6 Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior

ACSLS has both static and dynamic variables:

  • Static variables

    Static variables are identified by a sentence in the prompt that describes the variable and allows you set a new value.

    Example: Changes to <variable_name> will not take effect until product is restarted.


    You must stop and restart ACSLS to use the new value after changing an ACSLS static variable.
  • Dynamic variable

    Changes to an ACSLS dynamic variable take effect when the variable is next referenced during ACSLS operation.

Easy ways to display and update ACSLS variables:

  • Display the current settings of all ACSLS variables (static and dynamic):

    dv_config -d

    • Save the current settings of the variables to a file:

      dv_config -d > filename

    • View the file:

      vi filename

  • Print values of dynamic options:


  • Display the current setting of one variable with a prompt that explains the variable and enables changing the setting:

    dv_config –p <variable_name> -u


    • -p

      Prompt enables you to specify a new value for the variable.

    • <variable_name>

      Insert the desired variable name here.

    • -u

      Update the values of dynamic variables in shared memory if the variable is changed. The -u option is not used for static variables.


    Enter a question mark (?) at the prompt to see a more complete description of the variable. The prompt refreshes allowing you to change the variable.

You can also use the acsss_config menu to set the variables that control ACSLS behavior. With options 1-8, you are:

Accessing the ACSLS Feature Configuration Menu

When you install or upgrade ACSLS, system defaults have already been set based on most user environments. However, when necessary, you can use options 1-8 to change any of these settings. Options 1 through 7 allow you to change dynamic and static variables. For static variable to take effect, you must re-start ACSLS.

Use option 8 to add and define your library hardware. Use this option if you have just installed ACSLS for the first time, or, for example, when you must add a new library.

Select ? for help on each prompt.

To start acsss_config:

  1. Exit out of the CDE until you reach the CDE login.

  2. Log in as acsss.

  3. Run the configuration script:


    The ACSLS feature configuration screen appears.

    The configuration script, acsss_config, fails unless all LMUs, LSMs, and transports are fully configured, turned on, and ready.

    The following menu appears:.

    ACSLS Feature Configuration
    Enter the number followed by Return for your choice from the following menu to configure product behavior in that area.
    Press ? followed by the Return key for help.
    1: Set CSI tuning variables
    2: Set event logging variables
    3: Set general product behavior variables
    4: Set access control variables
    5: Set automatic backup parameters
    6: Rebuild Access Control information
    7: Event Notification settings
    8: Define or Change Library Configuration
    E: Exit
    Menu choice: 

Verifying and Changing Dynamic and Static Variables

Options 1 through 8 allow you to change the following dynamic and static variables.

Setting CSI Tuning Variables

The Client System Interface (CSI) handles communication between ACSLS and clients of other servers. It sets up how communications are handled for each client. If communication with one client is lost, the other clients are not affected and their communication continues without interruption. Multiple CSIs can run under ACSLS.

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 1 enables setting or changing the following:


    Prompt: Maximum age in seconds of pending requests in CSI request queue [172800]

    A dynamic variable, this setting determines how long ACSLS holds on to client requests to which it has not responded.

    Valid entry is: 600 to 315360000 seconds. Default is 172800 seconds.


    Prompt: Number of seconds between successive retries [4]

    The default is 4 seconds.

    A dynamic variable, this option specifies the minimum amount of time, in seconds, that the CSI should wait between attempts to establish a network connection.

    You should modify this value if timing problems occur between the CSC and CSI.


    Prompt: Number of retries for the CSI before a timeout condition occurs [5].

    A dynamic variable, this option specifies the number of attempts the CSI should make to transmit a message. Pending messages are discarded if a connection cannot be established within the number of retries specified. Default is 5 retries.


    Prompt: Changes to alter use of the TCP protocol will not take effect until the product is restarted. CSI support for RPC using the TCP protocol is enabled [TRUE].

    A static option, this option specifies if the CSI is to act as a TCP RPC server. Default is true.


    Prompt: Changes to alter the use of the UDP protocol will not take effect until the product is restarted. CSI support for RPC using the UDP protocol is enabled [TRUE].

    A static option, this option specifies if the CSI is to act as a UDP RPC server. You must accept the default for clients to communication with ACSLS over UDP. Default is TRUE.

    ACSLS must be restarted for this option to take effect.


