Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Business Components and Classes >

Applet Classes for Siebel Pharma Handheld

You can create additional screens and views for your Handheld application. Any new screens and views must be based on classes and business components that are supported for the Siebel Pharma Handheld application.


This is a non-specialized frame class that implements the base functionality required for applets. All applet classes derive from this class. This class handles the rendering of controls and processes all events raised at the applet level.

NOTE:  For more information about the CSSFrame class, see Siebel Developer's Reference.


This is a specialized business component class for the account list applet. It supports new account call creation, automatic call creation, and automatic update of created calls.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke the FindView method which navigates to another view. The View name is configurable. The GetViewBOBCName method allows the user to define the view, BusObj, and BusComp name from the auxconfig.txt file. If no views are specified, it navigates to the default view, which is: Pharma Account Find View - CE, BusObj: Account, Buscomp: Account.



Accessible Methods:

AutoCall, AutoUpdate, NewCall, FindView, GetViewBOBCName, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine, CreateProductsDetailed, UpdateProductsDetailed, UpdateAttendeeCall, UpdateAttendeeCallChildren, RemoveRecords.

Applet User Properties:

Not Applicable

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:



This frame class is used to render the Calendar control for displaying appointments in a day. The day is divided into intervals (according to user preference) of 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes.


This frame class renders the Calendar control for displaying appointments in a month. The user can click on any of the days in a month (any date) to navigate to that day's view for the selection.


This frame class renders the Calendar control for displaying appointments in a week. Seven intervals are displayed with each slot representing a day of the week. The user can click on any of the days in a week (any date) to navigate to that day's view for the selection.


This is a specialized frame class used for the Home Page view of the Siebel Pharma Handheld application. This frame class renders buttons that are large in size - up to a maximum of 30 pixels (height) x 100 pixels (width). This class also suppresses the record count information in the track text.


This is a specialized business component class supporting search functionality based on field values in the frame for Contacts. This class is derived from the class CSSFrame.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke search functionality on an applet. Upon clicking the Search button, it finds records based on the entered field values on a form. Upon clicking the All button, all contacts are displayed irrespective of the search criteria entered in the field values on a form.



Accessible Methods:

SetFrameActive, PickMultiple, SearchContacts, AllContacts, InitializeFrame, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine, GetFldName, GetLinkName.

Applet User Properties:

The following user properties are available:

  • Name: PickApplet 1

    Value: Account Find, Name

  • Name: PickApplet 2

    Value: Postal Code Find, Postal Code

  • Name: SHCEHideToolBar

    Value: TRUE

  • Name: SHCEHideStatusBar

    Value: TRUE

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:

Not Applicable


This is a specialized business component class supporting search functionality based on field values in the frame for Accounts. This class is derived from CSSFrame.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke search functionality on an applet. Upon clicking the Search button, it finds records based on the entered field values on a form. Upon clicking the All button, all accounts are displayed irrespective of the search criteria entered in the field values on a form.



Accessible Methods:

SetFrameActive, PickMultiple, SearchAccounts, AllAccounts, InitializeFrame, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine, GetFldName, GetLinkName.

Applet User Properties:

The following user properties are available:

  • Name: PickApplet 1

    Value: City Find, City

  • Name: PickApplet 2

    Value: Postal Code Find, Postal Code

  • Name: SHCEHideToolBar

    Value: TRUE

  • Name: SHCEHideStatusBar

    Value: TRUE

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:

Not Applicable


This is a specialized business component class to create and adjust sample transactions for contact or attendee calls. 

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to implement the functionality which enables users to add items to sample transactions, adjust the quantity of transaction items, and submit transaction items.


Not Applicable

Accessible Methods:

The following methods are accessible from CSSFrameListSampleItem:

  • ItemSubmit: Submits a new transaction item or an adjusted transaction item.
  • AdjustTxn: Makes a copy of the selected transaction and enables the user to modify the quantity in the copied record. Once the modified record is submitted, the original transaction is marked as Adjusted and the modified record status is marked as Submitted.
  • AddTxn: Creates a new transaction item so that the user can add a different sample to an existing transaction.

Applet User Properties:

Not Applicable

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:



This is a specialized business component class for the daily calendar applet. It supports new contact call creation using the New Call button on the calendar.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke the New Account Call and the Med Ed Event methods. New Account Call creates a new account call and populates the call time with the timeslot selected in the calendar. Med Ed creates a new record for Med Ed Event and populates the Start time with the timeslot selected in the calendar.



Accessible Methods:

CalNewCall, CalNewAccntCall, CalMedEd.

