

There is no environment specific value in pdbaas_cloud_input.xml. Pluggable Database as a Service can be run with out of box input xml without any change.

50.7.2 Database as a Service: Simple Mode

Database as a service has few environment specific values. User must set them to suite the Real Application Cluster used.

Table 50-4 Environment Details Input Guidelines

XML Input Edit Guideline

Pool Filters:



Edit the platform value to ARU id of Real Application Cluster machine platform. Use 226 for Linux x86-64, 267 for Solaris x86, and 23 for Solaris Sparc 64.

Edit the database version to the correct value from the database installed on Real Application Cluster machine.



Cloud Setup Supports Real Application Cluster with ASM and File System.Specify the disk group names used for Redo files, Recovery files and Data files for ASM and shared locations for File System.


Specify the passwords for system, dbsnmp and sys accounts.

50.7.3 Input Customization: Simple Mode

The Rapid Setup Kit supports logical customization of input values. The customer can make a copy of the out-of-the-box input file. Customize the input values logically and pass the modified file to the Rapid Setup Kit.

For example:The user wants to change the Role name from SSA_USER_ROLE to SSA_QA_ROLE. Change should be done as follows:

Original xml tag:

    <role name="SSA_USER_ROLE" description="SSA User role">

Changed tag:

     <role name="SSA_QA_ROLE" description="SSA QA role">

The user must look at all the usages of above Role name and change them accordingly. Due to the change in Role name, the following user tag:

        <!-- system roles or above created role -->

Must change to use the new role name

        <!-- system roles or above created role -->
        <systemRole> SSA_USER_ROLE</systemRole>

The user can edit the names and descriptions of Roles, Users, Credential Names, Pool Names and Service template names and their properties defined in the input XML.For example:The user may want to customize the work load to suit the environment for PDBaaS. The user can customize the database SID name and Domain name as follows:Change these tags from dbaas_cloud_input.xml




Similarly the init parameters for DbaaS can be changed for sga_target and the pga_aggregate_target by editing their values in the dbaas_cloud_input.xml.

50.8 Cloud Setup Inputs: Advanced Mode

The Advanced Mode is useful to setup the cloud on any set of hosts with customized cloud topology. The Rapid Start Kit has three configuration template files that define the cloud input. The following cloud input files are under the configuration directory.

  • cloud_custom_boundary.xml: Defines the cloud topology.

  • dbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml: Defines the cloud artifacts and the input values for Database as a Service.

  • pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml: Defines the cloud artifacts and the input values for Pluggable Database as a Service.

Review the cloud input files and map the artifacts with the ones defined in Section 50.5, "Artifacts Created by the Rapid Start Kit". The user marked with cloudadmin="True" is used as the Cloud Administrator to create the PaaS Zone and the user marked as ssaadmin="True" is used to create the Database Pools. All default passwords used by the kit are welcome1.

50.8.1 Creating Custom Users

To create custom users, edit the following tags in the cloud_input.xml file to add the new user name roles. The user marked with cloudadmin="True" is used as the Cloud Administrator to create the PaaS Zone and the user marked as ssaadmin="True" is used to create the Database Pools.

<user cloudadmin="True">
        <!-- If password is empty, default password welcome1 will be used -->
        <!-- system roles or above created custom role name -->


  • You can set one user as the self service administrator by specifying ssaadmin="True".

  • You can set one user as the cloud administrator by specifying cloudamin="True".

50.8.2 Pluggable Database as a Service: Advanced Mode

The following input customizations are required to prepare the input files for Pluggable database as a service.

  • Make a copy of cloud_custom_boundary.xml template file.

  • Edit the copy to define the zones and pools. You can create a zone with multiple pools and multiple such zones based on the cloud topology.

Table 50-5 XML Editing Guidelines for Creating Pools and Zones

XML Input Edit Guidelines




Provide the container database instance name for each pool definition in pdbaaspool tag.

Pool Filters:



Edit the database version and database type to the type and version of database used for the pool. For cluster databases, specify the type as rac_database, and for single instance databases, specify the type as oracle_database.

<zone>DBaaS Zone</zone>

Provide the zone name to which the pool belongs.

