Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering > Workflows for Bulk Requests >

ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow

This workflow applies the promotion to the document for a specified instance. Figure 77 shows this workflow.

Figure 77. ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Query Promotion. This step queries the promotion table for the specified promotion Id.
  2. Construct CfgPS. This step sets the product definition type code before calling Siebel Configurator.
  3. Begin Configuration. This step calls Siebel Configurator to get the product definition.
  4. Get Instance. This step gets the product instance from Siebel Configurator.
  5. End Configuration. This step cleans up before closing Siebel Configurator.
  6. Transfer IO to PS. This step converts from an Integration Object Format to a Property Set Format.
  7. Get Context. This step gets the header from the property set.
  8. Get Rowset. This step gets the line items from above property set.
  9. Add Item To EligibleList. This step adds the line item that was passed in to Eligible list.
  10. Collect EligibleList. This step adds all other line items to the Eligible list.
  11. Apply Rules. This step applies the promotion rules to prepare the missed item list, and updates the matched list for the specified promotion Id.
  12. Add Missed Items. This step calls a subprocess to add the missed items to the document.
  13. Update Matched Item Sub Process. This step updates the matched items list to apply the promotion default, if any.
  14. Transfer IO to PS 2. This step converts the Siebel message from an Integration Object Format to a Property Set Format.
  15. Get Updated RowSet. This step applies the variable map and row set to get the updated row set.
  16. Update the Missing Items. This step updates the row set with the missing items information.
  17. Update Matched Items. This step updates the row set with the matched items information.
  18. Set Pricing Date. This step sets the effective pricing date on the order header or the quote header.
  19. Sync To PS. This step synchronizes the updated row set with the original row set.
  20. Transfer PS to Output IO. This step converts the row set to a Siebel message.
  21. Add Item to Collection. This step saves the Siebel message in memory.

Table 68 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 68. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called

Construct CfgPS


Begin Configuration


Get Instance


End Configuration


Transfer IO to PS


Get Context


Get RowSet


Add Item To EligibleList

Conditional Action Transform

Collect EligibleList

Conditional Action Transform

Apply Rules


Transfer IO to PS 2


Get Updated RowSet


Update Missing Items

Row Set Look-Up Transform

Update Matched Items

Row Set Look-Up Transform

Set Pricing Date

Conditional Action Transform

Sync to PS


Transfer PS to Output IO


Add Item To Collection


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