Applet User Properties:

Not Applicable

Control User Properties:

The following control user properties are available:

  • Name: Account Call View Name

    Value: SIS HH Pharma Account Call Products Detailed View - CE

  • Name: Account Call BO Name

    Value: Pharma Account Call - CE

  • Name: Med Ed View Name

    Value: My Med Ed Events View - CE

  • Name: Med Ed BO View

    Value: Pharma ME Event - CE

Dependencies & Limitations:



This is a specialized business component class supporting multiselect functionality in pick applets. This class is derived from CSSFrameListPick.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke multiple value selection on a Pick Applet, and to support sequential and random selection of records on a pick applet.



Accessible Methods:

OnPickMultipleRecord, LoadNonSeq.

Applet User Properties:


Control User Properties:

The following control user property is available:

  • Name: AutoSelect

    Value: TRUE

Dependencies & Limitations:

Not Applicable


This is a specialized business component supporting search functionality based on field values in the frame for Accounts. This class is derived from CSSFramePopup.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke search functionality on an applet. Upon clicking the Search button, it find records based on the entered field values on a popup applet. Upon clicking the All button, all accounts are displayed irrespective of the entered search criteria in the field values on a popup applet.



Accessible Methods:

InitializeFrame, PickMultiple, CalculateAppletWidth, SearchAccounts, AllAccounts, NotifyNewQuerySpec, GetFldName, GetLinkName, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine.

Applet User Properties:

The following user properties are available:

  • Name: PickApplet 1

    Value: City Find, City

  • Name: PickApplet 2

    Value: Postal Code Find, Postal Code

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:

Not Applicable


This is a specialized business component class supporting search functionality based on field values in the frame for Contacts. This class is derived from CSSFramePopup.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke search functionality on an applet. Upon clicking the Search button, it find records based on the entered field values on a popup applet. Upon clicking the All button, all accounts are displayed irrespective of the entered search criteria in the field values on a popup applet.



Accessible Methods:

InitializeFrame, PickMultiple, CalculateAppletWidth, SearchContacts, AllContacts, NotifyNewQuerySpec, GetFldName, GetLinkName, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine.

Applet User Properties:

The following user properties are available:

  • Name: PickApplet 1

    Value: City Find, City

  • Name: PickApplet 2

    Value: Postal Code Find, Postal Code

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:

Not Applicable


This is a specialized business component class for the account list applet. It supports new contact call creation, automatic call creation, and automatic update of created calls.

Usage Guidelines:

Use this class to invoke the FindView method which navigates to another view. The View name is configurable. The GetViewBOBCName method allows the user to define the view, BusObj, and BusComp name from the auxconfig.txt file. If no view is specified, it navigates to View: "Pharma Professional Find View - CE", BusObj: Contact, BusComp: Contact.



Accessible Methods:

AutoCall, AutoUpdate, NewCall, FindView, GetViewBOBCName, GetStrFromFile, GetNextLine, CreateProductsDetailed, UpdateProductsDetailed, UpdateAttendeeCall, UpdateAttendeeCallChildren, RemoveRecords.

Applet User Properties:

Not Applicable

Control User Properties:

Not Applicable

Dependencies & Limitations:


Other Supported Applet Classes

Other supported applet classes for Siebel Pharma Handheld applications include the following:

  • CSSDurationFrameList
  • CSSFrameCEMultPart
  • CSSFrameListExpitm
  • CSSFrameListPharmaActivity
  • CSSFrameListSample
  • CSSFrameNewCall
  • CSSFrameSISAction
  • CSSFrameSample
  • CSSSWEFrameListPick
  • CSSSWEFrameListTargetAssoc
  • CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityAssoc
  • CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick
  • CSSSubmitFrame

The following classes are supported by Siebel Pharma Handheld, but there is no specialized code in the Siebel Handheld application (specific to Siebel Pharma Handheld) for these classes:

  • CSSFrameBase

    NOTE:  CSSFrameBase provides functionality through applet user properties and invokes methods that are useful in many common situations. The FrameListBase classes contain the same functionality and behaviors as their FrameBase counterparts. For more information about this class, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

  • CSSFrameCECalAddModify
  • CSSFrameList

    NOTE:  CSSFrameList is a specialized applet class that represents a list applet object in the Siebel UI Frameworks. For more information about this class, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

  • CSSFrameListBase

    NOTE:  CSSFrameListBase is a specialized applet class used for base frame functionality in list applets. For more information about this class, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

  • CSSFramePopupCurrency
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