Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications > Code for NREC Business Services > Process of Modifying Siebel Objects >

Code for the General Function

This topic includes code you copy to the general function. It includes the following topics:

Code for the Declaration Function

Copy the following code to the declaration function:

   Dim FieldCount As Integer
   Dim NoOfRecords As Integer
   Dim DataSource As String
   Dim ColumnsReqd As String
   Dim VBCName as String

Code for the Pal_Init Function

Copy the following code to the Pal_Init function:

   Sub Pal_Init (Inputs as PropertySet, Outputs as PropertySet)

      Dim theFieldName(100) As String
      Dim ParamText as String

   ' Identify setup details of calling VBC and add as Parameter to Service

   ParamText = Inputs.GetProperty("Parameters")
   VBCName = Inputs.GetProperty("Business Component Name")

   Me.SetProperty VBCName, ParamText
   me.SetProperty VBCName & "Qry", "None"

   If ParamText <> "" Then
      DataSource = Left(ParamText,Instr(ParamText,";")-1)
      ParamText = Mid(ParamText,Instr(ParamText,";")+1)
      FieldCount = CVar(Left(ParamText,Instr(ParamText,";")-1))
      ColumnsReqd = Mid(ParamText,Instr(ParamText,";")+1)
   End If

   ' Initialize the full list of Fields Available

   Open DataSource For Input As #1
      For Count = 1 To FieldCount
         Input #1,theKey
         theFieldName(Count) = RTrim(theKey)
         Outputs.SetProperty theFieldName(Count), ""
      Next Count
   Close #1

   End Sub

Code for the Pal_Insert Function

Copy the following code to the Pal_Insert function:

   Sub Pal_Insert (Inputs As PropertySet, Outputs As PropertySet)

   Dim InputFields(100) As String
   Dim InputValues(100) As String
   Dim NoOfValues As Integer
   Dim InputPS As PropertySet
   Dim OutputStr As String
   Dim PadReqd As Integer

   NoOfValues = 0

' ********************************************************************************
' * Establish the Value Pairs to Be Used for Insert from the Inputs Property set *
' ***********************************************************************************

   If Inputs.GetFirstProperty <> "" Then
      Set InputPS=TheApplication.NewPropertySet()
      Set InputPS = Inputs.GetChild(0)
      InputFields(1) = InputPS.GetFirstProperty
      InputValues(1) = InputPS.GetProperty(InputPS.GetFirstProperty)
      NoOfValues = NoOfValues + 1
      For i = 2 to FieldCount
         InputFields(i) = InputPS.GetNextProperty
         If InputFields(i) <> "" Then
            InputValues(i) = InputPS.GetProperty(InputFields(i))
         NoOfValues = NoOfValues + 1
         End If
      Next i
   End If

' ***********************************************************************
' * Create the Output String for Writing to the File in the right order *
' *************************************************************************

   Open DataSource For Input As #1

   For Count = 1 To FieldCount
      PadReqd = 1 ' Identify by default we need a Pad string in the file
      Input #1,theKey
      For i = 1 to NoOfValues
         If InputFields(i) = theKey Then
            PadReqd = 0
            If OutputStr <> "" Then
               OutputStr = OutputStr & ","
            End If
            OutputStr = OutputStr & InputValues(i)
         End If
      Next i
      If PadReqd = 1 Then
         If OutputStr <> "" Then
            OutputStr = OutputStr & ","
         End If
         OutputStr = OutputStr & " "
      End If
   Next Count

      Close #1

' ***************************************************
' * Create the Output String In the DataSource File *
' *****************************************************

      Open DataSource For Append As #1

      Print #1,OutputStr

      Close #1

   End Sub

Code for the Pal_PreInsert Function

Copy the following code to the Pal_PreInsert function:

   Sub Pal_PreInsert (Outputs As PropertySet)

' ************************************************************************************
' * A Pre Insert Method is Required before any insert is applied, It          *
' * provides Default Values, This service does not provide any defaults, But       *
' * must return a property set that includes values, so this references the first field by default. *
' ************************************************************************************

      dim newRow As PropertySet
      set newRow = TheApplication.NewPropertySet()
      newRow.SetProperty Left(ColumnsReqd,Instr(ColumnsReqd,",")-1),""
      Outputs.AddChild newRow

   End Sub

Code for the Pal_Query Function

Copy the following code to the Pal_Query function:

   Sub Pal_Query (Inputs as PropertySet, Outputs as PropertySet)

' ***************************************************************************
' * The adding of properties in the me.SetProperty statements in this       *
' * code is used To store key information and the relevant data against     *
' * parameters identified by the VBC name. This technique is used to create *
' * a persistantstore and negate yhe need for repeat calls to the external  *
' * source for the same data.                                               *
' *****************************************************************************

   Dim Row(999) As PropertySet

   Dim theFieldName(100) As String
   Dim QueryValues(100) As String
   Dim QueryFields(100) As String
   Dim QueryList As PropertySet
   Dim ColList, ColData, QryData As String
   Dim OutColCount, OutRowCount, NoOfQs, RowMatches, DoQuery As Integer

   DoQuery = 1
   NoOfQs = 0
   OutColCount = 0
   OutRowCount = 0

' ****************************************************************************
' * Establish the list of Columns Which define the Query Values from the VBC *
' *******************************************************************************

   Set QueryList = TheApplication.NewPropertySet()
   Set QueryList = Inputs.GetChild(0)

   ' Inputs.GetChild(0) retrieves user inputs ,like ("First Name","Angela") , etc...

