E ACSLS Support of the SL500

The SL500 library is a SCSI-attached, single-LSM library. It requires either a fibre channel or a LVD SCSI connection to the ACSLS server for control path operations. This chapter discusses ACSLS support for the SL500 library.

ACSLS Connectivity

The ACSLS server needs a Host-Bus Adapter (HBA) that is compatible with the interface card in the SL500 library (either LVD SCSI or Fibre). ACSLS can also communicate with a bridged drive in the SL500 instead of an interface card.

When you run $ACS_HOME/install/install_scsi_sol.sh, the system is probed for the existence of new hardware: either a JNI card or an LSILogic card. If either of these HBA cards is present on the system, but the corresponding driver is not in place, the routine displays a prompt that asks you for permission to locate the appropriate driver package and install it.


Although the SL500 can be partitioned, ACSLS does not support partitioned SL500s.


SAS bridged drives for control path are not supported. Only fibre-channel connections to bridged drives are supported.

ACSLS and SL500 Library Differences

This section discusses ACSLS and SL500 library differences.

Library Configuration

  • ACS, LSM - SL500 library is an ACS with a single LSM (1 ACS and 1 LSM)

  • SL500 does not currently support the pass-thru port.

  • SL500 has at least one base module, and can have up to four expansion modules.

  • ACSLS considers each SL500 module as a panel.

  • SL500 libraries managed by ACSLS reports 6-character volser labels through ACSL interface

Identifying Library Locations

This section discusses library locations.

Addressing schemes

ACSLS addressing is ACS, LSM, panel, row, column.

  • SL500 addressing is LSM within the library, module, row, column.

  • ACSLS addresses are zero-based. They start with panel 0, row 0, and column 0.

  • SL500 libraries are one-based. They start with module 1, row 1, and column 1.

  • In order to ensure consistency between the SL500 library and ACSLS internal addresses, ACSLS defines placeholders for panel 0, row 0, and column 0.


  • Panel 0 = not installed

  • Panel 1 = base module

  • Panels 2-5 = expansion modules

Row numbers

  • Within each module (panel), rows are numbered 1-12.

  • Rows are numbered consecutively from the top down.

  • Numbering is identical between the SL500 and ACSLS.

Column numbers

  • Numbered from 1 to 11 (maximum).

  • The current SL500 configuration is limited to 9 columns.

  • Columns 1-4 are on the left side from front to back.

  • Columns 5-8 on are the right side from back to front.

  • Column 9 is the back wall where the drives are located.

  • Numbering is identical between the SL500 and ACSLS.

Drive addresses

SL500 addressing is - LSM, module, row, column

  • Row is equal to the drive number or slot number.

  • Drive number is 1-2 on the base module and 1-4 on the expansion modules.

  • Column number is always 9 for drives.

ACSLS Addressing = ACS, LSM, panel, drive

  • Drive number = row or slot

Table E-1 Example of drive addressing

Module ACSLS Drive Identifier SL500 Drive Address

Base module

0, 0, 1, 1

0, 1, 1, 9


0, 0, 1, 2

0, 1, 2, 9

Drive expansion module

0, 0, 2, 1

0, 2, 1, 9


0, 0, 2, 2

0, 2, 2, 9


0, 0, 2, 3

0, 2, 3, 9


0, 0, 2, 4

0, 2, 4, 9

Next expansion module

0, 0, 3, 1

0, 3, 1, 9

ACSLS Limitations

  • Maximum number of SL500 libraries = 31.

  • Maximum number of LSMs = 127.

  • Maximum number of panels in a SL500 library = 5.

  • Expansion modules add one panel each.

  • An SL500 with only the base module has just one panel.

  • The SL500 firmware does not support unlabeled cartridges. This means that the ”venter” command cannot be used.

  • Partitioned SL150 libraries are not supported.

  • SAS bridged drives for control path are not supported.

Configuring SL500 Library Settings

The SL500 supports new configuration settings that affect ACSLS. They are:

  • CAP as storage – CAP cells

    • Only allowed in expansion modules.

    • Base module CAP is always used as a CAP.

    • Configured on a per-module basis.

    • Any CAP used as storage cannot be used in enter/eject operations.

  • Reserved cells are for library use only (diagnostic, cleaning cartridges)

    • Only affects base module.

    • Number (n) can be configured from 0 to 9 (max row in base module).

    • The first (n) cells in column 1 will be reserved.

      These cells are considered inaccessible to ACSLS.

SL500 CAP Behavior

The CAP in the base module has one five-slot magazine. When a drive expansion module is added, the CAP in the drive expansion module has two five-slot magazines. In the case of expansion modules, the CAP can be configured for 10 additional storage slots per expansion module. In addition:

  • A CAP in an SL500 that is attached through a bridged drive may become locked when a different ACSLS instance takes over management of the library. For details about, and the solutions to this problem, see "CAP (Mailslot) Not Opening During an Eject" in the SL500 Appendix.

  • CAP cells, other than those on a base module, can either be configured as CAP cells or as storage cells.

  • The base module CAP is always used as a CAP.

  • The SL500 must have one active CAP for entering and ejecting cartridges.

  • If there are multiple CAPs, the SL500 library always reports to ACSLS that it has one CAP.

  • The doors to all of the CAP sections lock and unlock as one, unless the CAP has been configured as a storage cell.

    If a module has been configured to use CAP cells as storage cells, the CAP section is not affected by library operations that access the CAP.

  • When ACSLS audits the CAP, it examines all cells.

Auditing the Library

You must always perform an audit, if:

  • This is a new library.

  • One or more modules have been added, removed, or swapped.

  • Cartridges have been manually added or removed through the door.

  • After library configuration settings have changed.

A self-audit of the library occurs when you:

  • Power-on or re-initialize the library.

  • Open and close the door.

After the self-audit is complete, you must update your database using ACSLS.

When this is a new library

A new library must be audited to synchronize the actual contents of the library with the database.

After adding, removing, or swapping modules

After a SL500 module has been added, removed, swapped, or if you are auditing the library for the first time, perform the following steps:

  1. Vary the SL500 library offline to ACSLS and power down the library.

  2. Perform the library change, such as adding a module.

  3. Power on or re-initialize the SL500 library.

  4. Terminate ACSLS (if it is running) by using the following command:

    acsss disable

  5. Run acsss_config by using the following command:

  6. Start up ACSLS by using the following command:

    acsss enable

  7. Perform an audit of the SL500 panel(s) affected.

After manually adding or removing cartridges through the door

If you have manually added or removed cartridges from the LSM through the library door, you must synchronize the databases. Perform an audit as described under "query pool".

If you have entered or ejected cartridges from the LSM through the CAP using the ACSLS cmd_proc, the database is automatically updated.

After changing library configuration settings

If you have changed library configuration settings, reconfigure ACSLS using acsss_config, and then audit the library. Reconfigure and audit the library after changing the following library settings:

  • Number of reserved cells

  • CAPS as storage cells

Follow these steps:

  1. Vary the SL500 library offline to ACSLS, and power down the library.

  2. Perform the library change.

  3. Re-initialize the SL500 library.

  4. Terminate ACSLS (if it is running) by using the following command:

    acsss disable

  5. Run acsss_config.

  6. Start up ACSLS by using the following command:

    acsss enable

  7. Perform an audit of the SL500 panel(s) affected.