    Prompt: Enable the CSI on server platform to handle request packets from a multi-homed client; i.e., a client from a system with more than one IP address. Also, respond to the IP address modified by NAT (Network Address Translation) or a VPN. (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]

    This option allows the CSI on the server to handle incoming packets where the IP address in the packet header is not the same as the IP address from which the packet was sent. The address in the request packet that the client sends to ACSLS is derived from a 'hostname' call by the client application, followed by a get hostbyname lookup. This puts the local host IP address into the request packet.

    Normally, this works. However, there are exceptions:

    • In most cases, a client to ACSLS has a single, fixed host address. However, a client system may have more than one network interface and use any of its multiple IP ports to submit requests to ACSLS.

    • A client system may be behind a NAT, with an internal, private IP address that is not accessible externally.

    • When the client is connected to the ACSLS server through a VPN, and the client's IP address is not the IP address to which ACSLS must respond.

    In these cases, ACSLS must respond to an IP address other than the localhost address at the client application. The CSI_MULTI_HOMED_CL variable is designed to handle such situations. Valid sections are:

    • FALSE

      This is the default setting for ACSLS operation. This causes ACSLS to always respond to the localhost's IP address when returning a response to the client.

    • TRUE

      ACSLS disregards the IP address in the request packet. Instead, when ACSLS responds to the client, it uses the address found in the IP header of the incoming RPC datagram associated with the ACSAPI request packet. That is the IP address from which the request was submitted. If Access Control is enabled, this alternate IP address must be specified in the internet.addresses file.


    Prompt: Changes to alter use of the port mapper will not take effect until the product is restarted. Enable port mapper: (ALWAYS / NEVER /IF_DUAL_LAN_NOT_ENABLED) [IF_DUAL_LAN_NOT_ENABLED].

    Default is IF_DUAL_LAN_NOT_ENABLED. A static option, the valid options are:

    • ALWAYS - the port mapper should always be interrogated when the CSI cannot send a message to a client.

    • NEVER - the port mapper should never be interrogated when the CSI cannot send a message to a client. Select this option if clients do not support a port mapper.

    • IF_DUAL_LAN_NOT_ENABLED - the port mapper should be interrogated only if dual LAN support has not been enabled. If dual LAN support has been enabled, then it is assumed that clients do not support a port mapper. Choosing this option provides for backward compatibility in product behavior.


    Prompt: Number of ACSSURR persistent processes that should be started [0]:

    Valid entries: 0 or 1. Enter 0 if the LM Gateway is not installed.


    Prompt: TCP/IP port number that the ACSLS surrogate (ACSSURR) socket will listen on for requests from a gateway system [50300].

    This variable applies only to the Library Management (LM) Gateway. Valid entries: 50300 - 99999.


    Prompt: Number of seconds to wait for data packets to be read on surrogate/gateway sockets:

    This variable applies only to the Library Management (LM) Gateway. Valid entries: 1 - 600.


    Prompt: Number of minutes to wait before deleting a stale queue entry [5].

    This variable applies only to the Library Management (LM) Gateway. Valid entries: 5 - 60.


    Prompt: Automatically start CSCI at ACSLS startup (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]:

    This variable determines if the CSCI process is automatically started during ACSLS startup. The default value, FALSE, means that the CSCI is not started with ACSLS. Set this variable to TRUE to start the CSCI process with ACSLS.


    Prompt: Enable CSI to be used behind a firewall (user-defined inbound port) (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]:

    A dynamic variable, this setting enables or disables the firewall security definition of a single, user-defined port for incoming requests to ACSLS. Values are:

    • False - if you do not want the ports on the ACSLS server to be restricted.

    • True - this is the default. ACSLS server operates behind a secured firewall.


    Prompt: Port number used by the CSI to receive incoming ACSLS requests [30031].

    This variable specifies the single, user-defined port used by the CSI for incoming TCP requests from one or more clients.

    This variable is used only when the firewall secure CSI is enabled by setting CSI_FIREWALL_SECURE to True.

    Default: 30031

    Valid entry: 1024 - 65535, but not 50003


    Prompt: Number of recent responses to an audit, enter, eject, or event registration request that the CSI cannot return to a client before the CSI will drop all remaining responses to that request. [5]

    For most requests, if the CSI cannot send one response to a client, it will drop all remaining responses to that request. This protects the CSI from being tied up attempting to send responses to a client that cannot receive them.

