Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Importing Data > Special Considerations for Imports >

Importing Party Records

There are columns in the S_PARTY table that must be populated when importing party records such as Contacts, Positions, and so on. The following are the required columns, with their possible values:

  • PARTY_TYPE_CD. Indicates the type of party data that is being imported. The PARTY_TYPE_CD column can have the following values:


    For Contact, User, Employee, or Partner.


    For Organization, Division, or Account.


    For a Household (or Group). A Household is comprised of a collection of Contacts, independent of Account affiliations.


    For an Internal Division Position.

    AccessGroup (OR)

    For bundling of Party entities. Relates a person to groups indirectly (through Positions, Organizations, Accounts, and so on). An Access Group can have Organizations, Accounts, Positions, and User Lists.


    A User List contains Siebel persons as its members. User Lists are created on an ad-hoc basis, not restricted to the Organizations to which the persons belong or to the Positions they hold.

    NOTE:  No custom values are allowed in the PARTY_TYPE_CD column. This column must contain one of the values listed above.

  • PARTY_UID. PARTY_UID is populated by default through the Siebel upgrade process and the application UI with the ROW_ID of the party record (for example, Contact or Position) that is being created, but you maintain the value for this column. The value does not have to remain identical with the ROW_ID.

    With EIM, the PARTY_UID gets populated with the value specified in the EIM table for this column. PARTY_UID may have a calculated value with logic, such as a combination of email and other data. For this reason, PARTY_UID is defined as VARCHAR100.

  • ROOT_PARTY_FLG. ROOT_PARTY_FLG supports performance for Oracle. The following are possible queries to retrieve top-level Positions, Organizations, or Access Groups. Try using the first query before the second one:
    • WHERE ROOT_PARTY_FLG='Y'. ROOT_PARTY_FLG is set to 'Y' for top-level Positions, Organizations, and Access Groups as it applies only to these party subtypes. It is set to 'N' for other party subtypes.
    • WHERE PAR_PARTY_ID IS NULL. Oracle cannot use an indexed access path because there are no index entries for NULL, so ROOT_PARTY_FLG was added.

NOTE:  The PAR_PARTY_ID field needs to be populated only when the PARTY_TYPE_CD is set to Organization or Position. For Positions, if the record is a position that is the child of another position, then PAR_PARTY_ID needs to be populated with the ROW_ID of the parent position. In the case of Organizations, this field applies only to internal organizations. Similarly to Positions, the PAR_PARTY_ID needs to be populated with the parent organization if it has one.

Also note that Divisions and Accounts have PARTY_TYPE_CD set to Organization well, but it is not necessary to populate the PAR_PARTY_ID field.

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