A Using Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface

This chapter explains how to use Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface (EM CLI) to deploy patches using Patch Plans, provision procedures, and perform some of the Software Library tasks.


For information about Enterprise Manager 13c verb usage, syntax, and examples, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface

In particular, this chapter covers the following:


The entire EM CLI implementation for running the various Deployment Procedures has been revamped in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control).

A.1 Overview

Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface (EM CLI) is a command line utility available for power users in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) that enables you to perform most of the console-based operations. It enables you to access Cloud Control functionality from text-based consoles (shells and command windows) for a variety of operating systems.

Using EM CLI you can:

  • Perform various command line operations such as monitoring and managing targets, jobs, running deployment procedures, patching Enterprise Manager targets, and so on.

  • Use the functions available with EM CLI called verbs, to build your custom scripts on various programming environments like Operating System shell, Perl, Python, and so on. This in turn allows you to closely integrate Oracle Enterprise Manager functionality with your own enterprise business process.

  • Carry out operations with the same security and confidentiality as the Cloud Control console.

A.2 Prerequisites

Before using EM CLI, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • EM CLI client must be set up. To do so, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface.

  • Targets that will be supplied to the Deployment Procedures should be managed by Enterprise Management 13c Management Agents.

  • If you are patching in the offline mode, with no internet connectivity, then ensure that the patches are available in the Software Library before running the EM CLI commands.

A.3 Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface Verbs

This section primarily lists all the EM CLI verbs used for accomplishing the various patching and provisioning tasks. Primarily, it contains:

A.3.1 Provisioning EM CLI Verbs

The table below contains a list of all the EM CLI verbs used for running deployment procedures:

Table A-1 EM CLI Provisioning Verbs and their Usage

Verb Usage Example


emcli confirm_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec={execution guid}] -stateguid={state guid}

emcli confirm_instance -instance=234RTGHJ096YHN5KM2IKJM567 -stateguid=56IUJMN029IJ3ERFG09IKJ


emcli describe_procedure_input [-procedure={procedure GUID}] [-name={procedure name or procedure configuration}] [-owner={owner of the procedure or procedure configuration}] [-parent_proc={procedure of the procedure configuration. this only applies to describe a procedure configuration with the same name}]

emcli get_procedure_xml -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > proc.properties


emcli delete_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec={execution guid}]

emcli delete_instance -instance=234RTGHJ096YHN5KM2IKJM567


emcli get_executions -instance={instance GUID}

emcli get_exections -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61


emcli get_instances [-type={procedure type}]

emcli get_instances -type=DemoNG


emcli get_instance_data [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid]

emcli get_instance_data -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > instanceData.properties


emcli get_instance_status [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid] [-xml [-details] [-showJobOutput] [-tailLength={last N characters}]]]

emcli get_instance_status -instance=1TYUIOPLKMUHKJANGS09OIJ -xml -details -showJobOutput


emcli get_retry_arguments [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid] [-stateguid={state guid}]

emcli get_retry_argument -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -stateguid=4IUOHNAG29KLNLOKJGA


emcli get_procedures [-type={procedure type}] [-parent_proc={procedure associate with procedure configuration}]

emcli get_procedures -type=DemoNG -parent_proc=ComputeStepTest


emcli get_procedure_xml [-procedure={procedure guid}] [-name={procedure name}] [-owner={procedure owner}]

emcli get_procedure_xml -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > proc.xml


emcli get_procedure_types

emcli get_procedure_types


emcli ignore_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid] [-stateguid={state guid}]

emcli get_retry_argument -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -stateguid=4IUOHNAG29KLNLOKJGA,29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61KNALK


emcli reschedule_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid] -schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};

emcli reschedule_instance -instance=1TYUIOPLKMUHKJANGS09OIJ -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60"


emcli resume_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid]

emcli resume_instance -instance=1TYUIOPLKMUHKJANGS09OIJ


emcli save_procedure_input -name={name of procedure configuration} -procedure={Procedure name} [-owner={owner of procedure}]- input_file=data:/file path/file name [-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] [-notification={procedure status}] [-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};grace_period:xxx]

emcli save_procedure_input -name=procConfiguration -procedure=ComputeStepTest -input_file=data:/home/data.properties -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;

user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="sheduled, action required, running" -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60"


emcli stop_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid]

emcli stop_instance -instance=1TYUIOPLKMUHKJANGS09OIJ


emcli submit_procedure [-name={name of the procedure}] [-owner={owner of the procedure}] [-procedure={guid of the procedure}] -input_file={data:{file_path}/file name" [-instance_name={name for the procedure instance}] [-notification={procedure status}] [-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] [-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm; tz:{java timezone ID}]

emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:data.xml -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23; tz:America/New_York" -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB; user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="sheduled, action required, running"


emcli stop_instance [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid]

emcli suspend_instance -instance=1TYUIOPLKMUHKJANGS09OIJ


emcli update_and_retry_step [-instance={instance guid}] [-exec=execution guid] [-stateguid={stateguid1, stateguid2, ...}] [-args="command1:value1;command2:value2;...]

emcli get_retry_argument -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -stateguid="4IUOHNAG29KLNLOKJGA,PO82NLKBSAKBNIUPOQTG" -args="command1:a; command2:b"


emcli update_procedure_input -name={name of procedure configuration} -input_file="data:/file path/file name" [-notification={procedure status}][-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] [-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};grace_period:xxx]

emcli update_procedure_input -name=procConfiguration -input_file=data:/home/data.properties -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;user2:FULL_JOB"

-notification="sheduled, action required, running" -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60"


emcli switch_swlib_oms_agent_storage -name="location_name"-host="hostname" [-credential_set_name="setname"] | [-credential_name="name" -credential_owner="owner"]

emcli switch_swlib_oms_agent_storage -name="myOMSAgtLocation" -host="fs1.us.example.com" -credential_name="MyAcmeCreds" -credential_owner="ACME_USER"

Modifies the OMS Agent Filesystem storage location named 'myOMSAgtLocation' to use the specified host 'fs1.us.example.com', and the named credential 'MyAcmeCreds' owned by 'ACME_USER' for reading/writing files from/to this location.


emcli verify_swlib [-report_type="storage|entity|uploadjobs|all"]

emcli verify_swlib -report_type="all"

Generates the storage, upload jobs and entities verification reports.

A.3.2 Patching EM CLI Verbs

Support for patching any number of targets from the same single patch plan using command line interface is now supported. Following are some of the important EM CLI verbs used for patching.

Table A-2 EM CLI Patching Verbs and their Usage

Verbs Usage Example


emcli create_patch_plan -name="name" -input_file=data:"file_path" [-impact_other_targets="add_all | add_original_only | cancel"][-problems_assoc_patches="ignore_all_warnings | cancel"]

emcli create_patch_plan -name="plan name" -input_file=data:"/tmp/patchplan.pros" -impact_other_targets="add_all"


emcli describe_patch_plan_input -name="name"

emcli describe_patch_plan_input -name="plan_name"


emcli get_patch_plan_data -name="name"

emcli get_patch_plan_data -name="plan_name"


emcli set_patch_plan_data-name="name"[-impact_other_targets =" add_all | add_original_only | cancel"][-problems_assoc_patches =" ignore_all_warnings | cancel"]

emcli set_patch_plan_data -name="plan name" -input_file=data:"/tmp/patchplan.pros" -impact_other_targets="add_all"


emcli list_aru_languages [-name="language name" | -id="language id"] [-noheader] [-script | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli list_aru_languages -noheader


emcli list_aru_platforms [-name="platform name" | -id="platform id"] [-noheader] [-script | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli list_aru_platforms -noheader


emcli list_aru_products [-name="product name" | -id="product id"] [-noheader] [-script | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"]; ]

emcli list_aru_products -id="product id"


emcli list_aru_releases [-name="release name" | -id="release id" | -productId="product id"] [-noheader] [-script | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli list_aru_releases -noheader


emcli list_patch_plans -name="name" [-noheader] [-script | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli list_patch_plans -name="plan name" -noheader


emcli search_patches [-swlib] [-patch_name="patch_name"] [-product="product id" [-include_all_products_in_family]] [-release="release id"] [-platform="platform id" | -language="language id"] [-type="patch | patchset"] [-noheader] [-script | -xml | -format= [name:<pretty|script|csv>]; [column_separator:"column_sep_string"]; [row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli search_patches -patch_name="patch number" -platform="platform id"


emcli get_connection_mode

emcli get_connection_mode


emcli set_connection_mode -mode="online | offline"

emcli set_connection_mode -mode="offline"


emcli show_patch_plan -name="name" [-info [-showPrivs]] [-actions [-onlyShowEnabled]] [-patches] [-targets] [-deplOptions] [-analysisResults][-conflictFree][-impactedTargets][-deploymentProcedures]

emcli show_patch_plan -name="plan name" -info -showPrivs


emcli submit_patch_plan -name="name" -action="action name"

emcli submit_patch_plan -name="plan name" -action="analyze"


emcli get_targets [-targets="[name1:]type1;[name2:]type2;..."] [-alerts][-noheader][-script | -format=[name:<pretty|script|csv>];[column_separator:"column_sep_string"];[row_separator:"row_sep_string"];]

emcli get_targets -targets="databa%:%oracle%"


emcli get_instance_status [-instance={instance_guid}] [-exec={execution_guid}] [-name={execution name}] [-owner={execution owner}] [-xml [-details]

emcli get_instance_status -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -xml -showJobOutput -tailLength=1024


emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution={execution_id}[-xml [-showOutput [-tailLength={length}]]]

emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012 -xml


emcli create_named_credential -cred_name=<name> -auth_target_type=<authenticating target type> -cred_type=<Credential type> -cred_scope=<Credential Scope> -cred_desc=<Credential Description> -target_name=<target name> -target_type=<target type> -input_file=<tag:value> -input_bfile=<tag:value> -properties_file=<filename> -attributes=<p1:v1;p2:v2;...>

emcli create_named_credential-cred_name=NC1 -auth_target_type=host-cred_type=HostCreds -attributes="HostUserName:foo;HostPassword:"


emcli get_named_credential -cred_owner=<owner> -cred_name=<name>-out=<filename>

emcli get_named_credential -cred_name=NC1


emcli set_preferred_credential -set_name="set_name" -target_name="target_name" -target_type="ttype" -credential_name="cred_name" [-credential_owner ="owner]"

emcli set_preferred_credential -target_type=oracle_database -target_name=myDB -set_name=DBCredsSYSDBA -credential_name=MyDBCredentials -credential_owner="Joe"


emcli show_credential_type_info [-target_type="target_type"] [-type_name="credential_type_name"]

emcli show_credential_type_info -target_type=oracle_database


emcli setup - url="http[s]://host:port/em/" [-username=<EM Console Username]> [-password=<EM Console Password>][-licans=YES|NO][-dir=<local emcli configuration directory>][-trustall][-novalidate][-noautologin][-custom_attrib_file=<Custom attribute file path>][-nocertvalidate]

emcli setup -url=https://dadvmi0128.us.example.com:4473/em -username=sysman -password=sysman


emcli upload_patches -from_host="host name" -patch_files="metadata file path;ZIP file path" [-cred_name="name" -cred_owner="owner"]

emcli upload_patches -patch_files="/scratch/p13741363_112310_Linux-x86-64_M.xml;/scratch/p13741363_112310_Linux-x86-64.zip" -from_host=abc.example.com


emcli delete_patches -patch_name="patch name" -release="release id" -platform= "platform id"

emcli delete_patches -patch_name=13741363 -release=80112310 -platform=226

A.3.3 Software Library EM CLI Verbs

Configuring Software Library, creating entities, and using them is supported in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


You can either use Enterprise Manager UI or the command line utility (EM CLI) to retrieve the folder id and the entity revision id. To do so, and for a comprehensive example on how to effectively use the EM CLI verbs to perform a number of Software Library tasks listed in the following table, see the workflow example Section A.6.5.