    For audit, enter, eject, or event registration requests, the CSI continues to try to return some responses to the request after the first failure. CSI_FAILED_RESPONSE_LIMIT specifies the number of failed attempts to return responses to a request before the CSI drops all remaining responses to the request. This protects CSI availability when there are communication problems or a client is no longer active

    You should only modify these values if timing problems occur between the client and the CSI; refer to the ACSLS Administration Guide for details.

    Enter a number between 1 and 9.

Setting Event Logging Variables

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 2 enables setting or changing the following event logs:


    Prompt: Number of Event Log files to retain [9]:

    This option specifies the number of additional Event Log files to retain. If this option is enabled and the current Event Log file size reaches the threshold size, the log is automatically copied to another file. Once the specified number of files is reached, the data in the oldest file is overlaid.

    Enter 0 to retain no additional Event Log files; a single event log file grows until manually truncated. In this case, when the event log file size reaches the threshold size, the unsolicited "Event log full" message is displayed periodically until the event log is renamed or deleted. Nine (9) is the default value when the ACSLS is installed or upgraded.

    Enter a number between 1 and 9, inclusive, to enable this feature and specify the number of log files to retain. When the event log reaches the threshold size, the data is moved into the file event0.log. The next time the threshold size is reached, the event0.log data is moved to event1.log and the Event Log data is moved to event0.log. This cycle continues until the specified number of retained files is reached, at which point the data is discarded from the oldest file.


    Prompt: Changes to the logging directory will not take effect until the product is restarted. What directory should logging information be in [$ACS_HOME/log]:

    Select a directory where log files will be placed. As installed, ACSLS logs information to the $ACS_HOME/log directory. In normal usage, the value of this variable won't be changed. An alternate path may be specified if there are disk space problems in the file system which contains $ACS_HOME. The path given must be an absolute path (one which starts with / or $ACS_HOME).

    The ACSLS product must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Maximum library server event log size in Kilobytes (=1000 bytes).

    This option specifies the threshold size for the Event Log in Kbytes (1,000 bytes). Enter a non-negative number. Default is 500 when ACSLS is installed or upgraded.

    Valid entry: 32-2147483


    Prompt: Date/time format for all logs [%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S]:

    This option specifies the format to use for printing the date and time information in the event and trace logs. The format is the same as is used by the C language function, strftime.


    Prompt: Should library manager request process auditing be turned on? [TRUE]:

    When set to TRUE, this option enables an audit trail of all ACSLS requests. Each request is logged with a time stamp and the name of the client or user interface from which the request was launched. The resulting log is found in the file, rpTrail.log.


    Prompt: Maximum size in Kbytes for the rpTrail Log [1000]:

    This option specifies the threshold size for the rpTrail log expressed in Kbytes. You cannot enter a negative number. When ACSLS is installed, or ungraded, 1000 Kbytes (1MB) is the default value. When the rpTrail.log exceeds this size, it is compressed and archived, and a new rpTrail.log is created for subsequent request auditing.

    Enter a value between 10 and 10000.


    Prompt: Number of rpTrail archive files to retain [10]:

    This option specifies the number of archived rpTrail log files to retain. When the current rpTrail.log size exceeds the threshold size, the log is automatically compressed and archived with a time stamp (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm) taken the moment is was compressed. The archived files are saved in the ”log_archives” directory. Once the specified number of archived logs is reached and a new one is added, the oldest file is removed.

    You can retain between 1 and 999 archived log files.


    Prompt: Log diagnostic time stamps for internal request processing? [FALSE]:

    This option specifies whether to include diagnostic information in the audit trail.

    If set to TRUE, time stamps for ”QUEUED AT”, ”FORKED/WRITTEN TO AT”, and ”FINAL RESPONSE SENT TO <recipient” AT” is included in the trail log.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI log size will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Maximum XAPI log size in Mbytes (=1048576 bytes) [20.]

    This option specifies the threshold size for the XAPI Log, expressed in Mbytes (here defined as "1048576 bytes."). Enter a non-negative number. 20 is the default value of this option.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Number of XAPI Log archive files to retain [10].

