Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Siebel CRM Primary Web Services >

Product Import

Use this Web service to add and update product definitions and product structures in the Siebel CRM application. In this Web service, upsert denotes a combination of the insert and update operations.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

Product Import Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 876.

Table 876. Product Import Operations
Operation Name

Product Import Insert

This operation:

  • Inserts the root product definition. Generates an error if the product definition exists.
  • Upserts the related products in the product structure. Performs the insert operation if the child product structure does not exist. Performs the update operation if the child product structure exists.
  • Upserts the workspace project.

Product Import Update

This operation:

  • Updates the root product definition and the related products in the product structure. Generates an error if the product definition or the child product structure does not exist.
  • Upserts the workspace project.

Product Import Upsert

This operation:

  • Upserts the root product definition and the related products in the product structure. Performs the insert operation if the product definition or the child product structure does not exist. Performs the update operation if the product definition or the child product structure exists.
  • Upserts the workspace project.

Request Message Description: Product Import Insert

For a description of this request message, see Table 877.

Table 877. Request Message Description: Product Import Insert


The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

Request Message Description: Product Import Update

Table 878. Request Message Description: Product Import Update


The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

For a description of this request message, see Table 878.

Request Message Description: Product Import Upsert

For a description of this request message, see Table 879.

Table 879. Request Message Description: Product Import Upsert


The Siebel message for the integration object of CMU Product Integration.

Application Interface for Product Import

This topic describes the application objects called by this Web service. For more information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 880.

Table 880. Product Import Service Object
Boundary Object Type
Class (If Business Service)

Product Import

Business Service


Business Service User Property

For a description of the user properties for this Business Service, see Table 881.

Table 881. Product Import Business Service User Property

Data Sync Service

EAI Siebel Adapter

EAI Adapter service that is invoked.

Data Sync Service: Attribute

CMU Attribute

Integration object name for data sync service. Currently not supported.

Data Sync Service: Class

CMU Product Class

Integration object name for data sync service. Currently not supported.

Data Sync Service: Product

CMU Product

Integration object name for data sync service.

Data Sync Service: Workspace

CMU Joint Workspace

Integration object name for data sync service.

Definition Business Component

CMU Product Definition VBC

See the first note after this table.

Definition Business Object

CMU Admin ISS Product Definition

See the first note after this table.

Detail Business Component

CMU ISS Product Details BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Auto Explode Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Auto Explode Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Billable Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Billable Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Billing Service Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Billing Service Type

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Billing Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Billing Type

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Business Unit Id

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Primary Organization ID

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Check Eligibility Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Pre Pick CD

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Description

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Effective End Time

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
End Date

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Effective Start Time

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Start Date

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Inclusive Eligibility Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Inclusive Eligibility Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Orderable Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Price Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Price Type

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Product Id

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Product Name

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Product Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Product Type Code

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Sales Product Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Sales Product Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Service Instance Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Service Instance

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Service Product Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Sales Service Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Structure Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Product Def Type Code

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Track As Asset Flag

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Track As Asset Flag

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Type

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Unit of Measure

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Unit of Measure

See the second note after this table.

Integration Field Map: Vendor Id

Product|CMU Internal Product VOD|
Vendor ID

See the second note after this table.

Integration Object: External

CMU Product Integration

See the first note after this table.

Integration Object: Product

CMU Admin ISS Product Definition

See the first note after this table.

Integration Object: Product Structure

CMU Admin ISS Product Structure

See the first note after this table.

Integration Object: Workspace

CMU Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition

See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU Attribute VOD BusComp


See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU Attribute Versions BusComp


See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS Product Attribute BusComp

Last Version:0

See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS Product Details BusComp

Last Version:0

See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS Product Structure Admin BusComp

Last Version:0

See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS Product VOD BusComp


See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU ISS Product Versions BusComp

Released Flag:N

See the first note after this table.

Preset Value: CMU Internal Product Organization

Organization ID:

See the first note after this table.

Product Business Component

CMU Internal Product VOD

See the first note after this table.

Required Integration Component 1

CMU Attribute Versions BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Required Integration Component 2

CMU ISS Product VOD BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Required Integration Component 3

CMU ISS Product Versions BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Required Integration Component 4

CMU ISS Product Details BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Required Integration Component 5

CMU Internal Product Organization

See the first note after this table.

Structure Business Component

CMU Product Structure VBC

See the first note after this table.

Structure Internal Business Component

CMU ISS Product Structure Admin BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Version Business Component

CMU ISS Product Versions BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Business Component

CMU ISS Joint Workspace BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Business Object

CMU Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Object Business Component

CMU ISS Joint Workspace Object BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Project Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Project Business Object

Admin ISS Joint Workspace Definition

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Project Item Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace VOD Pick BusComp

See the first note after this table.

Workspace Project Lock Business Component

ISS Joint Workspace VOD Lock BusComp

See the first note after this table.

NOTE:  You must change the value of the operation if you use an integration object, integration component, business object, or business component with a different name.

NOTE:  The value of this operation is the field map. The first part is the data type (for example, product, class, and attribute). The second part is the integration component name. The third part is the integration component field name.

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 882.

Table 882. Product Import Data Object
Siebel Repository Name
External Name

CMU Product Integration

CMU Product Integration


For a description of the methods for this Web service, see Table 883.

Table 883. Product Import Methods

Product Import Insert

[BS: Product Import].Insert

Product Import Update

[BS: Product Import]. Update

Product Import Upsert

[BS: Product Import]. Upsert

Example Package for Product Import

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Interface Description for Product Import

To view the interface description for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

...\ProductImport\Product Import.wsdl

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