5 Installing and Configuring Your Library Hardware

The installation and configuration of your library hardware involve the following tasks:

  • "Installing Connections to Your Library Hardware"

    Installing connections to library hardware involves:

    • Adding the SCSI mchanger device driver

    • Optionally enabling Dual TCP/IP support (for the SL8500 or SL3000)

  • "Using acsss_config to Configure Your Library Hardware"

    This lets you:

    • Establish library communications

    • Configure the number of libraries to be supported and if they are partitioned

    • Establish if the connection to a library is SCS/Fibre, TCP/IP, serial or SCSI/Fibre and the format to use

    • Reconfigure your library hardware


      Refer to the ACSLS Product Information Guide for the current list of supported libraries, drive types, media types, and the drive-to-media compatibility.

Installing Connections to Your Library Hardware

This section discusses installing connections to your library hardware.

Adding the SCSI mchanger Device Driver

The SCSI Media Changer (mchanger) is the device driver that communicates between ACSLS and any SCSI or fibre-attached library on Solaris operating systems. On Linux, ACSLS uses the native sg driver.

For both Solaris and Linux, ACSLS also creates the /dev/mchanger links which you specify when configuring your library hardware to ACSLS.

Adding support for SCSI libraries is an optional part of the installation process. However, there may be times when you must add a new SCSI library, or simply to add SCSI support, to an existing ACSLS installation. You can install the necessary drivers and create mchanger links at any time.

  1. Login to the ACSLS server as root user and enter your password.

  2. Go to the installation directory:

    cd $ACS_HOME/install

  3. Ensure that the SCSI library is functional and physically attached to the ACSLS server.


    (Solaris) Unless multi-pathing hardware has been deliberately configured for the SL500 library, it is important to disable multi-path I/O for any parent device driver such as the "fp" driver that is used in the library connection path. If you have difficulty making a successful connection to the SL500, you should confirm that multi-path I/O has been disabled in your <driver>.conf file, typically /kernel/drv/fp.conf.


  4. Invoke the appropriate driver installation script:

    • Solaris

    • Linux


Enabling SL8500 or SL3000 Dual TCP/IP Support

If you have installed the SL8500 or SL3000 library and want to enable dual TCP/IP support, refer to "Dual TCP/IP Support". These sections also discuss the customized routing table entries that you must create.

Configuring or Reconfiguring Library Hardware

There are two ways to configure or reconfigure library hardware (new or changed libraries and/or tape drives):

  • acsss_config

    This command must be run while ACSLS is down. Use acsss_config:

    • For your initial (first time) configuration of library hardware

    • To remove ACSs

    • To change or remove port connections to a library

    • To reconfigure Fibre or SCSI-attached libraries

  • Dynamic Configuration (config) utility

    Run this utility while ACSLS remains running. Use config for all changes except those excluded above. The config utility:

    • Adds new libraries

    • Updates TCP/IP-attached library configurations

    • Adds port connections, LSMs, CAPs, and drives

Using acsss_config to Configure Your Library Hardware

Using acsss_config enables configuration or re-configuration of library hardware:

  • Each ACS must have at least one CAP. This can be a CAP that is shared with another partition.

  • There must be at least one drive configured to the entire ACSLS system.

    For example, if ACSLS supports four libraries; three of the libraries can contain zero (0) drives. However, the fourth library must contain at least one drive.

  • Configure your library hardware

    You must use the acsss_config utility to configure your library hardware for the first time. The acsss_config utility is menu driven and selecting option 8 lets you to perform tasks such as: configuring hardware for the first time, deleting libraries, or changing port connections to libraries.


    ACSLS lets you skip ACS numbers when you configure or reconfigure libraries (see option 6). Both acsss_config and Dynamic Configuration support specifying and skipping ACS numbers. For example: After migrating from an ACS 0 of 9310s to an ACS 1 of SL8500s, you can remove ACS 0 without renumbering the drive and volume IDs in the remaining SL8500 ACS 1.
  • Reconfigure your library hardware

    Before using acsss_config to update the configuration information for all of your libraries, record the current configuration. Changing the ACS numbers assigned to your current libraries would cause all of your volumes to be marked absent and all of your drive's addresses to change. Save the output from a query lmu all command to record your current ACS numbers and port connections.


    If acsss_config removes an existing physical ACS from the configuration while logical libraries with client connections still exist for that ACS, the SMCE subsystem may come up in maintenance state.