    This option specifies the number of archived XAPI Log files to retain. When the current vlog.file size exceeds the threshold size, the log file is renamed with a 0 to n suffix. 0 is the newest file and n is the oldest. The archived files are saved in the API_WORK_PATH directory. Once the specified number of archived logs is reached, the oldest file will be removed from the archive directory each time a new one is added to that directory. You can retain no fewer than one archived file and no more than 99. Enter a number between 1 and 99 to specify the number of archived log files to retain.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI trace size will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Maximum XAPI trace size in Mbytes (=1048576 bytes) [50].

    This option specifies the threshold size for the XAPI Trace, expressed in Mbytes (here defined as "1048576 bytes."). Enter a non-negative number. 50 is the default value of this option

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: Number of XAPI Trace archive files to retain.

    This option specifies the number of archived XAPI TRACE files to retain. When the current vtrace.file size exceeds the threshold size, the trace file is renamed with a 0 to n suffix. 0 is the newest file and n is the oldest. The archived files are saved in the XAPI_WORK_PATH directory. Once the specified number of archived logs is reached, the oldest file will be removed from the archive directory each time a new one is added to that directory. You can retain no fewer than one archived file and no more than 99. Enter a number between 1 and 99 to specify the number of archived log files to retain.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.

Setting General Product Behavior Variables

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 3 enables setting or changing the following:


    Prompt: Enable Library Volume Statistics Gathering: (ON / OFF) [OFF]:

    This option specifies whether Library Volume Statistics (LVSTATS) information will be collected from the enter, eject, dismount, mount and audit operations. Enter ON to start a LVSTATS gathering and reporting session. Enter OFF to end an LVSTATS gathering and reporting session. When a session is started or terminated, an appropriate message will be printed to the log file acsss_stats.log. Judicious use of the options causes log file bracketing for each of the individual operations listed above.


    Prompt: Number of acsss_stats log files to retain [9]:

    This option specifies the number of additional acsss_stats log files to retain. If this option is enabled and the current acsss_stats log file sizes reaches the threshold size, the log is automatically copied to another file. Once the specified number of files is reached, the data in the oldest file is overlaid.

    Enter 0 to retain no additional log files; a single acsss_stats log file grows until manually truncated. In this case, when the acsss_stats log file size reaches the threshold size, the unsolicited "acsss_stats log full" message is displayed periodically in the Event Log until the acsss_stats log is renamed or deleted. Nine (9) is the default value when the ACSLS is installed or upgraded.

    Enter a number between 1 and 9, inclusive, to specify the number of log files to retain. When the acsss_stats log reaches the threshold size, the data is moved into the file vol_stats0.log. The next time the threshold size is reached, the vol_stats0.log data is moved to vol_stats1.log and the acsss_stats log data is moved to vol_stats0.log. This cycle continues until the specified number of retained files is reached, at which point the data is discarded from the oldest file.


    Prompt: Maximum library server access_stats log size in Kbytes (=1000 bytes) [500]:

    This option specifies the threshold size for the acsss_stats log, expressed in Kbytes (here defined as "1000 bytes.") Enter a value of 32 or above. When ACSLS is installed or upgraded 500 is the default value for the size, in kbytes, for this option.

    Valid entry: 32-10000


    Prompt: Select cleaning cartridge ordering method [VOLID_SORT]:

    Valid options, are:

    • VOLID_SORT - orders the cleaning cartridges by the volume identifier. This uses up a cleaning cartridge before moving to the next one. If you select this option, ACSLS uses and returns cleaning cartridges in the same order as in previous releases of the ACSLS software. This is the default value when ACSLS is installed or updated.

    • LEAST_USED - orders the cleaning cartridges by usage. If you select this option, ACSLS sorts the volume list in reverse order of usage and returns the cartridges with the fewest usages first. This spreads out usage of cleaning cartridges uniformly.

    • MOST_CAPACITY - orders the cleaning cartridges by number of uses left. If you select this option, ACSLS sorts the volume list based on the number of uses left on the cleaning cartridge and returns the cartridges with the most uses left first. This uses up all cleaning cartridges close to the same time.


    Prompt: Enable Transport Auto Clean Option (TRUE/FALSE) [TRUE]:

    Valid options, are:

    • TRUE - when a transport requires cleaning, ACSLS automatically cleans the transport before the next mount.