   If QueryList.GetFirstProperty <> "" Then

      QueryFields(1) = QueryList.GetFirstProperty
      QueryValues(1) = QueryList.GetProperty(QueryList.GetFirstProperty)
      NoOfQs = NoOfQs + 1
      QryData = QueryFields(1) & "=" & QueryValues(1)
      For i = 2 to FieldCount
         QueryFields(i) = QueryList.GetNextProperty
         If QueryFields(i) <> "" Then
            QueryValues(i) = QueryList.GetProperty(QueryFields(i))
            NoOfQs = NoOfQs + 1
            QryData = QryData & ";" & QueryFields(i) & "=" & QueryValues(i)
         End If
      Next i
   End If

' *********************************************************************************
' * Establish If Query is same as Last Time for this VBC and If So Set Query Flag *
' * to use Persistant Cache
' ***********************************************************************************

If me.GetProperty(VBCName & "Qry") <> QryData Then
me.SetProperty VBCName & "Qry", QryData
DoQuery = 0
End If

' *********************************************************************************
' * Establish Full List of Columns Available and Which ones are needed by the VBC *
' * Where not required, Identify this with Column Value Not Required CVNR         *
' ************************************************************************************

   If DoQuery = 1 Then

   Open DataSource For Input As #1
      For Count = 1 To FieldCount
         Input #1,theKey
         If Instr(ColumnsReqd,theKey) <> "0" Then
            theFieldName(Count) = RTrim(theKey)
            OutColCount = OutColCount + 1
            theFieldName(Count) = "CVNR"
         End If
   Next Count

   me.SetProperty VBCName & "ColCnt", CStr(OutColCount)

' *********************************************************************************
' * Retreveal of Data from Text File, Including ignoring Columns Not Required and *
' * Ignoring rows which do not match the selection criterion                      *
' ************************************************************************************

   For r = 1 to 999

      On Error Goto EndLoop
      rowMatches = 1 'set to true
   Input #1, theKey
   theValue = RTrim(theKey)
      If theValue <> "" Then
         Set Row(r) = TheApplication.NewPropertySet()
         If theFieldName(1) <> "CVNR" Then
            Row(r).SetProperty theFieldName(1), theValue
            ColList = theFieldName(1)
            ColData = theValue
         For x = 1 to NoOfQs
            If QueryFields(x) = theFieldName(1) and QueryValues(x) <> theValue Then
               rowMatches = 0
            End If
         Next x
      End If
   For Count = 2 To FieldCount
      Input #1, theKey
      theValue = RTrim(theKey)
         If theFieldName(Count) <> "CVNR" Then
            Row(r).SetProperty theFieldName(Count), theValue
            ColList = ColList & ";" & theFieldName(Count)
            ColData = ColData & ";" & theValue
         For x = 1 to NoOfQs
            If QueryFields(x) = theFieldName(Count) and QueryValues(x) <> theValue Then
               rowMatches = 0
            End If
         Next x
      End If
   Next Count
      If rowMatches = 1 Then
         Outputs.AddChild Row(r)
         OutRowCount = OutRowCount + 1
         me.SetProperty VBCName & CStr(OutRowCount), ColData
      End If


         Exit For
      End If
   Next r
         Close #1
         me.SetProperty VBCName & "RowCnt", CStr(OutRowCount)
         me.SetProperty VBCName & "Col", ColList

' ********************************************************************************
' * Re Create Output property set from the Persistant Cache held in the Business *
' * Service Property Set
' **********************************************************************************

      OutColCount = CVar(GetProperty(VBCName & "ColCnt"))
      OutRowCount = CVar(GetProperty(VBCName & "RowCnt"))
      For i = 1 to OutRowCount
         ColList = GetProperty(VBCName & "Col")
         ColData = GetProperty(VBCName & CStr(i))
         Set Row(i) = TheApplication.NewPropertySet()
         For x = 1 to OutColCount-1
            theField = Left$(ColList,Instr(ColList,";")-1)
            theValue = Left$(ColData,Instr(ColData,";")-1)
            ColList = Mid$(ColList,Instr(ColList,";")+1)
            ColData = Mid$(ColData,Instr(ColData,";")+1)
            Row(i).SetProperty theField, theValue
         Next x
         Row(i).SetProperty ColList, ColData
         Outputs.AddChild Row(i)
      Next i
   End If

End Sub

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