Following are some of the important EM CLI verbs used to perform some Software Library actions:

Table A-3 Software Library EM CLI Verbs and Their Usage

Verb Usage Example


(Adding a Software Library storage location)

emcli add_swlib_storage_location -name="location_name" -path="location_path" [-type="OmsShared|OmsAgent|Http|Nfs|ExtAgent"] [-host="hostname"] [-credential_set_name="setname"] | [-credential_name="name" -credential_owner="owner"]

emcli add_swlib_storage_location -name="myOMSAgtLocation" -path="/u01/swlib" -type="OmsAgent"-host="fs1.us.example.com" -credential_name="MyexampleCreds" -credential_owner="example_USER"


(Creating a Software Library folder)

emcli create_swlib_folder -name="folder_name" -parent_id="parent folder id" [-desc="folder description"]

emcli create_swlib_folder -name="myFolder" -parent_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:B13B3B7B086458CFE040E80A19AA560C" -desc="myFolder description"


(Creating a Software Library entity)

emcli create_swlib_entity -name="entity_name" -folder_id="folder_id" [-type]="type internal id"] [-subtype]="subtype internal id"] [-desc="entity_desc"] [-attr="<attr name>:<attr value>"] [-prop="<prop name>:<prop value>"] [-secret_prop="<secret prop name>:<secret prop value>"] [-note="note text"]

emcli create_swlib_entity -name="myexampleInstall" -folder_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:B13B3B7B086458CFE040E80A19AA560C" -desc="myexampleInstall description" -attr="PRODUCT:example" -attr="PRODUCT_VERSION:3.0" -attr="VENDOR:example Corp" -prop="DEFAULT_HOME:/u01/example3/" -note="myexampleInstall for test servers"


(Listing the Software Library entities)

emcli list_swlib_entities [-name="entity_name"] [-folder_id="folder internal id"] [-desc="entity_desc"] [-attr="<attr name>:<attr value>"] [-type]="type internal id"][-subtype]="subtype internal id"][-maturity]="maturity"][-owner]="owner"][-status]="status"][-show_folder_path] [-show_folder_id] [-show_entity_rev_id]

emcli list_swlib_entities -name="myEntity" -attr="PRODUCT=Oracle Database" -show_folder_id


(Listing Software Library entity subtypes)

emcli list_swlib_entity_subtypes -entity_type_id="type internal name"] [-show_subtype_id]

emcli list_swlib_entity_subtypes -entity_type_id="COMP_Component" -show_type_id


(Listing Software Library entity types)

emcli list_swlib_entity_types [-show_type_id]

emcli list_swlib_entity_types -show_type_id


(Listing Software Library folders)

emcli list_swlib_folders[-parent_id="parent folder id"] [-show_folder_path][-show_folder_id]

emcli list_swlib_folders -parent_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:B13B3B7B086458CFE040E80A19AA560C" -show_folder_id


(Listing Software Library storage locations)

emcli list_swlib_storage_locations [-type="OmsShared|OmsAgent|Http|Nfs|ExtAgent"]

emcli list_swlib_storage_locations -type="OmsAgent"


(Referring files from a Software Library entity)

emcli refer_swlib_entity_files -entity_rev_id="entity_rev_id" [-file="<relative file path>[;<new file name>]" | [-removefile="<existing file name>"] -refer_storage="<storage location name>;<storage type>" [-use_latest_revision]

emcli refer_swlib_entity_files -entity_rev_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:B1B1880C6A8C62AAE040548C42832D14:0.1" -file="scripts/perl/script1.pl;new_script.pl" -removefile="ALL" -refer_storage="myScripts;Http" -use_latest_revision


(Re-Importing Software Library metadata)

emcli reimport_swlib_metadata

emcli reimport_swlib_metadata


(Removing a Software Library storage location)

emcli remove_swlib_storage_location -name="src location name"-type="OmsShared|OmsAgent|Http|Nfs|ExtAgent" -migrate_to_loc="dest location name"[-migrate_to_type="OmsShared|OmsAgent|Http|Nfs|ExtAgent"]

emcli remove_swlib_storage_location -name="myOMSSharedLocation" -type="OmsShared"-migrate_to_loc="myNewAGTLocation" -migrate_to_type="OmsAgent"


(Modifying a Software Library entity)

emcli update_swlib_entity -entity_rev_id="entity_rev_id"[-desc="entity_desc"][-attr="<attr name>:<attr value>"][-prop="<prop name>:<prop value>"][-secret_prop="<secret prop name>:<secret prop value>"][-note="note text"] [-use_latest_revision]

emcli update_swlib_entity -entity_rev_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:B1B1880C6A8C62AAE040548C4D14:0.1" -entity_desc="myexampleInstall description" -attr="PRODUCT:example" -attr="PRODUCT_VERSION:3.0" -attr="VENDOR:example Corp" -prop="DEFAULT_HOME:/u01/example3/" -note="myexampleInstall for test servers"


(Uploading files to a Software Library entity)

emcli upload_swlib_entity_files -entity_rev_id="entity_rev_id" -host="hostname" [-file="<abs file path>[;<new file name>]" | [-removefile="<existing file name>"] [-credential_set_name="setname"] | [-credential_name="name" -credential_owner="owner"] [-upload_storage="<storage location name>;<storage type>"][-use_latest_revision]

emcli upload_swlib_entity_files -entity_rev_id="oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:B1B1880C6A8C62AAE040548C42832D14:0.1" -file="/u01/example_downloads/file1.zip;newfile1.zip" -file="/u01/example_downloads/file2.zip" -removefile="ALL" -host="fs1.us.example.com" -credential_name="MyexampleCreds" -credential_owner="example_USER" -use_latest_revision

A.4 Provisioning Using EM CLI

Deployment Procedures can be run from the command line using EM CLI or from Cloud Control UI. Launching a procedure either from command line or from GUI requires a set of inputs to be provided. However, the mode of entering these inputs differ in both the cases. While running a Deployment Procedure from the UI, you can use a wizard to enter all the inputs required to run the procedure. However, in EM CLI, you use Properties File for entering the inputs. Properties File is a file which contains all the inputs required to run a Deployment Procedure. The following sections describe how to create properties file from scratch and use it in procedures, how to use properties file of a procedure that has already been executed, and how to create a template using a properties file and a few other attributes to run the deployment procedures.


  • You cannot provision pluggable databases by running Deployment Procedures using EM CLI. For information on how to provision pluggable databases using EM CLI, view Section A.4.4.

  • The -swlib argument works for cloning only Oracle Database 9i Release 2. Do NOT use this argument for later releases.

This section covers the following scenarios:

A.4.1 Creating the Properties File to Submit a Deployment Procedure

This graphic illustrates how to create a template properties file, update values into the file, and then submit the procedure with the updated properties file as the input.

Surrounding text describes emcli_createpropfile.gif.

Step1: Create Template Properties File From a Procedure Definition

All the details required for the selected Deployment Procedure like variable names, targets, credentials, and so on are provided in this step to successfully submit the procedure from the command line. Generating the Properties file is a two-step process as follows:

  1. To retrieve the GUID or the Name of the procedure, run the following command:

    emcli get_procedures 
    [-type={procedure type}] 
    ./emcli get_procedures -type=DBPROV 
    B3FCE84B1ED96791E040578CD7810EC5, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, 1.0, SSUBBURA1, SIHA_SIDB_PROC
    B35E10B1F430B4EEE040578CD78179DC, DBPROV, DBREPLAYCLIENTDP_NG, Provision Oracle Database Client, 6.1, ORACLE
    B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC, DBPROV, SIHA_SIDB_PROC, Provision Oracle Database, 1.0, ORACLE
  2. Use the GUID or the name in the following command to generate a template properties file. Use the following command when you are running the Deployment Procedure for the first time, or when you do not have too many variables in your procedure to update:

    emcli describe_procedure_input 
    [-procedure={procedure GUID}] 
    [-name={procedure name or procedure configuration}] 
    [-owner={owner of the procedure or procedure configuration}][-parent_proc={procedure of the procedure configuration. this only applies to describe a procedure configuration with the same name}]
    The following examples describe how to use the procedure GUID to generate the properties file template:
    ./emcli describe_procedure_input -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC > procConfiguration.properties 

This EM CLI verb describes the input data of a deployment procedure or a procedure configuration in a name-value pair format, which is also called as the properties file format. The advantage of this name-value file format for a procedure is that it is flexible enough to accept multiple destination targets.

Step 2: Entering New Values in The Properties File

Use any editor to open the properties file and enter values against the names. After updating all the fields, save and close the properties file.

The main goal of this step is to create a library of property files where the most common input values have been set as defaults, this in turn reduces the chances of operator errors, and also reduces the number of inputs expected from the operators.

For example, vi procConfiguration.properties 


For example properties file, see sections Section A.6.1 or Section A.6.2.