Make a copy of pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml template file. You can use an existing profile or create a new database profile using a reference target using Rapid Start Kit. Remove the profiles tag to use existing profile.The template contains sample tags for different types of profiles. Edit the XML to remove the profiles that are not required for the setup. Provide following details to create the database profile as part of cloud setup using the Rapid Start Kit.

Table 50-6 XML Editing Guidelines for Creating a Database Profile

XML Edit Guide Line



Enter the reference database target name from Enterprise Manager.

Enter the reference node name.


Specify the database type such as 'oracle_database' for Single Instance database and 'rac_database' for RAC database.


Specify RDBMS version for the reference database. For example,,, etc.


Specify Platform for the reference database.

Profile will be created in following location by default.

Database Provisioning Profiles/ <PROFILE_VERSION>/<PROFILE_PLATORM>




Enter the credential names for Grid Credential, Reference database credentials and host credentials in <CRED_NAME>:<CRED_OWNER_USER> format.

Dump directories<dumpdir>DATA_PUMP_DIR</dumpdir>

Enter the dump directory that will be used for dump files and export log.


<PROFILE_DESC>Database provisioning profile</PROFILE_DESC>

Enter the profile name and description.

Enter this profile name in the service template that consumes the profile.

Provide the following details to create the pluggable database service template

Table 50-7 XML Editing Guidelines for Pluggable Database Service Template

XML Input Edit Guide Line





Specify the zones and pools that are part of this service template.


Enter the database profile name that is used by this service template. If this tag is empty, an empty pluggable database will be created.


Specify the shared location where the dump files are copied. Set this to the shared location used while creating the profile.




Specify the custom script software library directive name to be executed before and after creating the service instance. Refer to the pre and post-database scripts.




Specify the custom script software library directive to be executed before and after deleting the service instance.

50.8.3 Database as a Service: Advanced Mode

The following input customizations are required to prepare the input files for Pluggable database as a service.

  • Make a copy of cloud_custom_boundary.xml template file.

  • Edit the copy to define the zones and pools. You can create a zone with multiple pools and multiple such zones based on the cloud topology.

Table 50-8 XML Editing Guidelines to Define Zones and Pools

XML Input Edit Guide Line


<hostName>host1.example.com</hostName> <oracleHomeLocation>/u01/app/oracle/product/</oracleHomeLocation>


Provide the Oracle Homes present on these hosts will be part of this Database Pool.

Provide the full path for Oracle Home Location.

Multiple <dbHome> tags can be provided.

Pool Filters:



Edit the database version and database type to the type and version of database used for the pool.

<zone>DBaaS Zone</zone>

Provide the zone name to which the pool belongs.


Specify the standby pool names for this pool.

Make a copy of pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml template file. You can use an existing profile or create a new database profile using a reference target using Rapid Start Kit.

The following profiles can be created using the Rapid Start Kit:

  • Database profile using DBCA template

  • Database profile using DBCA template with data

  • Snapshot database profile

Provide the following details to create the database profile as part of cloud setup using the Rapid Kit.

Table 50-9 XML Editing Guidelines to Create a Database Profile

XML Input Edit Guide Line

Reference database details:






Specify following details for reference database used for creating the profile.

Reference database target name from Enterprise Manager.

Reference host to be used for profile creation operation.

Reference database type. Example: 'oracle_database' for Single Instance database and 'rac_database' for RAC database.

Profile version.

Profile platform.


Profile can contain 'Structure and Data' or 'Structure Only'. Choose 'True' to include data. For RMAN, data is always True.


Set to &rsquor;True' for Snapshot profile.

Ensure the following before enabling the Snapshot option:

  • The storage appliance is registered with Enterprise Manager

  • Snap clone option is enabled for the Database used as reference

  • Profile owner user (SSA_ADMIN) has access to the storage

  • Storage credential and Agent credential used for storage monitoring have view permission for SSA_ADMIN user.

Note: To set the permission, follow the instructions below:

  1. On the Enterprise Manager console, click Setup.

  2. Click Security and then select Named Credentials.

  3. Select the credential and then click Manage Access.

  4. Click Add Grant.

  5. Select SSA_ADMIN user and click Select.

  6. Click Save.

RMAN Image Profile inputs:<rman>







Set enable flag to False.

