Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Siebel CRM Primary Web Services >


Use this Web service for the basic Siebel Marketing operations such as creating and updating accounts.

Account Operations

There are two operations associated with this Web service which allow you to create and update accounts in Marketing. For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 25.

Table 25. Account Operations


Creates an account.


Updates an existing account.

Request Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

For a description of this request message, see Table 26.

Table 26. Request Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

Account IO

Required. An instance of the integration object Account. Account is the Parent header and Account_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

Response Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

For a description of this response message, see Table 27.

Table 27. Response Message Description: AccountCreateAccount

Account Id

The new Account ID generated as a result of the new account creation.


Error Message

Error message if any.


Success Flag

Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation.


Request Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

For a description of this request message, see Table 28.

Table 28. Request Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

Account IO

Required. An instance of the integration object Account. Account is the Parent header and Account_BusinessAddress is the child.

Integration Object

Response Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

For a description of this response message, see Table 29.

Table 29. Response Message Description: AccountUpdateAccount

Error Message

Error message if any.


Success Flag

Flag to indicate success or failure of the operation.


Account Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by this Web service. For more information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 30.

Table 30. Account Application Interface
Boundary Object Type


Business Service

Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 31.

Table 31. Account Data Object
Siebel Repository Name
External Name

Account IO

Account IO

Example Package for Account

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.

Request (AccountCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AccountCreate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Request (AccountUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Response (AccountUpdate)

See the following file to view the sample code:


Interface Description (WSDL) for Account

To view the interface description for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel Business Applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


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