      The drive cleaning operation in a SCSI or fibre-attached library is managed by the library firmware, not by ACSLS. Be sure to enable drive cleaning from the LSM control panel. Otherwise, you can periodically mount a cleaning cartridge from ACSLS by manual command as needed.

    • FALSE - does not enable automatic cleaning


    Prompt: Library Server startup state (RUN/IDLE) [RUN]:

    This option specifies the initial ACSLS state after recovery completes during server software initiation. Valid options are:

    • RUN - user requests are processed immediately after recovery completes.

    • IDLE - prevents user requests from being immediately processed after recovery completes.

    Setting this option to IDLE could be useful if you must vary device states or perform some operational activity before you allow server access to your users.


    Prompt: Changes to the number of mount processes ACSLS supports will not take effect until the product is restarted. Number of mount processes [2]:

    Valid entry is 1 to 5.

    Oracle recommends that you accept the default value at initial configuration, then change the value as required. Increasing this value may improve performance. For large configurations (those having more than eight LSMs), this value may need to be increased to improve mount/dismount performance.


    If this number is set too high, ACSLS may not start up properly. In this case, either lower the number or raise the maximum allowable processes per user.

    Default is 2.


    Prompt: Enable QUERY persistent processes (TRUE/FALSE) [TRUE]:

    This option allows you to execute queries as one or more persistent processes. Queries may be executed as persistent or request processes. Accept the default value at initial configuration, then change the value as required. Increasing this value may improve performance. Valid options, are:

    • TRUE - enables persistent query processes.


      With a minimum configuration system, more than 10 query persistent processes could use up system resources and not allow ACSLS to start up.
    • FALSE - disables persistent query processes. Queries are invoked as request processes.


    Prompt: Changes to the number of query processes ACSLS supports will not take effect until the product is restarted. Number of query processes [2]:

    This option specifies the number of persistent query processes to create. This option is valid only if you enabled it in the above step. Valid numbers are 1 to 5.

    Oracle recommends that you accept the default value (2) at initial configuration, then change the value as required. For large configurations (more than eight LSMs), this value may need to be increased to improve performance.


    If this number is set too high, ACSLS may not be able to start up properly. Either lower the number or increase the maximum allowable process per user.

    ACSLS must be restarted for this option to take effect.


    Prompt: Changes to the maximum number of ACSLS processes will not take effect until the product is restarted. Number of ACSLS processes [40]:

    Valid numbers are: 32 to 100.

    A transient process satisfies all requests except: mount; dismount; lock; unlock; clear_lock; and query_lock. The default, 40 processes, works for all ACSLS processes except extremely large configurations. Default is 40.


    It is recommended you contact Support for advice before changing this value.

    ACSLS must be restarted for this option to take effect.


    Prompt: Enable automatic enter tracing facility (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]:

    This option specifies if the results of automatic enter operations are written in the Event Log. Valid options, are:

    • TRUE - enables messages to be written to the event log at the end of each automatic enter operation. This is the only method for determining why volumes were not entered during an automatic enter operation.

    • FALSE - disables this feature and helps minimize the number of messages written to the Event Log.


    Prompt: Enable volume tracing facility (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]:

    This option specifies if unsolicited messages are displayed when adding/deleting a volume(s) in the database. Valid options, are:

    • TRUE - enables unsolicited messages to be displayed whenever a volume is added or deleted in the database. Operations that can generate this messages are: audit; mount; dismount; enter; eject; recover; and vary.

    • FALSE - disables this feature and helps minimize the number of messages written to the Event Log.


  • Prompt: Number of days to retain volumes that are identified as ABSENT or EJECTED in the database. [5]:

    A dynamic variable, it sets the number of days (0-999) to keep absent or ejected cartridges in the database. Unless you reenter the volume, ACSLS automatically deletes the volume from the database when the retention period expires.

    If you never want the volume to be deleted, enter 999. To delete the volume immediately, enter 0.


    Setting a high retention period can cause a large number of absent or ejected volumes to be retained. This uses more space in the database and causes it to fill up faster.

    Prompt: Report ABSENT and EJECTED volumes to ACSAPI clients. [FALSE]:

    Valid options, are:

    • TRUE - reports absent and ejected volumes to ACSAPI clients.