Set rmanImage flag to True.

Provide a backup location and backup tag to identify the location for backup files.

Note: The rman tag will not be present if the profile is not created using rman backup.




Enter the credential names for Grid Credential, Reference database credentials and host credentials in



<PROFILE_DESC>Database provisioning profile</PROFILE_DESC>

Enter the profile name and description.

Enter this profile name in the service template that consumes the profile.

Edit the input xml to create single or multiple service templates. The following service templates can be created using the Rapid Start Kit:

  • Service template using DBCA template profile

  • Service template using DBCA template with data profile

  • Service template using snapshot database profile

Provide following details to create the database service template.

Table 50-10 XML Editing Guidelines to Create a Database Service Template

XML Input Edit Guide Line





Specify the zones and pools that are part of this service template.


Enter the database profile name that is used by this service template. If this tag is empty, empty pluggable database will be created.




Provide the passwords for system, dbsnmp and sys users.


Provide the listener port.


Use value snapshot to create a service template using snapshot database profile.

RMAN profile must already exist and the backup location should be updated in the service template.

Leave the parameter empty to create service template using DBCA profile.


Storage locations:





Enter Disk Group names for ASM and File locations for FS.Enter file locations for Data files, Recovery files and Redo files.

For ASM, enter the disk group names.

For FS, enter the shared storage locations.

DA, RE are the disk group names for Data files and redo files.

Standby Database:<standbydatabases>





<databaseType></databaseType> <numberofNodes>2</numberofNodes>







From Service template can be created with standby database.

Specify the details for standby database:

  • If standby database is required, set this to True.

  • Standby is not supported with CLONE_OR_FULL_DB=CLONE_DB.

  • Specify the working directory for standby database.

  • Specify the standby configuration name.

  • Standby database type can be rac_database or oracle_database.

  • Number of nodes for standby database.

  • Database SID pre-fix for standby database.

  • Specify database standby domain name.

  • Protection modes supported for standby database are: MAX_PROTECTION, MAX_AVAILABILITY, and MAX_PERFORMANCE

  • Specify the pool name that should be used to create the standby databases.

Note: This tag can be removed or commented if a standby database is not required.


<storage> <mountPointPrefix>/oracle1</mountPointPrefix>

<space>10</space> <!-- GB -->


<storage> <mountPointPrefix>/oracle2</mountPointPrefix>

<space>11</space> <!-- GB -->



Specify the storage volume name and size. The storage volume name will be prefixed to the auto-generated mount point where a clone of this volume will be mounted. With a mount point prefix /oracle, for a source path mount, the mount point will be /oracle_my_zzz/mount.

This tag is required for snapshot and can be removed or commented for other service templates.

<customScripts> <beforecreateserviceinstance></beforecreateserviceinstance> <aftercreateserviceinstance></aftercreateserviceinstance>

Specify the custom script software library directive name to be executed before and after creating the service instance. Refer to the pre and post Database scripts.

<beforedeleteserviceinstance></beforedeleteserviceinstance> <afterdeleteserviceinstance></afterdeleteserviceinstance>


Specify the custom script software library directive to be executed before and after deleting the service instance.

Leave the tags empty if you do not want to run any scripts.

50.9 Command Line Interface

This section describes step by step instructions for setting up the Cloud using Rapid Start Kit.Make sure all the targets are discovered in Enterprise Manager before starting with Cloud Setup Script.

50.9.1 Usage

-help option describes all the supported options.

Usage: emcli @database_cloud_setup.py [-exadata_target_name=<EM system target name>] [-dbaas|-pdbaas] [-cloud_boundary=<file name>] [-cloud_input=<file name>]