Step 3: Submitting the Procedure With The Updated Properties File as Input

Once the properties file is ready with the correct name-value pair required to run the Deployment procedure, you must use the EM CLI verb submit_procedure, which accepts the edited properties file as the input.

emcli submit_procedure 
[-name={name of the procedure}] 
[-owner={owner of the procedure}] 
[-procedure={guid of the procedure}]
-input_file={data:{file_path}/file name"  [-instance_name={name for the procedure instance}] [-notification={procedure status}]
[-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}]  [-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm; tz:{java timezone ID}]

Starting with Cloud Control 12c, you can submit the procedure either using the procedure GUID or using the procedure name/owner pair, as described in the following example:

  • Submitting the properties file using the GUID of the procedure:

    emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:procConfiguration.properties -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23; tz:America/New_York" -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB; user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running"
  • Submitting the properties file using the procedure name/owner pair:

    emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:procConfiguration.properties -name=SIHA_SIDB_PROC -owner=sysman -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23; tz:America/New_York" -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB; user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running"


Verifying parameters ...
Deployment procedure submitted successfully 
Note: The instanceId is B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179F1

This verb functions in a non-waiting mode, which means it submits the procedure for execution and returns without waiting for it to complete. The output of this verb indicates if the submission of the procedure was successful or if any errors were encountered. A successful submission displays the Instance GUID as the output.

Step 4: Verifying The Status Of the Procedure

The final step lets you to track the progress and status of the procedure. This is especially important since the submit procedure verb does not wait for the completion of the Deployment Procedure:

emcli get_instance_status 
[-instance={instance guid}] 
[-exec=execution guid] 
[-tailLength={last N characters}]]]


emcli get_instance_status -instance=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179F1 -details -showJobOutput


A.4.2 Using Properties File from an Existing Execution of a Deployment Procedure

This graphic illustrates how to retrieve the properties file of a deployment procedure that has already been executed, update values into the file, and then submit the procedure with the updated properties file as the input.

Surrounding text describes emcli_exitingpropfile.gif.

Retrieving Properties File From an Existing Execution

All the inputs required for the selected Deployment Procedure like variable names, targets, credentials, and so on are provided in this step to successfully submit the procedure from the command line. Generating the Properties file is a two-step process as follows:

  1. To retrieve the GUID or the Name of the procedure, run the following command:

    emcli get_procedures 
    [-type={procedure type}]
    [-parent_proc={procedure associate with procedure configuration}]
    ./emcli get_procedures -parent_proc=SIHA_SIDB_PROC
    B3FCE84B1ED96791E040578CD7810EC5, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, 1.0, SSUBBURA1, SIHA_SIDB_PROC
  2. Use the GUID to retrieve the Instance ID of the procedure:

    emcli get_instances 
    [-type={procedure type}]
    ./emcli get_instances -type=DBPROV
    B3FE0C8302EA4A4CE040578CD781133C, B3FE0C8302F64A4CE040578CD781133C, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbur, Failed
    B3FE34D472C00AD9E040578CD781107B, B3FE34D472CC0AD9E040578CD781107B, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_locked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura1, Failed
  3. Use the Instance ID in the following command to retrieve the input properties file of the instance:

    emcli get_instance_data 
    [-instance={instance guid}] 
    [-exec=execution guid]
    The following examples describe how to use the procedure GUID to generate the properties file template:
    emcli get_instance_data -instance=B3FE0C8302EA4A4CE040578CD781133C > instanceData.properties

Step 2: Updating the Existing Values in the Properties File

The main goal of this step is to update the values in the properties file (if required). To do so, use any editor to open the properties file and enter the updated values against the names. After updating the required fields, save and close the properties file.

vi instanceData.properties

Step 3: Submitting the Procedure with the Updated Properties File as Input

To run the procedures from the command line you must use the EM CLI verb submit_procedure as described in Step 3: Submitting the Procedure With The Updated Properties File as Input

Step 4: Verifying the Status of the Procedure

To verify the status of the procedure, see Step 4: Verifying The Status Of the Procedure.

A.4.3 Launching a Procedure using an Existing Saved Procedure

Procedures that are used repeatedly can be saved along with the properties file, job grants, schedules, and notifications, and so on with a unique name. This specially packaged procedure can be run using the unique name whenever required. This is especially useful when the procedure must be executed multiple number of times, and helps in saving a lot of time and effort. Running the verb emcli get_procedures fetches all the procedures which also include the Procedure Configurations.

To launch a procedure using an Existing Procedure Configuration File, do the following:

  1. Run the verb emcli get_procedures to fetch an existing Procedure Configuration file.

  2. Update the properties file if required.

  3. Save the Procedure Configuration with the updated Properties file, and the other attributes like job grants, schedules, and notifications. To do so, see Section A.4.3.1.

  4. Submitting the Procedure Configuration file as described in Step 3: Submitting the Procedure With The Updated Properties File as Input


    You can update the Procedure Configuration using the update_procedure_input verb as described in Section A.4.3.2. After Updating the Procedure Configuration, follow step 4 to resubmit the procedure.
  5. To verify the status of the procedure, see Step 4: Verifying The Status Of the Procedure.

A.4.3.1 Saving a Procedure Configuration of a Procedure

If you have to use a properties file repeatedly to run a procedure, then Oracle recommends that you save this Procedure with the properties file and give the saved procedure a name. Every time you want to run the procedure with the same properties file, you can run the saved Procedure by giving its name. To save the procedure, run the following command:

emcli save_procedure_input -name={name of procedure configuration} -procedure={Procedure name}
[-owner={owner of procedure}] 
-input_file=data:/file path/file name 
[-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] [-notification={procedure status}]
[-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};grace_period:xxx]

emcli save_procedure_input -name=procConfiguration -procedure=ComputeStepTest -input_file=data:/tmp/instanceData.properties -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;
user2:FULL_JOB" -notification="scheduled, action required, running" -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60"  

A.4.3.2 Updating the Procedure Configuration of a Procedure

To update the existing values in a saved procedure, run the following command:

emcli update_procedure_input -name={name of procedure configuration} -input_file="data:/file path/file name" 
[-notification={procedure status}]
[-grants={users and their corresponding accessing levels}] 
[-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone id};grace_period:xxx]

emcli update_procedure_input -name=procConfiguration -input_file=data:/tmp/instanceData.properties -grants="user1:VIEW_JOB;user2:FULL_JOB"
 -notification="scheduled, action required, running" -schedule="start_time:2012/12/25 00:00;tz:American/New York;grace_period:60" 

A.4.4 Provisioning Pluggable Databases

This section provides information on how to provision pluggable databases (PDBs) using EM CLI. It contains the following:

A.4.4.1 Creating a New Pluggable Database

To create a new PDB using EM CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the prerequisites.

    For information on the prerequisites for creating a new PDB, view Section For information on the prerequisites for creating a PDB by plugging in an unplugged PDB, view Section For information on the prerequisites for creating a PDB by cloning an existing PDB, view Section

  2. Log in to EM CLI by running the following command on the OMS host:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<name_of_user> -password=<password>
  3. View the help file of the create_pluggable_database verb by running the following command:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli help create_pluggable_database
  4. Run the create_pluggable_database verb:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli create_pluggable_database
    -cdbTargetName=<Specify the CDB target name for creating new PDB>
    -cdbTargetType=<Specify the CDB target type - oracle_database, rac_database>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials on which the CDB target is located>
    [-cdbTargetCreds=<Specify the credentials of container database on which the new PDB will be created.>]
    -pdbName=<Specify a name for the new PDB>
    [-numOfPdbs=<Specify the number of PDBs to be created>]
    -sourceType=<Type of pdb to be created - DEFAULT, UNPLUGGED_PDB, CLONE, PROFILE>
    [-sourceFromSWLIB=<If -sourceType is 'UNPLUGGED_PDB', specify if the dump location is SWLIB or not.>]
    [-pdbTemplateInSWLIB=<If -sourceFromSWLIB, specify the URN of pdb template component in SWLIB.>]
    [-sourcePDBTempStagingLocation=<If from SWLIB, specify fully qualified location for staging the source pdb dump temporarily>]
    [-unpluggedPDBType=<If -sourceType is 'UNPLUGGED_PDB', specify pdb dump type -  ARCHIVE, RMAN, XML.>]
    [-sourcePDBArchiveLocation=<If -unpluggedPDBType=ARCHIVE, this is fully qualified archive location>]
    [-sourcePDBMetadataFile=<If -unpluggedPDBType=RMAN or XML, this is fully qualified path of the source PDB metadata file>]
    [-sourcePDBDatabackup=<If -unpluggedPDBType=RMAN, this is fully qualified path of the source PDB datafile>]
    [-sourcePDBName=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE', specify the name of an existing PDB which is a valid em target>]
    [-sourceCDBCreds=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE', specify the credentials of container database on which the -sourcePDBName is present>]
    [-pdbAdminCreds=<Name of pdb credentials with admin role>]
    [-useOMF=<Specifies that the datafiles can be stored in OMF location>]
    [-sameAsSource=<Specifies that the datafiles of new PDB can be stored in the same location as that of source CDB>]
    [-newPDBFileLocation=<Specify the storage location for datafiles of the created PDB.>]
    [-createAsClone=<If -sourceType is 'UNPLUGGED_PDB' and if 'createAsClone' is specified, the PDB will be created as clone.>]
    [-lockAllUsers=<If -sourceType is 'UNPLUGGED_PDB' and if 'lockAllUsers' is specified, all PDB users of the new PDB will be locked.>]
    [-noUserTablespace=<Specifies that the new DEFAULT PDB will not be created with USERS tablespace.>]
    [-useSnapClone=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE', specifies that Snap Clone must be used for cloning the PDB.>]
    [-sourceCDBHostCreds=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE' and -useSnapClone is specified, this specifies the host credentials for the source CDB.>]
    [-mountPointPrefix=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE' and -useSnapClone is specified, this specifies the mount point prefix for the cloned volumes.>]
    [-writableSpace=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE' and -useSnapClone is specified, this specifies the writable space, in GB, for the cloned volumes.>]
    [-privHostCreds=<If -sourceType is 'CLONE' and -useSnapClone is specified, this specifies the privileged host credentials required to mount the cloned volumes at the specified locations.>]

    For example, you can run the following commands to create new PDBs:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli create_pluggable_database -cdbTargetName=database -cdbTargetType=oracle_database -pdbName=pdb -sourceType=UNPLUGGED_PDB -unpluggedPDBType=ARCHIVE  -sourcePDBArchiveLocation=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_2/assistants/dbca/templates/a.tar.gz
    emcli create_pluggable_database -cdbTargetName=database -cdbTargetType=oracle_database -cdbHostCreds=HOST_CREDS -cdbTargetCreds=CDB_SYS_CREDS -pdbName=pdb -sourceType=CLONE -sourcePDBName=source_pdb -sourceCDBCreds=CDB_SYS_CREDS -useSnapClone -srcCDBHostCreds=HOST_CREDS -mountPointPrefix=/oracle -writableSpace=1 -sourcePDBTempStagingLocation=/tmp -privHostCreds=ROOT_CREDS

A.4.4.2 Provisioning a Pluggable Database Using a Snapshot Profile

When a PDB is cloned using the Snap Clone method, you can choose to create a snapshot profile out of the created snapshot, save the snapshot profile in Software Library, then use the snapshot profile later to provision PDBs. Using this method, you can provision a stable, standardized, and up-to-date PDB on a large number of hosts, without having to create a snapshot of the source PDB during each provisioning operation.

