Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Employee Asset-Based Ordering >

Processing a Sales Order Through Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration

When you process orders in Siebel CRM through Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration, you have several options that are specific to the integration.

This procedure describes order and order line item functionality that is specific to Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration of Siebel CRM. For more information about viewing orders, editing orders, and submitting order revisions, see the chapter on asset-based ordering in Siebel Order Management Guide.

To process a sales order through Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration, follow this procedure.

To process an order through Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration

  1. Follow the steps for creating an order as described in the chapter on asset-based ordering in Siebel Order Management Guide.
  2. In the order header, view or complete the additional fields as needed. Some fields are described in the table that follows.

    Success Dependency

    • All or None. All order items must be fulfilled successfully, or the whole order fails.

      When the order header-level Success Dependency field is set to All or None, it overrides the order line item Success Dependency field settings.

    • Default. For the order to succeed, it is not necessary that the order line items must succeed. Set this value when the line items are not interdependent and can be fulfilled separately.


    Some values pertaining to Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration are as follows:

    • In Progress. Order is being processed in the external fulfillment system.
    • As Submitted. Identifies this order as a reference copy of a submitted order that was subsequently modified during its fulfillment. For more information about "As Submitted" order records, see About As Submitted Orders.

    Copied To Order

    Stores the Row Id of the backup order that was copied from the current order.

    Parent Order #

    To construct an order hierarchy by designating another order as parent to the current order, specify a parent order in this field. For more information about parent and child orders, see Building a Hierarchy of Orders.


    Priority of the order. Determines the place of this order in the processing sequence in the JMS queue when the order is submitted. Values, and their JMS mappings, are as follows:

    • Low. JMS priority 3
    • Medium. JMS priority 5
    • High. JMS priority 7
    • Urgent. JMS priority 9

    These mappings are configurable. For information about changing the order priority mappings, see Modifying the Order Priority Mapping.

    Change Reason

    When preparing to submit a revision of an already-submitted order, select a reason for the change. Default value is No Reason. For more information about order revisions, see About Order Revisions.

    Original Qty

    Read only. After an order is revised, the previous value of the Quantity field is copied to the Original Quantity field. This allows you to perform an order line quantity change and resubmit the changed order. For more information about order revisions, see About Order Revisions.

  3. In the More Info view, view or complete the additional fields as needed. Some fields are described in the table that follows.

    Job Id

    Bulk Order Id. Assigned when an order is created as a part of a bulk request submission.

    Job Type

    Bulk order type. Values are as follows:

    • Homogeneous. All the orders in the job are similar to each other.
    • Heterogeneous. Different types of orders exist in the same job.
    • 3rd Party Homogeneous. Like Homogeneous, but originating from an external source (for example, a partner).
    • 3rd Party Heterogeneous. Like Heterogeneous, but originating from an external source (for example, a partner).
    • Correlated. The job contains interdependent orders.
  4. In each of the order line items, view or complete the additional fields as needed. Some fields are described in the table that follows.

    Success Dependency

    Read-only, carried in from the definition of the product associated with the order line item.

    • All or None. All order items must be fulfilled successfully, or the whole order fails.

      When the order header-level Success Dependency field is set to All or None, it overrides the order line item Success Dependency field settings.

    • Default. For the order to succeed, it is not necessary that the order line items must succeed. The product administrator sets this value when the line item can be fulfilled on its own and is not dependent on any other line item, such as for a partial item.

    Change Cost

    Read-only. Cost to change this line item. Values include High, Medium, Low, and PONR (signifying Point of No Return, the point at which it is technically unfeasible to make changes to the line item).

    When a line item reaches Point of No Return, that line item becomes read-only, and remains read-only in subsequent order revisions.


    Some values pertaining to Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration are as follows:

    • In Progress. Order line is being processed in the external fulfillment system.
    • As Submitted. Identifies this order line as a reference copy of a submitted order line that was subsequently modified during its fulfillment. For more information about "As Submitted" order records, see About As Submitted Orders.

    Fulfillment Status

    Last fulfillment status reached. Updated by the integration as part of the Status update. This field is updated when the order status changes to Complete or Canceled, removing the dependency between the order status in the back-office application and the order status in Siebel CRM.

