Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for DB2 for z/OS > How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade >

Process of Upgrading a Siebel Development Environment

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

This process is part of a roadmap. See Roadmap for Performing a Siebel Database Upgrade.

This topic lists the steps required to upgrade a Siebel development environment to the current release. Print this topic and use it as a checklist for doing the upgrade.

The topic is divided into subtopics, each containing a list of numbered steps. Complete each subtopic in the order shown.

Searching for Bulletins and Alerts on My Oracle Support

  1. Check My Oracle Support for recently published bulletins and alerts regarding the upgrade.

Upgrade Third-Party Software

  1. If necessary, upgrade third-party software that is used by Oracle's Siebel software. For example, you might have to upgrade the operating system software. Some database upgrades require newer versions of UNIX or Windows.

Upgrade the Servers

Verify that you have identified all the maintenance releases and Siebel Patchset releases for the upgrade.

CAUTION:  Do not install a new Siebel database as part of upgrading the Siebel Enterprise Server.

To perform the following steps, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS:

Install the Siebel CRM 8.1 Gateway Name Server, Siebel Servers, and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE).

The upgraded Siebel Servers will not work correctly with the RDBMS server until after you have upgraded the Siebel database to the new release.

  1. Install the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities files on the Siebel Server you will use to perform the upgrade.
  2. Install language packs for your currently deployed languages and any new languages.
  3. If you have customized the configuration of Enterprise components, such as Siebel Servers, you must migrate the customizations to the upgraded environment. For information on this task, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Upgrade the RDBMS

  1. If required, upgrade your version of DB2 for z/OS. Refer to the IBM documentation to perform the upgrade.

Preupgrade Tasks for the Siebel Database

  1. Review guidelines for configuring DB2 for z/OS. See Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS.
  2. Verify that the Workflow Monitor and Workflow action agents have processed all pending requests.
  3. Stop the Siebel Servers.
  4. 7.5.3 upgrades only: Perform the task in Updating Table Space Group Names.
  5. Remove customized database triggers.

    The Siebel upgrade process is not designed to support custom database triggers. If you have created customized triggers for the Siebel schema to be upgraded, you must remove them before starting the Siebel upgrade process. You can re-create these objects once the Siebel upgrade completes successfully.

  6. Prepare the storage control file to use in the upgrade. See Process of Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema.
  7. Perform the tasks in the following:

Preupgrade Tasks for a Development Environment Upgrade

  1. Perform the tasks in Preparing a Development Environment for a Siebel Upgrade.
  2. Rename the Siebel Repository. For information on this task, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes upgrading the Siebel database.

Preupgrade Tasks for Application Data

  1. Perform the tasks in the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to prepare Siebel application data for upgrade.

    Some of these tasks are optional, depending on the currently installed Siebel products and your upgrade path. Review and perform these tasks as necessary.

Preparing Developers for the Upgrade

  1. Back up the development database.
  2. Verify that all developers have checked in their projects and that all projects are unlocked.
  3. Verify that all developers have disconnected from the database. The only open connection must be the account that is performing the upgrade.
  4. Install the new Siebel Tools and license keys on development workstations. Keep at least one copy of the previous version of Siebel Tools. You will require it to perform repository operations before the repository merge.
  5. Perform all remaining tasks with the new Siebel Tools, unless stated otherwise.

Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

  1. (Optional) Change the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard language. For information on this topic, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to upgrade the Siebel database.
  2. Create the staging database by performing the following tasks:
    1. Required Tasks before Creating the Staging Database.
    2. Creating the Staging Database Schema DDL Files.
    3. Transferring the Staging DDL to the z/OS Host.
    4. Preparing the z/OS Upgrade Environment and Creating the Staging Database.
    5. Removing Interface Tables and Triggers.
  3. Generate the Upgrade Files by performing the following tasks:

    NOTE:  Edit the generated files as required by Siebel Technical Notes, Siebel Alerts, Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support or other publications before transferring them to the z/OS host.

