4 Calendar Server Pre-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes the pre-installation tasks that you must complete before you can install Oracle Communications Calendar Server.

Pre-installation and configuration tasks include:

Installing Java

The application server is a Java application and it requires a Java environment in which to run. The Java version must be chosen based on the JDK support available for the container.

The 32-bit and 64-bit JDKs require manual installation. Install both JDKs instead of JRE on your front-end hosts.

Download Java from the Oracle website:



If you use GlassFish Server 3.x, it requires JDK 1.7. If you use WebLogic Server 12.x, it requires JDK 1.8.

Installing and Configuring GlassFish Server

To install and configure GlassFish Server, see Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1.2 Installation Guide at:


Installing and Configuring WebLogic Server

Before you install and configure Oracle WebLogic Server for Calendar Server, prepare the System user and groups for the installation:

  • Create a system user and group for Oracle WebLogic Server setup.


    You must install Oracle WebLogic Server by using a non-root user. For example, to install Oracle WebLogic Server, you can use a Unix non-root user as uadmin and a Unix group user as staff. You can install Calendar Server by using a root user or any other user who is added to the staff group and possess the same permissions or access as uadmin.
  • Create an Oracle WebLogic Server home directory for installation and ensure that the permissions for the required setup directories are set as shown in the following example:

    • mkdir WebLogic_home

    • chmod 755 WebLogic_home

    • chown -R uadmin WebLogic_home

    • chgrp -R staff WebLogic_home

  • Install JDK 1.8.0 update version on the platform. Ensure JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables are set in the user environment

To install and configure Oracle WebLogic Server for Calendar Server:

  1. Download and unzip the ZIP file that you have obtained for the Generic package. See Oracle WebLogic Server Installers for information on Oracle WebLogic Server download location.

  2. Create a Domain, Administration Server, and Managed Server. See Configuring the WebLogic Domain for more information.

    See the following Oracle WebLogic Server resources for more information:

  3. Navigate to the WebLogic Domain's bin directory that you have created. For example, WebLogic_home/user_projects/base_domain/bin.

  4. Modify setDomainEnv.sh to add the following applicable settings.

    • The following modification is only for Solaris 11.4:

      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dsun.security.pkcs11.enable-solaris=false"
      export JAVA_OPTIONS
    • (Optional) If you get an error related to random number when you restart the server, add the following:

      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"
      export JAVA_OPTIONS
    • To disable DERBY, add the following settings at the end of the file:

      export DERBY_FLAG
  5. Ensure to set the environment in the terminal that is used to start the servers by sourcing the setDomainEnv.sh file as shown below:

    cd WebLogic_home/user_projects/base_domain/bin
    source ./setDomainEnv.sh or . ./setDomainEnv.sh
  6. Start the Administration Server.

  7. Configure the Managed Server for default HTTP and HTTPS ports and start the Managed Server.

  8. Configure Oracle WebLogic Server in a secure mode using the following details:

    To enable SSL and configure keystores in Oracle WebLogic Server:

    • See the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation at:


    • Oracle WebLogic Server offers four keystore options in its configuration. However, only the following keystore options are recommended for Calendar Server:

      • CustomIdentityandCustomTrust

      • CustomIdentityandJavaStandardTrust


      You must always set the keystore type to JKS.
    • The keystore configuration must be same for an Administration Server and Managed Servers. It means, you should configure the same options on both servers for hosting Calendar Server.

    • You must set keystore passwords identical to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Sever password.


      Calendar Server is deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server securely only if the keystore passwords and Oracle WebLogic Server password match.
  9. Ensure that the Administration Server and Managed Server are started successfully.

    You must perform the following post configuration steps before the product configuration. These steps bypass the default basic auth model of WebLogic Server and ensure the product's own basic auth security model. Otherwise, WebLogic Server causes a double login prompt.

    1. Shutdown WebLogic Server (both Admin Server and Managed Server).


      WebLogic Server must not be running while modifying config.xml. If WebLogic Server runs, changes will be overwritten.
    2. Open a terminal and go to the WebLogic Server domain's config directory:

    3. Open config.xml, search for the security-configuration section, and then add the following XML code into the security-configuration node as shown below:

    4. Ensure that permissions are set correctly again, similar to how they were set during the installation (to ensure permissions are not modified while editing files). If not, set using the following commands:

      chown -R uadmin WebLogic_home
      chgrp -R staff WebLogic_home
    5. Restart the WebLogic Server. Ensure AdminServer and ManagedServer are successfully running.

Installing Directory Server

Calendar Server uses Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition to store and access LDAP data for individual users, groups, and domains.

If your site does not currently have Directory Server deployed, and you need to install it, see the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition documentation at:


Prior to installing and configuring Calendar Server, you must also prepare the Directory Server LDAP schema by running the comm_dssetup.pl script. This script, which is provided as part of the Calendar Server media pack, adds the necessary Communications Suite schema to the LDAP. See "Preparing Directory Server" for more information.

Some LDAP object classes in the Communications Suite schema specifically support Calendar Server. To understand the schema that is used by Calendar Server, refer to Communications Suite Schema Reference.

