Siebel Mobile Connector Guide > Working with the Alert Business Service > Configuring Alerts >

Sample Alert Configuration Scenario

This section provides the following examples for configuring alerts:

This scenario assumes you have already successfully configured the smcalert.cfg file.

Setting Up Alerts Using the HTTP Transport Method

The following example describes how to configure alerts using the HTTP Transport Method.

To set up alerts using the HTTP Transport Method

  1. Create a physical directory on the Siebel Server that will receive the pushed alerts, such as D:\HTTPOutbound (where D:\ is a physical directory on the Siebel Server).
  2. Create a program (for example, FileReceiver.asp) that receives an XML document and writes the output to a text file.

    The program should point to the directory created in Step 1 and the name of the output text file. It must determine the character set and HTTP Content-Type, convert the character set to Unicode, and write the received document to a file.

    TIP:   You can model your program on the sample FileReceiver.asp shown in Siebel Mobile Connector Troubleshooting Guide.

  3. On the machine where you have installed the Reference Configuration Sample or similar third-party application, create a virtual directory and point the virtual directory to the HTTPOutbound physical folder created in Step 1.
  4. Using the Reference Configuration Sample or a similar third-party application, subscribe to an alert for a specific list column or control.

    For example, you can request to be alerted when the main phone number for an account has changed.

  5. Using the Siebel application, navigate to Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes, and query for the imported workflow.

    For example, you can run a query such as *SMC*.

  6. From the menu, select the Import Workflow option and browse to the directory where the Siebel Mobile Connector XML workflow file is located.

    For example, go to \\machineName\sea75x\siebsrvr\xml and import the appropriate XML file.

  7. Using the Workflow Designer, double-click on the Submit Message option (the third step).
  8. Change the argument for Alert Transport to EAI HTTP Transport and save your changes.
  9. Activate the workflow.
  10. Navigate to the smcalert.cfg file and add the following arguments:

    [EAI HTTP Transport]

    HTTPRequestURLTemplate = http://machineName/HTTPOutbound/FileReceiver.asp


  11. Save your changes to smcalert.cfg and then stop and restart the Siebel Server.
Printing the Output Page of the Alert to a File

Once the alert is configured, the following example describes how to print the output page to a file.

To print the output page of the alert to a file

  1. Log in to the Siebel Mobile Connector client user interface.
  2. Navigate to the screen containing the information for which you have configured an alert. For example, if you set up an alert for a change in an account's phone number, you can navigate to the SMC Account Screen.
  3. Modify the value of the field and save your changes.

    In the background, the Alert Business Service detects the change and sends a Siebel message through the HTTP transport mechanism.

  4. Navigate to the location of the text output file.

    For example: D:\HTTPOutbound\httpoutputfile.txt

  5. Open the text file and you should see the XML document output from the Alert Business Service.

    For example, if you requested to be notified when the main phone number for an account changed, httpoutputfile.txt would look like the following:

    Received at 6/19/2002 9:54:10 AM

    ~< ? x m l v e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 " e n c o d i n g = " U T F - 8 " ? > < ? S i e b e l - P r o p e r t y - S e t E s c a p e N a m e s = " f a l s e " ? > < P r o p e r t y S e t

    A l e r t R o w I d = " 9 9 - 2 8 B 0 A "

    A l e r t D e s c r i p t i o n = " S M C A l e r t - N e w A c c o u n t M a i n P h o n e N u m b e r "

    A l e r t M a i n P h o n e N u m b e r = " 4 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 2 2"

    > < / P r o p e r t y S e t >

    End Received at 6/19/2002 9:54:10 AM

  6. Restart the Siebel Server.

For more information about how the Alert Business Service works, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

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