    • FALSE - absent and ejected volumes are not reported to ACSAPI clients (as occurred in previous versions of ACSLS).


    Prompt: Status for MISSING volumes reported to ACSAPI clients: TRUE=MISSING. FALSE=IN TRANSIT [FALSE]:

    This option sets the status code to be returned to ACSAPI clients for missing volumes. Valid options are:

    • TRUE - reports missing cartridges to ACSAPI clients.

    • FALSE - missing volumes are not reported to ACSAPI clients (as occurred in previous versions of ACSLS).

    ****ENABLE_INIT_ACSLM Must be TRUE****

    This variable must be TRUE to allow the GUI and logical libraries to communicate with legacy ACSLS processes. [TRUE]:

    Legacy ACSLS processes used only UNIX-based sockets for inter-process communication. This variable enables INET-based socket communication for the GUI and logical library support. ENABLE_INIT_ACSLM must be true to enable ACSLS 8+ features. The ACSLS product must be restarted for changes to take effect.


    Prompt: Support alphanumeric volume ranges for commands and utilities. Alphanumeric ranges will include all valid vol_ids, in ASCII collating sequence. Note - Changes to alphanumeric volume range support will not take effect until the product is restarted. (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE]:

    Specifies whether alphanumeric volume range support is active for commands and utilities. Valid options, are:

    • FALSE (default) - when specifying volume range, the first characters of a vol_id range must be the same and the last variable characters must be numeric. Example: AAA000-AAA999

    • TRUE - Any valid vol_id for the range can be specified, if the alphanumeric volume range includes all valid volume IDs. Valid volume ranges consist of any combination of numbers (0-9), letters
      (A-Z), dollar sign ($), pound sign (#), and spaces (leading and trailing).

    Example: A1Z27BC-G$123R


    Prompt: During eject processing, send an intermediate response containing ejected volumes when the CAP is filled, rather than waiting for MAX_ID volumes to be ejected. (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE].

    This option specifies whether the eject process should send an intermediate response when a CAP is filled, or wait for MAX_ID volumes to be ejected. On configurations with CAPs larger than MAX_ID cells, this does not affect any behavior, as an intermediate response is still generated when MAX_ID volumes are ejected. This setting will have no effect on cmd_proc, and cmd_proc will always receive a response when the CAP has been filled.


    Changing the value of this variable will affect ACSAPI clients that expect intermediate eject responses to always contain MAX_ID volumes.

    Prompt: To prevent mount and dismount failures when a library is busy or temporarily unavailable, requests are queued and retried. Delay, in minutes, before queued mount and dismount requests are retried or ACSLS checks if a temporarily offline library or drive is available. Range of 1-6 minutes [2]:

    When mount and dismount requests would fail because the library is busy or temporarily unavailable, they are automatically queued. The requests are periodically retried, or library and drive availability is re-checked. This variable specifies the time interval, in minutes, between attempts to retry the sequence.


    Prompt: To avoid mount and dismount failures when a library is busy or temporarily unavailable, requests are queued and retried. Time limit, in minutes, to queue mount and dismount requests. After this time limit, the request fails. Range of 5-80 minutes [5]:

    To prevent mount and dismount requests from failing when the library is temporarily unavailable, they are automatically queued. The requests are periodically retried, or library and drive availability is re-checked. This variable is the maximum time that ACSLS will continue to queue a mount or dismount request.


    Prompt: Number of times to retry an automatic cleaning operation before abandoning the attempt to clean the drive and proceeding to mount the requested data cartridge. Range of 0-5 retries [1].

    When a drive needs cleaning and automatic cleaning is enable, ACSLS attempts to clean the drive before the next mount to the drive. If the cleaning operation fails because the cleaning cartridge is beyond its maximum use, or is otherwise unusable, ACSLS tries to select another cleaning cartridge and mount it to clean the drive.

    AUTO_CLEAN_RETRY_LIMIT restricts the number of times that ACSLS retries the cleaning operation before continuing and mounting the data cartridge that was requested.


    Prompt: Changes to the user-defined inbound port to the XAPI server will not take effect until the XAPI server is restarted. Port number used by the XAPI server to receive incoming XAPI requests. Do NOT specify port 50003 [50020].