    To avoid this, before using acsss_config to remove an ACS from the library configuration, any associated logical libraries must be deleted using the ACSLS GUI (or the lib_cmd CLI in ACSLS 8.2 and later releases). Deleting the associated libraries first ensures that all related information is correctly removed.

    After your initial library configuration, you can use the config utility, to dynamically add or reconfigure ACSs, LSMs, or tape drives without stopping ACSLS.

    For more information and procedures, refer to "The acsss Macro".


    The ACSLS database must be updated using acsss_config or config whenever the physical configuration of the library changes. ACSLS will not run correctly if the configuration defined in its database does not match the configuration defined in the library.


    Configuration changes requiring an update to the database include:

    • Adding or removing an ACS, LSM (including a SCSI-attached LSM such as the SL500), Pass-Thru Port (PTP), transport, or standby LMU


      After you install a new ACS or LSM, ensure that each attached library and LSM is fully (hardware) configured, powered on, and ready before you reconfigure ACSLS. Otherwise, acsss_config or config will not configure the library correctly.


      In order for ACSLS HA to monitor an added library, you must make an entry in the ha_acs_list.txt file. Refer to "About ACSLS HA" for more information.
    • Adding or removing a port connection between the server system and the LMU

To start acsss_config:

  1. Log in as acsss.

  2. Follow this step if you are re-configuring your library hardware:

    Display your existing ACS numbers, partition IDs, and port connections with the query lmu all cmd_proc command before stopping ACSLS and record this information.

  3. Shut down ACSLS if it is running.

  4. Run the configuration utility:


    The ACSLS feature configuration screen appears.


    The configuration utility, acsss_config, configures the library correctly unless all libraries, LSMs, and transports are not fully configured, powered on, and ready.

    The following menu appears:

    ACSLS feature configuration 
    Please enter the number followed by Return for your choice from the following menu to configure product behavior in that area. 
    Press? followed by the Return key for help. 
    1: Set CSI tuning variables 
    2: Set event logging variables 
    3: Set general product behavior variables 
    4: Set access control variables 
    5: Set automatic backup parameters 
    6: Rebuild Access Control information 
    7: Event Notification settings 
    8: Define or Change Library Hardware Configuration 
    E: Exit 
    Menu choice: 


    For a discussion of options 1-7, refer to "Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior".
  5. Select option 8.

    The following prompts take you through setting up your configuration.

    • Prompt: Configure library communications? (y/n):

      Enter y to establish or update communications between the ACSLS server and any libraries. This includes adding, deleting, or changing port connections to libraries and adding, deleting, or changing library partitions.

      Selecting n refreshes the configurations of your current libraries.

      Bypassing configuring your library communications and just refreshing your hardware configuration is the easiest and best option if you do not need to: add or remove ACSs or add, change, or remove connections to libraries. You skip re-defining all of your current connections to your libraries and just refresh the library configuration recorded in the ACSLS database. This eliminates the risk of omitting a connection to a library or specifying it incorrectly.

    • Prompt: Library server database exists and will be overwritten, continue? (y or n): y

      This prompt only displays if library communications have been previously established and there is an existing database.

      If you enter y to this prompt, changes are made to the configuration.

  6. Specify the number of ACSs to be supported.

    • Prompt: Number of ACSs to be supported:

      Enter the number of ACSs (between 1 and 32) that are to be supported at your site. You must have at least ”1” ACS. Hardware must be installed to support one or more ACSs.


      A pair of L700e libraries connected by a pass-thru-port counts as one ACS.

      You can skip ACS numbering when configuring or reconfiguring libraries without assigning the ACS numbers in sequence.

  7. Specify each ACS number.

    • Prompt: Please enter the first ACS number [default: 0]:

      Enter the number for this ACS.


      When you reconfigure existing ACSs, specify the same ACS numbers that are currently assigned to them.

      You are then prompted to define the device connections for each ACS.

  8. Specify and define library partitioning.

    • Prompt: Is ACS #n in a partitioned SL8500 or SL3000? (y or n)

      • If you enter y, you are asked for the partition ID for the ACS.

        This partition ID must match the partition ID on the SL Console.

      • If this is not a partitioned library or is SCSI/Fibre-attached, enter n.

