Importing Content into the ODI Repository

Use these instructions to import content into the ODI repository.

To import content into the ODI repository:
  1. Import connection details as follows:
    1. Launch the ODI Studio client and connect to the ODI repository for BI Applications
    2. Navigate to the Topology tab. From the Connect Navigator (Topology icon drop-down on the top right side of the navigator pane), select Import. As part of the procedures described below, you will import the file created by exporting the Global context while exporting connections.
    3. In the Import Selection dialog, select Smart Import.
    4. In the File Selection screen, specify the export file created while exporting connections.
    5. The default behavior of Smart Import is to merge details in the target repository. Ensure that no issues are reported – if issues are reported, then resolve them to ensure the existing details are replaced by the details being imported. Select the BIAPPS_DW and BIAPPS_BIACOMP Data Servers. select the Overwrite option and continue.
  2. Verify that the physical servers have the correct details and the physical schemas have the correct Datasource Num ID value set in the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID flexfield as follows:
    1. In ODI Studio, navigate to Topology > Physical Architecture. Open the BIAPPS_DW physical server.
    2. Verify that the user and password are correctly populated under the Definition tab.
    3. On the JDBC tab, verify that the JDBC URL is correctly set. If you used the default Merge action during the Smart Import, then the user and password will be updated but the JDBC URL will remain unchanged.
    4. Repeat step 2 and its substeps for the BIAPPS_BIACOMP physical server.
    5. Verify that the Physical schema for BIACOMP and DW are set as defaults using these instructions. If they are not set as defaults, then the Load Plans will fail.
      1. In ODI Studio, navigate to Topology > Physical Architecture.

      2. Open the physical schema under the BIAPPS_BIACOMP physical server.
      3. Verify that the Default check box is selected on the Definition tab.

      4. Select the Default check box if it is not selected and then save the changes.

      5. Repeat steps ii to iv for the physical schema under the BIAPPS_DW physical server.

    6. Verify the source connection details.
      For example, if you need to extract from an instance of eBusiness Suite 11.5.10, then open the corresponding physical server (here named EBS11510_DEFAULT) and verify the User/Password and JDBC.


      The physical server name is the one that you specified in the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager user interface when you registered the source.
    7. Also verify the associated physical schema. Navigate to the Flexfields tab and verify that the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID flexfield is set to the value you originally assigned. This value of the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID must match the value in BI Applications Configuration Manager for this source connection.
    8. Open the corresponding logical schema and verify that the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID flexfield is also set with the same value.
    9. Verify that the following logical schemas have the correct Data source Num ID value set in the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID flex field. If you do not see 999 values for all these logical schemas, then set it with 999 values.
  3. Import the Security settings that you exported while exporting security settings. Import the Security settings using the Insert and Update options as follows:
    1. Import new security objects as follows:
      1. In the Topology tab, from the Connect Navigator (Topology icon drop-down on the top right side of the navigator pane), select Import.

      2. In the Import Selection dialog, select Import Security Settings.
      3. In the Import Security Settings dialog, select Synonym Mode INSERT for the Import Mode. Select the Import from a Folder radio button. Enter the directory location to which you had exported the Security settings while exporting security.
    2. Update existing security objects as follows:
      1. In the Topology tab, from the Connect Navigator (Topology icon drop-down on the top right side of the navigator pane), select Import.

      2. In the Import Selection dialog, select Import Security Settings.
      3. In the Import Security Settings dialog, select Synonym Mode UPDATE for the update Mode. Select the Import from a Folder radio button. Enter the directory location to which you had exported the Security settings while exporting security settings.
      After the import is complete, the SUPERVISOR user may no longer be enabled. To ensure that you can still connect to the ODI repository in case of any issues, you should enable this user by ensuring that the Supervisor property is set and this user does not have an expiration date. Once external authentication is complete, you can log in with another administrative user and disable the Supervisor user.
    3. Restart the ODI Managed Server using Weblogic Administration Console.

      Once logged out of ODI Studio, you will have to log in with the administrative user configured in the prior ODI repository. For example, if your administrative user that you previously used to connect to the pre-upgrade ODI repository was named Administrator1, then you would log in with this user. Refer to Reconfiguring External Authentication to enable this user for external authentication.