    1. Required Tasks for Generating the Upgrade Files.
    2. Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Pauses.
    3. Preparing the Additive Schema and JCL Files on the z/OS Host.
    4. Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Pauses.
    5. Preparing and Executing the Nonadditive Schema and JCL Files on the z/OS Host.
    6. Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Pauses.
    7. Processing the Index Schema File.
    8. Building JCL Templates for the Target Database.
  4. Upgrade the target database by performing the following tasks:
    1. Dropping Partitioned EIM Tables.
    2. Process of Upgrading the Target Database.
    3. Performing the In-Place Target Database Upgrade.
  5. Upgrade the repository and import seed data as described in Upgrading the Repository and Importing Seed Data.
  6. About the Siebel Upgrade Log Files.
  7. If the upgrade contains unacceptable errors, do the following:
    1. Restore the backup of the database that you made previously (see Step 18).
    2. Correct the errors.
    3. Rerun the Database Configuration Wizard.
  8. Installing New License Keys After an Upgrade.
  9. Back up the upgraded database repository.

Prepare for Repository Merge

  1. Perform the following tasks. For information on performing these tasks, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel Repository merge:
    • Migrate Siebel Repository objects to the standard user interface (UI).
    • Configure Siebel Repository objects to inherit upgrade behavior.
  2. About Backing Up the New Customer Repository or Database Schema.
  3. Execute the REORG utility on tables that receive a large number of inserts during the repository import process. For a list of the tables that must be reorganized at this point, see About Reorganizing Tables Before the Repository Merge.
  4. Run database statistics on the Siebel repository tables. For further information on running database statistics, see Generating RUNSTATS Jobs. Running statistics on the Siebel repository tables improves merge performance.

    If upgrading from Siebel CRM versions 7. 7 or 7.8.x, run statistics specifically on the S_SYM_STR and SYM_STR_INT tables. If you are upgrading from a pre-7.7 Siebel CRM release, the S_SYM_STR and SYM_STR_INT tables are not populated until the merge is completed so you do not have to run statistics on them at this point.

Perform Repository Merge

CAUTION:  The Repository merge process cannot be stopped and restarted so make sure you have backed up the database schema or the New Customer Repository before starting the merge.

  1. Performing a Siebel Repository Merge.

    NOTE:  If you are upgrading from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x fix pack (SIA repository) to Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later, refer to Performing the Incremental Repository Merge instead of this topic.

  2. Review the Siebel Repository merge log files. For information on this task, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel Repository merge.
  3. If the repository merge contains unacceptable errors, do the following:
    1. Restore the backup of the database or New Customer Repository. See About Backing Up the New Customer Repository or Database Schema.
    2. Correct the errors.
    3. Rerun the repository merge.
  4. Run the Siebel postmerge Utilities. This task is not required if you are performing an incremental repository merge.

    For information on this task, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel Repository merge.

  5. Perform the following tasks. For information on performing these tasks, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel Repository merge:
    • Delete unneeded Siebel repository files.
    • Generate Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) temporary columns.
    • (Optional) Set label alignment for Siebel text fields.
  6. Generate database statistics for new tables and new indexes using the RUNSTATS utility. Your DBA can check the system catalog to determine the database objects that do not have statistics.

    For further information on generating database statistics, see Generating RUNSTATS Jobs.

  7. Back up the Siebel database.

Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys)

  1. Run the Database Configuration Wizard to extract the storage control file from the target database as follows:
    • Specify the following values when prompted to do so:
      • Extract Options: Extract from Catalog.
      • Storage Control File: Specify the name of the storage control file to be extracted. You must specify the name storage_postupg.ctl.
    • Make sure you specify values for the target database when prompted for the names of the schema qualifier, ODBC data source, and database user name and password.

      The procedure to extract a storage control file using the Extract from catalog option is described in Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS. The extracted target database storage control file is used as input to the upgphys upgrade process.