      ACSLS does not support partitioned SCSI/Fibre-attached libraries, such as the SL500. Also, partitioned SCSI/Fibre-attached libraries do not have partition IDs.

  9. Define the device connections (ports) for each ACS.

    • Prompt: Number of connections to ACS #n

      This prompt appears for each ACS configured and establishes the number of communication ports for each ACS. The connections are:

      • SCSI connection(s)


        An L1400 with a pair of L700e SCSI libraries connected by a pass-thru-port has two connections - one for each L700e.
      • Serial or TCP/IP connection between the ACSLS and the library. At least two connections are recommended

        If you are connecting to multiple SL8500 libraries, a maximum of fifteen connections is allowed.

    The ACSs must be physically connected. Enter a decimal number between 1 and 15.

    • Prompt: Device or host - ACS#n, connection #n:

      Enter the device or host for each connection.


      Make sure you specify the correct hostname or IP address. Do not connect to the wrong library.

      Ensure that all connections specified for an ACS are actually connected to the same ACS.

      To specify the connection to a TCP/IP attached LMU, enter one of the following:

      • An IP address

      • A hostname

      • A fully qualified hostname


      If a host name is specified, this host name must be mapped to the IP address entered into an SL8500 or SL3000 library or an 9330 LMU. This host name-to-IP address mapping is site-specific. Typically, this is done by the /etc/hosts file, your Domain Name Server, NIS, or NIS+.


      Sample TCP/IP device names for SL8500, SL3000, or 9300 libraries

      Device or host - ACS #0, connection #0: hostname1 
      Device or host - ACS #0, connection #1: hostname2 
      Device or host - ACS #1, connection #0: fully_qualified_hostname 
      Device or host - ACS #2, connection #0: 


      ACSLS only supports TCP/IP connections to an SL3000; ACSLS does not support Fibre-attached SL3000s. A connection to an 9330 ACS can be either serial or TCP/IP, but not both.


      Sample serial device names for 4400 or 9300 libraries

      Device or host - ACS #0, device #0: /dev/ttya 
      Device or host - ACS #0, device #1: /dev/ttyb 

      Fibre or SCSI-attached libraries are connected through mchanger devices.


      Sample device name for SCSI Library

      Device or host - ACS #1, connection #0: /dev/mchanger2 

      An L1400 with a pair of L700e SCSI libraries connected by a pass-thru-port has two connections - one for each L700e.


      Sample device name for pair of L700e libraries

      Device or host - ACS #1, connection #0: /dev/mchanger2 
      Device or host - ACS #1, connection #1: /dev/mchanger3 

      If you have more ACSs to define, you will be asked to specify their ACS numbers (see step 6).

  10. Create or update the configuration in the ACSLS database.

    • Prompt: This step builds a database image of your complete library hardware configuration. Before proceeding, make sure that your library is completely configured, that all subsystems are functional and powered on. Build/Verify library configuration? (y or n):

      Enter y.

      Before proceeding, ensure that your library is completely configured, that all subsystems are functional and powered on.

      This step updates the database with all configuration changes, except adding or removing port connections.

    • Prompt: Library server database exists and will be overwritten, continue? (y or n):

      Enter y. As the script builds the library configuration, it displays the following message of each panel in each LSM.

      ACS # n, LSM # nn, PANEL # nn, created

      The script also generates a library configuration report and appends it to the following file:


  11. Optionally, configure non-TCP/IP clients on Solaris.

    • Prompt: Configure client system interfaces? (y or n):

      Respond (y or n) when the system asks whether to configure client system interfaces.

      Enter n unless you are using an ICL client with OSLAN protocol.

      Entering y displays the following message:

      1) OSLAN CSI Not Selected
      2) ONC/RPC CSI Always Selected 
      Do you want to change the CSI selection table (n): 

      If y, the following message appears:

      Select OSLAN CSI (n):

      ONC/RPC is always selected.


      acsss_config automatically backups the database and then terminates.
  12. Run acsss enable to start the server.

    You can look at the Event Log to verify everything is up and running.

    ACSLS starts automatically when the server system is rebooted.

  13. Perform an audit of the Library

    An audit updates the ACSLS database to match the actual inventory of library cartridges.

    ACSLS is now ready for library operations. If you want to enter ACSLS commands, log in as acssa.

Renumbering an ACS

If it is necessary or desirable for you to change the number of an existing ACS, refer to "acs_renumber.sh".