This section consists of the following:

A. Prerequisites for Provisioning a Pluggable Database Using a Snapshot Profile

Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites before provisioning a PDB using a snapshot profile:

  • The Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database plug-in, or a higher version, must be downloaded and deployed in your system.

  • The prerequisites for cloning a PDB using the Snap Clone method, (described in Section must be met.

A. Procedure for Provisioning a Pluggable Database Using a Snapshot Profile

To provision a PDB using a snapshot profile, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to EM CLI by running the following command on the OMS host:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<name_of_user> -password=<password>
  2. View the help file of the create_pluggable_database verb by running the following command:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli help create_pluggable_database
  3. Run the create_pluggable_database verb, specifying the -sourceType parameter as CLONE, and the -sourcePDBName, sourceCDBCreds, -useSnapClone, -sourceCDBHostCreds, -mountPointPrefix, -writableSpace, -privHostCreds, -saveProfile, -profileName, and -profileLocation parameters, to create a snap clone and a snapshot profile of the source PDB:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli create_pluggable_database
    -cdbTargetName=<Specify the CDB target name for creating new PDB>
    -cdbTargetType=<Specify the CDB target type - oracle_database, rac_database>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials on which the CDB target is located>
    -pdbName=<Specify a name for the new PDB>
    -sourcePDBName=<Specify the name of the existing PDB that you want to clone>
    -sourceCDBCreds=<Specify the credentials of the CDB within which the source PDB is present>
    -sourceCDBHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials for the source CDB.>
    -mountPointPrefix=<Specify the mount point prefix for the cloned volumes.>
    -writableSpace=<Specify the writable space, in GB, for the cloned volumes.>
    -privHostCreds=<Specify the privileged host credentials required to mount the cloned volumes at the specified locations.>
    -profileName=<The name of the profile that you want to create>
    -profileLocation=<The location in software library where you want to create the profile>
    [-cdbTargetCreds=<Specify the credentials of container database on which the new PDB will be created.>]
    [-numOfPdbs=<Specify the number of PDBs to be created>]
    [-pdbAdminCreds=<Specify the PDB credentials having the admin role>]
    [-useOMF=<Specifies that the datafiles can be stored in OMF location>]
    [-sameAsSource=<Specifies that the datafiles of new PDB can be stored in the same location as that of source CDB>]
    [-newPDBFileLocation=<Specify the storage location for datafiles of the created PDB.>]
    [-noUserTablespace=<Specifies that the new DEFAULT PDB will not be created with USERS tablespace.>]

    This command clones the source PDB using the Snap Clone feature, and creates a snapshot profile of the source PDB, which is stored at the specified location in Software Library.

  4. Run the list_swlib_entities verb, specifying the -name and the -show_entity_rev_id parameters, to obtain the Uniform Resource Name (URN) of the created snapshot profile:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli list_swlib_entities
                          -name="<The name of the snapshot profile>"
  5. Run the create_pluggable_database verb, specifying the -sourceType parameter as PROFILE, and the -profileURN parameter, to provision PDBs using the created snapshot profile:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli create_pluggable_database
    -cdbTargetName=<Specify the CDB target name for creating new PDB>
    -cdbTargetType=<Specify the CDB target type - oracle_database, rac_database>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials on which the CDB target is located>
    -pdbName=<Specify a name for the new PDB>
    -profileURN=<URN of the snapshot profile that you want to use to provision PDBs>
    [-cdbTargetCreds=<Specify the credentials of container database on which the new PDB will be created.>]
    [-numOfPdbs=<Specify the number of PDBs to be created>]
    [-pdbAdminCreds=<Name of pdb credentials with admin role>]
    [-useOMF=<Specifies that the datafiles can be stored in OMF location>]
    [-sameAsSource=<Specifies that the datafiles of new PDB can be stored in the same location as that of source CDB>]
    [-newPDBFileLocation=<Specify the storage location for datafiles of the created PDB.>]
    [-noUserTablespace=<Specifies that the new DEFAULT PDB will not be created with USERS tablespace.>]

A.4.4.3 Migrating a Non-Container Database as a Pluggable Database

To migrate a non-container database (CDB) as a PDB, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the prerequisites.

    For information on the prerequisites for migrating a non-container database as a PDB, view Section

  2. Log in to EM CLI by running the following command on the OMS host:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<name_of_user> -password=<password>
  3. View the help file of the migrate_noncdb_to_pdb verb by running the following command:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli help migrate_noncdb_to_pdb
  4. Run the migrate_noncdb_to_pdb verb:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli migrate_noncdb_to_pdb 
    -cdbTargetName=<EM CDB target into which the database will be added as PDB>
    -cdbTargetType=<EM CDB target type (oracle_database|rac_database)>
    -cdbDBCreds=<Named DB credentials of CDB user having sysdba privileges>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Named host credentials for Oracle Home owner of CDB>
    -migrationMethod=<Migration method to be used (DATAPUMP|PLUG_AS_PDB)>
    -noncdbTargetName=<EM non-CDB target to be migrated>
    -noncdbTargetType=<EM non-CDB target type (oracle_database|rac_database)>
    -noncdbDBCreds=<Named DB credentials for non-CDB user having sysdba privileges>
    -noncdbHostCreds=<Named host credentials for Oracle Home owner of non-CDB>
    -pdbName=<Name of the PDB to be created on the CDB>
    -pdbAdminName=<Username of the PDB administrator to be created>
    -pdbAdminPassword=<Password for the PDB administrator>
    [-exportDir=<Temporary file system location on the non-CDB host where the exported files will be stored>]
    [-importDir=<Temporary file system location on the CDB host used to stage the migration metadata and/or datafiles>]
    [-useOMF=<Use OMF for datafile location if CDB is OMF enabled (Y|N)>]
    [-dataFilesLoc=<Location on the CDB host where datafiles for the newly created DB will be stored. Disk Group name in case of ASM>]
    [-encryptionPwd=<Password to decrypt/encrypt datapump dump file. Mandatory if non-CDB contains encrypted tablespaces>]
    [-cdbWalletPwd=<Wallet password of the CDB. Mandatory if non-CDB contains encrypted tablespaces>]
    [-objectExistsAction=<Action to be taken when the exported object with same name is found on the newly created PDB (SKIP|REPLACE). Defaulted to SKIP>]
    [-precheck=<Perform pre-requisite checks (YES|NO|ONLY). Defaulted to YES>]
    [-ignoreWarnings=<Ignore the warnings from precheck (Y|N)>]

    For example, you can run the following command to migrate a non-CDB as a PDB:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli migrate_noncdb_to_pdb -migrationMethod=datapump -noncdbTargetName=NON_CDB_NAME -noncdbTargetType=oracle_database -noncdbHostCreds=NON_CDB_HOST_CREDS -noncdbDBCreds=NON_CDB_DB_CREDS -cdbTargetName=CDB_NAME -cdbTargetType=oracle_database -cdbHostCreds=CDB_HOST_CREDS -cdbDBCreds=CDB_DB_CREDS -pdbName=NEW_PDB -pdbAdminName=pdbAdmin -pdbAdminPassword=welcome -precheck=ONLY -ignoreWarnings

A.4.4.4 Unplugging and Dropping a Pluggable Database

To unplug and drop a PDB, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the prerequisites.

    For information on the prerequisites for unplugging and dropping a PDB, view Section

  2. Log in to EM CLI by running the following command on the OMS host:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<name_of_user> -password=<password>
  3. View the help file of the unplug_pluggable_database verb by running the following command:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli help unplug_pluggable_database
  4. Run the unplug_pluggable_database verb:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli unplug_pluggable_database
    -cdbTargetName=<Specify the CDB target name from which PDB needs to be unplugged>
    -cdbTargetType=<Specify the CDB target type - oracle_database, rac_database>
    -cdbHostCreds=<Specify the host credentials on which the CDB target is located>
    -cdbTargetCreds=<Specify the credentials of container database on which the PDB will be unplugged.>
    -pdbName=<Specify name of the PDB that needs to be unplugged>
    [-unplugPDBToSWLIB=<Specifies that unplugged PDB should be uploaded to Software Library (SWLIB)>]
    [-pdbTemplateNameInSWLIB=<If -unplugPDBToSWLIB, specify the name to be used for PDB Template component in SWLIB.>]
    [-tempStagingLocation=<If -unplugPDBToSWLIB, specify a temporary working directory for copying staging SWLIB files.>]
    -unplugPDBTemplateType=<Specify the PDB template type -  ARCHIVE, RMAN, XML.>
    [-pdbArchiveLocation=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=ARCHIVE, this is fully qualified archive location with file name>]
    [-pdbMetadataFile=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=RMAN or XML, this is fully qualified path for the PDB metadata file>]
    [-pdbDatabackup=<If -unplugPDBTemplateType=RMAN, this is fully qualified path for the PDB datafile backup>]

    For example, you can run the following command to unplug and drop a PDB:

    $<OMS_HOME>/bin/emcli unplug_pluggable_database -cdbTargetName=db -cdbTargetType=oracle_database -cdbHostCreds=HOST_CREDS -cdbTargetCreds=CDB_CREDS -pdbName=db_pdb -unplugPDBTemplateType=ARCHIVE -pdbArchiveLocation=/u01/app/unplugged/db_pdb.tar.gz

A.5 Patching Using EM CLI

This section contains the following:

A.5.1 Before You Begin Patching

Keep the following points in mind before patching the targets using EM CLI:

  1. Target information like: target name, target type, target version, release number, platform, product and so on ready.

  2. Patch information like: Patch Name (Patch Number), Release ID, Platform ID, and Language ID ready.

  3. Set at least one of the following credentials on the Oracle home of the target host machines before beginning the patching process:

    • Oracle Home Named Credentials

    • Privileged Oracle Home Named Credentials

  4. Setup Privilege Delegation through Sudo or PowerBroker, and apply the templates to the host target when you do not have the access (Username/Password) for the Oracle account or root account.