    Status Context

    Additional information about the status of this order, provided by the external order fulfillment system.

    Revised Line Item Id

    Line Item ID of the previous order line item revised by this line item.

    For more information about the fields that track order revisions, see About Revised Order Line Item IDs.


    Last fulfillment milestone reached. Updated by the integration as part of the Status update.

    Pricing Commit Type

    Read-only. Specifies a method for price override. Computed in the pricing procedure based on the product or promotion definition established by the administrator, and on the application of either policy or manual discounts. Possible values are as follows:

    • Committed. An adjusted price is not affected by mass price changes. Consequently, an adjustment is processed by Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management as a price override.
    • Dynamic. An adjusted price is not committed and can be affected by mass price changes. Consequently, an adjustment is processed in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management as a discount override, and the discount can be tracked against a separate GL code in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. The discount override in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management can be an amount or a percentage, depending on the value in the Dynamic Discount Method field.

    A manual adjustment to the order sets the Pricing Commit Type of each order line to Committed. If a pricing adjustment to this line item has a Pricing Commit Type of Committed, then the Pricing Commit Type of the line item is set to Committed.

    This field interacts with other fields under different conditions. For more information about these interactions, see About Mapping Discounts and Price Overrides to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

    Dynamic Discount Method

    Read-only. Specifies a method for a discount override. Computed in the pricing procedure based on the product or promotion definition established by the administrator, and on the application of either policy or manual discounts. When Pricing Commit Type is set to Dynamic, this field defines how to apply a discount in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. Possible values are as follows:

    Computed in the pricing procedure based on the admin-time definition of the product or promotion and application of either policy or manual discounts.

    • Amount. Applies the discount as a monetary amount.
    • Percentage. Applies the discount as a percentage of the price.

    This field interacts with other fields under different conditions. For more information about these interactions, see About Mapping Discounts and Price Overrides to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

    Skip Re-price

    Select to exclude this line item from the pricing procedure. Clear to apply the pricing procedure to this line item. Clearing this field triggers a pricing update, which might involve calculated updates to the values of the Net Price, Pricing Commit Type, and Dynamic Discount Method fields.

    Change Reason

    When preparing to submit a revision of an already-submitted order line item, select a reason for the change. Default value is No Reason. For more information about order revisions, see About Order Revisions.

    Due Date

    Customer-requested start date for a service.

    Service Start Date

    Actual service start date for a time-based offering. By default, the field value is the date in the Due Date field, but this value can be changed manually. For more information about time-based offerings, see About Time-Based Offerings and About Managing Time-Based Offerings.

    Service End Date

    Service end date for a time-based offering. Your Siebel application calculates this date from the attribute values of the component discount product. For more information about time-based offerings, see About Time-Based Offerings and About Managing Time-Based Offerings.

  5. To customize an order, in the Line Items view, perform the following steps:
    1. Select an order line item and click Customize.

      Siebel Configurator is launched and a configuration screen appears in a separate window. For more information about Siebel Configurator, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

      NOTE:  This functionality is active if the Order-to-Cash PIP is enabled by the Enable AIA OrderToCash system preference being set to TRUE. For more information about the Enable AIA OrderToCash system preference, see the overview chapter in the Siebel Communications Guide.

    2. Enter and save your configurations.

      Siebel CRM redisplays the Sales Order screen, where you can continue entering details of the order.

  6. Add payment information to the order by doing the following:
    1. Click the Payments view tab.
    2. In the Payment Lines list, add a line for each payment to associate with the order.
    3. Associate each payment line with a billing profile of the order's billing account by making the appropriate selection in the Billing Profile field.
    4. Complete the other fields as required.

      Performing these steps allows the order submission process to send payment information for the order through Oracle Application Integration Architecture to the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management back-office billing system. For more information about Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management integration with Siebel Communications, see Siebel Communications Guide.

  7. Submit the order for technical service qualification, if any order line items require it.

    For more information on technical service qualification, see Submitting an Order for Technical Service Qualification.

  8. When finished entering the order, click Submit.

    NOTE:  Once submitted, an order cannot be deleted.

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