  2. Run the Database Configuration Wizard to complete the development environment upgrade:
    • Choose the following settings:
      • Environment Type: Development.
      • Upgrade Options: Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys).
      • Storage Control File: The storage control file that you generated in Step 43.
    • Make sure you specify values for the target database when prompted for the names of the schema qualifier, ODBC data source, and database user name and password.

      Launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. SQL commands are executed on the development environment database and a number of output files are generated.

  3. Transferring the Development Environment Upgrade Output Files to the z/OS Host.
  4. Synchronizing the Schema.
  5. About the Siebel Upgrade Log Files.
  6. If the upgrade contains unacceptable errors, do the following:
    1. Restore the backup of the database.
    2. Correct the errors.
    3. Rerun the Database Configuration Wizard.
  7. Manually Archiving Upgrade Log Files.
  8. Back up the upgraded database.
  9. Deleting Redundant Upgrade Files.

Initialize and Extract Developers' Local Databases

  1. Install the new release of Siebel Tools on developers' computers.
  2. Initialize and extract the local database on development computers. For more information about this task, see Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications.

Review the User Interface

  1. (Optional). Compile an SRF file to help review the UI. See Creating a New Siebel Repository File.
  2. Review Siebel Repository object property conflicts.

    For information on this task, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to perform the Siebel Repository merge.

  3. Carefully review the user interface in the new release by performing the tasks in the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes reviewing the Siebel user interface.
  4. If you customized style sheet or web template files in the previous release, implement those customizations in the new release again, if desired.
  5. The postmerge utilities do not convert certain types of flow-based applets to grid-based applets. For example, they do not convert custom form applets to grid-based applets. Convert remaining flow based applets as desired. For further information on editing applet layout, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Postmerge Development Tasks

  1. Perform the following tasks. For information on these tasks, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes the Siebel postmerge development tasks:
    • Review objects deleted from the Siebel Repository
    • Review obsolete objects in the Siebel Repository
    • Upgrade to the Siebel symbolic string model
    • Update Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
  2. Resolve any business component and join conflicts.

Postupgrade Tasks for Database and File System

  1. Perform the applicable tasks in Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Database and File System.
  2. Perform the following tasks. For information on these tasks, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes postupgrade tasks for the Siebel database and file system:
    • Check for inactivated EIM table columns in the Siebel database
    • Validate dock objects and rule definitions in the Siebel database
  3. Reset upgrade-specific database and database server parameters back to their recommended settings for production. See Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS for recommended parameter settings.
  4. If you exported data from interface tables before the upgrade, review the database and import the data as desired.
  5. Upgrade unencrypted data and data that was encrypted using the standard encryptor to RC2 or AES encryption. For information on this task, see the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes Siebel database and UI upgrade planning.

NOTE:  The development environment is now upgraded. The remaining sections deal with configuration and validation tasks.

Postupgrade Tasks for Applications Configuration

  1. If applicable, review the results of the Person and Organization merge. Make configuration changes as required. For further information, see the topic about the Siebel Party Model in the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes Siebel database and UI upgrade planning.
  2. Perform the tasks in:
  3. Verify the function of interfaces in integrated applications.
  4. Activate and deploy workflows. To perform these tasks, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
  5. If you have set up integrations for transferring data to or from third-party applications using Siebel EAI, verify the integrations are configured correctly. For information on using EAI, see Overview: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.
  6. If you have used EIM to set up batch processing jobs, verify EIM is configured correctly. For information on using EIM, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

Perform System Tests

  1. Use available test data to perform unit testing. Validate application function in the following areas:
    • User interface
    • Data interfaces
    • Integrity of migrated data
    • Workflow function

Prepare for Transition to Production Test Environment

  1. Create a new SRF file. For information on creating an SRF file, see Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications.
  2. If you revised the repository after running upgphys, you must regenerate the repository definition files. For information, see Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files.
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