The davcore.ldapattr.* configuration parameters govern the default values for LDAP attributes and object classes used by Calendar Server. Default values are set based on the Communications Suite schema. See the topic on Calendar Server configuration parameters in Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide for more information.

Installing the Database

You can use either Oracle Database or MySQL Server as the Calendar Server database (the calendar store). You cannot mix database types in a deployment.

If you have a multiple host deployment, you can install all databases and complete all database preparation before installing Calendar Server. When you configure Calendar Server by running the init-config script, you choose one to be the primary database. You then configure the other databases as described in "Configuring Calendar Server with Multiple Hosts".

Depending on your database choice, go to one of the following tasks:

Installing and Configuring MySQL Server

To install and configure MySQL Server:

  1. Download the MySQL Server software from My Oracle Support, at:


    See "Required Software" for information about supported versions of MySQL Server.

  2. As root, add the new MySQL package.


    Adding the new package on Red Hat Linux might cause the system to automatically run the mysql_upgrade command. This is fine in the context of this procedure.
    • On Solaris:

      pkgadd -d mysql-advanced-5.x.xx-solaris11-sparc-64bit.pkg
    • On Linux 6:

      rpm --ivv MySQL-server-advanced-5.x.xx-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
      rpm --ivv MySQL-client-advanced-5.x.xx-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

    Linux has two MySQL RPMs, client and server, that you must add.

  3. If the MySQL /etc/my.cnf configuration file is absent, create it with the following content:

    • Solaris OS:

      basedir = /opt/mysql/mysql
      datadir = /var/mysql
      default-storage-engine = InnoDB
      character-set-server = utf8mb4
      transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
    • Red Hat Linux or Oracle Linux:

      basedir = /usr
      datadir = /var/mysql
      default-storage-engine = InnoDB
      character-set-server = utf8mb4
      transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED

    Change the value of basedir and datadir if needed. Make sure there are no extra spaces if you cut and paste the path.

  4. If you use replication, use ROW binary logging, instead of the default STATEMENT logging, by adding the following line to the /etc/my.cnf file:

  5. Set values for cache size, max connection size, and other parameters that impact MySQL Server performance.

    For example, see the MySQL Server Tuning information in Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide.

  6. Remove the log_long_format entry from the /etc/my.cnf file. Use of the log_long_format is no longer a valid configuration option in 5.5. If you do not remove it, MySQL Server does not start.

  7. Start MySQL Server:

    /etc/init.d/mysql start

Continue with the "Installing Calendar Server" section.

Installing and Creating an Oracle Database Instance for Calendar Server

You can install an Oracle Database for Calendar Server in one of the following ways:


The Oracle Database instance must be a Unicode database, that is, the database character set must be AL32UTF8. Calendar Server does not support non-Unicode database character sets.

Installing a New Oracle Database

You install and create the Oracle Database instance by using the Oracle Universal Installer.

  1. Download Oracle Database from the Oracle Technology Network website at:


  2. To install and create a new Oracle Database instance, follow the instructions in the installation guide for Oracle Database for your operating system, at:

  3. When installing and creating the database instance, follow these guidelines:

    • On UNIX and Linux installations, ensure that you set the directory owner, group, and permissions correctly.

    • When selecting the database character set in the Specify Database Configuration Options window, select UTF-8 AL32UTF8. Deselect the Create database with sample schema option in the Database Example section.

    • When choosing the database management method in the Select Database Management Options window, select Use Database Control for Database Management.

Continue with "Installing Calendar Server".

Creating a New Database From an Existing Oracle Installation

You create a new Oracle Database instance by using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

  1. To create an Oracle Database instance, follow the instructions in the topic on creating and managing a database with DBCA in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA documentation, at:

  2. When creating the database instance, follow these guidelines:

    • When choosing the template, select the default General Purpose.

    • When choosing the database management method in the Select Database Management Options window, select Use Database Control for Database Management.

    • When choosing the storage options, select File System.

    • When choosing database content, deselect the sample schema.

    • When selecting the database character set in the Specify Database Configuration Options window, select UTF-8 AL32UTF8.

Continue with "Installing Calendar Server".

Using an Existing Database for the Calendar Server Schema

You can use an existing Oracle database for the Calendar Server schema if the database is configured to use the AL32UTF8 Unicode character set. If the database uses the Unicode character set, you prepare the database for use with Calendar Server after installing Calendar Server.

You can check whether the Oracle Database instance is running with the AL32UTF8 database character set by typing the following query using Oracle SQL*Plus SQL Plus:


Examine the results.

If the query returns AL32UTF8, the database can be used for creating Calendar Server schema. Continue with "Installing Calendar Server".

If the query does not return AL32UTF8, you must either create a new database that uses AL32UTF8 or migrate the database character set to AL32UTF8. Database character set migration is usually an intricate process that requires careful planning and execution strategies. For details, consult Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for the character set migration chapter, and documentation for Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode. To create a new database instance, follow the instructions in the "Using an Existing Database for the Calendar Server Schema" section.