Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Special-Purpose Applets > Configuring a Tree Applet >

Configuring the Graphic Elements of a Tree Applet

A tree control includes reusable graphic elements and text that Siebel CRM gets from a business component record, as defined in the tree and tree node. Siebel CRM defines the graphic elements in a tree applet, such as elbows, folder symbols, and so on, as parameters of the Application Object Manager. You can use these parameters to configure how Siebel CRM displays the folder and document symbols, expand icons, collapse icons, elbows, spacers, and so on. For more information about Application Object Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

You can use an HTML hierarchy bitmap to configure some graphic elements. For more information, see Configuring Icons in a Tree Applet.

To configure the graphic elements of a tree applet

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Servers view.
  2. In the Siebel Servers list, locate the Siebel Server of interest.
  3. Click the Components tab.
  4. In the Components list, locate the Application Object Manager of interest.

    For example, Call Center Object Manager (ENU).

  5. Click the Parameters subview tab, and then click Hidden.
  6. In the Component Parameters list, query the Parameter field for the parameter you must modify, and then set the values.

    For more information, see Parameters You Can Modify That Determine How Siebel CRM Displays Graphic Elements in a Tree Apple.

Parameters You Can Modify That Determine How Siebel CRM Displays Graphic Elements in a Tree Apple

Table 51 lists parameters you can modify that determine how Siebel CRM displays graphic elements in a tree applet.

Table 51. Parameters You Can Modify That Determine How Siebel CRM Displays Graphic Elements in a Tree Applet
Type of Tree Element
Application Object Manager Parameters

Elbows and Trees

Siebel CRM supports the following parameters:

  • TreeNodeCollapseElbowCaption
  • TreeNodeCollapseTeeCaption
  • TreeNodeElbowCaption
  • TreeNodeExpandElbowCaption
  • TreeNodeExpandTeeCaption
  • TreeNodeTeeCaption

Root, Leaf, Open Folder, and Closed Folder Icons

Siebel CRM supports the following parameters:

  • TreeNodeCloseFolderCaption.
  • TreeNodeLeafCaption.
  • TreeNodeOpenFolderCaption. Open folder with a dangling line.
  • TreeNodeOpenFolder2Caption. Open folder without a dangling line.
  • TreeNodeRootCaption.
  • TreeNodeArrowDownCaption. This icon indicates that more records exist that are not described below the caption. If the user clicks this icon, then Siebel CRM displays the next group.
  • TreeNodeArrowUpCaption. This icon indicates that more records exist that are not described above.

Indentation Graphics

Siebel CRM supports the following parameters:

  • TreeNodeBarCaption
  • TreeNodeSpaceCaption

Text Style Parameters

Siebel CRM supports the following parameters:

  • TreeNodeFontStyle. The default value is MS Sans Serif, Arial, and Helvetica.
  • TreeNodeFontSize. The default value is 1.
  • TreeNodeSelectBgColor. The default value is #000080.
  • TreeNodeSelectFgColor. The default value is #ffffff.m.

Using the Configuration File to Specify Parameters

You can use the configuration file to specify parameters that determine how Siebel CRM displays graphic elements in a tree applet.

To use the configuration file to specify parameters

  1. Open the relevant configuration file in a text editor.
  2. Add a separate line for each parameter you must specify.

    Use the following format:

    parameter_name = "<param1 param2>"


    • param1 and param2 are the names of the parameters.

      For example:

    TreeNodeCollapseCaption = "<img src='images/tree_collapse.gif' alt='-' border=0 align=left vspace=0 hspace=0>"

You can use the alt parameter in the img tag to replace an image with text. This configuration is useful to support a browser that only displays text.

Configuring How Siebel CRM Displays Text From Field Values

You can configure how Siebel CRM displays text that it gets from field values.

To configure how Siebel CRM displays text from field values

  1. Open the relevant configuration file in a text editor.
  2. Add a separate line for each parameter you must specify, using the following format:

    parameter_name = value


    • parameter_name is one of the following parameters:
      • TreeNodeFontStyle
      • TreeNodeFontSize
      • TreeNodeSelectBgColor
      • TreeNodeSelectFgColor

The term caption that Siebel CRM displays in the parameter refers to an icon or graphic. It displays the caption as an image and positions it in one of the following ways:

  • Precedes the text that Siebel CRM creates from a field value
  • Precedes another caption
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