P XAPI Client Interface

This chapter introduces the XAPI client interface to ACSLS.

The XAPI Client Interface to an ACSLS Server

The XML API (XAPI) is an API that enables StorageTek clients and servers to communicate using a common protocol over TCP/IP. ACSLS 8.4 and later releases can be configured with XAPI support.

Clients who were required to use an MVS based server (HSC for real tape and/or VTCS for virtual tape) can now use ACSLS to manage StorageTek libraries.

Refer to the StorageTek Enterprise Library Software XAPI Client Interface to ACSLS Server document in the ELS documentation set for details about XAPI and XCMD configuration, administration, and operator commands and the supported XAPI user requests and ACSLS XAPI control variables.

The ACSLS XAPI Service

Refer to the StorageTek ACSLS 8.4 Installation Guide for procedures for installing and uninstalling the ACSLS XAPI service.

When installed, the XAPI component is started and stopped using ACSLS.

  • To start ACSLS with the XAPI service, enter the following at the Unix command prompt:

    acsss enable
  • To stop ACSLS and the XAPI service, enter the following at the Unix command prompt:

    acsss disable
  • To stop ACSLS, the XAPI service, the ACSLS database, and all ACSLS components, enter the following at the Unix command prompt:

    acsss shutdown

XAPI Variables

Use ACSLS the acsss_config or dv_config utility to display, and set the ACSLS XAPI static variables.

You must restart ACSLS for the changes to take effect.

  • dv_config

    • dv_config -d to display all ACSLS variables.

    • dv_config -p <variable_name> to update the XAPI variable.

    See "Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior".

  • acsss_config

    Select option 9 to display and change XAPI variables. This option only displays if you have installed the XAPI server.

    ACSLS Feature Configuration
    Enter the number followed by Return for your choice from the following menu to configure product behavior in that area.
    Press ? followed by the Return key for help.
       1: Set CSI tuning variables
       2: Set event logging variables
       3: Set general product behavior variables
       4: Set access control variables
       5: Set automatic backup parameters
       6: Rebuild Access Control information
       7: Event Notification settings
       8: Define or Change Library Configuration
       9: Set XAPI server variables
       E: Exit
    Menu choice: 

The XAPI variables are:


    Prompt: Changes to the user-defined inbound port to the XAPI server will not take effect until the XAPI server is restarted. Port number used by the XAPI server to receive incoming XAPI requests. [50020]:

    This option specifies the port used by the XAPI server for incoming TCP requests from clients. Enter a number between 1024 and 65535 to define the port used by the XAPI server. Do not specify port 50003.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI work directory will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Place the XAPI log and trace information in which directory. [$ACS_HOME/log/xapi]:

    Select a directory where XAPI server work files will be placed. As installed, XAPI server logs information to the $ACS_HOME/log/xapi directory. In normal usage, the value of this variable won't be changed. An alternate path may be specified if there are disk space problems in the file system which contains $ACS_HOME. The path given must be an absolute path (one which starts with / or $ACS_HOME).

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI log size will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Maximum XAPI log size in Mbytes. [20]:

    This option specifies the threshold size for the XAPI Log, expressed in Mbytes (here defined as "1048576 bytes."). Enter a non-negative number. 20 is the default value of this option.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Number of XAPI Log archive files to retain. [10]:

    This option specifies the number of archived XAPI Log files to retain. When the current vlog.file size exceeds the threshold size, the log file is renamed with a 0 to n suffix. 0 is the newest file and n is the oldest. The archived files are saved in the API_WORK_PATH directory. Once the specified number of archived logs is reached, the oldest file will be removed from the archive directory each time a new one is added to that directory. You can retain no fewer than one archived file and no more than 99. Enter a number between 1 and 99 to specify the number of archived log files to retain.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI trace size will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Maximum XAPI trace size in Mbytes. [50]:

    This option specifies the threshold size for the XAPI Trace, expressed in Mbytes (here defined as "1048576 bytes."). Enter a non-negative number. 50 is the default value of this option

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Number of XAPI Trace archive files to retain. [10]:

    This option specifies the number of archived XAPI TRACE files to retain. When the current vtrace.file size exceeds the threshold size, the trace file is renamed with a 0 to n suffix. 0 is the newest file and n is the oldest. The archived files are saved in the XAPI_WORK_PATH directory. Once the specified number of archived logs is reached, the oldest file will be removed from the archive directory each time a new one is added to that directory. You can retain no fewer than one archived file and no more than 99. Enter a number between 1 and 99 to specify the number of archived log files to retain.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI startup file name will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Name of the XAPI startup file with control parms. [xapi_startup_file]:

    This option specifies the name of the XPI startup file. This file resides in the XAPI_WORK_PATH directory and includes XAPI startup parameters.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI Tapeplex name will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Name of the XAPI Tapeplex. [ ]:

    This option specifies the name of the XAPI Tapeplex. The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.

    Please enter text whose length does not exceed 8 characters.