Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > Process of Simulating High-Level Promotions and Account Promotions (End User) >

Simulating the Results for High-Level Promotions for Account Promotions

Account managers can simulate the results for high-level promotions for account promotions to determine the viability of the high-level promotions. They perform a simulation to evaluate the incremental sales volume that a high-level promotion will generate based on promoted category data that they enter in the Consumer Goods application. Before they begin the simulation, they must import lift factors for categories. For more information, see Importing and Copying Lift Factors. Also, the Est Baseline Volume field for the high-level promotion must contain data. For more information about this field, see Est Baseline Volume.

After you simulate the results of a high-level promotion, the applicable lift factor for the simulation appears in the Lift Factor field in the high-level promotion. If multiple lift factors apply to a category, then the lift factor in the high-level promotion is an average of these multiple lift factors. If no lift factors apply to a category, then the lift factor in the high-level promotion is the lift factor for the next available category from a higher level in the category hierarchy.

The following calculation determines the values that the simulation populates in the Est Incremental Volume field in the High-Level Planning view:

Est Baseline Volume [for the high-level promotion] multiplied by (% ACV Promoted [for the high-level promotion] divided by 100) multiplied by (Lift Factor [for the high-level promotion] divided by 100)

This task is a step in Process of Simulating High-Level Promotions and Account Promotions (End User).

To simulate the results for a high-level promotion

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen, then the Plan List view, or the Promotions screen, then the High-Level Planning view.
  2. Drill down on the Name field hyperlink for a plan record.
  3. Click the High-Level Planning view tab.
  4. Select the high-level promotion for which you want to simulate promotion results.

    If the high-level promotion is not on the list, you can add it. For more information, see Creating High-Level Promotions for Account Promotions (End User).

  5. Designate the parameters for lift factor retrieval and for the simulation calculation by entering a value in the following fields for the high-level promotion.


    The type of high-level category and its associated Parent Category and Account.


    The account for the high-level promotion.

    Start Date

    The start date for the high-level promotion.

    End Date

    The end date for the high-level promotion.


    The promotional tactic or tactics for the high-level promotion. Tactics constitute a method of promoting products to the consumer, and include the following main categories:

    • Price, including percentages of TPR (Temporary Price Reduction)
    • Display, including shelf, end-of-aisle (end cap), and check-out
    • Feature, including flyers and newspaper advertisements

    Options are available that combine these categories.

    % ACV Promoted

    Percentage All Commodity Volume promoted. The percentage of the total sales volume that applies to the high-level promotion.

  6. Click Simulate.

    The results for the high-level promotion simulation appear in the Est Incremental Volume field and the Lift Factor field in the list of high-level promotions.

  7. As many times as necessary, modify any of the fields in Step 5 and repeat Step 6 to generate more simulation results.
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