    This option specifies the port used by the XAPI server for incoming TCP requests from clients. Enter a number between 1024 and 65535 to define the port used by the XAPI server. Do not specify port 50003.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI work directory will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. What directory should XAPI logging/tracing information be in [$ACS_HOME/log/xapi]

    Select a directory where XAPI server work files will be placed. As installed, XAPI server logs information to the $ACS_HOME/log/xapi directory. In normal usage, the value of this variable won't be changed. An alternate path may be specified if there are disk space problems in the file system which contains $ACS_HOME. The path given must be an absolute path (one which starts with / or $ACS_HOME).

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: When using large numbers of CAPs for ejects and/or enters in an ACS with multiple libraries, limit the number of concurrent moves to/from CAPs to reserve library resources for mounts and dismounts. (TRUE/FALSE).

    For each eject or enter operation ACSLS moves multiple cartridges to or from the CAP concurrently. (The default is four concurrent moves for each CAP.) In an ACS (library complex) of multiple connected libraries when many CAPs are being used for ejects and enters at the same time, this can limit the library resources available for other requests including mounts dismounts.

    Set LIMIT_CAP_CONCURRENT_MOVES to TRUE to reserve library resources for mounts, dismounts and so forth, when using large numbers of CAPS for enters and ejects simultaneously.

  • xapi_startup_file

    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI startup file name will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted. Name of the XAPI startup file [startup].

    This option specifies the name of the XPI startup file. This file resides in the XAPI_WORK_PATH directory and includes XAPI startup parameters.

    The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.


    Prompt: When ejecting cartridges to an SL8500 Bulk CAP, leave a slot in each CAP magazine empty so it can be used as a handle. (TRUE/FALSE)

    Set BULK_CAP_EJECT_HANDLE to TRUE to leave a slot in each Bulk CAP magazine empty during ejects. The empty slot can be used as a handle. Depending on the height of the rail, either the bottom or top slot will be left empty.


    Prompt: When entering cartridges into an SL8500 library, move them to a storage cell close to the tape drives. (TRUE/FALSE)

    When ENTER_CLOSE_TO_DRIVES is TRUE, ACSLS moves a cartridge being entered into an SL8500 to a storage cell close to the tape drives. This facilitates mounting the cartridge on a drive in the future.

    When ENTER_CLOSE_TO_DRIVES is FALSE, ACSLS allocates new home cells for cartridges being entered in a round robin manner, allocating a home cell on each panel in turn.


    Prompt: When floating a cartridge to a new home cell on a dismount in an SL8500 library, move it to a storage cell away from the tape drives. (TRUE/FALSE)

    When DISMOUNT_AWAY_FROM_DRIVES is TRUE, ACSLS moves a cartridge being floated to a new home cell on a dismount in an SL8500 to a storage cell away from the tape drives. This leaves room by the tape drives for new cartridges.

    When DISMOUNT_AWAY_FROM_DRIVES is FALSE, ACSLS allocates new home cells for cartridges being floated on a dismount in a round-robin manner, allocating an empty cell on each panel in turn.


    Prompt: Changes to the XAPI Tapeplex name will not take effect until the xapi server is restarted.

    Name of the XAPI Tapeplex []

    This option specifies the name of the XAPI Tapeplex. The XAPI server must be restarted for this variable to take effect.

    Please enter text whose length does not exceed 8.

Setting Access Control Variables

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 4 allows you to set or change the following access control variables:


    Prompt: Changes to command access control will not take effect until the product is restarted. Access control is active for commands. (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE].

    Specifies if access control is active for commands. This allows control over which ACSLS command each network client is allowed to execute.

    The default, false, disables access control.


    You must stop, then restart ACSLS for this change to take effect.

    Prompt: Default access for commands (ACCESS/NOACCESS) [ACCESS].

    Specifies the default access to commands if there is no relevant access control lists.

    The default, ACCESS, allows command access unless otherwise denied through configuration information provided in the access control files.


    Prompt: Changes to volume access control will not take effect until the product is restarted. Access control is active for volumes. (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE].

    Specifies if access control is active for volumes. This allows control over which ACSLS clients can access specific volumes. You must restart ACSLS for this option to take effect.

    The default, false, disables access control for volumes.


    You must stop, then restart ACSLS for this change to take effect.

    Prompt: Default access for volumes (ACCESS/NOACCESS) [NOACCESS].