  5. Set one of the following modes before patching:

    • Online Mode: This mode is helpful when you have internet connectivity. However, to search and download the patches from My Oracle Support, you need to set the preferred credentials for My Oracle Support.

    • Offline Mode: This mode can be used for patching provided you have already downloaded the patches to the Software Library. You can then search for them on Software Library.

A.5.2 Patching Using EM CLI

Targets can be patched using Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface. You do not necessarily need Cloud Control to download and apply patches.

The following table describes EM CLI patching scenarios:

Table A-4 EM CLI Patching Scenarios

Case No Scenario Hign Level Steps

Case 1

Creating a new properties file for patching targets.

To patch targets using a fresh properties file, follow these steps:

  1. Select the targets, and seach for the patches that you want to add to the plan.

  2. Create a properties file, and save it in a temporary location.

  3. Create the plan using the properties file as the input.

  4. View the patch plan before submitting to know if the given patch plan can be submitted. If the action is :

    - Analyze, then you can submit your patch plan for analysis.

    - Deploy, then you can submit your patch plan for deployment.

  5. Verify the status of the submitted plan.

For details about how to use the EM CLI commands to perform each of the steps see Section A.5.2.1.

Case 2

Updating the properties file of an existing patch plan to patch the targets.

To update a properties file retrieved from an existing patch plan, follow these steps:

  1. Get the user-editable data for a given patch plan, and save the output as a properties file.

  2. Edit the properties file using an editor. For example, vi editor.

  3. Save the edited user-data.

  4. View the patch plan before submitting to know if the given patch plan can be submitted. If the action is :

    - Analyze, then you can submit your patch plan for analysis.

    - Deploy, then you can submit your patch plan for deployment.

  5. Verify the status of the submitted plan.

For details about how to use the EMCLI commands to perform each of the steps see Section A.5.2.2.

A.5.2.1 Creating a New Properties File for Patching Targets

If you are creating the patch plan from scratch, then you need to create the properties file afresh, and submit this properties file as input for creating the plan. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Select the targets that need to be patched. To do so, run the following EM CLI command:

    emcli get_targets
    For example:
    emcli get_targets -targets=oracle_emd
    Displays all the Management Agent targets.
    Status ID Status Target Type Target Name
    2 Metric collection on Error oracle_emd h1.us.example.com:5125
    2 Metric collection on Error oracle_emd h2.us.example.com:5125
    1 Up oracle_emd slc01nha.us.example.com:11852
    1 Up oracle_emd slc00bng.us.example.com:1833
    1 Up oracle_emd adc2101349.us.example.com:1832

  2. Search for the patches that you want to apply. To find the relevant patches for your plan, you either need to use the Patch ID (Basic Search), or use a combination of Release ID, Platform ID, and Product ID (Advanced Search) and drill down to the patches required. To do so, run the following EM CLI command:

    emcli search_patches
            [-product="product id" [-include_all_products_in_family]] 
            [-release="release id"] 
            [-platform="platform id" | -language="language id"]
            [-type="patch | patchset"] 
            [-script | -xml | -format=


    You can search for patches in one of the following locations:

    • ARU Site

    • Software Library

    If you have internet connectivity, then you are in online mode, and by default can look for patches on the ARU site. However, if you are in offline mode, then you must ensure that the patches are already uploaded to Software Library so you can use them.

    You can perform searches in one of the following modes using EM CLI:

    • Simple Search: This mode allows you to search the ARU site or Software Library using the patch ID information.

    • Advanced Search: This mode allows you to provide a combination of key values like platform ID, Language ID, Release ID, and/or product ID to drill down to the patch that you are looking for.

    You can use the following syntax, and the corresponding examples to perform simple and advanced searh using EM CLI commands:

    1. (Basic Search) To search for the patches using the Patch ID, do the following:

      emcli search_patches
              [-product="product id" [-include_all_products_in_family]] 
              [-release="release id"] 
              [-platform="platform id" | -language="language id"]
              [-type="patch | patchset"] 
              [-script | -xml | -format=
      Example 1: Basic Search (Online Mode)
      To search for patches on My Oracle Support using the Patch ID:
      emcli search_patches -patch_name=11993573 
      11993573        Agent Plugin PATCH      Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Plugin
      Example 2: Basic Search (Offline Mode)
      To search for patches on Software Library using the patch ID:
      emcli search_patches -patch_name=11993573 -swlib -script
      11993573        Agent Plugin PATCH      Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Plugin
    2. (Advanced Search) Use the Product ID, Release ID, and Plaform ID (or Language ID) to get the patch details that you want to add to the patch plan.

      To search for patches using a combination of Product ID, Release ID, and Platform ID (obtained from the earlier steps):
      emcli search_patches -product=12383 -release=9800371121010   -platform=226
      13491785        ENTERPRISE MANAGER BASE PLATFORM  - AGENT BP1 (PORT) Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        Recommended     Enterprise Manager Base Platform13481721        WRONG ERROR MESSAGE RETURNED FROM NMO   Cloud Control (Agent)        Linux x86-64    American English        General Enterprise Manager Base Platform
  3. Create a patch-target map (stored in the properties file) using any editor, and supply information like Patch ID, Release ID, Platform ID, and Language ID. Here is a sample properties file:

    vi demo.props
  4. Run the create_patch_plan command to create the plan, and supply the newly created properties file (demo.props) as input:

    emcli create_patch_plan
            [-impact_other_targets="add_all | add_original_only | cancel"] 
    emcli create_patch_plan -name=demo_agent -input_file=data:demo.props -impact_other_targets=add_all


    If the selected target impacts other targets, then you need to add impact_other_targets with the value "add_all". For example, if one of the agents running on the NFS home is selected for patching, other agent based on the same NFS home will also be impacted while patching, so they are all required to present in the patch plan.
  5. After you have created the patch plan with all the relevant data, you can submit your patch plan in the Analyze mode to verify if the plan is deployable or not. To do so, run the follwing command:

    emcli submit_patch_plan -name=demo_agent -action=analyze
    The action "analyze" is successfully submitted on the Patch Plan "demo_agent", now "analyze" is in progress.

    The Analyze mode facilitates the plan to perform all the validations to ensure that the plan is deployable. Only once the analysis is successful you should deploy the plan.

  6. To verify the status of the patch plan, run the following EM CLI command:

    emcli show_patch_plan -name=demo_agent -info | grep plan_status

    If you see any conflicts, then you must resolve them before deploying the plan. You can use the User Interface to resolve the issues, and then rerun the plan until the status is CLEAN.

  7. After a successful analysis, you can deploy the patch plan. To do so, run the following command with action deploy:

    emcli submit_patch_plan -name=agent_demo -action=deploy
    The action "deploy" is successfully submitted on the Patch Plan "demo_agent", now "deploy" is in progress
  8. To verify the status of the plan, run the EM CLI command show_patch_plan as mentioned in step 6. Only when the output of the command is DEPLOY_SUCCESS, it means that the plan has been successfully deployed, and the targets mentioned in the patch plan have been patched.

    emcli show_patch_plan -name=demo_agent -info
    <conflict_check_date>Tue Feb 21 18:04:04 PST 2012</conflict_check_date>
    <created_date>Tue Feb 21 17:40:47 PST 2012</created_date>
    <last_updated_date>Tue Feb 21 17:58:29 PST 2012</last_updated_date>
    <homogeneousGroupLabel>Database Instance (Linux x86-64)</homogeneousGroupLabel>
  9. To get the details of the patching procedure/job that you submitted, use the GUID of the execution in the command get_job_execution_details as follows:

     emcli get_job_execution_detail
            [-xml  [-showOutput [-tailLength={length}]]]
    For Example:
    emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=79CAF6A6DAFCFEE6654C425632F19411 -xml

A.5.2.2 Using the Properties File of an Existing Patch Plan to Patch the targets

To edit an existing patch plan after it has been created for updating the patch-target pairs or generic information or deployment options, you can follow the steps listed here:

  1. To view the user-editable fields of an existing plan, run the get_patch_plan_data command, and save the output to a properties file as follows:

    $ emcli get_patch_plan_data -name=demo_agent >demo_agent.props
  2. Edit the properties file (demo_agent.props) using any editor. You can change the storage location as follows:

  3. To save the patch plan with the new edited data, run set_patch_plan_data command as follows:

    emcli set_patch_plan_data -name=demo_agent -input_file=data:demo_agent.props
    It is successfully on updating deployment options from the patch plan.


    If the selected target impacts other targets, then you need to add impact_other_targets with the value "add_all". For example, if one of the agents running on the NFS home is selected for patching, other agent based on the same NFS home will also be impacted while patching, so they are all required to present in the patch plan.
  4. Follow steps 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 mentioned in the Section A.5.2.1 to complete the patching process.

A.6 WorkFlow Examples Using EM CLI Commands

The following sections describe some of the provisioning, patching, and Software Library tasks that can be performed using EM CLI commands:

A.6.1 Provisioning Oracle Database Software

This use case describes how to provision an Oracle Database Software using the EM CLI commands available in Cloud Control. The first step is to filter out the database procedures running in your enterprise, from the list, select the Single Instance Database procedure and its corresponding GUID. For the SI DB procedure, a new properties file is created from scratch. Initially, the name-value pair in the template will be empty, you must edit the attributes in the properties file to update the values. Following which the procedure is submitted with the updated properties file as the input, and tracked to completion.


The following verb clones only Oracle Database 9i Release 2: emcli clone_database_home -swlib true.

Here is the step-by-step procedure with the outputs:

  1. To retrieve the GUID of the Deployment Procedure, run the following command:

    ./emcli get_procedures | grep DB_       
    For Example:
    ./emcli get_procedures | grep DB
    B3F.CE84B1ED96791E040578CD7810EC5, DBPROV, Prov_112_db_using_SH_1ocked_acc_without_env_shift_username1, Prov_112_db_using_SH_1ocked_acc_without_env_shift_ssubbura11, 1.0, USERNAME1, SIHA_SIDB_PROC
    B35E10B1F42AB4EEE040578CD78179DC, DB_PROV_UPGRADE, DbProvUpgradeDP, Upgrade Oracle Database, 1.0, ORACLE
    B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC, DBPROV, SIHA_SIDB_PROC, Provision Oracle Database, 1.0, ORACLE
    Select the GUID corresponding to the SIHA_SIDB_PROC , which is B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC
  2. Create the Properties File template using the following command:

    ./emcli describe_procedure_input -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC > sihasidb.properties
  3. Use an editor to view the contents of the generated properties file sihasidb.properties file, and enter the required values.