-pdbaas:This flag is used to setup Cloud for Pluggable Database as a Service.
-dbaas:This flag is used to setup Cloud for Database as service.
-cloud_input=<path to custom cloud input xml> [ Optional]
Cloud input XML defines Enterprise Manager entities created as part of Cloud Setup.
Default file config/dbaas_cloud_input.xml will be used for database setup
Default file config/pdbaas_cloud_input.xml will be used for pluggable database setup.
Use dbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml or pdbaas_cloud_custom_input.xml to perform an advanced cloud setup.
-cloud_boundary=<path to custom cloud boundary xml> [ Optional]
Cloud boundary XML defines scope for Zones, Pools and the Cloud Hosts.
Default file config/cloud_boundary.xml will be used.
Use cloud_custom_boundary.xml to perform an advanced cloud setup.
Pass Exadata Machine Target Name from Enterprise Manager when setup is running from non-Exadata machine and cloud is set on Exadata machine. This will perform simple cloud setup.
-help: Displays Cloud Setup help
For example:
Setup Cloud on a Cluster Machine or a set of standalone hosts:
Run the script on a cluster node or any standalone Machine:
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas : Sets up Cloud for PDBaaS using list of container databases given in cloud_boundary.xml
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -dbaas : Sets up Cloud for DBaaS using given list of hosts and oracle home given in cloud_boundary.xml
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to Input XML> : Override the default cloud input xml.
emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to Input XML> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to Input XML> : Override the default cloud input and cloud boundary xmls

50.9.2 Database as a Service (DBaaS)

The following command can be used to setup DBaaS.

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to cloud input xml> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to cloud boundary xml>

where the -dbaas flag indicates that this is used set up Database as a Service.

The script retrieves the list of hosts and the location of the Oracle Home. Enter the following input when prompted by the Rapid Start Kit.

Table 50-11 User Input Details

User Input Description

Enterprise Manager Host Name


Enterprise Manager Port Number

Port number for the secure port.

Enterprise Manager User Name

Enter name of user with administration privileges (sysman).

Enterprise Manager User Password

Enter the password for the sysman user.

Password for the CLOUD_ADMIN user

This user is created by the kit. The default password is welcome1.

Credential verification.

Create the credentials when prompted by the kit.

If any of the cloud artifacts already exist in Enterprise Manager, the Rapid Setup Kit shows the message and does not create or modify it.The Cloud Setup script can be run again multiple times in case of any failure after fixing the issue. The kit creates the new artifacts and shows the message for already existing ones.

50.9.3 Pluggable Database as a Service (PDBaaS)

The following command can be used to set up PDBaaS.

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas –exadata_target_name=<Exadata target name from EM>

ORACLE_HOME/bin/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py –pdbaas -cloud_input=<Full path to cloud input xml> -cloud_boundary=<Full path to cloud boundary xml>


  • the -pdbaas flag indicates that this sets up for Pluggable Database as Service

Enter the following input when prompted by the Rapid Setup Kit.

Table 50-12 User Input Details

User Input Description

Enterprise Manager Host Name


Enterprise Manager Port Number

Port number for the secure port.

Enterprise Manager User Name

Enter name of user with administration privileges (sysman).

Enterprise Manager User Password

Enter the password for the sysman user.

Password for the CLOUD_ADMIN user

This user is created by the kit. The default password is welcome1.

Credential verification

Create the credentials when prompted by the kit.

If any of the cloud artifacts already exist in Enterprise Manager, the Rapid Setup Kit shows the message and does not create or modify it.The Cloud Setup script can be run again multiple times in case of any failure after fixing the issue. The kit creates the new artifacts and shows the message for already existing ones.

50.9.4 Securing the Cloud Setup

The Rapid Setup Kit creates the Administrators as part of Cloud Setup. The kit allows the user to secure the cloud setup so that only authorized users can be given access to the selected functionality. If the user opts to secure the Cloud Setup, the passwords for the users created by the kit will automatically expire. Enterprise Manager allows re-setting the password on first login by each user. Expire Default Passwords

The Rapid Start Kit will ask for confirmation and will expire the passwords for all the users that are part of input xml.

50.9.5 Set New Passwords

Administrator should log in to Enterprise Manager as each user is created. Enterprise Manager will ask to set a new password on first login.

Note: If you want to re-run the kit after the passwords have been expired by Rapid Kit, new passwords must be set for CLOUD_ADMIN and SSA_ADMIN users before re-running the Rapid Kit and the new passwords must be used when prompted during the second run.

