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Siebel CRM Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Rev. A
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About Exporting Geographical Location Details for Sites

The SWILSClinicalCreateSiteVisitGeoLocation Web service supports regulatory requirements to track completion of site visits. You can export site visit and geographical location details from a third-party application, including an on-site mobile application, to Siebel Clinical.

Table 13-2 lists the site visit data that you can export to Siebel Clinical from a third-party application. The logged-in user must be a team member listed in the Assigned To list for the site visit. For more information about the Assigned To list, see "Creating and Managing Site Visits".

Table 13-2 Site Visit Data Exported to Siebel Clinical

Data Description Validation Required


This field is populated with the site visit ID. Each separate visit to the site is assigned a separate ID number.

SiteVisitId must be a valid site visit ID.



This field is populated with the date and time for the site visit.

Visit Date must be a valid time and date in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.



This field is populated with the user ID of the site monitor.

User ID must be a team member listed in the Assigned To list for the site visit.



This field is populated with the latitude coordinates in decimal degree format. Northern hemisphere latitudes must be a positive number. The number is preceded by a minus sign to represent southern hemisphere latitudes.

Note: Using the letters N and S to indicate north and south is not supported, and results in an error. Northern hemisphere values must be preceded by a plus (+) sign. Southern hemisphere values must be preceded by a minus (-)sign.

Latitude must be within the range of 0 to plus or minus 90.



The field is populated with the longitude coordinates in decimal degree format. Eastern hemisphere latitudes must be a positive number. The number is preceded by a minus sign to represent western hemisphere longitudes.

Note: Using the letters E and W to indicate east and west is not supported, and results in an error. Eastern hemisphere values must be preceded by a plus (+) sign. Western hemisphere values must be preceded by a minus (-) sign.

Longitude must be within the range of 0 to plus or minus 180.



This field is populated with site monitor comments relating to the site visit.

Not applicable.

The Comments field is truncated if it exceeds 250 characters.


Example of SWILSClinicalCreateSiteVisitGeoLocation Web Service Request

The extract in this topic provides an example of configuring the SWILSClinicalCreateSiteVisitGeoLocation Web service request. It exports site visit and geographical location details for the SIAADMIN user to Siebel Clinical. For more information about configuring the SWILSClinicalCreateSiteVisitGeoLocation Web service, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus="" xmlns:ls="">
   <UsernameToken xmlns="">SIAADMIN</UsernameToken>
   <PasswordText xmlns="">SIAADMIN</PasswordText>
   <SessionType xmlns="">None</SessionType>
   <!-- Zero or more repetitions:  -->
- <ls:LsClinicalSiteVisitLocation>
- <!-- Optional:  -->
- <!-- Optional: -->
   <ls:VisitDate>2000-10-10 01:09:09</ls:VisitDate>
- <!-- Optional:  -->
   <ls:Comments>Clinical trial site monitoring visit tracking complete</ls:Comments>