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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager Security Guide
Release 3.0

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Oracle® Health Sciences Information Manager

Security Guide

Release 3.0


March 2015

This guide describes important security management options for Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager (HIM).

1 Introduction

This guide presents the following security guidelines and recommendations:

2 Configuring Strong Passwords on the Database

Although the importance of passwords is well known, the following basic rule of security management is worth repeating:

Ensure all your passwords are strong.

You can strengthen passwords by creating and using password policies for your organization. For guidelines on securing passwords and for additional ways to protect passwords, refer to the Oracle Database Security Guide specific to the database release you are using.

You should modify the following passwords to use your policy-compliant strings:


Ensure that you do not set a password for the database listener in the listener.ora file. The local operating system authentication will secure the listener administration. The remote listener administration is disabled when the password is not set. This prevents brute force attacks on the listener password.

3 Restricting Access to Sensitive Files and Directories

Oracle recommends limiting the access to the files and directory containing sensitive information. In Linux environment, default files and directories to 740 or 640 permissions as applicable.

Some of the sensitive files are listed below:

4 Securing Policy Monitor

To secure Policy Monitor:

5 Using SSL

Oracle recommends using two-way SSL while using WebLogic Application Server. HRL and XCA Gateway applications are standard Java EE applications and can utilize an industry standard security infrastructure and framework. There is no configuration required on the applications. The WebLogic Application Server provides SSL service. For more information about configuring SSL, see the Application Server's documentation.

When SSL or TLS is configured, it is recommended to use TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher instead of SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_EDE_CBC_SHA for TLS authentication.

Oracle recommends that you disable the insecure SSL and TLS protocols, such as SSLv1, SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.0 and below.

6 Closing All Unused Open Ports

Keep only the minimum number of ports open. You should close ports that are not in use. Configure HRL, PM, and XCA Gateway servers with only minimum number of required ports.

7 Keeping Telnet Service Disabled for Remote Session

By default, Telnet listens on port 23. Telnet, which sends clear-text passwords and user names through a log in, is a security risk to your servers. If the Telnet service is available on any system, it is recommended to disable Telnet in favor of Secure Shell (SSH). Disabling Telnet protects your system security.

8 Keeping Other Unused Services Disabled

HRL, PM, and XCA Gateway servers do not use following protocols, services, or information for its functionality:

9 Documentation Accessibility

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Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Health Sciences Information Manager Security Guide, Release 3.0


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