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Modules with Privacy Rules

The top-level modules are grouped by privacy events and the type of rules in the module. In addition, the modules are separated by the order of evaluation because only top-level modules can have priorities. The following are the major modules:

Account Type Change Event Module

This module has a priority of six. It contains the rules that apply when a FINCORP account type is changed from Consumer to Business or conversely.

Consumer Address Change Event Module

This module has a priority of eight. It contains the rules that apply when a FINCORP account contact of a consumer type of FINCORP account moves to a new state. Certain Oracle submodules are applicable only when this causes a change to the privacy state code for the FINCORP account.

Contact Inactivated Event Module

This module has a priority of zero. It contains the rules that apply when a FINCORP account contact is deactivated from a FINCORP account. The sample rules specific to Contact Inactivated Event are included in the Oracle submodule, Customer Rules. The other Oracle submodules are a copy of the core modules including: Input interpretation, Initialization, Core Privacy Rules, Generate Output and Reevaluate privacy. This is because Contact Inactivated Event is for both active and inactive contacts. Whereas the other events are for active contacts only. These events cannot share the same core modules.

Core Privacy Rules Module

This module has a priority of five. It contains the core rules that apply generally to all the evaluation requests:

  • CUST. Customer rules. This module contains customer-specific core rules. The sample rule is for the customers which are designated as consumers. This sample rule forces the channel partner sharing preference elections to be identical to the nonaffiliate sharing preference elections of all consumers outside of California who have a channel partner type of Brand X or Brand Y.
  • U.S. FS. Evaluate core privacy rules. This module contains the core rules that generally apply to all U.S. Financial Services customers for any evaluation request.
  • U.S. FS.1. Determine privacy state code. This module contains statements that set the privacy state code values for a business or consumer account and determine whether it has changed from a previous value.
  • U.S. FS.2. Determine precedence of privacy options and sources. This module contains statements that use the privacy option with the source hierarchy to determine the roll up of privacy preferences to the financial account level.
  • U.S. FS.3. Handle privacy notices and letters. This module contains the statements that determine whether a contact receives an annual notice and what cover letter and notice must be sent to the customer, except in the case where the contact has moved.

Generate Output Module

This module has a priority of zero. It contains the rules that perform an evaluation after the main body of business rules is used to set the values on the privacy record generated for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM). The sample rules set the value for a concept only when the concept value must be changed following the evaluation of the main business rules.

Initialization Module

This module has a priority of 10. It contains business rules, including the definitions and tables of the default values:

  • CUST. customer rules. This module contains initial business rules and table instances that are customer-specific. It includes table instances of the cover letter types and privacy notice types based on the privacy state code and owner type (communication message type) and the cover letter types based on the state address change and owner type.
  • Expired pending period. This module contains a business rule to determine that a pending period has expired.
  • Initial values. This module contains the initial business rules and table instances that are not country-specific or industry-specific. It includes the table instance establishing the hierarchy of the privacy option with the following sources: Opt In Request, Opt In Default, Pend, Opt Out Default, or Opt Out Request.
  • U.S. country rules. This module contains the initial business rules and table instances that apply to U.S. companies (for example, a rule establishing the most restrictive state for each contact). It includes a table instance ranking the restrictiveness of the U.S. states. It contains some examples. Refer to your company's consumer privacy best practices, and tailor these samples rules accordingly.
  • U.S. FS. Financial Services industry rules. This module contains the initial business rules and table instances that apply to U.S. financial services companies. These rules are most commonly managed in financial industries. However, depending on your company's asset and privacy policy, you might reuse these rules or tailor them to your needs.

    NOTE:  The FINCORP business component corresponds to S_ASSET, which is the underlying Siebel schema. If you want to reuse these rules for your industry-specific business component, see Customization Methods.

  • U.S. FS.1. default privacy option tables. This submodule includes the tables of the default privacy options for each privacy flag. These tables are organized according to state code.

Input Interpretation Module

This module has a priority of 11. It contains the rules that interpret input data and determine the key privacy related facts:

  • Annual notice requirement
  • Contact delete
  • Determine state where the garage address is located
  • Determine primary FINCORP account contact
  • Privacy state code

New Financial Account_New Contact Event Module

This module has a priority of nine. It contains the rules that apply when a new FINCORP account or a FINCORP account contact is added.:

  • Determine new financial account or new financial account contact. This module contains the rules that decide on the event object type: whether it is for a new FINCORP account or for a new FINCORP account contact.
  • New contact. This module contains the rules that apply for a new FINCORP account contact case. Business and consumer types of FINCORP account have different privacy regulations, which are further specified in two separate submodules.
  • New financial account. This module contains the rules that apply for a new FINCORP account case.

Pending Period Expired Event Module

This module has a priority of zero. It contains the rules that apply when the pending period for the consumer type FINCORP account expires, such as setting the default privacy options for each privacy preference based on the privacy state code.

Reevaluate Privacy Module

This module has a priority of zero. It contains the statements that interpret and recognize the input privacy options with sources on FINCORP account contact privacy level. By executing rules in this module, all customer requested flag values are preserved and not limited only to OUT Requested.

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