    For example, here is a sample properties file used with the values updated in them:

    # The Procedure Configuration with name emcli_11202 has input and arguments as follows:
    # Input properties are:
    DB_COMPONENT=11<ADMIN_NAME>/Oracle Database Installation Media
  4. Submit the procedure using the following command:

    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:sihasidb.properties
    -instance="emcli_db1" -procedure=B35E10B1F427B4EEE040578CD78179DC
    Verifying parameters ...
    Schedule not specified, defaults to immediate
    Deployment procedure submitted successfully 

A.6.2 Provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server

This use case describes how to provision an Oracle WebLogic Server, and how to Scale up and Scale out Middleware procedures using the EM CLI commands available in Cloud Control.

Cloud Control supports the following usecases for provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server using EM CLI commands:

A.6.2.1 Prerequisites for Provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server

  • Ensure that you have setup a WebLogic Domain with Administrator Server and Managed Server, and registered your targets with the OMS so that your host target is discovered on the Middleware Provisioning Page.

  • Create the WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile, this ensures that the domain selected and its Middleware Home are archived and stored in the software library for future cloning operations. You can use this profile while cloning a WebLogic domain.

A.6.2.2 Provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server Using the Provisioning Profile

The first step is to filter out the FMW procedures running in your enterprise, from the list, select the FMWPROV procedure and its corresponding GUID. For the FMWPROV procedure, a new properties file template is created from scratch. Initially, the name-value pair in the template will be empty, you must edit the attributes in the properties file to update the values. Following which the procedure is submitted with the updated properties file as the input, and tracked to completion.

Follow these steps:

  1. To retrieve the GUID of the Deployment Procedure, run the following command:

    ./emcli get_procedures | grep FMWPROV_       
    The output appears in the following format:
    <proc_guid>, <procedure_type>, <Procedure_name>, <Dsplay name>, <version>, <Parent procedure name>
    For example:
    ./emcli get_procedures | grep FMWPROV_
    B35E10B1F154B4EEE040578CD78179DC, FMW Provisioning, FMWPROV_DP, Provision Middleware, 2.0, ORACLE
  2. Use the GUID retrieved in the previous step to prepare the Properties File template using the following command:

    ./emcli describe_procedure_input - procedure=<proc_guid> -name = <proc_name>
    For example:
    ./emcli describe_procedure_input -procedure=B35E10B1F154B4EEE040578CD78179DC > instanceFMWData.properties
    A properties file with the name instanceFMWData.properties is created
  3. Use an editor to open the generated properties file instanceFMWData.properties, and enter the required values.

    For example, here is a sample properties file used with the values updated. For information about these parameters, see Table A-5.

    FMW_PROFILE_LOCATION=Fusion Middleware Provisioning/Profiles/WLS 11g IM Profile

    Table A-5 describes the parameters used in the aforementioned example.

    Table A-5 Description of the Parameters Used in a Properties File That Is Used for Provisioning Oracle WebLogic Server with a Provisioning Profile

    Parameter Description


    Absolute path to the fusion middleware profile.

    For example, Fusion Middleware Provisioning/Profiles/WLS 11g IM Profile


    Absolute path to the middleware base directory on the destination host.

    For example, /scratch/oracle_wls/mwBase


    Password of the administration server on the destination host.


    User name of the administration server on the destination host.

    For example, weblogic


    Absolute path to the JDK home on the destination host.

    For example, /usr/local/packages/jdk7


    Prerequisite Mode. If set to true, then the deployment procedure only runs the prerequisite checks and pauses for you to examine the checks.


    List of destination hosts on which you want to provision the Oracle WebLogic Server.


    List of Host Credentials.


    For BASIC mode, you provide only some basic details and the other details are determined by the deployment procedure. For ADVANCED mode, you provide all the details.


    If set to True, then the deployment procedure is submitted from the UI. If set to False, then the deployment procedure is submitted from the command line (emcli).

  4. Submit the procedure with the generated instanceFMWData.properties properties file as the input:

    emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:<input_properties_file> -procedure=<proc_guid> -instance_name=<optional_DP_Instance_Name>
    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:instanceFMWData.properties -procedure=B35E10B1F154B4EEE040578CD78179DC

A.6.2.3 Scaling Up or Scaling Out Middleware Deployment Procedure

The process of increasing a cluster's capacity by adding additional server instances to the cluster on an existing machine, or adding machines to the cluster to host the new server instance, is called Scaling up. Scaling Up and Scaling Out Managed Server can be achieved through the command line using EM CLI commands available in Enterprise Manager 13c.

In this use case, the Instance GUID of the SCALEUP procedure is retrieved, which in turn is used to retrieve the input properties file of this instance of the procedure. After making necessary updates to the properties file, like adding another user-friendly so on, the procedure is submitted with the updated properties file as the input:

Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. To retrieve the GUID of the Deployment Procedure, run the following command:

    ./emcli get_procedures | grep SCALEUP_       
    The output appears in the following format:
    <proc_guid>, <procedure_type>, <Procedure_name>, <Dsplay name>, <version>, <Parent procedure name>
    For example:
    ./emcli get_procedure | grep SCALEUP
    B35E10B1F154B4EEE040578CD78179DC, FMW Provisioning, SCALEUP DP, Scale up/Scale out Middleware, 2.0, ORACLE
  2. Use the Instance GUID retrieved in the previous step to get input properties of an instance of the procedure:

    ./emcli get_instance_data -instance=<instance_guid> -exec=<execution_guid>
    For example:
    emcli get_instance_data -instance=B35E10B1F140B4EEE040578CD78179DC > instanceData.properties
    A properties file with the name instanceData.properties is created.


    This step is valid only if the instances of the procedure is available, which means that the procedure should have been submitted at least once in the past. If you have never submitted the procedure, then you may see an error message as follows:

    Instance with GUID=<guid> is not found in repository. Please make sure the value is correct and try again.

  3. Use an editor to open the generated properties file instanceData.properties, and update the existing values in the properties file.

    For example, here is a sample properties file used with the values updated. For information about these parameters, see Table A-6.


    Table A-6 describes the parameters used in the aforementioned example.

    Table A-6 Description of the Parameters Used in a Properties File for Scaling Up or Scaling Out a WebLogic Server

    Parameter Description


    If set to True, then Coherence is configured through deployment procedure. If set to False, then Coherence is not configured through deployment procedure.


    Name of the domain target.


    If set to True, then the scaleup operation is done when other servers and applications are up and running. If set to False, then the scaleup operation is done when other servers and applications are not up and running.


    Domain type. For wls, the value is General. For SOA, the value is soa.


    Server template jar file name. For example, template.jar.


    Server template name. For example, mytemplate.


    Applications archive file name. For example, apps.zip.


    Name of the host where the administration server is running.


    Administration Server Listen Address. (HostName/IP Address where Admin Server is running).


    Administration Server Listen Port.


    Type of protocol used by the administration server.


    User name to connect to the Weblogic domain.


    Password to connect to the Weblogic domain.


    Absolute path to the working directory of the administration server.


    Farm prefix of the domain where you want to add a server.


    Absolute path to the working directory of the OMS.


    Archive file name. For exaple, archive.jar.


    Cloning client jar name. For example, cloningclient.jar.


    Session time stamp. For example, /20151013122409043.


    Prerequisite zip file name. For example, prereq.zip.


    Reference prereq size file. For example, sizeprereq.


    Set to False by default.


    Set to True, if domain is a plain wls.


    Set to False, if domain is present on the Windows box. Set to True, if domain is not present on the Windows box.


    Set to True to set the same owner's credentials.


    Set the value to files.list. files.list that contains the list of all the applications running on the server.


    Prerequisite mode. If set to true, then the deployment procedure only runs the

    prerequisite checks and pauses for you to examine the checks.


    By default, set to True, and therefore skips cloning. Set to false to avoid skipping cloning.


    Set to True, if the server is created on the same host where the middleware home is already present. Else, set to False and create mwh.


    Set to True, if the domain is OHS frontended. Else, set it to False.


    Set to True if custom local domain exists. Default value is False.


    Set to True if the server is migratable. Set it to False if the server is not migratable.


    Version of the Oracle WebLogic Server.


    Set to True if OUI (product specific) prerequisite needs to be executed on destination server host. Else, set it to False.


    Set to True if Java object cache needs to be configured on the scaling up server. Else, set it to False.


    Administration Server host name.


    Administration Server host type.


    Administration Server host login credential.


    .Administration Server host address.


    Set to True if the Administration Server host is migratable. Set to False if the Administration Server host is not migratable.


    Administration Server Oracle Home location.


    Administration Server listen port.


    Domain home location present in Administration Server host.


    Middleware home location present in Administration Server host.


    TLOG directory location present in Administration Server host.


    Cluster name present in the Administration Server host.


    Absolute path to the JDK home on the Administration Server host.


    SSL listen port, if SSL is configured on Administration Server.


    Value is '*.mem.


    Managed server override port, if SSL is configured on the Administration Server.


    Set to True, if the server scaling up is cloned from another server. Else, set to False.


    Working directory location of the Administration Server host.


    Machine name present in the Administration Server host.


    Weblogic home of the Administration Server host.


    Set to True, and then specify the source server name.


    Server name of the Scaling up Server.


    Destination managed server host name.


    Destination managed server type.

    Value is host.


    Destination managed Server host login credential.


    Set to True if the server needs to be started after adding it to the domain. Else, set to False.


    Set the Java Object Cache port number to 9988, if it needs to be configured for the destination managed server.


    WebLogic home for the destination managed server.


    Name of the destination managed server machine.


    Name of the destination managed server.


    Absolute path to the JDK home on the destination host.


    If destination managed server is associated with a existing Machine in running state, then START_NM is set to False. If destination managed server is associated with a new machine, then set to True and start the machine.


    If destination managed server is associated with a machine, then set to True. Else, set to False.


    Listen address of node manager of the machine that is associated with the destination managed server.


    If destination managed server is a part of the cluster, you specify the cluster name.


