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Hand-Scripting Functional Tests

One method of test script development involves using a third-party test automation tool to record the actions that you perform in the Siebel application. However, you can also write scripts by hand (without the use of a recorder).

There are two approaches you can use to do this:

See Functional Test Object Reference for more information on object types and repository names. For more tips on preparing test scripts, see Best Practices for Functional Test Script Development.

Using the Test Optimizer to Populate the Object Repository

The Test Optimizer is an API that helps you to use third-party test automation tools to do functional and UI testing. The Test Optimizer API allows automation tools (such as Mercury QuickTest Professional) to query for metadata directly from the Siebel repository. This approach allows you to create scripts offline, without recording against a live client application.

For help with the Test Optimizer and how to install it and use it to populate the test object repository, see 475221.1 (Doc ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Technical Note 662.

Hand-Scripting Components That Are Not in the Test Object Repository

If you write your test scripts manually and the necessary test automation objects do not exist in the test tool's object repository, you must insert special arguments to call the test automation object directly. For example:

SiebText("micclass:=SiebText", "repositoryname:=lastname")

The value for micclass is the object type from the automation object model (in this case, "SiebText"), and the value for repositoryname is the name of the object in the Siebel repository. For automation objects that do not have a matching representation in the Siebel repository, use the automation object type for both micclass and repositoryname. For example:

SiebPDQ("micclass:=SiebPDQ", "repositoryname:=SiebPDQ")

Using these special arguments, you can reference container objects and objects that execute test actions. This allows you to author test scripts without having to record test steps manually.

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