What's New in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference, Siebel Innovation Pack 2015

Table 1 lists the changes described in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2015 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release

Table 1. New Product Features in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference, Siebel Innovation Pack 2015

Embedded EDQ Access

New chapter. It covers embedded access to Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ).

What's New in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference, Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

Table 2 lists the changes described in this version of the documentation to support this release of the software.

NOTE:  Siebel Innovation Pack 2014 is a continuation of the Siebel 8.1/8.2 release.

Table 2. New Product Features in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference, Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

Configuring Additional Child Objects for the List Import Function

Modified topic. It includes additional information about configuring additional child objects for list import.

Supported Child Objects for List Import

New topic. It lists child objects supported by list imports.

Additions and Enhancements for Social Profile Child Object Cross Reference Functionality

New topic. It includes information about additions and enhancement to enable child object cross reference functionality, including new screens, views, and so on.

New Applets for Source Data History Functionality

New topics. It includes information about new applets added for source data history functionality.

About Cross-Referencing Parent and Child Records with External Systems

Modified topic. It includes new information about social media child record types.

Cross-Referencing Child Records with External Systems

Modified topic. It includes new information about social media child record types.

Supported Child Objects for Merge and Unmerge

New topic. It details new supported child objects for merge and unmerge operations.

Schema Changes for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

New topic. It includes information about schema changes for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) made for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014.

New Tables for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

New topic. It includes information about new tables added as part of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014


New topic. It includes information about the new table which is used for survivorship on Contact Social Media Profile entity records.


New topic. It includes information about the new source data history table which is used to provide support for social media attribute data.


New topic. It includes information about the new cross reference table which is used to provide support for social media child object entities.


New topic. It includes information about the new cross reference table which is used to provide support for social media profile attribute cross reference data.

Modified Tables for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

New topic. It includes information about the new source data history table which is used to provide support for Social Media Profile data available with Siebel Innovation Pack 2014.


New topic. It includes information about the new table which provides support for new social media profile data.

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.