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SPARC T7 系列服务器产品说明


更新时间: 2017 年 6 月

发生 QRAP 事件后 Solaris OS 有时无法恢复 (22022572)

在极少数情况下,SPARC 处理器队列数组奇偶校验错误 (QRAP) 导致出现紧急情况之后,Solaris OS 可能无法成功重新引导。

如果 mreg-uc ereport 的 error-condition 字段设置为 QRAP,则会存在此问题。

从 faultmanagement shell 中,键入:

fmdump -eV
                         __tod-0            = 0x561e7ead
                         __tod-1            = 0x1cee5cc0
                         tstate             = 0x4400000402
                         htstate            = 0x4
                         ehdl               = 0x1fdc100000000007
                         tpc                = 0x60000f022fac
                         tl                 = 0x1
                         tt                 = 0x29
                         diagnose           = 0x1
                         error-condition    = QRAP
                         reported-by        = Hypervisor
                         ps-pesr            = 0x600
                         ps-res-err-qhead   = 0x0
                         ps-res-err-qtail   = 0x0
                         ps-nres-err-qhead  = 0x0
                         ps-nres-err-qtail  = 0x0
                         ps-cpu-mondo-qhead = 0x0
                         ps-cpu-mondo-qtail = 0x800000000011b340
                         ps-dev-mondo-qhead = 0x0
                         ps-dev-mondo-qtail = 0x0

此外,fmadm faulty 命令的输出指示故障管理软件已禁用一个核心:

-> fmadm faulty
------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------
Time                UUID                                 msgid           Severity
------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------
2015-11-13/05:59:06 ad7bc3bf-c0d7-657b-89e2-cc68f888c312 SPSUN4V-8000-AC Critical

Problem Status    : open
Diag Engine       : fdd 1.0
   Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
   Name           : SPARC M7-16
   Part_Number    : 32863269+3+1
   Serial_Number  : AK00247538

Suspect 1 of 1
   Fault class  : fault.cpu.generic-sparc.core-uc
   Certainty    : 100%
   Affects      : /SYS/CMIOU15/CM/CMP/SCC7/CORE3
   Status       : faulted

       Status            : faulty
       Location          : /SYS/CMIOU15
       Manufacturer      : Oracle Corporation
       Name              : CMIOU Module
       Part_Number       : 7090830
       Revision          : 04
       Serial_Number     : 465769T+14426C01MU
         Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
         Name           : SPARC M7-16
         Part_Number    : 32863269+3+1
         Serial_Number  : AK00247538

Description : This core has encountered an uncorrectable error.

Response    : The fault manager will attempt to remove all strands
               associated with this resource from service.

Impact      : System performance may be affected.

Action      : Use 'fmadm faulty' to provide a more detailed view of this
               event. Please refer to the associated reference document at
               http://support.oracle.com/msg/SPSUN4V-8000-AC for the latest
               service procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.


从 ILOM 中,停止受影响的主机,然后将其启动。例如:

-> stop /HOST2
-> start /HOST2