Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Upgrading the Siebel Database >

Copying Ancestor Repositories

Use this task to copy the ancestor repositories before beginning your upgrade. Ancestor repository files are located in an Ancestor Repositories media directory that you access from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. You can also obtain them from My Oracle Support.

The ancestor repository relevant to your upgrade is the Siebel repository that was shipped with the Siebel CRM release that you are upgrading from. It contains none of your customizations.

NOTE:  This guide describes upgrading to Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later (Siebel CRM version 15.5 or later). Although Siebel CRM version 15.0 (Siebel Innovation Pack 2015) is available on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, Siebel CRM version 15.5 or later (Patchset 5 or later) and the associated ancestor repository media are available only on My Oracle Support. Use the following procedure to obtain Siebel CRM Version 15.5 Ancestor Repository media.

To copy the ancestor repositories

  1. To download ancestor repositories from My Oracle Support, do the following:
    1. From My Oracle Support, click the Patches & Updates tab.
    2. Enter patch ID 22073209 in the Search box to access the ancestor repository media for Siebel CRM version 15.5 or later.
  2. After downloading, extract the included file to its own unique folder.

    NOTE:  Keep these files in a separate directory from other downloaded JAR files.

  3. From the newly created directory where the ancestor repository media files are located, run the following script to copy the ancestor repositories to your Siebel root directory:
    • Windows: copydat.bat (copydat.bat SIEBEL_ROOT optional_log_file)

      For example, if your Siebel Database Server installation location is c:\siebel\8.1.1.x\ses\dbsrvr, then you might run the following:

    copydat.bat c:\siebel\8.1.1.x\ses d:\temp\out.log

    • UNIX: (sh $SIEBEL_ROOT optional_log_file)

      For example, if your Siebel Database Server installation location is /export/home/22313/ses/dbsrvr, then you might run the following:

    sh /export/home/22313/ses /tmp/out.log

    The script copies the ancestor repository files r782.dat, r80.dat, r811.dat, r81110.dat, r82.dat, r821.dat, r822.dat, r8223, r2013.dat, r2014.dat, and r150.dat to $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/common/SIA and copies hor782.dat, hor80.dat, and hor811.dat to $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/common/HOR. After the script has been successfully run, the Checksum verification is run on the copied files against the checksum values shipped in the manifest file.

    NOTE:  If a log file location is not specified, then a log file is generated in the directory that you run the script from or, if that directory is not writable, in your temp directory.

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