50.10 Rapid Start Kit Sample Run

This section shows a sample run for Pluggable Database as a Service

<emcli_path>/emcli @database_cloud_setup.py -pdbaas -cloud_boundary=/u01/cloudsetup/config/boundary_bp.xml -cloud_input=/u01/cloudsetup/config/pdb_input_bp.xml
==================================================================================Cloud Setup Tool
Log in to Enterprise Manager:
emcli executable was not found in PATH
Enterprise Manager URL found from emcli setup: 
Enter Enterprise Manager Host Name: omshost.example.com
Enter Enterprise Manager Port Number. Hit enter if using portless URL: 7802
Enter Enterprise Manager Super Administrator User Name [sysman]: 
Connecting to Enterprise Manager 'https://omshost.example.com:7802/em'...
  Login as 'sysman'...
Enter password :  ********
  Login successful
Cloud Boundary XML: '/u01/cloudsetup/config/boundary_bp.xml'
Cloud Setup Inputs:
Cloud Input XML: '/u01/cloudsetup/config/pdb_input_bp.xml'
Fetching system information from Enterprise Manager...
  Setting up Pluggable Database as a Service (PDBaaS)...
  List of Container Databases for pool creation: dbmcdb
|              Node              |                Oracle Home Location                |
| host1.example.com       | /u01/app/oracle/product/          |
| host2.example.com       | /u01/app/oracle/product/          |
Press Enter to continue: 
      Creating Roles...
          Creating Role "SSA_USER_ROLE"...
         Role "SSA_USER_ROLE" already exists 
      Creating Users...
         Creating User "SSA_ADMIN"...
         User "SSA_ADMIN" already exists
         Creating User "CLOUD_ADMIN"...
         User "CLOUD_ADMIN" already exists
         Creating User "SSA_USER1"...
         User "SSA_USER1" already exists
         Creating User "SSA_USER2"...
         User "SSA_USER2" already exists
         Creating User "SSA_USER3"...
         User "SSA_USER3" already exists
      Following named credentials should be pre-created in Enterprise Manager for this cloud setup:
Named Credentials used in Rapid kit should be created manually and given the required grants. Have you created above listed credentials? (yes/no) [yes]: 
         User confirmed credential creation.
Connecting to Enterprise Manager &rsquor;https://omshost.example.com:7802/em '...
  Login as 'CLOUD_ADMIN'...
Enter password :  ********
  Login successful
      Creating Quotas...
         Creating Quota for Role: SSA_USER_ROLE
         Updating Quota for Role: SSA_USER_ROLE
         Quota for Role "SSA_USER_ROLE" updated successfully.
         Creating zone "PDBaaS Zone"...
         PaaS Infrastructure Zone "PDBaaS Zone" created successfully.
Connecting to Enterprise Manager 'https://xyxy.example.com:7802/em'...
  Login as 'SSA_ADMIN'...
Enter password :  ********
  Login successful
         Creating pool "PDBaaS Pool"...
         Software Pool "PDBaaS Pool" created successfully.
      Creating Profiles...
         Profiles will be created in 'serial' mode
      Creating Pluggable Database Service Template...
         Creating PdbaaS Service Template...
         Service Template "Default Pluggable Database Service template" created successfully.
 Securing Cloud setup...
Do you want to expire passwords for the users created by setup?(yes/no) [yes]: no
         User opted to not expire the passwords.
Cloud Setup Summary:
|       Type              |      Cloud Entity            |              Status                  |
| Role                           | SSA_USER_ROLE                  | Already exists                           |
| User                           | SSA_ADMIN                      | Already exists                           |
| User                           | CLOUD_ADMIN                   | Already exists                           |
| User                           | SSA_USER1                      | Already exists                           |
| User                           | SSA_USER2                      | Already exists                           |
| User                            | SSA_USER3                     | Already exists                           |
| PaaS Infrastructure Zone | PDBaaS Zone               | Created                                  |
| Software Pool                 | PDBaaS Pool              | Created                                  |
| PDB Service Template        | Default Pluggable Database Service  | Created template                                     |                                          |
Cloud setup completed successfully for Pluggable Database as a Service (PDBaaS)
Log in to Oracle Management Server url &rsquor;https://omshost.example.com:7802/em' to submit the request for Pluggable Database.