Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Applet Layouts > Using Grid Layout for an Applet >

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout

The Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard allows you to convert an applet that does not use a grid layout to an applet that does use a grid layout. This conversion is useful in the following situations:

  • You must convert a form applet to use grid layout, you did not previously convert the applet to use a grid layout, and you preserved the custom layout during an upgrade.
  • You must convert a custom applet you defined that uses a template that does not use a grid.

To use the Conversion Wizard to convert a form applet to grid layout

  1. Make sure the applet or applet web template you must convert can be converted.

    For more information, see Identifying an Applet or Applet Web Template That You Cannot Convert to a Grid Layout.

  2. In the Configuration Context Toolbar, make sure the Application field contains the context you require.

    For more information, see How the Siebel Application Context Affects Controls That the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard Converts.

  3. If you work in Language Override mode, then make sure your Tools Language Mode is configured for the language you must convert.

    For more information, see About Localization in the Development Environment.

  4. In Siebel Tools, click Applet in the Object Explorer.
  5. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must convert.
  6. Click the Tools menu, and then click Convert to Grid Layout.
  7. In the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard, move the applets you must convert from the Available Applets window to the Selected Window.
  8. Choose more options:
    • It is recommended that you choose the Backup Existing Applet Web Templates option.
    • If you choose the Label on the Left of the Fields Option, then the Conversion Wizard creates a new form template that does not use a grid, moves labels to the left, and then converts that template to grid layout.
    • If you choose the Launch Web Layout Editor Upon Completion option, then the editor displays the applet web template for the last applet that you chose in Step 7.
  9. Click Next.

    The wizard converts the active web templates to grid layout web templates:

    • If no error occurs, then you can use the Applet Layout Editor to edit the layout of these applets. For more information, see Process of Using the Applet Layout Editor.
    • If an error occurs, then the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard displays the error in a dialog box. Siebel Tools stores this information in a log file. For more information, see Troubleshooting a Grid Layout Conversion Problem.

      If an item in an applet header or footer does not convert properly, then you might be required to manually modify the item after the conversion. This situation can occur if you map a field to a placeholder in an applet header or footer. You typically map a button control rather than a field to a header or footer.

How the Siebel Application Context Affects Controls That the Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard Converts

The Applet Web Template Conversion Wizard only converts controls that are valid in the current application context that is chosen in the Application field of the Configuration Context Toolbar. For example, if the Siebel ERM application is chosen, then Siebel Tools only converts the controls that are valid in the context of the Siebel ERM application. If a control is not valid in the chosen application context, then Siebel Tools displays a dialog box that allows you to cancel the conversion or to continue. If you choose continue, then Siebel Tools creates an entry in a log file for each control that it does not convert. For more information, see Troubleshooting a Grid Layout Conversion Problem.

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