Siebel Web UI Dynamic Developer Kit Guide > Generating Java Artifacts >

Example of How the DDK Wizard Creates Dynamic Picklists Without a Pick Applet

This topic gives one example of how the Web UI Dynamic Developer's Kit (DDK) Wizard creates a dynamic picklist for a view in the user interface when a business component field does not have a pick applet defined. It also shows how users can use this picklist in the Siebel application to choose from a given set of values. For more information about picklists without pick applets, see Dynamic Picklists Without Pick Applets in the About the Sample JavaServer Pages topic.

NOTE:  The DDK generates dynamic picklists without pick applets in a manner similar to Java artifact generation, but the picklists for the JavaServer pages are automatically created and is transparent to developers and users. It is recommended you first familiarize yourself with how Java artifacts are generated before reviewing this example. For more information about generating Java artifacts, see Process of Generating Java Artifacts.

Example of How the Web UI DDK Wizard Creates a Currency Picklist

This example describes how the Web UI DDK Wizard generates Java artifacts when a control on an applet has a dynamic picklist defined for its underlying business component field but does not have a picklist applet defined for that field. Specifically, this example shows how the Web UI DDK Wizard automatically creates a Currency picklist by generating sample JavaServer pages for the Opportunity Detail - Contacts View view and how users can change the currency value using that picklist.

To create a Currency picklist for the Opportunity Detail - Contacts View view, the Web UI DDK must first confirm that no pick applet is configured for one of the controls (with dynamic picklist defined in the underlying business component's field) on the form applet for this view. In this example, the Pick Applet property for the Opportunity Currency control is blank (on the Opportunity Form Applet - Child applet for the Opportunity Detail - Contacts View view).

The DDK Wizard then:

  1. Assigns an applet to the view.

    In this example, the Opportunity Form Applet - Child applet is assigned to the Opportunity Detail - Contacts View.

  2. Selects a Web Services data source.

    In this example, WC_Opportunity_BS is selected as the data source.

  3. Generates several files containing the Java EE artifacts to run the Mobile Web Client.

    In this example, an Opportunity_Currency_Pick_AppletList.jsp file, among others, is generated and stored in the D:\ddk\OptyContactDemo\web directory as shown below.

    The Opportunity_Currency_Pick_AppletList.jsp file is the imitation pick applet that is automatically generated for the Opportunity Currency control and is used to show all possible values for that control. To view the value choices, see Figure 4.

Keep in mind the steps above are transparent to the user; a clickable Currency field is automatically generated when the Web page renders. In the user interface, the user can change the currency value by clicking the icon next to the Currency field (see Changing the Currency Value).

Changing the Currency Value

The generation of the JavaServer pages for dynamic picklists is automatically created for the user in the user interface. The user sees a Currency field with a clickable icon next to it as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Currency Field Showing Clickable Icon

In this example, the user clicks the icon next to the Currency field to show the choices available from the Currency picklist. The choices originate from the Opportunity_Currency_Pick_AppletList.jsp file generated in Step 3 above and are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Currency Picklist

In this example, the user selects "CAN" for Canada.

After the selection is made, the new Currency value appears as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Currency Field Showing New Currency Selection

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