    Domain Home Location.


    If destination managed server is associated with a machine, you specify the node manager listen port.


    Middleware home of the destination managed server.


    Working directory location of destination managed server host.


    Destination managed server listen port.


    Destination managed server listen address.

  4. Submit the procedure with the generated properties file as the input:

    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:<input_properties_file> -procedure=<proc_guid> -instance_name=<optional_DP_Instance_Name>
    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:instanceData.properties -procedure=B35E10B1F140B4EEE040578CD78179DC

A.6.3 Provisioning User Defined Deployment Procedure

This use case describes how to provision a User Defined Deployment Procedure (UDDP) using the EM CLI commands available in Cloud Control. This use case essentially covers, creating the UDDP using the Cloud Control UI, and then submitting the UDDP using the EM CLI commands.

In this use case, a User Defined Deployment Procedure to provision JRE6 on a Linux host abc.example.com is created using the Cloud Control UI. Steps like Transfer JRE and Check JRE Version are added to the procedure, and the procedure is submitted with a unique submission name. EM CLI command is then used to retrieve the instance GUID of the procedure submitted. Minor modifications are made to the properties file, and then submitted through EM CLI.

A.6.3.1 Prerequisites for Provisioning User Defined Deployment Procedure

Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Log in to Cloud Control as a designer.

  • Create Software Library directive to install JRE6 on Linux in the following directory: /software_library/provisioning/install_jre6_linux32. Note, you can choose any directory that you want.

  • Create Software Library component containing hotspot JRE6 for Linux in the following directory: /software_library/provisioning/hotspot_jre6_linux32.

A.6.3.2 Adding Steps and Phases to User Defined Deployment Procedure Using GUI

To add phases and steps to User Defined Deployment Procedure (UDDP), log in to Cloud Control as a Designer, and follow these steps:

  1. In Cloud Control, from the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Procedure Library.

  2. On the Provisioning page, from the Actions menu select Create New, and click Go.

  3. Provide a unique name for your procedure UDDPTest , and click Procedure Steps tab.

  4. On the Procedure Variables tab, add a procedure variable called destination_path.

  5. Select the Default Phase, and click Insert to add a new step to the phase. On the Create wizard select Type as Library:Component. The page refreshes, and a five-step wizard appears.

    1. On the Create page, enter a unique name Transfer JRE, and then click Next.

    2. On the Select Component page, select the Component hotspot_jre6_linux32.

    3. On the Select Directive page, select the directive install_jre6_linux32.

    4. On the Map Properties page, map the directive properties with the variables defined. For example, set the destination_path directive property to Choose Variable, and then choose the procedure variable that you set destination_path.

    5. On the review page, review the details, and click Finish.

  6. Select the step Transfer JRE, and click Insert. On the Create Wizard, select Type Host Command. The page refreshes, and a three-step wizard appears.

    1. On the Create page, enter a unique name Check JRE Version, and then click Next.

    2. On the Enter Command page, enter the following command:

      ${data.destination_path}/jre1.6.0_23/bin/java -version
    3. On the review page, review the details, and click Finish.

  7. Go back to the Procedure Library page, and select the UDDPTest procedure that you just created, and click Launch. To complete the wizard enter the following details: target where you want to provision your procedure, variable (destination path: /tmp), credential info, and notification information.

  8. Once you have provided all the details, click Submit. Enter the a unique Submission name FirstUDDP.

  9. After the procedure has run, verify the output of the Check JRE Version step. Ideally the version should be JRE6.

A.6.3.3 Using EM CLI commands to Run an Instance of the Procedure

Use EM CLI commands to submit the procedure instance:

  1. Run the following command to retrieve a list of all the procedures that you have submitted, and note down the instance ID:

    emcli get_instances
    For example: emcli get_instances -type=DemoNG
  2. Run the following command to get a list of inputs submitted for your procedure:

    emcli get_instance_data - instance=<procedure_instance_ID>
    For example: emcli get_instance_data -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > mydp.properties
  3. Edit the file (mydp.properties), and change the values of the property destination path to /scratch.

  4. Submit the procedure with the modified properties file as the input:

    emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:<input_file> -name=<procedure_name> -procedure=<procedure_guid>
    For example: emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:mydp.properties -name=UDDPTest -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

A.6.4 Patching WebLogic Server Target

This procedure describes how to create a patch plan, update the values in them, and submit them to deploy patches on the selected targets. This workflow captures end-to-end steps on patching WLS targets. The process of patching is the same irrespective of the targets selected.

To patch WebLogic Server targets, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command to search for the release ID of the Oracle WebLogic Release 10.3.5:

    emcli list_aru_releases -name="10.3.5"
    Release ID     Release Name    Long Release Name
    8191035020      WLS
    8191035010      WLS
    8191035000     10.3.5          WLS 10.3.5
    95103500       10.3.5          WLS 10.3.5
  2. Run the following command to search for the produc ID of Oracle WebLogic:

    emcli list_aru_products -name="Oracle WebLogic Server"
    Product ID    Product Name
    15991         Oracle WebLogic Server
    16725         Oracle WebLogic Server Virtual Edition
  3. Run the following command to search for the platform ID of a Generic Platform:

    emcli list_aru_platform -name="Generic Platform"
    Platform ID    Platform Name
    2000            Generic Platform
    1204            NLS Generic Platform
  4. Search for the Patch ID using the product, release, and platform details that you have from the previous steps as followings:

    emcli search_patches -product=15991 -release=8191035000   -platform=2000
    9561331    Generic PLATFORM  -  10.3.5 Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5    Generic    American English        Recommended     Generic Platform
  5. Create a patch-target map (properties) file using the vi editor, and supply information like Patch ID, Release ID, and Platform ID, Language ID, and so on. Here is a sample properties file:

    vi create.props
  6. Run the following command to create the plan, and supply the newly created properties file (create.props) as input:

    emcli create_patch_plan -name=demo1 -input_file=data:create.props
    The Patch Plan "demo1" is successfuly created.
  7. To view the user-editable fields of an existing plan, and save the output to a properties file run the following command:

    emcli get_patch_plan_data -name=demo1 >set.props
    vi set.props
  8. Edit the properties file (set.props) using any editor to change the rollback mode to true:

  9. To save the patch plan with the new edited data, run the following command:

    emcli set_patch_plan_data -name=demo1 -input_file=data:set.props
    It is successfully updating deployment options from the patch plan.
  10. To verify the status of the patch plan, run the following EM CLI command:

    emcli show_patch_plan -name=demo1 -info
    <conflict_check_date>Tue Feb 21 18:04:04 PST 2012</conflict_check_date>
    <created_date>Tue Feb 21 17:40:47 PST 2012</created_date>
    <last_updated_date>Tue Feb 21 17:58:29 PST 2012</last_updated_date>
    <homogeneousGroupLabel>Oracle WebLogic Domain (Linux x86-64)</homogeneousGroupLabel>
  11. After you have created and updated the patch plan with all the relevant data, you can submit your patch plan in the following sequence of modes. The EM CLI command used to submit the patch plan is:

    emcli submit_patch_plan -name=demo1 -action=analyze
    The action "analyze" is successfully submitted on the Patch Plan "demo1", now "analyze" is in progress.
  12. To verify the status of the patch plan submitted, run the following EM CLI command:

    emcli show_patch_plan -name=demo1 -info
    <conflict_check_date>Tue Feb 21 18:04:04 PST 2012</conflict_check_date>
    <created_date>Tue Feb 21 17:40:47 PST 2012</created_date>
    <last_updated_date>Tue Feb 21 17:58:29 PST 2012</last_updated_date>
    <homogeneousGroupLabel>Oracle WebLogic Domain (Linux x86-64)</homogeneousGroupLabel>
  13. To check if there are any conflicts, run the following command:

    emcli show_patch_plan -name=planName -analysisResults

    You can verify the plan you have created by logging in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, from Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Patches and Updates. On the home page, you will see the patch plan demo1 that you have created using the command line as follows:

    Surrounding text describes Snap17.gif.

    You can resolve the conflicts using the UI, and then submit the patch plan.

  14. Run the command show_patch_plan after resolving the conflicts to verify the status of the plan as follows:

    <conflict_check_date>Tue Feb 21 18:04:04 PST 2012</conflict_check_date>
    <created_date>Tue Feb 21 17:40:47 PST 2012</created_date>
    <last_updated_date>Tue Feb 21 17:58:29 PST 2012</last_updated_date>
    <homogeneousGroupLabel>Oracle WebLogic Domain (Linux x86-64)</homogeneousGroupLabel>
  15. Run the following command to determine the status of the patch plan execution:

    emcli get_instance_status -instance=BA8E3904DDB36CFFE040F00A5E644D13
    BA8E3904DDB36CFFE040F00A5E644D13, PatchOracleSoftware, demo1_Analysis_Tue Mar 06 02:08:02 PST 012, EXECUTING
  16. After a successful analysis, you can deploy/prepare the patch plan. To do so, run the following command with action deploy:

    emcli submit_patch_plan -name=demo1 -action=deploy
    The action "deploy" is successfully submitted on the Patch Plan "demo1", now "deploy" is in progress
  17. Use the Cloud Control UI to see of the submitted plan has successfully been deployed. Alternately, you can verify the same using the EM CLI command:

    emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=79CAF6A6DAFCFEE6654C425632F19411 -xml

A.6.5 Creating a New Generic Component by Associating a Zip File

To upload a zip file as a new component, follow these steps:

A.6.5.1 Step 1: Identifying the Parent Folder in Software Library

Any new entity created in Software Library must be placed in a folder. You can either choose an existing folder, or create a new one. To do so, follow these sections:

Creating a New Folder

To create a new folder, the parent folder should be identified. If the parent folder is the root folder (displayed as the top level "Software Library" folder), then use the following EM CLI verb:

emcli create_swlib_folder
-desc="myFolder description"


Folder myFolder is created in Software Library folder, identifier is oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5A38A484CE3E40E50AD38A69D2.

You can use the identifier of the newly created folder that is part of the output message when creating or modifying entities, or for creating other sub-folders.

Choosing an Existing Folder

To choose an existing folder, you can use either of the following approaches:

Approach 1: Using Enterprise Manager UI

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library.

  2. On the Software Library home page, from View menu select Columns, and then select Internal ID. By default, the Internal ID column is hidden.

