7.4 Errors from Oracle Enterprise Manager

This section provides cause and solution information on troubleshooting common error messages. Find the error message in Table 7-1 that matches your error message, then refer to the corresponding section(s) indicated under Possible Cause for instructions to diagnose and correct the problem.

There are two different OMS log files that could contain the error information. If the test fails when configuring the connector, then the error will be in the emoms.trc file. For errors attempting to create/update a ticket in ServiceNow, the error information will be located in the emoms_pbs.trc file.

Table 7-1 Enterprise Manager Error Messages

Error Message Possible Cause
Bad response: 403 Forbidden from url …

Invalid Web Service Credentials

Message send failed: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:
PKIX path building failed:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target

SSL Not Enabled for HTTPS

Message send failed: No route to host

Invalid IP Address

Bad response: 404 Not Found from url …

Invalid Port Number

Message send failed: Connection timed out

Firewall Blocking Access

Message send failed: hostname

Unknown Host

Could not compile stylesheet

Invalid XML Format

The following errors are described:

7.4.1 Invalid Web Service Credentials

Cause: The user name or password for accessing the ServiceNow web service is incorrect.


  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console with an account that has Super Administrator privileges.

  2. From the Enterprise Manager console, click Setup menu, then select Extensibility, and finally select Self Update.

  3. On the Self Update page, select Management Connectors from the menu. This will display the Management Connectors page.

  4. Click the name of the appropriate ServiceNow connector.

    This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  5. Correct the ServiceNow Web Service Username and ServiceNow Web Service Password fields, then click OK.

7.4.2 Invalid IP Address

Cause: The IP address specified in the URL is invalid or the network is down.

Solution: Verify that the hostname/IP address configured for the connector is correct:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console with an account that has Super Administrator privileges.

  2. From the Enterprise Manager console, click the Setup menu, then select Extensibility, and finally select Management Connectors.

  3. Click the name of the appropriate ServiceNow connector.

    This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  4. Verify that the hostname/IP address specified in the URL for the createEvent and updateEvent operations are correct.

  5. If the hostname/IP address is incorrect, provide the correct value, then click OK.

If the URLs specify a host name, make sure that the host name resolves to the correct IP address. To determine the IP address of the host name, issue the ping <hostname> command, where <hostname> is the actual host name. This lists the IP address that was resolved for the host name. If this is incorrect, the system administrator needs to investigate why it is incorrect.

If the hostname/IP address appears to be correct, try to ping the system where the SCOM web service is installed using the hostname/IP address. If the ping fails, the system administrator needs to investigate why there is no connectivity.

7.4.3 Invalid Port Number

Cause: The port number specified in the URL is invalid.

Solution: Verify that the port number configured for the connector is correct:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console with an account that has Super Administrator privileges.

  2. From the Enterprise Manager console, click the Setup menu, select Extensibility, and finally select Management Connectors.

  3. Click the name of the ServiceNow connector.

    This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  4. Verify that the port number specified in the URL for the createEvent, updateEvent, setup, initialize, and uninitialize operations are correct.

  5. If the port number is incorrect, provide the correct value and click OK.

7.4.4 Firewall Blocking Access

Cause: A firewall is blocking access to the system where the ServiceNow web service is installed.

Solution: Contact your IT department to give Enterprise Manager access to the port used by the ServiceNow web service.

7.4.5 Unknown Host

Cause: The system does not recognize the host name specified in the URL.

Solution: You can use the following options to address this issue:

  • Coordinate with the system administrator to change the system configuration to recognize the host name.

  • Specify the IP address in the URL instead of the host name. To do this, perform the following steps:

    1. Determine the IP address of the system where the ServiceNow web service is installed.

    2. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a Super Administrator role, entering the appropriate password, then click Login.

    3. From the Enterprise Manager console, click Setup, then Extensibility, and finally Management Connectors. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

    4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the ServiceNow connector. This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

    5. Change the host name to the IP address in the URL specified for the createEvent, initialize, setup, uninitialize, and updateEvent operations.

    6. Click OK.

7.4.6 Invalid XML Format

Cause: The connector framework could not process the request because the XSL file was formatted incorrectly. This problem should not occur unless the connector has been customized.

Solution: Examine any changes made to the XSL template files for mistakes that could have caused the problem. If you cannot find the problem manually, load the XSL in a utility that performs XML validation.