4 Oracle Virtual Platform

This chapter describes the metrics associated with the Oracle Virtual Platform target. The Oracle Virtual Platform is the host operating system that represents the hypervisor domain.

For more information about Oracle Virtual Platforms, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.

4.1 Basic Configuration Details

This metric category provides information about the basic configuration of an Oracle Virtual Platform target.

These are configuration metrics and cannot be viewed from the All Metrics page in the Cloud Control UI.

4.1.1 Platform Version

This metric displays the version of the Xen platform running on the Domain 0 of the hypervisor.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.1.2 Allocated CPU

This metric displays the number of allocated Virtual CPUs to the Domain 0.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.1.3 Allocated Memory (MB)

This metric displays the amount of memory allocated to the Domain 0 in MB.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.2 Network Activity

This metric category provides the statistics of each network interface of the Oracle Virtual Platform target.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric category, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Interface Name object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Interface Name object, you can view those thresholds from the All Metrics page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Interface Name object, use the Modify Thresholds page.

4.2.1 Interface NAME

This metric provides the name of the network interface.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 15 Minutes

4.2.2 Total throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the total read and write utilization (in percentage) with respect to the bandwidth of the network interface since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform combined utilization is %value%%%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.2.3 Read throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the total read utilization (in percentage) with respect to the bandwidth of the network interface since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform network %keyValue% read utilization is %value%%%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.2.4 Write throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the total write utilization (in percentage) with respect to the bandwidth of the network interface since the last collection.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform network %keyValue% write utilization is %value%%%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.3 Network Activity Summary

This metric category provides the summary statistics of each network interface of the Oracle Virtual Platform target.

4.3.1 Highest Read Throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the highest read rate (in MB/s) among all of the interfaces of the Oracle Virtual Platform.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform highest read rate (MB per second) among the network interfaces is %value%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.3.2 Highest Total Throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the highest total read and write rate (in MB/s) among all of the interfaces of the Oracle Virtual Platform.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform highest total throughput (MB per second) among the network interfaces is %value%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.3.3 Highest Write Throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the highest write rate (in MB/s) among all of the interfaces of the Oracle Virtual Platform.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform highest write rate (MB per second) among the network interfaces is %value%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.3.4 Total throughput (MB per second)

This metric displays the total throughput on the interface in MB/s.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 15 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform all network interfaces total throughput (MB per second) is %value%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.4 Network Configuration

This metric category provides information about each network interface of the Oracle Virtual Platform target.

These are configuration metrics and cannot be viewed from the All Metrics page in the Cloud Control UI.

4.4.1 Interface Name

This metric displays the name of the network interface.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.4.2 MAC Address

This metric displays the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network interface.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.4.3 IP Address

This metric displays the IP address of the network interface.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.4.4 Gateway

This metric displays the address of the network gateway.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.4.5 Netmask

This metric displays the netmask address.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.4.6 Bandwidth

This metric displays the network bandwidth of the network interface in MB/s.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.5 Oracle Virtual Server

This metric category provides the identification details of all the Guest Virtual machines (Oracle Virtual Server targets) hosted by the hypervisor.

These are configuration metrics and cannot be viewed from the All Metrics page in the Cloud Control UI

4.5.1 Server Virtual Id

This metric displays the ID of the guest virtual server hosted on the hypervisor.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 24 Hours

4.6 Response

This metric category provides information about the status of the Oracle Virtual Platform target.

4.6.1 Status

This metric provides the status of the Oracle Virtual Platform target.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 1 Minute Not Defined 0 Oracle Virtual Platform %target% is down

4.7 Server Load

This metric category describes the load metrics of the corresponding Oracle Server target.

4.7.1 Physical Server Memory Free (MB)

This metric displays the total physical memory available in MB, by all the guest virtual machines including Domain 0.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

4.7.2 Physical Server Memory used (MB)

This metric displays the total physical memory utilized in MB, by all the guest virtual machines including Domain 0.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 5 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform physical server memory used (MB) is %value%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.7.3 Physical Server Memory utilization (%)

This metric displays the percentage of the total physical memory being utilized.

Target Version Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All versions Every 5 Minutes Not Defined Not Defined Oracle Virtual Platform memory utilization is %value%%%, crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

4.7.4 Physical Server Swap Memory used (MB)

This metric displays the swap memory in megabytes being used on the physical server.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

4.7.5 Physical Server Swap utilization (%)

This metric displays the percentage of swap memory being used on the physical server.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 5 Minutes