  3. Copy the Internal ID column value of the folder you want.

Approach 2: Using Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface

Use the following EM CLI verb:

emcli list_swlib_folders


Java EE Provisioning,Java EE Application Provisioning Entities,oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5AAF4A4EED9E040E50AD38A6E98

MultiOMS,List of Oracle shipped Directives,oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5AAF1ACEED9E040E50AD38A6E98

myFolder,myFolder description,oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5A38A484CE3E040E50AD38A69D2

OSBProvisioning,OSBProvisioning Entities,oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5AAF3F1EED9E040E50AD38A6E98


If the folder you want to access is a sub-folder of myFolder, then use the following verb to list the sub-folders by specifying the identifier of myFolder, as follows:

emcli list_swlib_folders


mySubFolder,mySubFolder description,oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cat:C771B5A38A494CE3E040E50AD38A69D2

A.6.5.2 Step 2: Creating a Generic Component Entity

To create an entity of type Component and subtype Generic Component under mySubFolder folder, follow these sections:

Step 1a. Identifying the Entity Type

To list all the available types in Software Library, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entity_types


Component, COMP_Component
Directives, COMP_Directives
Bare Metal Provisioning, BMPType
Virtualization, Virtualization

Step 1b. Identifying the Entity Subtype

To list all the subtypes for the component type, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entity_subtypes


Generic Component, SUB_Generic
Oracle Database Software Clone, SUB_OracleDB
Configuration Template, SUB_ConfigTmpl
Self Update, SUB_SelfUpdate
Oracle Clusterware Clone, SUB_OracleCRS
Service Bus Resource, SUB_OSBResource
Oracle Software Update, SUB_OraSoftUpdate
Java EE Application, SUB_JavaEEApplication
Installation Media, SUB_InstallationMedia
Database Template, SUB_DbCreateTemplate
Database Provisioning Profile, SUB_DbProfile
WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile, SUB_FMWBundle
WebLogic Domain Clone, SUB_WLSTemlpate
Oracle Middleware Home Gold Image, SUB_FMWImage

Step 2. Creating a Generic Component Entity

To create a generic component, run the following verb:

emcli create_swlib_entity
-desc='myEntity description'
-attr="VENDOR:Example Corp"
-note='first comment for myEntity


The type and subtype options are optional when creating a Generic Component, but has been used explicitly for this illustration.


Entity 'myEntity' is created in 'mySubFolder' folder, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.1'


You can use the identifier of the newly created entity that is part of the output message when uploading files or modifying the entity.

To verify the newly created entity, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entities


myEntity,0.1,myEntity description,Ready,Component,Generic Component,Untested,SYSMAN

A.6.5.3 Step 3: Associating a Zip File to the Generic Component

To upload a zip file to an existing entity myEntity, use the following verb:

emcli upload_swlib_entity_files


A new revision of the entity myEntity will be created after the upload is complete.


Upload of file(s) initiated, this may take some time to complete...
Upload of file(s) completed successfully.
Entity 'myEntity (0.2)' in 'mySubFolder' folder has been created, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.2'.

Alternately, to refer to a zip file present in an HTTP reference location, say myScripts, use the following verb:

emcli refer_swlib_entity_files


Entity 'myEntity (0.2)' in 'mySubFolder' folder has been created, identifier is 'oracle:defaultService:em:provisioning:1:cmp:COMP_Component:SUB_Generic:C77200CA9DC1E7AAE040E50AD38A1599:0.2'.

A.6.5.4 Step 4: Verifying the Newly Created Entity

To verify the newly created entity, use the following verb:

emcli list_swlib_entities


myEntity,0.1,myEntity description,Ready,Component,Generic Component,Untested,USERNAME

A.6.6 Migrate and Remove a Software Library Storage Location

This use case describes how to Migrate and Remove an existing storage location. In the following example, a Software Library Upload File storage location has already been configured. Files can be migratedfrom one storage location to another, of the same or different storage type.

In the following example, the first storage location is named 'firstLoc' and is an OMS Agent File System storage type. The second storage location is an OMS Shared File System storage location, named 'secondLoc'.

A.6.6.1 Step 1: Adding a Destination Storage Location for Migrating Files

Any file associated with an entity in Software Library can exist in only one storage location. Removal of an Upload File storage location is always preceded by migration of files to another existing Upload File storage location. As part of this step, a destination storage location of OMS Shared File System storage type is created with sufficient disk space for keeping a copy of all the files in the source storage location, 'firstLoc'.

Add Destination OMS Shared File System Storage Location

emcli add_swlib_storage_location




Sample Output:

Location configuration initiated, this may take some time to complete...

Location 'secondLoc' created.

List OMS Shared File System Storage Location

To verify the creation of the new storage location use the following command.

emcli list_swlib_storage_locations


Sample Output:

secondLoc, /u01/swlib/, Active

A.6.6.2 Step 2: Migrate and Remove an existing storage location

To remove the storage location 'firstLoc' and migrate all the files to storage location 'secondLoc', use the following command.

emcli remove_swlib_storage_location



migrate_to_loc=secondLoc -migrate_to_type=OmsShared

Sample Output:

Job 'MigrateEntityFiles_1352113174929' has been successfully submitted for migrating the files.

The location 'firstLoc' will be removed on successful execution of the job. You can see the detail of the job execution by navigating to Enterprise, Jobs, and then, Activity Page.

Verifying the Status of Source OMS Agent File System Storage Location

Immediately after initiating the migrate and remove operation for storage location 'firstLoc', the location will be marked 'Inactive' to stop any new file uploads to this location. To verify the status of the location, use the following command.

emcli list_swlib_storage_locations


Sample Output:

firstLoc, /u01/swlib/, Inactive

Once the migrate job is complete, the 'firstLoc' location is not listed, as it is removed.

A.6.7 Adding ATS Service Test from Using EM CLI

This use case describes how you can customize an existing ATS Service Test instance, available in the Test Repository, using custom databank.


Ensure that you have uploaded an ATS Service Test type to the Test Repository before proceeding with this procedure. For more information on this, see Configuring and Using Services chapter of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

To create an ATS Test instance using the service test available in the repository, and to customize the test by applying a custom databank, follow these steps:

  1. Create an ATS Service Test instance called my_service for the existing service:

    emcli apply_template_tests -targetName='my_service' -targetType=generic_service -input_file=template:'my_template.xml'  -swlibPath='/service/test/entity'
    -input_file=template:'my_template.xml' contains all the ATS test related information.
    -swlibPath: holds the path to retrieve the ATS Zip file from software library.
    Here is an example for a sample input file:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <transaction-template template_type="generic_service" xmlns="template">
                <mgmt_bcn_txn is_representative="true" name="ats91_with_databanks" monitoring="true" txn_type="OATS"/>
                   <property name="Collection Interval" num_value="5.0" prop_type="2" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="scriptDescription" string_value="[1] Oracle Secure Enterprise Search&#xA;[2] Oracle Secure Enterprise Search&#xA;[3] No Title&#xA;[4] No Title" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="fileUploadTime" string_value="2010-09-10 13:49:46.0" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="OpenScriptJwgName" string_value="ats91_with_databanks.zip" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="thinkTimeMaxSec" num_value="5.0" prop_type="2" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="usageOptions" string_value="userDefined" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="thinkTimeOption" num_value="1.0" prop_type="2" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="fileSize" string_value="93699" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="beaconDistributionOverride" string_value="people=1;middle=1" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="FilePropertyValue" prop_type="7" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="databankFilesJar" prop_type="7" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="databankFiles" string_value="people,people.csv,3;middle,middle.csv,3;" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="granularity" string_value="transaction" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="thinkTimeMinSec" num_value="0.0" prop_type="2" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="oatsVersion" string_value="9.1.0" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="databankValues" string_value="people.firstname=yang.,people.lastName=wang,middle.middlename_col=x." prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="modules" string_value="oracle.oats.scripting.modules.utilities;version=2.4.0&#xA;oracle.oats.scripting.modules.http;version=2.4.0&#xA;oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic;version=2.4.0" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
                   <property name="databankAliasMapping" string_value="middle=middle.csv,people=people.csv" prop_type="1" encrypt="false"/>
  2. Upload new databank file called ATSTest1 to ATS test type for the service my_service:

    emcli upload_ats_test_databank_file  -name='my_service' -type='generic_service' -testname='ATSTest1' -testtype='OATS'  -databankAlias='alias1' -input_file='databank:databankFile.csv'
    -input_file=databank: contains the databank file path
  3. Enable the test ATSTest1 for the service my_service:

    emcli enable_test -name="my_service" -type="generic_service"   -testname="ATSTest1" -testtype="OATS"

A.6.8 Deploying / Undeploying Java EE Applications

This use case describes how you can deploy, undeploy, and redeploy Java EE Applications using the EM CLI commands available in Cloud Control.

Follow these steps:

  1. To retrieve the GUID of the Deployment Procedure, run the following command:

    ./emcli get_procedures
    For example:
    ./emcli get_procedures | grep JAVAEE_
    F7A60FD5AF1B3E8FE043D97BF00AC094  Java EE Application Provisioning JAVAEE_APP_ORACLE_SOFTWARE Deploy/Undeploy Java EE Applications 1.2 ORACLE
  2. Use the GUID retrieved in the previous step to prepare the Properties File template using the following command:

    ./emcli describe_procedure_input - procedure=<proc_guid> -name = <proc_name>
    For example:
    emcli describe_procedure_input -procedure=F7A60FD5AF1B3E8FE043D97BF00AC094 > inst.properties
     properties file with the name inst.properties is created
  3. Use an editor to open the generated properties file inst.properties. For example, here is a sample properties file:

    # Input properties are:
    # domains.0.javaeeApps.0.wlsDomainPassword=***
  4. Submit the procedure with the generated inst.properties properties file as the input:

    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:<input_properties_file> -procedure=<proc_guid> -instance_name=<optional_DP_Instance_Name>
    For example:
    ./emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:inst.properties -procedure=F7A60FD5AF1B3E8FE043D97BF00AC094

A.7 Limitations of Using Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface

Following are the limitations of using EM CLI for running the deployment procedures:

  • You cannot add or edit steps and phases using EM CLI commands. To do so, you must log in to Cloud Control, and follow the steps described in the section Section 33.2.1.

  • You cannot define new variables to be used in the deployment procedures through EM CLI, this can be done only through the Cloud Control UI. For more information about procedure variables, see Section 32.3.2.

  • You cannot track the detailed execution info (such as failures) of an instance through EM CLI, which is possible through the Cloud Control UI.

  • To set the My Oracle Support preferred credentials, you must log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. There is no command line option to do so.