    Specifies the default access to volumes if there is no relevant access control lists.

    The default, NOACCESS, disallows volume access unless otherwise granted through configuration information provided in the access control files.


    Prompt: Messages will be logged when access to commands or volumes is denied (TRUE/FALSE) [FALSE].

    Specifies if a message is logged in the Event Log when access to a command or volume is denied. The command or volume id is logged and the access id and host id if this option is enabled.

Setting Automatic Backup Variables

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 5 allows you to set or change the following automatic backup variables:

  • Prompt: Would you like to modify the automatic backup settings? ( y or n)

    Variable: None. The automatic backup settings are saved in crontab. Use acsss_config to modify these settings.

    Valid options, are:

    • Y - If yes, you are asked if you want to back up everyday. If ”yes”, then you must enter the time in HH:MM format.

      If no, you must select the day(s) of the week to back up. Enter the time in HH:MM format.

    • N - you go to the next question regarding the retention period of SDM-managed database backup files.


    Prompt: Set the number of days for the retention period of SDM-managed database backup files. See Help for explanation. [5].

    The option sets how many days DSM tracks the data on your storage cartridges before the cartridge is designated as not eligible for reuse. Valid number of days: 4-30

    The retention period is the period of time for which you retain backups. Transaction log files are retained with each backup, increasing the space needed in the backup partition. When choosing a retention period, consider the following conditions specific to your site:

    • The size and activity of your library

    • The number of automatic and manual backups performed in a given period of time


      When you run a manual backup with the bdb.acsss utility, an automatic backup to local disk is also done, thereby increasing the number of backups in the backup partition.

      The retention period should be greater than the interval between backups. For example, if you have a retention period of four days, you should take automated or manual backups at least three times a week, with no more than three days between backups.

    • The period of time for which you would like to retain backups and transaction log files, keeping in mind that long retention periods increase the space needed in the backup partition.

Rebuilding Access Control Information

Option 6 rebuilds your access control tables, if access control is alive and/or has been changed.

Defining Event Notification Settings

Select ? for help on each prompt.

Option 7 allows you to define your event notification settings.


    Prompt: Set the number of event messages sent to a client between two successive client checks by ACSLS. [100]

    This option specifies the number of event notification messages to send a client and the minimum check interval (set with next question) before ACSLS checks to verify the registered client is still alive.

    Valid entry: 10 - 1000 messages


    Prompt: Enter the minimum interval between two successive client checks by ACSLS (in minutes). [30]

    ACSLS checks periodically if a registered client is still alive. This check is performed when the minimum interval and the event notification message count is exceeded.

    Valid entry: 1 - 600 minutes


    Prompt: Enter the time a client has to respond to a client check with a check registration request (in seconds) [30]:

    When ACSLS checks periodically if a registered client is still alive, the client must respond with a check registration request within the specified response time. If the client does not respond within this time period, the clients' Event Notification registration is canceled.

    Valid entry: 5 - 300 seconds


    Prompt: Enter the polling interval for confirming Event Notification client registration (in minutes) [60]:

    ACSLS checks periodically if a registered client is still alive. At the polling interval specified, ACSLS sends a client check response to all clients who have not issued register, unregister, or check registration requests within this polling interval.

    Valid entry: 10 - 1440 minutes.

    You must re-start the acsls service if you have set any static variables. Use acsss disable followed by acsss enable.

    You do not need do this for the dynamic variables.

Configuring or Updating your Library Hardware

You must use acsss_config (option 8) to create your library hardware for the first time or to add new libraries or reconfigure existing libraries. After your initial library configuration, you can then use the config utility, to dynamically add, reconfigure, and remove LSMs and tape drives, add or reconfigure ACSs, and add port connections to libraries. For more information and procedures, refer to "Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior".

See "Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware" for more information.

Registering for Email Notification of System Events

Users with administrative duties may register for automatic e-mail notification of system events, including system boot events, and for ACSLS-HA systems cluster fail-over events.

To register for such events, users must add their e-mail address in the respective files under the directory:


Place the e-mail address of each intended recipient on a single line under the header remarks. Thereafter, every time the system boots, or the HA cluster fails over to the standby node, each registered user is notified by e-mail.

This capability assumes that the sendmail service has been enabled on the ACSLS server, and that network firewall constraints allow for e-mail communication from the data center.